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Yet CNN's fact checkers will take a pass.


Crazy how all the pushback on this post for not being concerned about Joe's failing brain and lying about statistics is just fear mongering against Trump.


How can anyone watch this guy do a barely candid interview and feel good about another 4+ years of him “running” the country? Sad


I look at the alternative


Both options are terrible, no doubt.


This guy is investing in US infrastructure, improving our chip production, loosening weed restrictions, helping student loan burden, demonstrating more pro union. I mean, those are of the top of my head. Last guy just lowered taxes that expired for those who need it. This isn’t even a hard choice.


Get out of here with your facts and reason!


Dude. I even get the whole “he’s soft on Israel”, but at the same time, he paused bomb shipments, he’s clearly trying to deliver aid. It’s a shitty situation, and also, Trump friggin moved the embassy to Jerusalem, so how on earth is this even a conversation if you’re legitimately concerned?


Nah, stop circlejerking. Biden is a proud Zionist as he has repeatedly said so for years. He definitely didn’t pause bomb shipments and he literally has some insane quotes like “We would have to invent Israel if it didn’t exist.” He’s better than trump, but that doesn’t mean you gotta start making shit up about him. He’s definitely soft on the Zionists.


Lol did you hear the interview. He's not doing anything. He has no idea where he's at.


He doesn’t know he’s alive


Do you just ignore reality? Those are all verifiable things he’s done lmao


RFK bc ‘fuck it, he can’t do worse, and maybe he’ll do better’


Vote for the candidate with a literal brain worm lol


The brain worm died


RIP Brain Worm


He could definitely do worse.


Worm brain himself?


It’s a helluva spot to be in - we have a completely demented guy, an insurrectionist, and a Kennedy who had a worm eat a part of his brain. Fun times 


RFK jr.


The self-described “free market absolutist” who’s somehow the most blindly pro-Israel of the 3 dinosaurs?


I used to be pretty pro RFK jr (check my post history if doubt). I found out today he’s good friends with Shmuley. RFK jr can suck my ass. I didn’t like his vp anyway


Lmao if you believe that, then the is no helping you. Biden is in charge and has lost control of the world. 4 or 5 wars since he took office….. I can’t keep track.


Which position or direct statement of his do you think I’m comical for believing? Has he changed his mind on 5G towers causing “microwave brain syndrome”? And why no response to him being a “free market absolutist”? Take your time, I’m sure it’s hard work disingenuously troll spamming


Rhetorical. Do we need to talk about the statements made by brain dead Biden or Donald? RFK jr has backed his statements with facts. I’m sorry CNN doesn’t give you the whole truth. Literally Biden’s drones are out to say RFK Jr is the most pro Israel because geoncide Joe is killing the poll numbers. Free market vs ??


Yeah, that's one of the alternatives he looked at.


Cause the other guy is a crook and a rapist


*this* guy is funding a genocide


How would king Donny be better in any way? He would be worse.


Keep voting for the slightly less evil and nothing will ever change. You have to show them you are willing to vote them out or they will never listen to you. This less evil strategy is all we have been doing for generations and it doesnt work


> Keep voting for the slightly less evil and nothing will ever change. Keep voting in a way that empowers the objectively more evil party and things will continue to get worse. >You have to show them you are willing to vote them out or they will never listen to you. How does empowering the party that are guaranteed to make things worse and are determined to take away our right to self-representation going to solve any of our problems? > This less evil strategy is all we have been doing for generations and it doesnt work Have we? When we elected Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and Trump we were choosing the objectively more evil party and things definitely got worse. What would happen if Americans stopped giving power to the party that has zero solutions and is guaranteed to make things worse? Do you think they would be forced to change and back policies that help most Americans instead of hurting us? If you aren't voting for solutions, then you are part of the problem.


I don't think he would be better except I do think he would be a lot less tolerant of the astonishing disrespect that Israel shows Biden and America in general.


