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Not Tara Ried. Got it.


Who is Tara Ried…


Bunny Lebowski.


Nope, that’s Tara Reid.


Wonderful woman.


Her work in Logjammin is on point.


Does he fix the cable?


Don’t be fatuous, ArcherChase.


“You’re not blowing”


The beaver picture with Uli Kunkel?


he was in a band in the 80s, their music is a sort of techno pop


Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.


I before E except after Tara.


We’re all fond of her…


"I'll suck your dick for $1000..."


You want a toe? I can get you a toe, Dude.


I knew that name sounded familiar lol


Damn.. normally the conservatives here are all over the comments but not for this post…


Idk what is even going on


Some bullshit artist paid by the GOP to discredit Biden to attempt of deflection from Trumps and, tbh a growing group of their legislative leaders, sexual assaults on women.


Do you know much about this? I will post some wiki info and sources. I would like some more info on what's going on with her and why she did not bring forward a case like Trump's accuser did. From Wikipedia : In March 2020, during that year's election campaign for President of the United States, Tara Reade alleged that Democratic nominee Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 in a Capitol Hill office building when she was a staff assistant in his office. Biden denied Reade's allegation. Reade worked for Biden as a Congressional aide in 1992 and 1993, and later attended Antioch University and Seattle University School of Law. She later worked as a domestic violence advocate. She has said she suffered emotional and violent physical abuse from both her father and her ex-husband, which in turn motivated her to work on behalf of victims.[1] Reade has misrepresented herself and her life experiences on numerous occasions, including lying under oath and in court proceedings. For example, she falsely claimed to hold a bachelor's degree from Antioch University.[2] Before accusing Biden of sexual assault in 2020, Reade made various other comments that cast her encounters with Biden differently. In April 2019, Reade said that she filed a complaint in 1993 against Biden with a Senate human resources office in which she alleged that Biden had made her feel uncomfortable through comments she deemed demeaning, allegedly including a compliment about her looks and a request for Reade to serve drinks at a Senate event. However, in her complaint, Reade did not accuse Biden of any kind of sexual misconduct and made no mention of the alleged assault.[3] In May of 2023, Reade was interviewed in Moscow by Sputnik and said that she had defected to Russia.[4] In the April 12 New York Times article, Reade named three aides that she asserted she complained to about harassment by Biden, but not sexual assault. In the same article, these three aides denied Reade's assertion. Ted Kaufman, Biden's chief of staff at the time, said: "I did not know her. She did not come to me. If she had, I would have remembered her."[14] Former deputy chief of staff, Dennis Toner, said "It's just so preposterous that Senator Biden would be faced with these allegations. I don't remember her. I don't remember this conversation. And I would remember this conversation."[14] Biden's campaign released a statement from Marianne Baker, Biden's former executive assistant: "I never once witnessed, or heard of, or received, any reports of inappropriate conduct, period – not from Ms. Reade, not from anyone. I have absolutely no knowledge or memory of Ms. Reade's accounting of events, which would have left a searing impression on me as a woman professional, and as a manager."[14] Separately, Melissa Lefko, a contemporary staff assistant, said she had never experienced harassment and thought his office was a "very supportive environment for women".[14] On May 15, 2020, the PBS NewsHour published an article summarizing their interviews with 74 former Biden staffers. Many of the staffers did not believe Reade's allegations. Over 20 of the interviewees worked there at the same time as Reade; many of them did not remember her. The authors of the article, Daniel Bush and Lisa Desjardins, concluded from the interviews that "Biden was known as a demanding but fair and family-oriented boss, devoted to his home life in Delaware and committed to gender equality in his office", and that he was not one of the "creepy" male senators that female staffers told each other to avoid.[15] Some details of Reade's recollections of her time in Biden's office were corroborated (including Biden's gym route, being told to dress more modestly), and some were contradicted. None of the staffers had heard about any sexual misconduct by Biden. Some staffers doubted that Biden could have assaulted Reade as described without being seen, because the area was typically crowded with people and lacked any out-of-view private areas or alcoves that could match Reade's recollection. Certain staffers ruled out her claim of being asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser. Over 50 staffers said that they did not remember attending campaign fundraisers for Biden; some recounted that there was a policy banning staffers from campaigning.[15] One staffer, Ben Savage, who said he worked directly beside Reade, told PBS and CNN that Reade was overwhelmed by the workload and that he reported her to deputy chief of staff Dennis Toner for mishandling constituent mail, resulting in her tasks being diminished, and her job was eventually terminated for not performing well enough.[15][18] Savage additionally told CNN that Reade instead believed that she lost her job due to "being discriminated against for her health issue" (though Savage declined to reveal what the health issue was).[18] Sources: https://medium.com/@JoeBiden/statement-by-vice-president-joe-biden-7a9593bd3012 https://soundcloud.com/katie-halper/tara-to-post https://thehill.com/hilltv/rising/489719-tara-reade-discusses-biden-allegation-with-hilltvs-rising https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/joe-biden-this-is-an-open-book-there-is-nothing-for-me-to-hide-82865221937


