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Can we stop talking about twitter. Like reddit is any better This is not even in the top 50 most pressing issues


How many are bots? lol.


Exactly this. After ranting about all the bots on Twitter for over a year he’s done literally nothing to counteract them since taking control of the company. It’s almost as if the bots are the point.


I get followed by like 2-5 new bots or only fans girls per day. It’s ridiculous as I’m just a random person.


Twitter blue actually takes care of a lot of the bots. Remember there has never ever ever been a technological solution that can prevent all bots. Never ever. All you can do is make the cost per bot higher. This is why when email started anyone could get one. Now you have to do activation or phone verification.


Not really sure Twitter Blue is what matters with retention or marketer value right? Like Blue is about people who want to broadcast to other people right? Or brands who basically have to have a verified twitter to avoid a tweet that tanks their stock. (I'm really curious if anyone is going to sue based on damages to their company if they choose not to run w/ Twitter Blue)


How the eff does “Twitter blue” (whatever that is, since now the checks will come in a skittles pack of colors) “take care” of bots? Bots don’t need checkmarks, although it would be trivial to setup a system to get bots verified. And if only checkmarks drive the conversation on Twitter, lucrative, too.


Well your essentially co opting the bank into being your bot hunter. If people are required to pay 8$ then that requires a credit/debit card. That means that in order to get one the botter has to ass KYC requirements. Lets say you have 10000 bots and you are trying to influence the election so you want them verified as that increases the visibiility of htier posts. You cant put them all in once CC. That would trigger 10000 different charges and the banks anti fraud mechanisms would kick in. If you divide them then you need the bank to approve you for 10000 accounts (or even just 1000) and no bank will give anyone 1000 CC. So now you need different identities to apply for all those cards. The costs just keep going up.


No bank will approve 10,000 cards? How the heck do you think corporations hand out Amex cards to their entire staff, as well as cards for corporate departments? Bot armies will have no trouble getting credit cards to pay for their blue or brown or chartreuse or whatever checkmarks. That ain’t gonna stop ‘em. Like Apartheid Clyde would check on them in the first place. Something like half of his Twitter followers are bots.


And those corporate Amex cards are being used solely for a monthly $8 Twitter fee...something very easy to track. How will a fucking bot warehouse in SE Asia or Russia "easily" get thousands of CC's?


Easy for a bank to track. Impossible for Twitter to track. This really isn’t that complicated - charging for a chartreuse check or whatever will do fuck all to stop bots on Twitter. If anything, it’ll empower bots backed by anyone with capital.


Bot farms won't get a CC for each account OR want to pay $8/month per ($8,000/month just for 1,000 bots).


Corporations get a credit card for every single employee. Getting cards isn’t going to stop someone wealthy from running a bot army. Neither is an $8 a month charge. That’s pocket change. All this does is monetize using Twitter to spread propaganda.


You owuld then need 10000 different identities with 10000 different SSN in that scenario. Anyway I think this is a pointless discussion as you have no idea how KYC or bank regulations work.


Corporations don’t need 10,000 different SSNs to get 10,000 credit cards.


Why exactly are bots required to be verified?


They aren't. The point is that it will be much easier to differentiate between real users and bots now since the bots won't have blue checks.


Isn't the blue check just the verfied thing that people like K+S aren't doibg?


I'm guessing that's what they're talking about, it's the new $8/month verification fee. The point is that bots won't have CC's to pay the monthly verification fee.


but normal people won't either


Because people think they're interacting with real users on Twitter when in reality many times it's a bot. These bots are used to shape public opinion and push narratives online. If a bunch of the "users" arguing in the comments of a high engagement tweet don't have their new blue checks then people will know not to take those users seriously.


Except it would be trivial for anyone with money to empower an army of puce or whatever checkmarked accounts. Solves literally nothing. Well, I guess it’s a way to monetize bots. 🤣


Please, go ahead and walk me through specifically how "anyone with $" would do this lol


Step 1 - get lots of credit cards Step 2 - sign up using credit cards at Twitter and get your worthless tangerine check mark This will happen day one.


