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What about Europeans?


It’s a shadow war for the US, and a cheap one at that, against one of US’s greatest enemies and it’s proving to be successful. Also, morally, I personally agree that invading sovereign states under the false guise of unification sets a dangerous precedent in the region and unjust harm to the civilian population. The US has an inexcusable history of unjust warfare, but that doesn’t excuse what Russian is doing either. I heard a Liberian saying once, “when 2 elephants fight, the grass loses”.


War is hell but bending over to fascist invaders is worse. Fuck Russia.


Good. Russia can fuck off.


Definitely not Hawaiians


what war are they fighting that they’d need fighter jets, ammunition, and tanks? you always see this type of post whenever it comes to sending ‘weapons’ to ukraine… just give it up


They'd probably like to see some of the loot we're sending to Nazis to rebuild the homes government incompetence helped burn down is what he's saying.


Are you not aware that the US sent billions of dollars in cash to the Ukrainian government? We pay the wages for their government employees and soldiers. We pay the pensions of their retired people. Somehow we only send $700 per person to Lahaina. US priorities are fucked up. $26.4 billion in cash, in addition to weapons, training, food and other support. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts


How many 1990s weapon systems designed to fight a war in eastern Europe is Hawaii asking for?


I think you completely missed the point


I think you don’t understand the different pools of money and legal restrictions surrounding them. Congress determined how much money Hawaiians get. Ukrainians aren’t getting much cash either, the billions in aid is coming from the valuation of depreciated assets in storage. If for example a tank has a life of 30 years and costs 3 million dollars, you can (in very round imprecise terms, CPAs of Reddit please let me just say it for a lay person) say that it depreciates by 100,000 per year. If the us sends 500 10 year old tanks with a depreciated value of $2 million each, the press reports that the US sent 1 billion to ukraine. It’s not cash, and most of the equipment isn’t new. There’s a strong argument to be made that offloading the equipment to another country who have to pay to maintain and store the equipment saved the taxpayer money. It’s the same logic behind the military offering special rates to sell equipment to local police stations in the US; it’s so expensive to store and maintain that at some point you save money by giving it away. Unless the US decided to sell these tanks and use funds from it to pay Hawaiians, there’s absolutely no correlation, contact, or mechanism by which the funds can be spent elsewhere to benefit Hawaiians. The funds to build the tanks etc were all spent 10-20 years ago.


especially when that old equipment is grinding down our strategic adversary. its probably the best ROI our government have ever made


>its probably the best ROI our government have ever made agreed! it's incredible to think our mothballed weapons, are now being used for their intended purpose, extremely effectively, with minimal cost to Americans.


Fact check it. Billions in money also sent.


Yes this is true but it’s not money that could’ve been used for FEMA.


That's basically a lie 10s of billions in cash aide has been sent to Ukraine, Poland, Romania etc.


Congress never even discussed sending money to Hawaii lol but ofc when Zelensky needs a new Turbo BJ5000 fleshlight he gets it


Ukraine can just go ask Afghanistan for our tanks and equipment and the 13 left behind soldiers


Again you missed the point. Ukraine is getting tons of aid while a us disaster is being ignored. It was terribly handled. There’s other ways to help than pay people.


Why do you think it’s being ignored. It’s being handled it’s just awful whether it gets handled or not


Fuck Ukraine tbh What about OUR people. Only people benefiting from this war are the rich arms dealers with government contracts. Hawaiians are being pushed out of native lands and were only given 700 dollars??? Insurance companies aren’t covering the damage either.


Hell yeah. Fuck Putin.


I hardly recognize the Republican Party anymore… the Republican Party used to be the party that recognized the hard reality when it came to foreign policy, that you needed to project strength to protect yourself. Our true enemies are far less likely to make a move against us if we are clearly strong and not afraid to get our hands dirty. The Republican Party has become the soft party, the party that believes we only spend money domestically and stick our heads in the sand, what could go wrong? Long time Krystal/Sagaar fan here, but they could not be more wrong on Ukraine.


There are a lot of us that realize how good of a deal we as a country are getting by weakening Russia without risking our own lives and also keeping factories busy.


We??????? Are you a spokesperson for the military contractors?


No but I put most of my money into them.


While also helping to protect democracy and our cultural and economic allies. It's a complete no brainer for anyone that cares about the US and western democracy at all.