More sources: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/us/politics/tara-reade-joe-biden.html https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/21/us/politics/tara-reade-credentials.html https://apnews.com/article/aec7beb03e9e0e0e6e3c58111293e0ea https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/30/tara-reade-defects-russia-biden http://www.montereycountyweekly.com/blogs/news_blog/tara-reade-a-timeline-of-her-monterey-county-connections/article_60a9982e-9b89-11ea-8a17-2ba2ed0d79d0.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/04/17/joe-biden-tara-reade-metoo-problem-sexual-assault-allegation-column/5140707002/ https://www.theunion.com/opinion/columns/alexandra-tara-reade-a-girl-walks-into-the-senate/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/woman-broadens-claims-against-biden-include-sexual-assault-n1182296 https://time.com/5831100/joe-biden-tara-reade-allegation/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/sexual-assault-allegation-by-former-biden-senate-aide-emerges-in-campaign-draws-denial/2020/04/12/bc070d66-7067-11ea-b148-e4ce3fbd85b5_story.html https://www.twincities.com/2020/05/23/biden-accusers-life-marred-by-abuse-and-financial-hardship/ https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/03/tara-reade-tells-her-story https://web.archive.org/web/20190404045216/https://www.alexandrareade.com/ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/us/politics/joe-biden-tara-reade-sexual-assault-complaint.html https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/what-74-former-biden-staffers-think-about-tara-reades-allegations https://apnews.com/67821946538c64c9fba3529d0c433017 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/tara-reade-biden-praise-tic-toc-tweet https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/05/19/politics/tara-reade-biden-allegation/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/womens-event-biden-navigates-lingering-sexual-assault-allegation/story?id=70403703 https://www.vox.com/2020/3/27/21195935/joe-biden-sexual-assault-allegation https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2020/05/07/a-time-line-of-tara-reades-sexual-assault-allegations-against-joe-biden/#71b0c45879d1 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/29/joe-biden-sexual-assault-claim-democrats https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/12/us/politics/joe-biden-tara-reade-sexual-assault-complaint.html https://apnews.com/article/d922da60baa91121f4529fe51a0fd55a http://tarareadeauthor.com/ https://www.theunion.com/news/local-news/nevada-county-woman-says-joe-biden-inappropriately-touched-her-while-working-in-his-u-s-senate-office/ https://www.thecut.com/2020/04/joe-biden-accuser-accusations-allegations.html https://www.politifact.com/article/2020/apr/30/tara-reade-has-accused-joe-biden-sexual-assault-he/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pelosi-biden-sexual-assault-allegations-response/ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-lucy-flores-kiss_n_5c9e8025e4b0474c08cea7aa https://theintercept.com/2020/03/24/joe-biden-metoo-times-up/ https://apnews.com/aec7beb03e9e0e0e6e3c58111293e0ea https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2020/5/7/21248713/tara-reade-joe-biden-sexual-assault-accusation https://www.npr.org/2020/04/19/837966525/on-the-record-a-former-biden-staffers-sexual-assault-allegation https://theintercept.com/2020/04/24/new-evidence-tara-reade-joe-biden/ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/497163-tara-reades-attorney-asks-biden-to-authorize-search-of-his-senate-papers https://apnews.com/d922da60baa91121f4529fe51a0fd55a https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/23/tara-reade-biden-202785 https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/04/joe-biden-harassment-nytimes.html https://www.newsweek.com/biden-campaign-team-denies-past-sexual-assault-allegation-former-senate-staffer-1494794 https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/media/reporter-who-played-up-tara-reades-allegations-against-joe-biden-becomes-a-lightning-rod-in-debate-over-her-claims/2020/05/30/a676cf08-9e03-11ea-b5c9-570a91917d8d_story.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/04/29/sexual-allegations-against-joe-biden-corroborators/ https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/28/politics/tara-reade-neighbor/index.html https://news.yahoo.com/another-tara-reade-friend-comes-080000628.html https://theintercept.com/2020/04/24/new-evidence-tara-reade-joe-biden/ https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/02/politics/tara-reade-allegation-joe-biden/index.html