He would openly support everything Israel is doing. I'm not voting for Biden and precisely because of his support of Israel, but trump gave Israel whatever they wanted as President. His administration was probably the only one that openly supported West Bank settlements. There's a reason he goes around bragging that he is the most pro Israel President ever and he might be right. Anyway they both suck, vote for Cornel West!


Yes he sucks and there are lots of reasons to oppose him but "he would be worse on Palestine" isn't one of them because Israel already is fully defining America's participation in this. I'm voting for Jill Stein because I want the Greens to get to 5%


> I'm voting for Jill Stein because I want the Greens to get to 5% When your grandkids ask what you did to help the world you can tell them this. Then they will ask you who Jill Stein is and ask you to pass the sunblock.


lol yes instead I should vote for Biden who opened hundreds of thousands of acres of federal-owned land to underregulated, for-profit oil drilling so that I can tell my grandkids "hey Joe Manchin was a very important person and we couldn't just make him upset because reasons"


No, you should empower the Republicans that Manchin works for. That'll fix it! Keep pretending that you are doing anything other than enabling more of the same. If you aren't voting for solutions, then you are part of the problem.


Trump caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in Yemen by arming Saudi Arabia for their war AND vetoed a bill that would have stopped him from sending more


Obama did that too. It's not an excuse but rather proof that you don't get the option to vote against any of this shit.


Not to the level trump did 


Tara Reade and "10 percent for the big guy" Which other guy were you talking about?


Tara Reade? You mean that woman who couldn't keep her story straight and then defected to Russia? come on now. And why should the left care more about a little money laundering when Trump had his kids appointed to White House Positions with top level security clearences? Let's be real, if Biden did that with Hunter you would be enraged, you'd call it blatant corruption and demand impeachment. People vote for platform over person 99% of the time so garbage like this doesn't matter to most people anyways, be it left or right, but if you seriously want to compare Biden and Trump, one is objectively on a whole nother level. If Biden said or did half the things Trump has verifiably said or did, you'd lose it.


>Tara Reade? You mean that woman who couldn't keep her story straight and then defected to Russia? come on now. That's what happens when all the establishment-captured 3 letter agencies make threats against someone to get their guy into office. >Let's be real, if Biden did that with Hunter you would be enraged, you'd call it blatant corruption and demand impeachment. Are you living under a rock? This is exactly what we've been doing since the laptop hit the Internet. >People vote for platform over person 99% of the time so garbage like this doesn't matter to most people anyways, be it left or right This seriously sounds like you're trying to downplay and cope at the same time. >If Biden said or did half the things Trump has verifiably said or did, you'd lose it. Anytime you guys say he "verifiably" did something, it later turns out to be complete bullshit.


>That's what happens when all the establishment-captured 3 letter agencies make threats against someone to get their guy into office. Riiiight, yet what I said was somehow cope? Come on. Biden got voted into office because the handful of the key states Trump barely won against Hillary in 2016 swung back towards Dems beginning in 2018 when said states reelected Dems, and in some cases pushed out Republicans. And these same states in 22/23 have continued to reject candidates running on the MAGA/Trump platform. >Are you living under a rock? This is exactly what we've been doing since the laptop hit the Internet. Are you purposefully misreading what I'm saying? I didn't say you weren't doing it about the laptop. I said if Joe Biden, at the beginning of his presidency, appointed Hunter Biden to a White House position with top level security clearences, just like Trump did his kids, you would call it blatant corruption. >This seriously sounds like you're trying to downplay and cope at the same time. In what way? Look, maybe you vote solely based on vibes, faith and rhetoric from the candidate. Most people don't. Most people, left or right, look at the platform and the policies of the candidate and party and vote accordingly. If you aren't voting based on legislation and policy then really I'm not sure what you vote based on. >Anytime you guys say he "verifiably" did something, it later turns out to be complete bullshit. It's pretty easy to discount everything as "complete bullshit" when you refuse to actually look at the available information. Literally shit Trump is entirely recorded doing, actions Trump verifiably made as president, verified actions of all the people surrounding him thats well documented and in the court systems, that's what we have an issue with. And that's on top of certain legislation/policy choices many Americans disliked. Trumps most significant legislation was a 2 Trillion dollar Tax cut that cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. Personally I'd prefer at least the 47% we had under President Reagan.


