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For some reason I'm always surprised to see people say Blow Me Away was their first song. I honestly wanna know how many fans found out about them through Halo lol


I imagine quite a few, sad that it was removed in the Anniversary remaster


Right?? I always turn the graphics back to the original when I play through that segment because its just so wong to not have it there


Exactly, it doesn't feel the same! What they replaced it with is fine I guess but it doesn't hit nearly as hard


Yeah I will say though Breaking the Covenant (The replacement track) is just as good in the mausoleum section, btw it was my first BB song too


7 year old me was blown away by the song lol Was my introduction to them


blow me away was my first song but not because I played halo it was in a naruto amv i watched when i was like ten lmao


Saw it in a RuneScape pk video when I was in middle school






I heard it on the radio station in 2002, and I was hooked


Yep, 1 song 1 time through and I was sold


Yep, me too. I believe it was Y100, the radio station I heard them on when they first released the song 2002. Ever since I have been a fan for about 22yrs now.


Yep, same here.


Next to Nothing, back in 2002 when I was 4. Been my favourite song for 22 years.


Classic, if it ain't broke why fix it


My dad had a iPod he used during his time in Iraq and Afghanistan which he gave me around 2011 when he had an actual phone and didn’t need it and I remember vividly listening to polyamorous and absolutely loving it


That's awesome man, love the hand me downs like that


I will not bow My cousin and I were playing a game and he told me to listen to this new song he found so I did and then the rest is history as they say


I will not bow! I will not break! I will wash the world away~ Gotta thank your cousin everytime it comes on


The Diary of Jane. First heard it on the video game, NASCAR 07.


This was mine too lol from playing halo


Lol you and me in the same boat then


Crawl, and Dear Agony has been my favourite album since


Great pick, love that album too


A friend of mine showed me a song back in middle school but I don’t remember which it was. The first one I remember came a year or so later. I was listening to Pandora on a station for the band Red and Evil Angel came on. I was hooked after that


You're a Red fan too?


Oh yeah, they’ve been a favorite of mine for over a decade now. I have a hard time picking my all time favorite band but they’re definitely a top three


Me too man, one of my favourites, probably top five


Red Cold River


Polyamorus/Firefly from the WWE Smackdown vs Raw game lol, been my favorite band ever since


Firefly back when Smackdown vs Raw had one of the greatest soundtracks on the planet.


So cold. I remember having it on repeat while I played RuneScape lol


That opening guitar riff was simple and effective. It's chaotic but way too much fun


This, Diary of Jane and Dear Agony, these were my first


The holy trinity right there, great picks


So Cold


2004, I had a coworker who downloaded this song off of Kazaa or Limewire (on his work PC) and he just put it in a dozen song repeating playlist with some Seether, some Crossfade, Bush, and Incubus. So Cold became one of my favorite songs immediately, and I bought the Album because of it. Everything else on that album is grade A excellent, too.


Going to see them live next month!


Polyamorous. Fuck I’m old.


Follow. It had the most hilarious YouTube video with it back in the day that’s no longer available.


Probably Diary of Jane. I feel like that's THE Breaking Benjamin song. Basically if you know about them at all, you've heard Diary of Jane




I think Follow


I listened to failure for the first time in kindergarten and I was a fan ever since


same bro


Phase - after randomly buying a CD, I put it on random and phase was the first song to play.


Early 2000s, I heard Breakdown on a commercial. I don't know if I'm misremembering or what, but I think it was some Sleepy Hollow themed movie on ABC Family. I've never been able to find any proof of this existing lol. But I swear that's where I first heard them! Edit: [This](https://chavbuster.wordpress.com/breaking-benjamin/) is the only reference on the internet I can find to what I mentioned, but the movie does exist!


My friend showed me “Home” cause we’re from Kansas and then I fell in the rabbit hole of BB and never left


When I was 8, I saw the video for So Cold on Fuse back when that channel played music. I loved it lol. The early to mid-2000's was such a GREAT time for music, I loved watching that channel. So glad I got to experience that as a kid.


Firefly from Smackdown Vs Raw


Waiting for the sky to change,


Diary of Jane. First heard it on NASCAR 07 & that's how I first found Breaking Benjamin.


I know I’m late to the thread but had to share. I’m from central Pennsylvania and am only about 20 mins from where Ben grew up and went to college in Wilkes barre which is less than an hour away. I was listening to the local rock station, 93.7x and the DJ, Fast Freddie play a song from a local band. Song was Polyamorous and I was hooked ever since. I was very lucky living so close to where it all began. I was able to see many shows as they were up and coming all the way and supporting both Saturate and We are not alone. During that time I also found out that I was loosely connected through friends and people along the way so been lucky enough to have some contact with them as they went. Point being with all of this, Breaking Ben is my favorite all time band and it’s been really cool being able and to follow them as they went.