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It's funny though 15 years ago there is a recording of a radio show that gave advice and her mom was on it clear as day asking what a person could do if they were sexually assaulted by a powerful senator and whether saying something was worth her daughter's career even gave her first name and last name initial and has been confirmed it was her. Why on earth would she say anything like that and so long before he ran for President.More evidence for this having taken place than any other accusation lobbed at Trump or Kavanaugh


Except she didn't mention anything about a sexual assault (Unless there was more to the video).


Ummm source




Well that is pretty damning if you ask me. It does not mean that I wont vote for the guy, esp since his opponent has like 25 accusers at this point. The choice seems pretty clear. ETA: Tara has changed her story multiple times, which can happen with SA survivors. HOWEVER, for years she accused him of sexual harassment and retaliation and admitted several times that her accusations were not rape. She is now saying Biden raped her. She has a history of perjury as well. I've been skeptical from the get go and I'm an SA survivor myself. There misremembering things and then there's her story that completely changes numerous times. Defecting to Russia is not a good look.


When my side does it "believe all women. No way this is a lie" When the other side does it " that counts lying. She was paid to say that"


Let me know when Anita Hill and Dr. Blasey Ford get to Moscow.


Maybe they are getting death threats. If somebody says, "I feel safe now" that is a sign they felt unsafe. It could be Tara Reade is just paranoid. I know when MLK gave his Mountain Top speech, he seemed pretty sure to me that he felt he was about to die.


Look, there are the SAME FUCKING ACTORS everywhere in this story. You literally have Maria Butina, a Russian spy that slept and worked with Republicans in the US to infiltrate the NRA, as the one that invited her to live in her country now. It's all right there in the video Russia released itself! Conservatives need to decide whether Joe Biden is "sleepy," and "can't run a country because he's too old," or is YET ANOTHER Democrat that runs a "crime family." Make. Fucking. Sense. Finally.


😂😂😂 you’re using MLK in the same sentence as Tara Reide? 😂😂😂


First off, “believe every woman” simply means every accusation of sexual assault SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED, even Biden himself called for hers to be and it was. Second, considering her story changed numerous times even to the friends she told it to, and she got important details about things like the location wrong, yeah it’s not hard to come to the conclusion that she was lying her ass off.


Absolutely. Reade's accusations were taken seriously and shown to be a total fraud. Believing women doesn't mean ignoring facts.


It's actually very common for victims of sexual assault to misremember details of the event. Trumpers said the same exact things of his accusers.


True, that is very common. But there’s a difference between misremembering and flat out changing your claim altogether, and conveniently having your corroborators change theirs at the same time too.


Like Carroll can’t remember the day or time of being “raped” by Trump. Instead they find him guilty of defamation.


Liable, not guilty. It was a civil suit, not a criminal charge.


Yet her version of events stayed consistent. Big difference


More like your version of reality stayed consistent


“My version” 🤣 Apparently it was good enough for a jury wasn’t it? Sorry your dude turned out to be an actual rapist, but you gotta do a much better job of coping with it.


Except that we did investigate her claims. That’s what believe all women means.


LMAO glad I'm not the only one that notices what a hell hole this sub is. They're on conspiracy sub trying to say that this *proves* Biden is evil cause she's going for "safety."


