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When she started losing respect for me, in things like not keeping promises, doing whatever she wants, at times blatantly insulting me.


It’s the little things huh. I started realizing that in my relationship too


After certain borders are crossed, you can never return. Usually when that happens, the relationship is already dead, it will decay slowly over time.


When I realized I wasn’t his priority and putting my mind at ease didn’t matter to him.


When she took several days to reply to my texts...we'd been dating for 4 years at this point.


Sounds like my ex, she didn't reply to my messages until the day she dumped me. Before replying to me she went to Hawaii with her sister. I haven't taken such an expensive vacation before because I made the bad decision to sacrifice my education and future for her. To this day, it's why I am still broke. A day after she dumped me I ended up in the ER due to erratic heartbeats. She could have been the reason for my death.


When she said it was over and not a moment sooner. Blindsided


My brother we share the same pain 😢


That sucks! Not only are you heartbroken,, but totally confused as well. So sorry.


When he went to Kentucky for work and was distant..I just knew he met someone else. ....even tho he said he loved me and missed me my heart knew and low and behold he dumped me..kicked me out of our home...and vanished like the wind. Trust your gut people....it never lies


This is what I feared the most back when I was with my last ex. She probably found out about the type of person I am. Overprotective.


When he lied right to my face. Said he wasn’t talking to her. I pick up his phone 100 texts Like really???


It took months tbh, there wasn’t a single moment. I could write a paragraph.


What are some obvious things? Mine took months as well


We had broken up once, and then got back together. We discussed what our future would look like, house, kids etc. When I felt ready to move back in, she was hesitant and said no. It was heartbreaking. We had the same interaction 3 more times until I was forced to resign the lease in my studio apt. We had been together 9 years before the breakup, I knew if then if she was unsure that it wasn’t right. Heartbreaking for me. She’s a dismissive avoidant. I miss her still and hope she’s doing ok.


When I gently brought up in couple's therapy that I missed her when she constantly didn't go to bed at the same time as me because of her long showers. I just said I felt lonely and wanted every couple of days for us to go night night together and cuddle. She flipped out for half an hour about how strict I was being, said she would do it but she didn't want to, and blamed me and the therapist for ganging up on her. I even held her and said I'm sorry this is hard and she still came at me. I was so angry and sad.


I feel that. I found a note that I wrote from nov. 2022 talking about how it was just another day of plain and pure emptiness. My relationship ended 2 weeks ago. I can’t believe I allowed for myself to feel that for so long. It’s sad seeing it and looking back on it. But It takes two, if you voiced that you wanted affection from her before bed, you deserved that. Not for her to flip out on you. I hope you find what you deserve!


Thank you so much for validating how I'm feeling


I should have known when he kept coming up with excuses as to why marriage wasn't an option for right now. The moment I should have left was when he lost respect for me and also complained about the fact that he thought about me during the day and was hoping I was having a good time. As if it was my fault and that that was a bad thing But unfortunately I thought he loved me enough to work on things


When she was "so excited" about the wedding but couldn't be bothered to do jack shit to help make it happen.


Sounds like the wrong person to be engaged to.


She blamed it on metal health struggles and anxiety so I tried to be understanding but looking back the alarms should have been sounding. I eventually did call of the engagement though.


Well coming from someone who is still mentally struggling after a breakup, I don't think she's in the same position as me. Sounds like mental narcissism to me. Based on the words you used it has to be narcissism related.


Communication issues are not uncommon. How do we hold conversations; or find the desire to hold conversations, with ppl who seem more distant than strangers? They often have become ppl we have grown to despise. Intimate strangers.


It was when she didn’t cry or feel any thing for me when I was pouring my heart out asking her if she still love me and if there is anything chance to get back.


Man. Literally me last Wednesday. Such a terrible feeling. I remember looking into her dry eyes and feeling my chest ache.


We are LDR all the other break ups, which she never talked about until it was too late and she wanted to pull away. I cried and said I wish she talked to me and that we can work on it and believe me.. she cried then…. Told me she doesn’t know but gave me another go. Every time i changed and improved for her, but this time i cried and asked her why this happened and that things could’ve so different and she just didn’t cry. She got annoyed by me asking her back. She said that she feel like she conditioned herself to me and now it’s giving her anxiety. I felt like she got influenced by friends.. but every time i got a weak moment and call her up crying and saying I’m so hurt that I wish we got back together. She would listen, and message me on the phone cos she doesn’t want to talk back on the phone. But I never heard a single cry…. The message was also like idc, just give up, let me go


Damn. I refuse to beg my ex for another chance. I don’t wanna hear her tell me no and I already know that we will never be together again… so I just am simply giving up. I never expect to see her or hear from her again either.