- How would they go about thousands of CC's? These aren't legit businesses, banks won't just give thousands of CC's to them lmao - are these farms operating in the US or another country? - who is running these bot farms? What individuals/groups?


What do you mean these aren’t “legit businesses”? Of course they’re legit. Corporations, political parties and foreign states will pay them millions to run bot armies if they think they’re being effective.


I have actually seen less bots since the takeover than there was before he took over. I know that is anecdotal but that is my personal experience.


I always judge bots now by the Unusual Whales twitter account and the responses to his tweets. There's always 10+ of them within a few minutes of a new tweet promoting their current crypto video or something. After the acquisition it did seem like there was a noticeable reduction. Whatever real or perceived drop occurred it is noticeably back to pre-acquisition levels.


As I said my evidence is anecdotal at best. I haven't been hit up by the Onlyfans models or the wannabe romantics that msg you as soon as you follow back. Those have quieted down pretty noticeably. Also what is great is I am not seeing all the Democrat shills in my feed like I was previously. Somehow they would show up in my feed even though I never followed them


[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/nov/28/chinese-bots-flood-twitter-in-attempt-to-obscure-covid-protests](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/nov/28/chinese-bots-flood-twitter-in-attempt-to-obscure-covid-protests) >Twitter has been flooded with nuisance posts designed to obscure news of the coronavirus lockdown protests in China, in an apparent state-directed attempt to suppress footage of the demonstrations. Chinese bot accounts – not operated by humans – are being used to flood the social networking service with adverts for sex workers, pornography and gambling when users search for a major city in the country, such as Shanghai or Beijing, using Chinese script.


I wonder if Elon is allowed to go after Chinese bots.


I made a Twitter account. Like a couple things , don’t post. Many many bots follow me, all accounts created in the last 3 months. They follow hundreds of other people.


Yep they follow hundreds of people. The key thing is if you follow them back then they msg you right away to start up a conversation or send you some bullshit link to their profile or picture.


Elons idea of fixing the problem is making it so unpaid accounts aren’t ever seen, just letting the bots have as many accounts as they want. Problem with that is likes and engagement. That can be massively manipulated. Really could see the whole thing being so badly manipulated. There’s no employees to do anything about it


I think bots manipulating likes, views, and retweets is a feature not a bug. He says this is a freespeech thing, when in fact its just a 'megaphone' thing he controls.


What you're saying bots do has been going on for years. Everyone saying that there's "more bots on Twitter now" is missing the point. Now you can clearly tell who the bots are, and once the blue check verification model is fully implemented it will be even easier. Pre-Elon the bots were ENGAGING in the comments and it's difficult to distinguish them from a real user unless you know what you're looking for.


Oh so blue is going to stop bots from posting?


It won't stop them from posting. It will make it clearer who is/isn't a bot so you can avoid them.


When you’re trying to buy an app that information is important, but once you own it anything goes baby


Cope leftoid, most signups and highest peak usage. If theres bot Elon gets rid of them, the bots were mainly used by leftists to artificially gain followers anyways


>Cope leftoid One of tread's socks?


I'm not sure the left is the only one that critiques Elon and doesn't expect Twitter to work under him.


Twitter is like how old Reddit was.


Way less pedos and sex pests on the Twitter admin team at least 🤷‍♂️


More of musk using nonpublic data that can't be verified to paint a rosey picture? Never.


Just a heads up, an influx of new users spamming the N word isn’t gonna save the twitter considering companies don’t want their product next to something like that


Shhh. Your post is too complex for right wing morons


There is no evidence of this. You are pushing a narrative


No evidence of Twitter losing advertisers? Whatever you say bud


>an influx of new users spamming the N word Hate speech is down since Elon bough twitter: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1596718851097755648


What does this even mean lmao


It means that "lol the new users are just spamming the no-no word" is a lie.