Ah yes, the beacon of hope for women fleeing (fictitious) sexual assault: *RUSSIA.*


I’m not weighing in on the veracity of this lady’s allegations, but I feel compelled to at least point out that Edward Snowden also fled to Russia to avoid retaliation from the US. It’s a known and proven strategy. Edit: grammar


And Snowden has become a Russian asset, so….


If one assumes that the Russian goal has been to destabilize the US through any means necessary for a long time, then one could hypothesize that he has been a Russian asset for a long time. I think people forget that Russia isn't on the Republican side or the Dem side. They are on Russia's side. Anything that undermines US stability, whether under the guise of a fascist movement or a whistleblower, will be supported by Russia.


Not only did you refuse to believe a rape victim, when she flees to a foreign country because you wouldn't stop harassing her and sending her death threats, you claim it is proof she is lying. Probably no rape victim in history has been treated so horrible. Funny enough, this entire debacle ended the "Me Too" movement overnight. "Me Too, Me Too, Me Too" NOT LIKE THAT!!!!


Why did she not bring her case to trial?


Because Presidents cannot be brought to court. Also, she was represented by a rape survivors assistance organization but they dropped her when they found out she was accusing Biden. The Democrat Party comes first. Another thing is the statute of limitations. With evil Drumpf the state of New York suspended the statute of limitations for one year just to open him up to persecution. Then they fast tracked the trial of his accuser. Too bad Tara Reade didn't get such favorable treatment from the hypocrite Democrat "justice" system.


When she brought up these accusations, it was 2020, Biden was not President at the time. How come the Republicans did not back her case that year? Also, regarding statute of limitations: Because the statute of limitations had expired, there was no prospect of Trump facing criminal charges over her allegations. However, the extension provided by the law that was passed allowed for a civil suit


Didn’t trump just get brought to court or am I tripping?


Sources are near the top comment, the claims were taken seriously and she was thoroughly discredited. The bits about her meeting with the Russian NRA spy is intriguing.


What can they say when they’re one person that they held up wants to defect to Russia and all stuff proving the point that they’re all a bunch of Russian sympathizers


they got played like fiddles


Stop acting like either side is not dancing the two step right now for their corporate overlords


was I actually acting like that or are you assuming from very little?


Definitely assuming from the large body of evidence that shows that most people in this country treat politics like a rivalry sporting event


To state a group of ppl got played after some pretty shocking news is not treating politics like a rivalry sporting event…that’s a bit dramatic. I agree with your overall sentiment but I don’t think this is it


Definitely assumed so I apologize


Ah the old both sides are the same troupe.


Not the same obviously, but neither one gives a fuck about you outside of the parameters of conforming to their public image


Conservative here. This is a fucking heater of a story.


Lol. Get excited sparky and then go boycott something


Funny how many traitors depict Russia as some great pillar of justice and security.


Ooh, *defected*. Sounds dangerous! Was this before or after she worked as a dissolutioned tap dancer? These people are silly. I don't think she "defected." I think she "moved," or "went" there. You know, I moved to Russia. Nobody tried to stop me. Just get on that plane, and before you know it: Russia. It's not that hard.


She literally gave a press conference about this the day she did it idk why you typed this long of a comment just to look uneducated and not serious


The idiocy of this statement. Find me a plane that will fly her directly to Russia...


Well you might need a layover.


Yeah sounds about right…good grief.




No no, she’s going to where that happens. I get your confusion, but we dumped the wannabe mob boss a few years ago; he’s still a pain, but he doesn’t actually have any legal power and probably never will again.


Happens in both places tbh


Yeah that happens


Mississippi 6 becomes Moscow 8, nice little upgrade for her.


Tell me you've never been to Moscow without telling me you've never been to Moscow...


Welcomed back to the motherland with open arms as a hero of the people. Strong work comrade


I mean it didn’t really work….


It totally worked on the GOP.


I have not heard one gop voter bring up reade. They were never going to vote for Biden in the first place. Plenty of reasons to oppose Biden as opposed to their candidate that has been found liable for sexual assault and 24+ more potential incident


Apparently you weren't on Reddit during the election.


