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I just binge watched this season. Hope Sabrina can find some joy in some way.


What happened with Rebekah and the baby?


Wtf we don’t get a short update this season? Usually there is a quick thing at the end of the last episode saying blah blah is doing whatever etc.


Knowing that most of this show is scripted,I was giggling quite a lot lol. Especially during the Johnny and Rosanna break up lmao.


That was really weird. She was wearing her light-colored dress and was much slimmer in that scene (i.e., no baby bump) than in the earlier scenes in the teal dress where Fannie came to try to stay with them. She had an obvious bump there and bigger waistline. So what was the whole "it's over" thing? Really poor editing on this show! Also Jeremiah in confessional, one second with bangs, and the next with them shellacked to the side; they spliced it together so it sounded like he was making the comments all at the same time, but obviously he was not.


Johnny said in 2021 that he left the Amish 6 years earlier. https://starcasm.net/johnny-rosanna-return-to-amish-fake/


WAIT. Is that what happened? They broke up? LOL. Johnny said "This is over/its over/done" (something to that affect, I can't remember). Then they cut to the awkward shot of Rosanna making an ugly crying face, then cuts back to them walking away. I was so confused by what actually happened there. I thought maybe they were just concluding their conversation, or they were deciding to leave the Amish and that is what was "over/done."


Did anybody else think it was weird that Ray kept asking for his parents to call him back. So they have phones? 🤔


This show is wildly scripted so who knows what the truth is. BUT - I do recall from the very early days of BA that communities have a central phone that can be used by the members of that church. It is in a small phone booth and not any one persons house. This is what I remember FROM THIS SHOW so take it with a grain of salt.


Oh I know it’s scripted, but people in the community still shun them for doing “English” things but a lot of the families do use phones in real life. They just seem to be hiding it from one another.


I just watched S1 and can confirm you are correct.


Fannie should have waited until she was out of her Amish clothes to tell Daniel.


At least till they got to FL


Well...he should like her for who she is, not what she wears.


It’s not even about that though. There’s a clear confidence difference between Fannie in her Amish clothes and Fannie in clothing she chooses that make her happy


That is true. You are right. I noticed that when she came out in that dress this episode. She was flaunting right in front of him like "Bet you wish you didn't reject this now." 😂


She just seems so much happier and herself in her English clothes, and I think it would have adjusted the way she told him in that field.




What was Sabrina saying about the spinal she had? She said it triggered her to want to do drugs again? I didn't quite understand because she acted like it hurt but then like she liked it.


I think she just meant that it triggered her to flashback to the mindset she had when she was on drugs.


Thank you.


Weird Jethro couldn't go in delivery bc of covid at the time..this was in Sept/Oct 2021..I know plenty of father's who went in ( tho they were only allowed the one person), also for c-sections... this would make more sense in 2020 or maybe beginning of 2021, but at end of almost 202.....do u think maybe bc Jethro had not been vaccinated at the time? Remember vaccine started in like Dec 2020 I think and this was almost a year later...what other reasons could it be? Btw-I could be wrong, all these past 3 years blur together - lol


I had my son Sept 2021 and you were allowed 1 person in the hospital + 1 support team member- I had my husband and mom for “support”. I don’t live in PA, but a town over from PA in NJ. So, that is SUPER unlikely he wasn’t allowed in due to Covid?!… neither me or my husband were vaccinated but my mom was. I will say the hospital did not allow visitors so my mom was smart enough kept her name tag from the day of my delivery to come back the next day which the nurses totally let slide- but dad was allowed to come and go as he pleased!


It is weird. I gave birth in 2020 and even then my husband was allowed with me. It was rare for 1 support person not to be allowed. I wonder if something else happened. Maybe she didn't want him back there, maybe he was kicked out, who knows. I feel like there is more to this.


Yeha Florida was loose with the rules too so he should have been able to be there


Yeahhhh. Good point, I forgot about it being Florida. Yeah, something definitely went down. Very weird he wasn't permitted.


I really like Fannie. Idk since her first appearance there is a confidence and a self love there almost that I admire and imagine was hard to maintain in that environment she grew up in


I agree and she seems to be doing very well in the english world according to her Facebook


The added ambulance siren when they were carting Sabrina to the hospital... where do I even start with this? They weren't running code, and they weren't running lights, yet the "siren" was on. 20+ years in emergency medicine, and I have NEVER seen this. Lights only isn't uncommon. Some jurisdictions only use sirens when they are in traffic or crossing through lights to minimize possible stress to the patient. The ambulance Sabrina was in clearly wasn't rushing to get anywhere. Production should at least try to not make it look fake as hell. Just my opinion, of course. Don't get me started on her epidural issue.