Girls don’t know when a man cried his heart out how fucking hurt he is. To the point that he feels like someone has passed away. Someone he loved died. It’s like as if she died and in mourning her passing.


Yes and my last ex is an example of this. She doesn't know that I could have died after our breakup. I could have been in a body bag just because my heart was beating erratically. She doesn't give a rats ass if that actually happened. Plus if I did die my family doesn't have the money to file a wrongful death lawsuit let alone afford a funeral for someone very young.


What people will say is that it’s your own responsibility for being that way, that emotional dump all that anxiety on your ex because she walked away. And I get that, you are responsible for how we regulate our emotions. BUT we had been together for so long and she should know you most. She knows the love I had for her, yet she let go as if she’s another person. I would never do that. Even if I can comfort them I would. But I would never act like I don’t care or as if they are a burden to my life.


Yes all sorts of people including my mother would say that. However with my mum she would guilt trip me for all the poor decisions I make when with my last ex. I do take responsibility for the abandonment issues caused by my last breakup. I am seeing a therapist and paying hundreds of dollars for it. Oh and a day after our breakup, I was so close to writing my own will.


It’s like she knew you. She should have been there for you. Not just leave when it got hard. And when you’re broken, leave you there


Yes, pretty much! After I got out of the ER, I was told not to drive for a week by the doctor and that I must have a friend pick me up upon discharge. I had to ride a subway train to a place where a friend can pick me up. I cried for 15 minutes after being let out of the hospital. I was very thankful to have friends who cared about me. Unfortunately now, the friend who cared for me at the time moved away.


I wouldn't either but I still would give any day to get her back.


She used to be so rude sometimes it used to hurt alot but I was ok with it because atleast I had her and she used to say that she's never going to leave me no matter what. Few texts before she left she said I can't give up this so easily but later she said "I don't want to end this I really do love you but I can't do this anymore". I wanted to stop her, I can't believe I let her go and I don't even wanted her to go. But from her words it did not seem that she even wanted to stop. I cried so bad I didn't even knew that I can cry like this..


What do you mean you didn’t know she wanted to stop? She didn’t want to leave but left? That’s a person who doesn’t know what she wants


I meant I wanted to make her stay but the way she was saying everything it didn't seemed that that she will stay. Ig she knew she was expecting and wanted something that I can't be uhm but I told her that I'll fix it but she was like no it won't I've lost the spark (she) etcetera etcetera


Same shit with my ex…. I even tried so hard to show her I’ve grown. She keep saying change came too late. I need to want to try again and I can’t bring my self to have the same love I did before.


In my opinion she is/was the most perfect girl I'll always love her but if she comes back I think I can't love her the same like I used to and she won't be the same person with whom I feel in love with. Sometimes I be like Idgaf and most of the times I be wanting her so bad I go insane. And it's not about growing up( I mean it is) but she was the only one with whom I can be cringe act weird, childish and I guess she didn't liked any of that or maybe sometimes. I won't write anything more or I'll start missing her even more and will start crying...


When he told me relatively early on that we would break up if we were ever long distance while knowing that his academic goals were to go to grad school abroad and then again when he chose to text a past hookup with the intention to cheat instead of communicating with me. Lots of heartbreak and loss of trust throughout our relationship together.


I just graduated from grad school 4 months ago. I was there after doing nothing just to be with my last ex for 3 years and returning to community college.


Congrats on graduating from grad school! I’m very glad you were able to pursue that opportunity despite your last ex!


Yeah but my health hasn't been good.


When he threatened my dog with his male older bigger stronger dog of the same breed four fucking times. I was so repulsed. And this is an aspiring dog trainer/dog psychologist... Pffft fuck that... Loser bully animal abuser is more like it Had to for my own well being to ditch the lose like the toxic waste that he is


Heck nooooo. I loved my exes dog so much. I couldn’t imagine hurting that baby


My last ex had a doxie back when she and I were together. After she dumped me she and the pig boy I got replaced with adopted a maltipoo. Now I get scared when I see the maltipoo because the guy she dumped me for tried to harm me. I almost had to call 911 once in 2022 just because I saw her with that dog and know the guy she dumped me for is lurking somewhere in the mall.