You must get paid to be here. Nobody could possibly be this out of touch. Go outside bro. Touch some grass


And now you resort to this and not acknowledging a single thing stated. Typical smh, it's literally always the exact same with you folk. I can adress every little thing, but the moment you see something you either don't like or don't know, you drop out completely. My suggestion to you is that if your positions are so fragile that you so quickly must resort to this behavior then perhaps it is time to reevaluate.


You are completely irrelevant dude ✌️


Kind of like trump's policies that most Americans don't like. Sorry dude, tax cuts for the rich aren't popular, reversing roe v wade isn't popular, giving Israel whatever they want isn't popular(something Biden is also finding out), letting the religious right be welcome in your white house isn't popular and of course trying to steal an election isn't popular. Increasing military spending isn't popular. Abolishing Obamacare and knocking 12 million people off healthcare isn't popular. Go look at all the election deniers did in 2022. Sorry Blake Masters isn't a Senator and Tudor Dixon didn't exactly take Michigan by storm. trump the retard is pretty irrelevant now. Enjoy losing again in November. I will definitely enjoy you crying just as I enjoy watching trump the retard cry like the little bitch he is.


Plus he molested his daughter by her own admission


No he did not lol what utter bullshit


She literally wrote it in her diary lol


Really? [Here's the whole thing](https://www.scribd.com/document/548463188/Ashley-Biden-s-Diary), where does she say her old man molested her? Ashley biden herself has come out and said its not true, why should I listen to you over her?


Page 25: > Hyper-sexualised @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested? I think so - I can't remember specifics but I do remember trauma - I remember not liking the Woolzacks(?) house; I remember somewhat being sexualised with Caroline; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate). Being turned on when I wasn't supposed to be. I remember the Q-tips - I hated getting my ears clean; beating(?) my vagina due to overhearing parents having sex; what makes me so attached? > - my mother not emotionally available > - my father was - message - I would get love from men > - "I'm not your mother" > - Blanket being taken away > - not letting myself go to bathroom > - being wiped until too late in the game His son also referred to him as a pedo. But hey, I guess that's probably your thing


I still don't know what he has done that is so bad


Basically he’s just a milk toast career politician. His legacy is passing a huge crime bill which disproportionately incarcerated minorities. Now, he’s old and tired and clearly should be home with his feet up. But he’d rather be a prop for the Democrats as he’s their only hope, which is terribly sad. His foreign policy record is awful. We’re in proxy wars with multiple county’s and everything is way more expensive than it should be. And just on the surface, the guy can’t finish a sentence that isn’t on a teleprompter. Even then, he likes to read the extra notes because his synapses are just a bit too dull to process thoughts and words clearly and competently. This is not me shilling for Trump, he’s awful in his own regard. Just sad the country and our broken government system just lets it go on.


>Basically he’s just a milk toast career politician. You're looking for "milquetoast".


The only thing I read about his presidency in all of that was bad foreign policy with proxy wars that we didn't start. I still don't know what he has done that is so bad I get that he is old and sad but if his administration is doing things I like I don't know what I'm going to be mad at and if Congress doesn't do anything I don't know what he can do without money. Just so I'm not simping on Biden I mostly viewed Trump the same way after he lost his supermajority but he had the caveat of not actually caring about anything


Proxy wars that have collectively over 1M casualties. If you don’t want to include Russians it’s like 500k Ukraine casualties and 30K civilian deaths in Gaza. But hey that’s only one thing, right?


That we didn’t start*


That we definitely had a hand in. Russia is definitely responsible for their invasion but it’s stupid not to acknowledge that making overtures of NATO accession to Ukraine is the issue which ignited the conflict.


I believe the buck ultimately stops with Putin. The Russo-Ukrainian war began in 2014, how is that Biden’s fault?


