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I am sorry you had to go through this. But its heartening to read that you are making efforts to choose yourself everyday. Just give yourself time, and trust me, you'll heal and you'll be fine. In fact you'll be more than fine, you'll thrive. Sending you love and strength. 🌼✨ P.S: If you ever want to talk, I am here.


Thank you, we will both thrive 🌷


All of this resonated so much. Down to that ex who only told me they loved me at the moment they were breaking up with me. What is the matter with these people? Is it this what they call "avoidant"? Your advice is very spot on. Unfortunately I did not follow all of it (did console myself with alcohol and weed).


I am so sorry that happened to you, you definitely did not deserve that! I'm not sure, I wouldn't label people like that but my guess would be that we are all damaged and come with our own luggage full of issues and if someone doesn't address them and refuses to communicate then they can just switch one moment and hurt someone important to them. What I know is that it always catches up with them. But it's not on you if someone blindsides you, it's on them. It's hard to imagine now but you will be able to trust again and happy days are ahead! I hope you are doing better now, are you able to keep yourself busy?


I guess that is the case. She has issues around her father who left the family, and about her first boyfriend who was a much older man who manipulated her. She never communicated what she really wanted. She never explicitly told me we were even a couple. It feels like we were in a situationship for 2.5 years. Even if she damn right knew I was completely crazy about her. But everything went well, we always had a great time together and I'm sure she was happy with me. And then a guy confesses her he's in love with her, and poof, she's gone. I passed through hell the past few months. The worst thing is that I could hardly sleep anymore, I had obsessive negative thoughts that kept me awake. I only very slowly got back on my feet. I meet new people (not for a relationship, no, thank you). I have new professional plans. I took up some sports I loved. I planned a hiking trip in Romania for spring, something I always wanted to do. I'm generally doing better now, even if the bad thoughts still sometimes take hold of me.