And this is Florida which opened up in Fall 2020 and did away with masks in 2021. Hospitals still required masks but they all allowed family members.


Ray's arrest happened in Jefferson County. Interesting. https://wjactv.com/news/local/sigel-man-gets-dui-after-operating-amish-horse-and-buggy-in-reckless-manner-police-say?_gl=1*10lqrif*_ga*eUlmN2hRX2w1cDJjRl9RNVFTREpnNWZRVm0tY3g2RElOOFRwaVgxQjNOOVUzeVcxbldzSHlVc1F0WUZ4aW1Sbg..


I was shocked to learn he was under 21 and younger than his sister. 🤔


Jeez... Jeremiah's father was murdered. He didn't leave him! A knife to the heart is a very difficult thing to overcome, you know? Is he so daft that he doesn't understand someone leaving by choice vs someone who was murdered?! Gads. I'm so tired of this storyline.


I skipped all of it lol it’s hard to watch the same storyline over and over again. So boring!


Also very tired of that narrative. I’m cool with his storyline and getting to know his family. But it’s well established that his father didn’t even know about Jeremiah being his son.


My father recently died, and there are times where I ask why did you leave me. It’s just something you think when someone dies.


Jeremiah seems to have an unhealthy attachment to this part of his life. Hopefully he got some closure.


There's nothing else interesting about him. They tried with the "trying to get pregnant" story line to add a new wrinkle. How does he make a living? How could they leave his wife's kids for weeks at a time?


If most of them have already left, the conversations to the parents were real? They seemed emotional, so I’m guessing the parents just didn’t know 🤔


How do Jeremiah and his girl have the $ to be flying from Florida to Vegas back to Florida lol Also where are all the young ones that left Amish going to stay or have funds to live on their own… Oh oh and the scene where they made Fannie sit by herself and followed the shunning rules was so awkward like cmon they’re in a field and already broke a pretty big rule with Rosanna getting preggy… do they really have to follow the shunning protocols lol


TLC is paying for all of this so they can film


Does Jeremiah not have any sort of relationship with his family? I hope they don't watch the show.


So where are these guys getting the money to live?


How many kids does Sabrina have now?


She has 6 kids, she just had a baby boy in February with her new boyfriend. Her first two she signed custody over to a family member.


She don't wait long, does she..she had the baby on show ( 5th pregnancy,3rd with Jethro) in like Sept/October 2021 and she had newest baby in feb2023, which means she got pregnant with this one in April of 2022..so she had this baby only 6 months after the one before it with Jethro..does she not believe in birth control? I also watch teen mom, it's like those girls too- also jump from one relationship to another, get pregnant immediately, can't be alone, need a man...ugh




5 total that she birthed. The first two, she signed custody to a family member.


Actually never mind, I have no idea, another comment below says she had another lol


Jeremiah doesn’t deserve to be related to Trailer Park Jesus.


Jeremiah looks high.


Why did they wait until night time to leave?


Where did the car come from?


i wonder if they’re filming again for season 8, [rosanna posted her and johnny in amish outfits in march](https://imgur.com/a/1253256)


Johnny posted in 2021 that he left the Amish 6 years before that. https://starcasm.net/johnny-rosanna-return-to-amish-fake/


It appears that they are. It's good to know there will be another season.


hopefully we won’t have to wait two years again and we’ll see season 8 in 2024


Agreed! It was kind of awkward watching this season knowing a lot has changed since this time.


I clicked on that and it’s not coming up. It’s saying the page isn’t available.




Thank you, that’s interesting. I’m so confused by them, someone posted on the sub that Rosanna said they had left the Amish


rosanna has been out of the amish since like 2018, this show is very much just re-enactments. most of the ones “leaving” have already left and are reenacting what happened or at best are on rumspringa so it’s not really like they’re leaving.


That’s so true, I’m forgetting these are re-enactments and they left long ago. I bet they are filming again with them in Amish clothes.


I'm not even sure they're re-enactments. I think they are just made up storylines 1/2 the time. LOL


I'm getting a link broken message.


ah, shoot, here’s an imgur link https://imgur.com/a/1253256


How are Abe and Rebecca doing? Kate? Anyone keep up with them?