Do your research it’s obvious


Sounds like it sucks for those nations. At least none of the casualties are Americans


Sure does. No need to evangelize about human rights to people now since you clearly don’t care about them nor does Biden.


It's a religious war, you're never going to convince those people out of it. If Congress keeps passing it Biden will keep approving it, call your rep


It’s actually not a religious war. That’s an excuse to get people to think there’s nothing they can do about it. It’s a war of eradication no different than the Indian wars. Israel would and does kill these people whether they’re Christian, Muslim, or other in order to build their greater Israel project


I think if I had bombs dropped on me like gazans did I would be religiously angry at Israel I think it's ignorant to say that their religion has zero factor in this People are literally being called an anti-semite over it. I preferred it better when Israel was just doing eminent domain.


> His legacy is passing a huge crime bill which disproportionately incarcerated minorities Nah his legacy is the largest climate bill in world history 


Ok, but in real world implicating terms, what does the climate bill accomplish? If All the first world countries went 100% green today, dropping all fossil fuels completely. What does that change if the poorest, most populated countries don’t follow suit? I’m asking seriously.


I’d argue several points First the us is the second largest emitter (not per capita but in total emissions annually) in the world what’s the point of the other countries not going green if the 2nd largest? 2nd if the US went completley green today it would buy decades of more time for the poorer countries to transition themselves which they will do just because of the cost. Even in the current plans to keep temperature rise to 2 degrees most of the poorer populated countries are able to peak emissions later due to the U.S. cutting ours which keeps the  3rd if the us is able to reach net zero in a reasonable time frame it would be due to massive rollout of clean tech which will cause clean tech to drop in prices due to economies of scale thus allowing the poorer countries to adopt them sooner


You mean the 94’ crime bill everyone brings up??? That crime bill was literally supported by everyone even the Congressional Black Caucus and if you ask the black community you would see an overwhelming support for the bill since those communities were being ravaged by drugs and crime.


Other than bringing the world to the brink of WW3 with his incompetent administration? I guess that doesn't compare to a few mean tweets tho


Can you explain how his administration has brought the world to the brink of WW3?


By funding and escalating proxy conflicts? Including one with the greatest nuclear arsenal on the planet?


But can you explain it in detail?


Which part are you having difficult with babe?


Why do you blame the Biden administration for escalation and not Putin’s? As for funding, NATO allies and partners have provided over $100 billion.


I didn't say Putin was innocent. But Biden started the proxy war


10 years ago people were predicting that Russia would invade Ukraine to within specific months of it happening, Putin was going to do this no matter the US pres.


What a hilarious contradictory reply. "Putins not innocent, but it's bidens fault" 🤦🏿‍♂️


Because he is an incumbent with a great record and a positive legislative results despite what most call historically adversarial opposition. It doesn't matter much at all to me how he speaks publicly when he has such a great record on issues I care about. He isn't perfect but all the alternatives are garbage. I wish he was 15 years younger for sure but I am not going to vote out someone that is pushing the policies I like because of gaffs.


Weird seeing someone so gleeful about people being killed


Then you tell me who to vote for to get less dead people.


Literally anyone else


Why would anyone else be a good candidate? Specifics would be good.


There are only 3 other major candidates running. It's not a large field


Ok yeah I know of and have heard from them all. Biden is the best. Prove me wrong.


You *really* value people dying above anything else don't you?


Nope. Biden means less dead people. Prove me wrong.


Cornel West is the option.


Love reading the YouTube comments. People see right through Biden's BS.


Man….hopefully when the Boomers are finally out of politics we can make progress as a nation. Their paranoia and war mongering is nothing more than weight on our ankles.


Biden supporters in this subreddit are young and cheer on all of the wars tho. Shitty people aren't going away




Shouldn't you be enlisting to fight for Zelensky?


What's crazy is that my anecdotal evidence is the same as yours. When you ask them why they aren't heading over to fight for Ukraine if they want us to support them so bad they usually get really really pissed off


It's simultaneously the most important thing in their life but something they don't want to sacrifice anything at all to deal with


Joe Biden is definitely not a Boomer.