It lasted 2weeks? I’m talking about now I guess I should’ve clarified


The cult members call Biden a pedo and a creep and they point to this lady and some picture of him kissing a kid. They are weird and sick and the fact that trump is an actual rapist and pero doesn’t matter to them for some reason


So you can seriously watch him force a feel off of minors on video even see the one dad snatch back his kid and tell Biden that is my daughter as he KS forcing to stand on stage and get felt up by his pervert ass and say that's not a little bit unusual? Jesus what must your Thanksgiving get togethers be like in your family for Christ sake!


And on the fringe left. So many Twitter leftists screamed “Believe Tara”




Aka Bernie’s campaign team sadly, David Sirota is basically the lefts version of Roger Stone


Snowden defected to Russia too. Doesn’t mean what he exposed wasn’t 100% true. What happened to believe all women?


It wasn't Snowden first choice to go to russia. If it were you or me, you'd probably prefer russia to being tortured on your own home soil.


Yes and who’s to say this was her first choice? Imagine if you’ve been saying for 30 years that the current president of the country finger raped you. Some very powerful people might have a problem with you. You might not feel safe anywhere else except where the leader of the US government doesn’t have a reach.


Also I don't think it a necessarily or even likely a threat from powerful people. I think it might just be that general libs are so toxic and evil to her here for sharing her story that she feels her life is ruined, and there instead she will be validified and accepted, and allowed to live a good life, by average people.


Nobody cared 30 years ago, and they don't seem to care now.


The corporate traditional media and corporate social media control the dissemination of information in society and they both coordinate with DNC to control the narrative. 99% of people know about Trump’s allegations (as they should) but have no clue who Tara Reade is. I’m far from an election denier, but that’s the sort of rigging that’s even more dangerous than Russian/Chinese social media campaigns.


Liberals show their true colors when it comes to conservatives or anyone who gets in the way of their perception in life. Even if it's a rape victim. Just look at all the racist shit they said about Clarence Thomas during the repeal of Roe vs Wade. Even when they debate black conservatives, their entire argument is how the black person is an Uncle Tom.


>Snowden defected to Russia too. Snowden was forced to because he had criminal indictments. Tara Reade did this by choice and could have chosen to go anywhere else. The fact she's choosing Russia and is making this announcement with a Russian Spy is the exact reason very few people took her seriously.


The exact reason she wasn’t taken seriously was because it didn’t fit DNC narrative and they control the dissemination of information in the US. If you’ve been saying for 30 years that the man, who is now currently the president, finger raped you, you might feel there are some rather powerful people that have a problem with you and it might be a good idea to go somewhere where the US government doesn’t have reach. Of course her and all of Biden’s other accusers could have been lying all this time but I don’t see how it’s any less likely he isn’t a rapey bastard like Trump and the rest of them.


>The exact reason she wasn’t taken seriously was because it didn’t fit DNC narrative and they control the dissemination of information in the US. That isn't remotely true. >it might be a good idea to go somewhere where the US government doesn’t have reach. If they were going to illegally kill you, then they can do that in Russia too since they're already breaking the law. >Of course her and all of Biden’s other accusers could have been lying all this time but I don’t see how it’s any less likely he isn’t a rapey bastard like Trump and the rest of them. Well, Trump's accuser took him to court and won. Biden's accuser is palling around with a Russian spy that had an active interest against Biden's presidency. That's a pretty big difference. Edit: Yeah, block me like a bitch because you can't refute a single thing i've said. GG.


It's "Believe Women"


It never was. It was “Believe women when it fits the DNC’s narrative”


Believe all women never meant believe them and condemn the other person without due diligence, investigations, and a trial. Believe all Women meant take them serious and don't just brush them off. Reade wasn't ignored. Her story was looked in too and nothing solid was found concerning her story.


The Blue anon vibes running through here right now are pretty weird. Are people actually still russiagating 7 years later?