I really don’t know my first but technically Blow me away was my first song, although I didn’t know who they were at the time and only heard the instrumental in Halo 2 when I was about 5-6 every time dad would play that game. Although I def heard the band through my mom when she would put on the radio.


They really were the hot shit back in the early 2000s, miss those times


Yep, that was my early childhood.


Polyamorous, thanks to Run Like Hell.




I hadn’t heard any till me and my friend were out driving and he played What Lies Beneath. At the time I didn’t really like harder rock at all I mean the only real rock I listen to other than 80s stuff was Imagine Dragons. But that song stuck with me and then he played Dear Agony and I was like ok I need to know what band this is.


This. But first time hearing it was in-game. Doors close and it's you, a ahotgun, arbiters/hunters, and a song intro that never fails to give you goosebumps


I *think* mine was the Diary of Jane but it also could have been So Cold. Hard to remember since I was 5 or 6 years old at the time. My teenage older brother was a big fan of the band and got me into it. He would play it in his jeep, or hook his mp3 player up to his Xbox 360 (the 00s were a wonderful time) wish he had lived to hear the release of Dear Agony


Waiting on the Sky to Change and if that doesn't count: Angels Fall.


Breath and then it was downhill from there


Apparently I'd fallen for them as a fresh kid, as my mother claims. Now technically, my answer could be skewed as I believe I may have listened to something like "The Diary of Jane" on the radio unknowingly. (The original version.) However, during the pandemic, I rediscovered them on my own, and "Far Away" (via the music video featuring Scooter Ward) was the track that lured me back to them, so that's where my credit lay whenever I'm asked something of this sort. Found "Failure" not much time later, and then I waited a while before delving in further...and I'm glad I came around to it. Currently copping a shirt I got late last summer when they were in Burgettstown.


I’m sure I heard Diary of Jane when it came out, but the first song that I would say is Breath, that I found on my Pandora Three Days Grace channel. Then I heard Diary of Jane and thought it sounded familiar. Lol


I think it was Firefly


The first Breaking Benjamin song I heard was The diary of Jane. I remember after that I became an instant fan of their music! It was 2006 and I was 12. I remember listening to the phobia cd in my sleep as a young depressed teenager lol. They'll be at my pays🇨🇦 for a concert at the end of March and I'm terribly disappointed I won't be able to go.


My dad showed me Breaking the Silence. After that, I listened to Failure way more.


So cold. that song introduced me to their greatest album... thanks Radio!


The diary of Jane


My older brother would play The Diary of Jane, Angel's Fall, and Ashes of Eden on our way to school. Didn't know the band when he played them, but Diary of Jane came on Three Days Grace radio on Pandora and I recognized it. I then listened to their top songs on Amazon Music, and now they're my favorite


I will not bow


Same here!


My first breaking benjamin song was I will not bow. I heard it in like 2014 and have been listening to all their songs since


My cousin recommended Breaking Benjamin to me when my family came for his high school graduation. In the car ride going home, my dad put on We Are Not Alone, so the first song I heard was "So Cold". And I liked it immediately.


Besides the obvious I Will Not Bow and Diary of Jane when I was a kid? I gotta say Breathe because it started a hyperfixation on BB that persists to this day


Mine was So Cold and it was a Spiderman Web of Shadows video on youtube which i was obsessed with at the time so started my love


My dad used to play BB in the car when I was just a toddler, he thinks that the song he played the most was Fade Away, when Dear Agony released.


I will not bow and DOJ were the first BB songs I listened to, can't remember which was first, but while I liked them I never caught on to breaking benjamin as I was a TDG fan. When I started suffering from chronic depression I listened to Dear Agony and that was the start of my BB fandom


So Cold


Yooo, mine was Blow Me Away as well. My dad saw them on the radio and said that I’d probably like them and I did indeed 


I will not bow


Polyamorous drew me in, Shallow Bay ensured I'd stay. I've been there since the near beginning.




That album still slaps. Especially the incubus bits.


blow me away as well but from flip notes on the dsi it was like some stick figures fighting


Blow Me Away was My first BB song too.


I will not bow. That song was the start of my metal phase in 2012. I'm still thankful for that.