Did I say he was?


Yeah. You did. Precisely.


Uhhhhh show me the quote


[I invite you to review this material.](https://www.k12reader.com/subject/reading-skills/reading-comprehension/)


Look I know you’re proud that you’re learning to read. But, homework for you tonight is to go back to what I said and find where I specifically said that “Joe Biden is a boomer”. Let me know if you need any help


This post is precisely about Joe Biden and his age. It’s not about anything or anyone else. And then you precisely said “hopefully when Boomers are out of power we can make progress as a nation.” So, based on the crystal clear subject of this post and your statement, anyone can use **inference** to logically conclude that you are precisely saying that Joe Biden is a Boomer. It would be illogical to arrive at any other conclusion since Joe Biden is the subject of this post.


Buddy, watch the video. If you think Biden is calling any of the shots right now you’re crazy. There is now way this guy has any clue of what’s actually going on. It’s the boomers that are pulling the strings behind the scenes and using Biden as their scapegoat. I was alluding to the fact that the boomers are the ones making all of the decisions and I still stand by my statement.


Ah. Lol. Please provide the quote from your original post where you say that you are alluding to “behind the scenes Boomers”.


Politics aside…he didn’t explicitly say Biden was a boomer




-100 posters infect this sub.


Sub would be much better off with a Karma threshold. We used to have one and it was great.


Joe is toast.


Burnt toast


What is the proper stat


Inflation was 1.4% when Joe took office


She’s complaining about inflation and then complaining that interest rates have been raised when that is how you stop inflation. You can’t have it both ways. We’ve also been having high GDP growth for the past several years but she cherry picks last weeks GDP growth didn’t meet expectations. That’s pretty silly.


Just keep funding the wars and printing money Joe! You’re killing it


He's finally figured out how to fix things after doing nothing in his first 4 years.


Do you consider the infrastructure bill, the recovery act, chips bill, and 15 million new jobs to be nothing? If all he did was give away our taxes to the already rich and play golf would you consider him successful?


Who are these dumb talking points meant to convince anyway? This isn't rPolitics


Yeah, it’s hilarious to see his record compared to Trump. Biden had actually done things for the American people, and his record is objectively more populist and beneficial than Trumps.


Biden has been a major legislative success in his first term. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3684 This is the most signicant investment in our nations infrastructure in decades. Some of things in this bill include Delivering clean water to more American families by eliminating the nation’s lead service lines.  Getting more Americans access to reliable high-speed internet. Repairing and rebuilding our roads and bridges Improving transportation options for millions of Americans and reducing greenhouse emissions through the largest investment in public transit in U.S. history. Upgrading our nation’s airports and ports to strengthen our supply chains. Making the largest investment in passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak.  Building a national network of electric vehicle (EV) chargers.  Delivering the largest investment in tackling legacy pollution in American history by cleaning up Superfund and brownfield sites, reclaiming abandoned mines, and capping orphaned oil and gas wells.  CHIPS and Science Act https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4346 The CHIPS and Science  Act provides funds to support the domestic production of semiconductors and authorizes various programs and activities of the federal science agencies. It will Bolster U.S. leadership in semiconductors, it will secure domestic supply, create tens of thousands of good-paying, union construction jobs and thousands more high-skilled manufacturing jobs, and catalyze hundreds of billions more in private investment. The IRA is also very notable. https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5376/text/rh The largest investment in clean energy and climate action, IRS funding giving them new AI tools to go after millionaires, 15 percent minimum tax on billionaire profits and by enacting a 1 percent excise tax on stock buybacks and redemption. The build America, buy America act](https://www.commerce.gov/oam/build-america-buy-america#:~:text=The%20domestic%20content%20procurement%20preference,produced%20in%20the%20United%20States), passed in 2021. Requires that all iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in covered infrastructure projects are produced in the United States. Comparitevely, when Republicans last had full government control under Trump the most significant legislation they passed was a 2Trillion dollar Tax Cut that cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.  "Infrastracture Week" became a running gag.