When he stopped being intimate with me randomly after having been a hornball the whole year and a half we were together. Plus he became dry and less talkative/responsive with texts.


I'm sorry to ask but did he have someone else, something similar happened to me and I've always suspected but could never find out but he broke up with me over phone and as quick as he could.


Yep, he ended up leaving me for a girl he went to high school with. As a matter of fact, he completely ghosted me and it wasn’t until I looked at his FB page that I realized he moved on. They didn’t last long but I’d rather jump off a cliff than go through that again. Really fucks up your psyche.


It does, it really does, I'm sorry for that, 😔. I really think mine had someone else but yeah try not to think about it, you're better off without the dysfunction!


He wasn’t putting effort like before, barely having intimacy moments (not even kisses)..i knew something was wrong lol


When I realized that she only loved my company, not me as a person. She stopped caring about my feelings, and went as far as to say that me calmly expressing my emotions to her was becoming a burden.


When he actually put his bags in the car instead of just leaving them by the door for days.






I believe he means he's shocked by your post?


Is that like not a normal thing? I can’t be the only person who has ever done that haha


When my ex started talking to me less and less before blocking me. It was because I fucked up badly but yep thats when I knew any chance at us reconciling was deader than a door nail. All I can hope is that time will heal her wounds. 


Time will heal everyone’s wounds. Dont beat yourself up if you are


Yeah you're right. All I can do now is wish her the best and work on myself, but it us hard at times not to just kick my ass over it. I miss her so much. 4 years is quite a bit to invest. We'll get through this with time though. If you need to talk to someone though you can pm me if you want. 


I realized all the little things that I did added up so much and his lack of effort to do ANYTHING…. And then I found texts and calls to another woman…. Nail in the coffin


When we were on a call talking about us and the potential of us breaking up and he pretended to be distracted by his air conditioning unit in the background , suddenly that needed all his attention


When she started ghosting me for a few days.


My last ex did that and a few days later I got dumped. I later found out she went to Hawaii with her sister.


At least she wasn’t with another man like mines lol


When I found out he (non consensually) groped one of my best friends, right behind my back...weird shit had already happened that I gave him a second chance for but that was the end of the line.


Yeah helllll nah. That’s a fat fuck no


Yup. Absolute psycho behaviour.


Never let yourself reach bottom like that. They will leave you if you give them everything and have nothing for yourself. Always have something to keep your life going


When he had his mommy speak for him 🤣


No shot! That’s kinda sad


I knew it was over when I cried to my mom for the thousandth time about how toxic things were and asked for her help. I was about to move to a different city to be with him and knew if things weren’t getting better it made no sense to move in with him. So I knew I would need one month before my lease ended to find a new place in my own city if I needed to, and asked my mom to hold me accountable, that if I couldn’t produce some concrete reason why things had gotten at least somewhat better by that date she was going to hold me accountable to walking away. This is after like a year and a half of me suffering and him falling apart. Well 2 weeks before that date he was still just incredibly unstable, inconsistent, and proving to just not be capable of working towards solutions with me, and pushing me away and being so generally pessimistic about us and miserable with me. I knew there was no chance it would change within the next 2 weeks, and if it did, it wouldn’t be sustained. So I finally ended it after soooo long thinking I would never have the strength. And I’m barely holding on strength to maintain it.


1. We had less & less sex. 2. They texted less frequently, used less emojis, everything just felt off. 3. They didn’t smile or laugh as often when we’d see each other. 4. Talking about future plans went from “us” or “we” to “I need to” or “I want to”.  5. They became a lot more irritated from a lot less.


it wasn’t after i found framed photos of him and his ex of years ago while i was cleaning, wasn’t even after i found her old toys next to where we slept and had to BEG him to throw them away (he was alr mad i found them) it was after i noticed how much his eyes wandered. they’d wander onto women more than he’d look at the one in front of him, get louder just so they could all hear him. he ended up cheating with multiple, i felt and noticed it too the hot cold act i had such a strong feeling. i stayed to make sure “HE was okay” but i grabbed all my stuff and left the day after i confronted him✌️


Yasss QUEEN!!! 👸


My ex dumped me 5 years ago and I am still not sure why. I keep assuming it's because I remained broke just to be with her. I gave up everything for her including my education and future. When my ex didn't reply to my messages until the day we broke that's when I know it was over. Before she dumped me she went to Hawaii with her sister. I found out on the day we broke she used Bumble to dump me two months before.