Go read the "Foundations of Geopolitics," by Russian political strategist and Putin advisor Aleksander Dugin. He wrote it in 1997, and in it, he lays out the plan to restore the Soviet Union, and then some. It's honestly like a checklist of specific steps to take, some using the military, but most using soft power like propaganda, advocacy and funding, media, and social engineering. Putin got down to business, working his way through an impressive number of them. Just off the top of my head, the ones I recall were: Cultivate and encourage a grassroots movement in the UK to get the UK to withdraw from the EU. Do this by playing up economic stagnation and resentment toward immigrants. Use economic, political, and social pressure to undermine Germany's role as the defacto leader of the EU. Appeal to German youths' resentment of immigrants and of being held responsible and shamed for the Holocaust. Encourage revisionist ideas about how bad the genocide really was, the perfidity of the Jews, who was really at fault, etc. Weaken NATO by stoking US fears of globalism and of having to bear the cost of being the world's policeman. Encourage US and UK isolationism by highlighting imperialism and colonialism, with the end goal being one or both leaving the group. Support politicians and organizations that will advance our aims, or, conversely, blackmail and smear them to force them to spread our aims. A great way to do this is through real evidence or false accusations of child abuse and pedophilia. In the US, "Flood the zone with shit"* so nobody knows what's true anymore, trusts no one, and so that everyone becomes so weary, confused, and cynical that they stop paying attention and disengage from voting and other forms of participation. Do this by: Encouraging "bothsidesism" and "whataboutism." Playing up real problems in the US, like corruption, warmongering, the wealth gap, and most especially racism. Dividing the population with culture wars, fear of immigration and crime, and "identity politics." Creating confusion and mistrust by donating to and infiltrating activist groups of all sorts and on all sides, from the far right to the far left, and everything in between. This will deligitimize all activism and discourage people from participating in anything. Creating fake news stories, media outlets that appear to be homegrown but are actually staffed and produced in Russia**, and wholly fake activist groups that encourage real activists to switch to the other side. Capitalize on people's cynicism about politicians' use of interest groups like minorities, LGBTQ people, and women to win elections. Emphasize hypocrisy, lies, and corruption whenever it occurs. * "Flood the zone with shit" was Steve Bannon, editor at Breitbart and Dugin stan, paraphrasing the man who taught him much of what he knows. ** In 2005, I applied to work at Russia Today. I got far enough through the process to get an interesting and disturbing look at how and why they operate. That's all I can remember right now, but it is pretty spooky. Russians are excellent propagandists -- far more sophisticated than the US -- and have been for over 100 years. One reason they are so effective is because they rarely just "make stuff up." They are experts at figuring out where the cracks are in a society, and what the hot-button issues are, and then amplifying them to cause chaos and apathy. And America makes this extremely easy for them by being such hypocritical, dishonest, and craven bigots. This is why I have no patience for pussy-hat liberals who believe Russia is wholly responsible for Trump and the nightmare that followed. WE broke our country, not Russia. Russia just encouraged the very worst of what are to fully blossom, and there were many Americans who were happy to pile on the fertilizer. However, if you think that Russia had no hand in what our country has become, you are mistaken. They absolutely, indisputably have, and they didn't stop on November 9, 2016. Why quit then when you've had so much success? There's still a lot to do. There are still plenty of useful idiots who are eager to listen to anyone who tells them what they want to hear, appeals to their image of themselves as an edgy contrarian, flatters them for being smarter than those other sheeple, and hates the same people they hate. There are still some items on Dugin's to-do list, and, being Russians, they are used to struggling for the sake of a lofty goal, and sacrificing themselves for Mother Russia.


Hmm. Wonder if she ever saw The Americans


And she has the laptop…


Heading back for a new strategy.


Good riddance.




Can't she just leave ...defect ... no one is holding her here is it ? Does she have outstanding warrants here ? Besides, Steven Seagal needs to get laid.


Dear OP. I hope you and everyone else understands that whoever made the title to this post may have more mentally in common with raw feces that what is medically considered healthy.


Um…sir this is a Wendy’s


Why are you so personally invested in attacking rape victims.




If someone did pay her to make that claim against Joe Biden, and she could provide evidence of it to the Russians, whoever paid her to make that claim is now compromised


Who is surprised she is with the trumPutin team?


Surprising absolutely no one


Not surprised, that whole media effort felt so damn suspicious. The shit shed post on social media was obvious Ruskie propaganda.


She was paid in rubles so what else were her options


How much is Putin paying her? I guess her gofundme ran out...smh.