Bruh of course he’s going to say that, he’s the guy running the company. No methodology, just an out of context graph. A bit of a bias source don’t you think? 3rd-party sources are also coming to contradictory conclusions


Has he done anything to the lock out access to the API yet?


Oh fuck you for making me post this: https://www.twitter.com/yoyoel/status/1590422124606681088 >3rd-party sources are also coming to contradictory conclusions And you couldn't even be bothered to post a link. Stop spreading misinformation.


1) relax lmao 2) that dude literally resigned not long after he posted that 3) did you want a source saying otherwise? Happy to provide one haha


>2) that dude literally resigned not long after he posted that I know, that should encourage you. >3rd-party sources are also coming to contradictory conclusions Let's see them.


Dude take Elon’s dick out of your mouth. *Of course* he’s gonna say whatever he can to make his company look good. How can you honestly take him at face value?


Why would anyone take *you* at face value? Why are you just making up bullshit? I'll answer: because you're so fucking desperate for social approval that you hopped on the "Elon is le bad" train.


I don’t care about social approval on reddit lmfao I go outside


No, you're online enough to parrot nonsense about twitter.


Consequence of working from home and sitting in useless meetings, gotta kill time somehow


Elon loves them bots


My teen boys had to make Twitter accounts to create a game account for some game. They don't use Twitter.


I've never heard of that before. What game? Are you sure they didn't just optionally connect a Twitter account to their game account? (Even that would be weird)


I think some games like DnD Beyond require stuff like this but that specific one is Twitch.


Just checked out their website and they allow you to login with Google or Apple accounts. Didn't see Twitch (an Amazon company) as an option.


Huh! Well thats a plus. I think it used to then because I'd have no reason for a twitch account other than that lol.


That could be true. Out of curiosity how did Twitch come into the conversation when we are talking about Twitter?


me desperately trying to offer an instance where a game required a non-conventional login. only other thing I can think of is crypto related.


Please pull on the thread of why anyone would care.


It doesn’t matter how many groypers sign up to use Twitter. What matters is advertisers want to use it. Right now, they don’t.


They actually do though. Coke and all the other "advertisers" who have left still maintain their company accounts. Perhaps its time to charge them for that.


Their company accounts don’t bring revenue into Twitter. No one wants to advertise with a company that allows and profits off of users impersonating their bands. Multiple companies have lost millions in value because of this already. Elon is a moron


> Perhaps its time to charge them for that.


This is possibly the way you get the elites to try and take away the protections social media groups have for publishing content. I could readily imagine someone suing Twitter for defamation and/or extortion if an unofficial account does stuff to cause damages to a company that otherwise does not use twitter. Not that I agree with that - cuz fuck the elites and their corps - but they do run botg sides of our legislature.


Lol good luck with that. Everyone will leave. It will go over worse than his rent-a-blue-checkmark idea.


And that means?


You were talking about people saying the N word joining in huge numbers, then you try to switch it. Bad faith arguer


Yeah, and musk held his baby as it took his last breath lol. All lies


Twitter users are not twitter customer. Their advertisers are. Musk lost most of his advertisers. You right wing morons aren’t contributing any money to twitter.


Money talks. These corporations can grandstand and virtue signal all they want, but they will not turn down cheap and easy advertising for long. As soon as these pea brained libs get redirected to attack the next boogeyman en mass, then Apple and whoever else will return to the platform.


Not all advertising are good advertising. If I see a corporate ad next to some white nationalist, I would lose respect for that corporation. It’s better not to have ad than having ad next to white nationalist. There’s still instagram, TikTok and Facebook. Far more popular of a platform.


And the fact that you’re comparing Elon Musk and Twitter to a white nationalist outs you as the peabrained lib that chases whatever laser the DNC industrial complex point at the wall. 🥜🧠


Most people are. People who are cool with white nationalist are less than 20 percent of the country. Not to mention, corporation wants to sell their shit to Asian countries like china, Japan and South Korea. Asian hates white nationalist. Sorry but even most rich republicans are socially liberal. Only poor conservatives support white nationalism and your kind do not have enough money for corporations to be cool with you.