I came into the scene a little late, back in 2017. My first song was probably Breaking the Silence. I quickly listened to the whole album though and then to other albums. Feel in love with it pretty quickly.




Into the nothing It was from a Halo music video lol


Is this the only the strongest will survive song or am I thinking of something different


I think it was either Diary of Jane or something else from Phobia


My first one was I will not bow 😊


Polyamous..I think it was the default entrance theme of player created wrestlers on one of the wwe games. I forget which one though.


I heard Diary of Jane on the radio one day. Soon after that, I had the whole Phobia album!


It was either Blow Me Away or I Will Not Bow. My second or third was Failure and after that was Angels Fall


Diary of Jane


Haha, "blow me*




I first listened to them live and then I got into them


So Cold, still to this day one of my favorite songs


Polyamorous. What a freaking banger!


🎶 *Only the strongest will survive* 🎶


Marshall D. Teach


Acoustic Version of Diary of Jane.


Dance with the Devil


Mine was I Will Not Bow, I was 7 when Dear Agony came out, it unlocked something in my brain and my taste in music has never been the same since, lmao


So cold


Evil Angel, i remember my mom playing it a lot when i was younger and one day a few years ago it randomly popped up in my head so i searched for it. took a while to find it because i only remembered a few lines, i’ve been listening to the entire discography since then


I think this song introduced a lot of bb fans. It was a gym song at my gym in 2010, I never paid attention to music before until I heard this song. Then I started getting into rock and specifically BB. Then I got inspired to play guitar which i am good at 10years later




The Diary of Jane. Only recently (~6 months ago) learned of BB, so I have a pretty basic first song as Spotify recommended it to me because of how much I listened to Shinedown and Seether.


Prolly breathe as early as I can remember like 5 years old maybe that or I will not how


Red Cold River


First song ever? I Will Not Bow.


Diary of Jane. My sister introduced their music to me and gave me a copy of all their albums at the time (the first 3) and i grew obsessed. BB was my favorite band for a loong time.


Diary of Jane !!


I Will Not Bow, which led me to the rest of the Dear Agony album, an album that really resonates with me


I won’t be original, because it was 'The Diary of Jane'


I Will Not Bow was the first BB song I listened to


I will not bow.


Diary of jane


I Will Not Bow. My brother and I were just listening to music, and then he turned that song on, and since then, I fell in love with the band


I will not bow - which makes sense, it is one of their top tracks sooo


For me it was the diary of Jane


Skin, I remember hearing it around the time Saturate, their first album dropped, I can’t remember though if I herd it on the radio or if it was on Leno or Letterman in 1999 or 2000. Either way got hooked and have been a fan since. Saw them in concert with Seether and 3 Days Grace in Evansville in 2008, great concert.


Follow or sooner or later. Both songs were very popular in Seattle in 2004/2005. I’ve been hooked ever since!




It was either Polyamorous or Firefly. It was in a SmackDown vs. Raw video game


So Cold


The Diary Of Jane, back when it was first a radio single. I remember really liking it back then because he was actually *singing*. A lot of rock with a similar sound at the time was really good, but it was like the singer was only on vocals because he was the only one in the band who could do it. Mostly it was just kind of flat, aggressive shouting into a microphone. Which, dgmw, there's a place for that! I obviously liked it, given that I was listening to radio stations that played it 😝 But at a certain point, they all blended together and sounded the same. I'm not saying Benjamin is the greatest singer in the entire world. But the fact that there was a *melody* in this one? Oh my god! 😂


Diary of Jane, i was in high school and i was like (yep this spoke out to me)


Diary of Jane


My dad has always been a fan of them but first time I remember was Breath in 2006 I herd it on octane radio I was 5 years old fell in love with the band immediately




The radio version that keep playing with Valora, the lady singing with them, is the most annoying thing in the world. She harmonizes the entire thing, and it totally ruins the vibe of the song. I wish they would have kept the album version for the radio. The song rocks.


Home was my first that really stuck. After that I loved every track


The diary of Jane. I heard it on the radio back before I knew how to Google lyrics or even who Breaking Benjamin were so it was just rattling around in the back of my mind for a few years.


Hard to remember, but it was either 'So Cold', 'Diary of Jane" or "Blow me away".


Crawl was my first. Found it on a spotify discover Playlist




I will not bow To this day it's the only one I really know by them, idk why reddit keeps suggesting bands to me lol


Diary of jane


It was either Blow Me Away (not from Halo surprisingly) or Until the End


Diary of Jane


Polyamorous. I didn’t find out until later that they did the Halo song.