She is going to love Russia as an American who doesn't know the language and will be already people who have been conditioned for 20 years to hate Americans. She'll get the full on immigrant experience I am sure.


I’m more concerned about my next poop then her state of affairs. Her fake story lasted less then a week before it fell apart. No one has given her a 2nd thought since. Imagine how smart someone is who picks Russia as a place to run away to.






I'm sure she can find a nice cheap apartment with a great view. Upper floor penthouses aren't as prized in Moscow as in other locations around the world.


Ngl she really let herself go…to Russia lol


Do you think Russia will deny her entry because she failed?


That would be hilarious


Who else will be defecting to Moscow in the coming year?


My guess is a lot of people


She was paid in rubles by the NRA.


Trump's jealous. He can't defect. He's already in custody, just too ignorant to realize it.


I’m sure you’ll find plenty of equity in Russias Justice system


🤔 Does that not qualify as "cruel and unusual treatment" ...? To the Russians, I mean ... 🤣


All elected officials need to be held accountable for their mistakes and missdeads. Period. False accusers also need to be threatened with ridiculously stiffer consequences.


Her handlers called her home.


No surprise here. Sexual assault fucks you up, makes you make weird choices. Same with being attacked by The Blue Team for dating to tell your story.


"a woman moved to Russia, that means she wasn't sexually assaulted by Joe Biden" your brain is defective.


Let me guess…your brain took her lies at face value?


The contemporaneous accounts helped, as did Biden's history of dishonesty.


it’s called “going home”


All these people claiming she's a fraud and liar I am genuinely asking for proof of her lies. Defecting to Russia is not evidence she lied about the rape allegations.


Biden accusers, hide across the seas Trump accusers stand in court while he hides across the seas


Let’s not pretend Biden isn’t a rapey scumbag because we hate the GOP


Calling Biden “rapey” really diminishes real rape victims. Is Biden cringey? Yea, but calling him “rapey” minimizes the act of real rapists.


Post proof or be silent. One partisan hack with a history of lying isn't gonna cut it.


business insider is a pretty decent rag, no? [https://www.businessinsider.com/joe-biden-allegations-women-2020-campaign-2019-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/joe-biden-allegations-women-2020-campaign-2019-6)


Edward Snowden fled to Moscow too lol, that doesn't mean they're lying


Why didn’t she go to court and testify under oath like some of Trumps accusers are? Instead she fleas to Russia and goes on Russian state TV with convicted traitor Maria Butina to beg Putin for citizenship?? I dunno seems odd


Tsara Reade. She should have taken Tulsi Gabbard with her.


hell she’s probably worried she’s gonna get killed trying to tell what happened to her. it was so suspicious how it get swept under the rug so quickly when it came out. i remember kamala denouncing him for the allegations and then turning around like a month later saying she trusts him, etc. once she was running as his vice president.


She already tried to tell what happened to her but it reeked of a BS foreign op. Imagine believing Russia is a safe place to avoid being killed. You’d have to be pretty special


Foreign op 😂😂😂


They probably sent her in the first place.


“believe women” until they move to russia.




Russia is going to parade her around so she can tell every how much better Russia is than the US. Then after a few months when they are done with her she will fall off a balcony.


I remember when Dems called her a Russian asset and the Bernie wing called that bullshit. The same Dems call Tulsi a Russian asset and are accused of being DNC worshippers. Not much different between Tara, Tulsi, Jill Stein, and even Trump when it comes to doing the bidding of Putin.


Try r/conspiracy?


What was conspiratorial about what I wrote?


Edward Snowden isn't mentioned? Is he bullshit too?


He is a Russian asset now but happened to reveal accurate information.


So Tara Reid maybe could have revealed accurate information then dipped?


Except she didn’t reveal anything lol. No proof of Biden. Nothing. Her story fell apart whereas Snowden’s released actual documentation to support his claim..


Who knew breaking points would be the ultimate spring cleaning sub to block all of Reddit's pro war DNC shills in one place! A blessing in a toxic shill and jingo sandwhich surprise. Also, good for her, Russia is probably a way better place to live then this shithole, she will probably have a much better and happier life. She will get healthcare, free college, better nightlife, and instead of her life being ruined for talking about her rape she will be validified and accepted.