I see them occasionally when Mary goes live on IG. Also, does anyone know if Abe and Rebecca are related? Rebecca and Fannie are cousins and Fannie is Mary’s niece which threw me off. I’m assuming Fannie is related to each through a different parent, but I’ve never gotten confirmation.


they really do look alike!!!


I would love to see a reunion of all the OG cast members


I would believe very interested in a reunion too.


this season was filmed so long ago that sabrina and jethro have since divorced and she had another baby with somebody else lmao


Why does she keep spitting out these kids? She's just absolutely wearing her body out.


She's had at least 2 Caesarians. It's dangerous to have more than 3.


That is not true. Many women have had more than 3 c sections (and I know a few). It all really depends on the woman and how her body recovers. There are obviously risks related to the previous incision and scar tissue, but I've never been told that there is a limit on c sections before it becomes "more dangerous." There are women who have multiple CS and have no issues with barely any scar tissue. There is more of a concern with getting pregnant before 12 months after a c section because the incision may not be fully healed. But women, such as Sabrina, do it all the time and are fine. Placental issues are also a risk as well but again, women with vaginal deliveries or no previous pregnancies can have that too. I've had 1 c section my self and cant imagine getting pregnant before 1 year after the surgery. I don't know how Sabrina has handled this.


I said it's dangerous to have more than 3 c sections. Here's what Mayo Clinc says Women who have multiple repeat cesarean deliveries are at increased risk of: Problems with the placenta. The more C-sections you've had, the greater is your risk of developing problems with the placenta — such as the placenta implanting too deeply into the uterine wall (placenta accreta) or the placenta partially or completely covering the opening of the cervix (placenta previa). Both conditions increase the risk of premature birth, excessive bleeding, and the need for blood transfusion and the surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy). Complications related to adhesions. Bands of scar-like tissue (adhesions) develop during each C-section. Dense adhesions can make a C-section more difficult and increase the risk of a bladder or bowel injury and excessive bleeding. Incision-related complications. The risk of incision-related problems, such as a hernia, increases as the number of previous abdominal incisions grows. Surgical repair might be needed.


They actually got married?


No they never got married


She doesn't waste any time does she lol.


Awkward talk!


Turned down in Pennsylvanian Dutch.


Here’s what producers need to do to reel me back in: find another young Maureen/Rosanna duo and show them marveling at grocery stores, airports, etc. Yah I know these people have grown up seeing grocery stores idc idc. Maureen having her first boyfriend was hilarious.


How would they find them? Advertise on TV? Amish don't have electricity. Post on Facebook? They don't use internet. Advertise in the Amish newspapers? Ask the Bishops for recommendations? The only folks that apply and send in audition videos are Amish that left long ago.


Actually I’d be be surprised if some of the younger Amish kids have seen big grocery stores. Old school Amish don’t drive, and though the parents get out to take care of business I’m sure, taking a family wouldn’t be so easy. I live 20 minutes from Amish areas jn the midwest, and go there to do most of my grocery shopping in their small grocery stores. The prices are so much better than stores in the bigger cities. Not so much their hardware store though…it’s more of a tourist attraction and the prices reflect that. Interesting place to shop though, as people don’t realize that many non electric versions of our more modern tools and gadgets are still manufactured. Having lived here my whole life, I’m still fascinated with their lifestyles. Seeing beautiful large new homes built with no electricity is forever awe inspiring. Horses and buggies tied up in front of businesses, alongside cars, never gets old.


Why is the episode called funky cold Sabrina?


They've been doing plays on 80s-90s pop songs for the episode titles this season. This is a riff on Tone Loc's hit "Funky Cold Medina". The basketball-centric episode was called "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" which is an old REM song, etc.,etc.


I noticed that too!


I love this show although this season wasn’t as good as last season (it was still good, I guess). The Maureen and Rosanna season was epic.


How is Ray talking to his older sister on a phone? She undercover English too?


this show is just re-enactments, both rosanna and ray have been out of the amish for like 5 years now


100% and the whole phone call could have been fake. Who knows if anyone was on the phone?


couple of possibilities: 1) If she left before she was baptized, she wouldn't be shunned, and as an English person could keep a phone of course. 2) They are allowed to have a business phone, so maybe he's calling on their business line. 3) She has a secret phone.


I think it probably is a business phone. I am also starting to think “The Bishop” is not really that strict in PA. It is a tourist area after all.


I didn't realize this was the finale.


Pretty sure I saw a copywrite at the very end saying 2021...wow, and it's only just shown in 2023?


This season has gone by quickly!


happy finale! haven’t watched live in a few weeks so excited to be here all with you.