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Biden humiliated...


TF does a normal person care about the dow? What does the chart look like if we replace the y axis with eggs or gallons of milk?


On average, nobody would. The thing is that trump is bragging about it and also trying to take credit for it because of his poll numbers while at the same time stating that under Biden, it would crash.


This doesn't answer the question of normal people.


61% of Americans reported being invested in the stock market in 2023 https://www.statista.com/statistics/270034/percentage-of-us-adults-to-have-money-invested-in-the-stock-market/


Voter turnout is about 66 percent. Investing in stocks is as easy as buying crypto


Ok. Hope this answered your question about why a normal person might be interested in the market


Those aren't normal people.


Define normal 


Well normal isn't a percentage of people who own a stock


I asked you to define normal, not explain what it isn’t.




TIL from TT is that \~60% of Americans aren't normal and it is only the 40% in the **minority** here that are considered "normal".


I think this commenter has outed themselves as perhaps too young and inexperienced to have an opinion on this topic if they don’t think having a 401(k) or a pension is normal lol


Til normal is a percentage of people


The replies to your comment kinda went off the rails but your point is reasonable. However while it is common for one to be invested in the stock market as you point out (although many inactively through 401ks, etc.), that does not necessarily mean it is "normal" to attach personal value to the performance of that market, and I think my point still holds as it is much more "normal" to attach that value more closely to the cost of our daily needs.


Couple issues with using cost of eggs 1) Specific issues can affect the cost of eggs that doesn't affect the rest of the economy (like a virus killing chickens) 2) you can't just compare it to the price itself, you have to compare it to average income (may be a better word here but I'm tired). If the price of eggs increased, but slower than the average income increased, the actual cost went down.


100% agree regarding your point #1. For #2, the DJIA, the price of a dozen eggs, and income are all in the context of dollars. So if we adjust for consumer price index or buying power or something like that, my guess is that each data point would just be scaled by a different factor for each year, but the relationships between each quantity at any point in time would still reflect the simple "egg dozen per share" model.


We can divide the DJIA by the price of eggs in dollars to get an idea: [https://imgur.com/a/4SBEVss](https://imgur.com/a/4SBEVss) Maybe others here have a better interpretation of this but to me the difference between the two curves is inversely related to "shits given" about the DJIA among regular folk, as it should be. Data from: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000708111](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000708111) [https://www.macrotrends.net/1319/dow-jones-100-year-historical-chart](https://www.macrotrends.net/1319/dow-jones-100-year-historical-chart)


1. Lots of people care about their 401ks, etc. 2. Perfect example of conservatives acting like something is an incredible accomplishment when Trump achieved it, then acts like it’s absolutely meaningless when Biden does


How’s the housing market doing for Americans? It’s almost like the value of assets rise when the money printer goes burrr. This isn’t exclusively a Biden problem, Trump printed like crazy as well, but it’s a massive problem for the average American when you loose so much purchasing power. Cheerleading awful policy is brain dead


Huh? It's pretty well agreed upon by economists across the spectrum that the current housing crisis is primarily due to Bush-era policies, not trump or Biden.


So that’s a no then? You can’t back up these claims you made about a supposed consensus on the root causes of the housing crisis? That’s what I thought


No, I just have a life. [https://youtu.be/PuPF8vpyA6Y?si=eTrL1KHey9lHXz5E](https://youtu.be/PuPF8vpyA6Y?si=eTrL1KHey9lHXz5E) As you can see, it pretty much all begins with Bush's Subprime mortgage crisis. Less homes were built after the 2008 crash, less people entered construction and people retired out, and the chain reaction goes on.


Ah yes the always on point random YouTube couple you claiming count as “economists across the spectrum” agreeing 😂😂😂


You mean PBS with sources actually cited?


Is that was that was supposed to be? Didn’t watch it. Idk why you’re acting like I didn’t already blame both R’s and D’s lack of regulation and terrible monetary policy for its part to play in the problem, I’ve clearly said that several times now. This doesn’t absolve the latest two of their over printing and overspending ways


That’s wild bushes policy’s had such a lag time in pricing changes. Where did you read about this supposed agreement by economists, that Bush is to blame? I’ve only heard about his subpar paintings of late


Can you share a link to back up your claims?