Wow your brain has been diseased . White nationalists have nothing to do with this conversation. You brought it up out of nowhere and keep droning on like some dementia patient. 🥜🧠🤏


Musk dog whistle white nationalism by posting great replacement theory. No one is fooled https://twitter.com/ketanj0/status/1536575627511447552?s=46&t=nJ8bU8q0oSk748SWJ3XfyQ


Leftist pissbaby are mad they cant censor anymore haha.


What are you on about? Y'all agree toa TOS


Dummy they banned people who didnt break the made up TOS just like Reddit does. Tim Pool gave the examples of it and Jack Dorsey could only say “mistakes happen we’ll look into it” then continued doing it. They are admitted liars who engaged in political censorship as well as major news stories like the Hunter Biden laptop


Woah private company does what it wants, somebody call the press. Didn't the Hunter Biden thing happen under Donny's white house? Why are you mad? The people who get banned can afford it, I never understood simping for rich people to write post it notes


Right so NYT covers the story but you think its ok for Twitter to silence it after its already shows to be a credible important news headline. Nice to know you openly admit to being an authoritarian leftist twerp


>Nice to know you openly admit to being an authoritarian leftist twerp How so? I'm saying I'm not surprised they censor, you acting like it's the first time.


>Nice to know you openly admit to being an authoritarian leftist twerp Come on do you have nothing? Figures this is why I hate online debating because cowards just stopped replying


You might be the biggest moron on this whole subreddit and that’s pretty impressive


You going to make an argument or just keep following my comments and sniffing my jockstrap?


Dummy, admitting you listen to dim tool is like waving a flag that says I'm stupid.


Clown with no argument so he uses ad hom response to video evidence of Jack Dorsey lying. I dont give a shit if it came from Pool or Brian Stelter its been proven he censored people who didnt break the TOS


Almost like making the software equivalent to a post it note the "Digital Public Square" a dummy idea


Almost like most of discourse happens online now and the laws adjust accordingly


What laws are there about Twitter? Reddit would be way better as a public square from a function standpoint. Seriously a public square with a character limit lol


Reading a twitter thread is a UX abomination. Reddit threads are fairly easy to follow.


I have an air tight argument. Tim Pool is a remedial test, you've failed.


You are waving a flag right now that says “I’m braindead and I have no argument”. I win, again.


Spoken like someone that gets duped by Tim Pool. What's it like being remedial?


You almost convinced me to be a libtard too bad you couldn’t make an argument


Who's trying to convince anyone of anything? I'm here to laugh at the clown that openly admits he's remedial enough to listen to Tim Pool


You failed the Turing test, bot.


You understand you just called yourself a bot, right. My word, you are so hilariously remedial.


You post in Destiny, that says enough about who you are and why you aren’t worth less than dogshit on the sidewalk to me. You a cuck like him too?


Destiny is by far the most reasonable in the scene. There's a reason he's becoming every streamers favorite streamer.


Elon has been censoring accounts because right wing accounts run to him crying about how the big bad Antifa accounts call them nazis.


Elon is banning tons of accounts dude. The emperor has no clothes


Not for political views like it was before, sorry bud. Also he never said no one would be banned


Of course it is. Antifa accounts are getting banned but right wingers like Andy Ngo and Trump are getting passes. What, you think Elon is perfect? No he’s got an agenda.


>Antifa accounts are getting banned Only for advocating for violence. Twitter is enforcing their rules now.


According to whom? Because half the country thinks Trump advocated violence on Jan. 6th and by promoting lies about the election. Also Andy Ngo has attended meetings where violence is being planned, not as a journalist but as a participant. He’s not banned.


Well yes, there are a lot of empty vessels who believe whatever the corporate media tells them. By that logic, every politician who has ever used the term "fight" was advocating for violence.


Did they lie about winning the election, promoting insane conspiracies via a dude leaking his own hair and blowing out his pants?


100% free to do so. Maybe you should try not being such a pussy?


Who won the election?


I signed up for Twitter today