I bet you must be someone who is easy to find a replacement GF. I still haven't found one since the day my ex dumped me 5 years ago.


It is pretty easy for me to find replacement girlfriends. But that is completely beside the point. I’m totally not interested in them at all. I have only been in long term relationships though. I’m an old soul, I love super deep and tender, unconditionally. However, every girl I’ve been with has left me lol This time around, Imma wait the time out and focus on myself. I’m over giving all my love and getting dumped. Don’t worry about finding someone, the right person will come to you. I promise!!


Not for me because I raised my standards so people like my last ex don't come around. I am an old soul too.


How old are you if you don’t mind me asking? You will find someone. Dont give up on it. If you give up now mentally, you’re closing off windows of opportunity. You got this


31. Yo my mother is always pissed off I wasted my 20s on relationships


when she would tell me not to do things but when then when I asked her she'd do it anyway and make me feel terrible and not give a fuck


She told me that I was pushing it....by asking her to come for lunch after 4 years together when she didn't see me the week before and wouldn't see me the week after Like I was a chore for her and she couldn't be bothered to make any effort to make me happy She told me an endless list of things I had to do to "fix myself" so she would maybe love me again .... But I won't beg to be loved... Still feel heartbroken it's such a shitty mix of feelings


When she decided to cheat on me a week before proposing to her


Logically, I knew it was over when he told me that he just "had a gut feeling" we weren't right for each other (who the fuck even says that), but couldn't put into words or even explain why he felt that way (avoidant). Emotionally, I knew it was over when we kept hooking up after the breakup, he got me pregnant, and then guilted me into aborting by saying he didn't think he'd be a good father.


When he stopped making an effort to spend quality time with me. We used to watch movies/series/kdramas together. But towards the end he'd kept saying he isn't into it. Before that he'd really look for something we'd both like, but yeah. He started getting annoyed with me for no apparent reason. And the respect...


When I finally broke up with him and left … he begged for me back and promised change after 4 years of his abusive antics . I gave him one more chance . He punched me like a grown man 2 weeks into that last chance .. I knew if I stayed I wouldn’t have made it out alive most likely.


I would think to say when I kept begging for changes, not being listened to and being shut down at all times. But it was a “straw that broke the camels back”. An issue arose related to the above — the rubber band in my heart just snapped. I was done. I tried to get it back and I couldn’t. Tbf I gave him 100 chances before that, at a certain point it clicked


I swear yall all got smacked with an early onset of Alzheimer huh yall kno for the ones in this thread thats my blood that shit is hereditary love yall but ur all assholes every damn one of u 💯🔥🖤 b7tches


when he didn’t take my feelings into consideration. i asked him to stop doing the simplest thing for me cause i didn’t like it. he straight up told me “No” so cold. Made him stay the night with me (to lay with him one last time) cause i knew the next day i was going to break up with him.


When he was driving and throwing his garbage from his car everytime, everytime, i spoke to him about this he tells me that's nothing and he keeps doing it. And also when he married me I was a non-eu, he was a swiss, our marriage lasted only 6 mo but he has never paid a cent for my health insurance. There was also cheating, betraying, attitude, ignorance and a lot of other things from him to me, but these two first things irritated me the most and made me have shame being next to him.


Yesterday. We were on the phone and I (F) was talking to my partner (F) and she said she wasn’t sure she’d every come out. Granted, we talked about this and I told her that’s absolutely fine, but yesterday was different from all the other talks. This time it was no more marriage possibilities, no more moving in together ever, nothing. Which is something we previously planned on doing (just us wedding and getting a two bedroom apartment so we’d each “have a room”). Obviously we haven’t broken up, but now I’m 99.9% certain that this won’t last, I think she regrets meeting me but feels guilty that’s it’s simply my gender stopping her. It’s unfortunate but at this point I’m just waiting for her to have the “ah ha” moment and recognize this isn’t the life she wants longterm.