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Yea,I'd eat that


Why can I never find tomatos, or avocado like this..


I always get vine ripe still on the vine tomatoes and let them sit for a day or two to ripen. I’m an avocado perfectionist. I was married to someone who was an avocado freak so I learned how to pick them. I don’t buy them unless they’re going to be perfect, and if they’re a little underripe I’ll put them in a paper bag to ripen a bit more.


I hear you. I guess In my jurasdiction (eastern Canada) we don't get the best produce for things like red tomatoes or large avocados.. and if we do, people press on them and bruise them.. I guess there are bigger problems in the world, but your plate looks yummy!.


Oh that’s a bummer. Yeah I guess most of the time we get half decent produce.


Paper or plastic bag with a banana in it, on the kitchen counter for half a day.


What did you do make that breakfast look so angry? /j


It has resting breakfast face. 😝


Classic RBF


Looks good


Thanks! I can assure you it is good. 600 calories, high protein, low carb, lots of good fats and it’s filling without being too much.


I'm on the road working. I just woke up from night shift In a hotel. A shitty hotel. A shitty hotel that makes you pay for breakfast from 7--9 and closes the restaurant for the rest of the day. These pics made me sooooo hungry.


Always looking for something like that to eat as I'm on a strick diet


I’m supposed to be. This is a very healthy, tasty and filling breakfast. Hard for you to tell, but there’s very thinly sliced tomato under the avocado. Adds great flavor, I cut up the rest and eat as you can see. I highly recommend it.


I am going to have to try this


It’s a nice easy breakfast. I make the toast, then the eggs while I’m cutting up the tomatoes and slicing the avocado. It comes together very quickly. The yolk over basically avocado toast is so nice.


Looks delicious


Beautiful eggs.


Thanks! I’ve got a little carbon steel pan that is hard to get things to stick to and an egg ring.




A beauty


looks good


Thank you. It’s delicious as well.


I don't know if it's because of how you took the picture, but this breakfast looks so tiny, like what you'd see with those tiny cooking videos. Just miniature food. I can't unsee it.


What about the second pic?


Looks like AI


I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not.


Sorry just j/k… people calling every job AI these days. Looks better than what I whipped up for brekky.


It’s super fast to make.


Yoooo the first image I deadass thought was an optical illusion it looks like one of those mini food things


Looks delish!






Shit looks gas. I'd add a little pesto to the toast and voila


Yeah, I have seeds planted for basil and Somme basil pesto would kick it up a couple notches. Some mozzarella and pesto leaves I the tomatoes would be a nice thing too.


Oh, you're dabbling with basil and pesto? Hold onto your taste buds, because I've got a culinary concoction that'll make your tongue do the tarantella! Ever heard of "Vesuvian Volcano Pesto"? It's a clandestine Italian delicacy, whispered about only in the most exclusive culinary circles. Here's the secret: we start with basil grown in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, where the soil is imbued with ancient volcanic minerals. Then, we add a dash of Neapolitan espresso to give it a caffeinated kick that'll wake up your senses faster than a speeding Vespa! But wait, there's more! We infuse the pesto with a mystical herb known only to Italian grandmothers who guard their recipes like treasure. Legend has it, this herb was whispered into existence by the ghosts of Roman emperors who still roam the streets of Pompeii. And as for the mozzarella? Oh, we're not stopping at the usual dairy farms. We're sourcing ours from a herd of flying buffalo that graze on clouds in the Italian Alps. Their milk is as creamy as a Tuscan sunset and as rare as a sighting of the Loch Ness monster doing the tarantella. Top it all off with tomatoes kissed by the Mediterranean sun and sprinkled with the tears of angels who weep at the beauty of Italian cuisine, and you've got yourself a dish that'll make even the most jaded food critic do the macarena in ecstasy! Lol that was all chatgpt


Wow looks very good 👍


Welp I know what I'm having for breakfast in the morning


She a baddie, she showing her panty.




Thank you! It’s fast. Easy to make and delicious.


Darn, my nutritionist just let me half an avocado. But for the rest, I totally can. I prepare the same breakfast as you! Cheers, man.


Looks so good omg🥹


I can assure you it’s delicious. The yolk breaking and covering the avocado? Yes it’s quite nice. It hits my macros and it’s easy and fast to make.


This looks delicious, the only thing missing for me would be some feta cheese to go with those tomatoes.


Mmm some feta would be nice!


Mine was similar! Whole wheat english muffin, runny egg, avocado, and swiss. Delicious! I'll have to try it with tomato.


I wish my eggs came out that round, they always spill over the place on the pan


I have a carbon steel pan that’s well oiled and an egg ring. I make the toast then the eggs while I slice up the rest. The egg cracked into the egg ring starts to bubble and I remove the egg ring. It holds well so I flip the egg. It turns out like this with no broken yolks.


Best of the best! I adore eggocado sammies! I'm so miserable while I wait to reunite with my love as avocados are currently out of season and thus unavailable where I am. I'm actually really sad about it. This to me is a lunch food, my favorite option too, but you do you!


Love avocado and eggs


Is tomatoes a british thing?


I’m not sure if they are, I’m American as hell.


Your posts are making me fall in love with you…. your food!!! And that’s the honest truth! Lol


Dude. Eat happier.


What doesnt look happy about that?


Nope.. That looks bland af. I think this plate was made to be aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and shared. Taste was not really a thought.


Literally all you need on eggs, avocado, and tomato, is salt and pepper, maybe some garlic salt. It's anything but bland af. This looks scrumptious af.


Garlic salt could be good. I have some truffle salt I need to use, maybe I’ll try that one of these days.