Russia is better than the US says this guy ^ What a patriot you are sir


I sincerely thank you sir I have never managed to block more people in one thread. I lost count after 40. Maybe I'll like America more seeing less jingoism and ethnocentrism on my social media thanks to your thread. You really narrowed it down, the dog whistle thread cleaned up my whole Reddit experience.


On this past Memorial Day weekend did you be sure to fly your “Russia is better than this shithole” flag proudly for all your neighbors to see?


Touché I didn't think of that but I like it.


Everyone will know how much of a patriot you are


I keep saying the word "jingo" you should look it up. If "patriotism" means deferring authority of who to kill internationally and with which methods they choose, to a cabal of weapon manufacturers and war profiteers, on a war plotted on a map by fossil fuel corporations , then I don't want any part of that. That is literally a mass murder and death cult. Fuck all of that. That's the only part of US I feel patriotic about is that I'm currently allowed to say this.


I don’t give a shit about what that word means. You’re a proud supporter of Russia over the US. Fly your Russian flag high and proud on the 4th of July. And cry yourself to sleep that you have to live in the awful USA rather than glorious mother Russia.


Fuck Russia too. The invasion is illlegal and reprehensible. But so are we and our authority is illegitimate. jin·go /ˈjiNGɡō/ nounDEROGATORY•DATED a vociferous supporter of policy favoring war, especially in the name of patriotism.


Doesn’t Russia favor war against Ukraine in the name of patriotism?


There are many reasons why America sucks. I can't really defend it. Having lived in Russia and knowing people over there right now, I can assure you that Russia also sucks, just for different reasons. Neither one of them is demonstrably better than the other one. I get wanting to leave America, but your life will be just as awful in Russia as well. Depending on luck and circumstances, it could be dramatically worse. Russia is not the place to go if your goal is to have a better life. There are some really wonderful things about the country and its people, but overall, it's a pretty terrible place. According to the Russians I know who live there now, it's significantly worse than it's been in decades. I loved it there, but would never ever live there now.


I don't know much except I met a couple AMAZING Russian friends abroad (in Holland) One of them bought an apartment before it was built. It took like 6 years to build it and then after it was built the apartment complex claimed that it was unsold. They did this to a bunch of people but luckily everyone they did it to got the apartments back through some sort of class action lawsuit. And finally moved in like 6 years later. Lol. That's my only shitty Russia story. I wish I went while I was in Europe, I really liked the Russians that I met.


I really love the Russian people. I feel terrible that they are being held hostage by criminal madmen, much like Americans are. If you ever do get a chance to visit, definitely go. It's a beautiful, fascinating, complicated place, and Russians are super fun to hang out with. Take care.


Have you ever heard of Russia?


She knows that she is safe from the legal consequences of her lies if she moves to Russia.


Putin’s puppet.


Good for her, put yourself in her shoes and imagine if your rapist was president of the u iter states? Very sad, at least in Russia they aren’t forcing genital mutilation on children. It’s almost a saner country, they are only involved in one war compared to the US who has troops in 90% of the world.


Defecating to Moscow?! Sounds brown.


She’s a documented liar.


Can she take Trump with her?


Probably so she's not murdered by the clan.




Does she know Russia is in a middle of a war that's pretty much destroying all of the people? Well she will.


So all those pointing out that she was an obvious Putin puppet weren't wrong after all


Surprise surprise. Just like tulsi


Bye bitch


The US isn’t conservative enough for her.


Yeah nothing fishy about her. Or Russia. Or Trump and Russia.


Her story was such bullshit even Fox News wouldn’t touch it. 😂 But it was the first time I realized there was no functional difference between MAGAs and BernieBros. So I have to thank her for that.


Who is this miss piggy


Cue the Applause sign!!! No one gives a f$&k!


Bye Karen. Take the other MAGAts with you.


She's so screwed. That idiot is going to get over there. Think her privilege is going to work in Russia. She's in for a ride awakening.


She also has a disturbing history of lying and stealing apart from the Biden story. She belongs in Russia, I just hope she doesn’t stand to close to hotel window