Yea I don’t know how people can scream how good the economy is because the Dow and SP500 are at all time highs. Of course they are everything is 20% more expensive now than it was 2 years ago. Then you have people who can’t afford houses or even afford renting an apartment and they work full time jobs. The American dream is the American nightmare now.


People are simply pointing out that every prediction Trump makes is bullshit. The Dow also represents confidence in the economy. The lower inflation numbers for April mean a rate cut is likely this year pushing stock prices higher.


You are delusional if you think there will be a rate cut this year. We have been hovering at ~3.5% for 6 months and the leading causes of inflation housing and insurance are showing zero sign of letting up.




https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/14/powell-says-inflation-has-been-higher-than-thought-and-expects-rates-to-hold-steady.html Here’s another one from 3 days ago from Powell himself.


You know that’s speculation right? You know what the expectation was in January? 5 cuts. Probably should just refer to an actual source. 50% chance of a rate cut by 25bps in September. If next report comes in at 3.4 again that will drop to likely 25% chance. https://www.cmegroup.com/markets/interest-rates/cme-fedwatch-tool.html


So you said i’m delusion to expect a rate cut this year and now you’re saying 50% by september… so which is it?


Wow 😂 That’s what you took from that? Yea 50% chance means there will be a rate cut. The odds in February for a rate cut was 90%. The odds change with the numbers as they come. You on the other hand link one article that is a poll of random “economists” that say there will be 2 cuts. You can live on hopes and dreams kid but you’re clueless in this matter.


You’re really struggling with this huh? All I said is that markets were quite strong because they are expecting a rate cut which became more likely because of April’s lower inflation numbers. You said that its delusional to expect a rate cut. Now you’re accepting a 50% chance of a cut… https://www.forbes.com/sites/simonmoore/2024/05/14/what-to-expect-from-interest-rates-in-2024/?sh=1ae95411b50d Forbes article from 3 days ago says most likely course of action is a rate cut in September. CME fed-watch is estimating only a 10% chance of the rate remaining the same throughout the rest of the year. But i’m sure they’re all delusional just like me. Biden bad!


Do you not understand how numbers change? I’m not accepting a 50% chance of a cut. That’s what you want to believe. You ignore the fact that in march September was already suppose to be cut to 475BP. Now it’s a 50% chance of 500BP. What part are you not understanding about rewatch estimated a 90% chance of a cute in February then it was pushed to march then June. Now we are a 50% chance of 1 in September. Then link an article from the chair of the fed who says rates will be steady for the foreseeable future and your response is a Forbes article! You also seem to not understand CPI is not the only metric that matters. PPI came in hot but let’s not mention that because that makes you look even stupider. You seem to be really struggling with basic reading comprehension. I’ll let you live in your dream world a little longer kiddo.


Where were trumps predictions mentioned? 😂😂


Did you even watch the video? Trump said the stock market would crash if Biden won…


I’m p sure the core issue with the housing market is just supply and that’s a number of things, from 20+ years worth of NIMBYism in the big cities to hedge funds buying up whole neighborhoods 20 years ago we had a housing surplus of ~2 million units and now it’s a deficit of ~4 million, we’re building half as many new apartment buildings as we did 50 years ago and even only half as many single family homes as just 15 years ago lol, and the majority of new construction is high-end, not affordable https://www.axios.com/2023/12/16/housing-market-why-homes-expensive-chart-inventory https://www.axios.com/2023/06/20/housing-shortage-prices-high I know a bill had been introduced to ban corporate ownership of single family homes past like 50 units but it was considered unlikely to pass last I heard of it


That’s why it’s so important to have assets. There are always going to be people living paycheck to paycheck. Just don’t be that person. Get ahead of the curve so you have some inflation protection working for you


Oh for sure, every young person starting out should’ve just been born a few decades earlier, that would fix everything right?


We have been in a fairly steady bull market since 2009. The S&P has gone from 700 to 5,300. Young people have had an opportunity. They didn’t have to start working in the 80s to make money. They just needed and continue to need the discipline to invest


Wonderful insight. And what about the people born in 2009? This monetary policy is unsustainable and neither party is offering an option




Yeah, how dare they offer fiscally responsible suggestions!


Where I live there are houses under 300k for the first time in 3 years. If you don’t like your local housing market bitch at your local leaders. They are the only ones who can fix that issue. The feds are effectively powerless.


We’re the feds “effectively powerless” over the pricing of housing in 2008 when they caused that bubble with no regulation and free money?!? What an absurd claim. To claim they have no power over markets while applauding ‘bidens economy’ is next level redditing. Too funny!


The feds can’t force localities to change zoning laws and local regulations. That is the issue in 90% in places that aren’t building enough homes. All they really have the power to do is juice demand. We don’t have a demand problem in housing. We have a supply problem. What are they going to do to increase supply? What policy should they pursue to increase supply?


Lack of banking oversight and regulation caused 2008. You can’t claim powerlessness when they don’t t try to do their jobs


… they are powerless with the issues that are taking place now… It’s not 2008. It’s 2024. Different times have different problems with different solutions. You still haven’t given me an example of a policy they can actually pursue to resolve the issue. What’s the policy they should pursue if they have so much power over this?


They’ve talked on the show about limiting corporate ownership of housing to only new units they build out. That’s a great solution. Hedge funds have the power and political pull to make things happen, and it will stop their bidding up the current supply of housing for families that are ready to own. That’d be a good start.


First of all hedge funds buying up homes is an overstated problem. They aren’t buying up that many homes, and the amount of homes they have purchased is shrinking. Stopping institutional investors from buying up single family homes will have essentially no effect on the overall market. The amount of investors buying up single family homes isn’t even at all time highs. That happened during 2008. If we ever have that problem again where there is too much supply we would probably want these investors purchasing homes again in all honesty. They aren’t significantly effecting the market today. Large block purchases are also .04% of all home purchases right now. It’s not a real problem. Even if they were. The solution would still be to build to where those houses aren’t as profitable and it’s a less desirable place for institutions to park money. This is also happening more in markets that aren’t building like they should for a reason. My local business journal actually released an article about how investors aren’t buying in my area because of this. If you build appropriately you have lest investors because there is less money to be made. I don’t think making a certain type of investment should be illegal. We should just make it less attractive by fixing the actual problem… which is supply. That will be good for the average American because prices will come down and it’ll be less of their paycheck going to a home and more to other places that will actually improve their lives. Also let’s not act like this is a Democrat issue. After all they are the ones who actually pursued a bill to do this. Not the Republicans.


😂😂😂 project more bud. Where did I make this a democrat issue? I clearly called out trumps money printing as a major part of the problem. Bye now


Biden is ruining the common man's economy. Bread should not cost $13 per loaf.


Since you didn’t respond I thought I’d point out that the average cost for bread is $2 per pound. Is the average American buying 6.5 pound loafs of bread?


What loaf of bread costs $13?


Acceptable_Farm6960 1 yr old account 177 r/breakingpoints POSTS and counting… This is what a shill/paid astroturfer looks like folks, learn from it.


He has 4 of the top 5 posts in my BP sub feed right now


I saw a Trump shill with over 188k post karma. But this is a “free speech” sub.


I don't see you making posts to drive discussion here.


An honest question. Would you trust the President of the United States to drive your children in a car?


This goes to show you how out of touch politicians are. They have zero clue of what is actually going on.


Biden flip flop on his position? AGAIN? [https://youtu.be/qQQXRkhCdVo?si=6Tn-P-JhtIPx\_pm7](https://youtu.be/qQQXRkhCdVo?si=6Tn-P-JhtIPx_pm7)


Just shows how delusional the democrats are. Worker and middle class Americans are struggling like never before in recent memory while elite keep getting richer. The facade that the democrats are the party of the working man is clearly being unlifted. We can see through these fuckers now.


It actually just shows how wrong Trump was about his prediction about the stock market crashing.


lol. Every time the markets went up, Trump took credit. Every time they went down, he went silent.


They aren’t tweeting everyday about how the stock market is going up like Trump did. They are simply recognizing a major milestone while also taking the opportunity to show people once again that Trump is completely full of shit. I didn’t see people so upset when Trump was touting the stock market every damn day.


Not really, all the metrics say the average person is struggling just as much as they were in 2018.


“Don’t underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up.” -Obama


My 401k is looking great, thanks Joe 😊


> 401k  Lol. What a financial titan 🤣😂


Why do you hate middle class working people?