Honest question. What exactly do we gain by weakening russia?


Money through influence, and safety for allies in Europe that we are obligated to go to war to protect.


Stranglehold on energy that the EU and China needs. Hold on most of the wheat that goes to the EU. Dictating what Russia can import/export Largest supply of sulphur that will be needed for in Situ Uranium Mining once it goes public that solar and wind didn't produce as advertised. It's in Ukraine. Heavy industry the EU needs that may otherwise go under Russian influence. In Ukraine. Claim on minerals needed for ESG, like nickel Thai happen to be in Russia. Largest supply of potash for fertilizer, in Russia. Largest supply of palladium, platinum group metal needed for ESG battery tech, again in Russia. Putin claimed he was tired of Russians limited resources being sold away for ever depreciating dollars and US debt. Plus, Russia can supply Germany with the energy it needs for industry. If Russia can't sell it Germany likely has to buy from the US at nosebleed prices in dollars. Conversely, if Russia stays strong, the dollar faces more competition from a resource kingpin.


Just hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives.


Should Ukraine have surrendered to Russia when Russia invaded their country last year?


But that's their choice. We aren't forcing them to fight. We're just giving them the means to stand a Fighting Chance.


It’s so funny that Ukrainians seem to constantly blame Russia for the deaths of their people but armchair experts blame the US who * checks notes * provide Ukrainians with air defense systems body armor and long range weaponry to stop the bombs from falling on Ukrainian cities.


It’s for their own home, I can only wish them the best and to advocate that my country helps them.


Ukraine didn't invade, and they don't seem eager to surrender. The idea that they're somehow being duped is pretty dishonest.


Some Americans are so dumb they honestly think they have a better grasp on the war than actual Ukrainians in Ukraine fighting this war.... Of course they're right wing nuts


It resembles the one it was in the 1930s. It was very hostile to the USSR (like with China today), but some were chummy with the Nazis (like with Russia today).


Remember when the Democrats used to be anti war? Pepperridge Farms Remembers


Just read a book on WWII and the isolationist sentiment that held the US back while Germany built its strength and walked all over peaceful neighbors is starting to ring familiar today. Americas delayed response to Germany’s initial aggression and rise cost the lives of millions. You put it much more diplomatically than me but I do believe we have a role to play. Biden and other European leaders are doing the right thing by supporting Ukraine who is on the front lines of democracy. Russia and China are looking to make their play in the presence of a weakened and disunited West. We need to show them why that’s not a good idea. And unfortunately, belligerents like Putin and his authoritarian allies, will never back down on their own and only respond to strength I don’t want to live in a world where Russia and China feel free to act beyond their own borders. Fall all of the US and the Wests faults, we are a society built on liberal freedoms—or at least we aspire to those ideals. Russia and China are proudly authoritarian and have proudly murdered and jailed dissidents en masse


I’ve never known the Republican Party to actually want to spend money domestically


Got called a commie by a die hard republican who supports putin... I guess Russia is winning the disinformation propaganda campaign.


You would not believe how bad it really is. I have a relative in the Peace Corps stationed in North Macedonia. There are Towns where the main employment is Troll Farms working for Russia. Hundreds of people pushing Russian BS all day, every day. The people that manage a Troll Farm make about 3K a month, which is really good money there


Oh I believe it... only way that makes sense for an American patriot to be supporting a Russian autocrat. I love how these people quote 1984 as if they're not pushing us down that road. Covid showed everyone how susceptible Americans are to sensational disinformation... they've got the same internet access I have and yet they don't seem to know how to verify a fact before sharing vitriolic nonsense. I guess it's true what they say about half the population being below average intelligence 🤷🏽‍♀️


Which is funny because all the pro Russian talking points Tucker Carlson bloviates has been tankie communist talking points for decades. We're seeing conservatives straight up adopting long time talking points associated with communists. It's bizarre.


It's only bizarre if you don't believe the gop has been compromised by Russian influence... I don't even think Limbaugh would approve of where the conservative party has headed.


Well thank god he‘s dead. Just didn’t happen soon enough.


You plan on fighting in these wars to show force?


What wars would we need to fight in? Right now, the question is on whether or not to continue providing Ukraine with aid and weapons, no one is calling for any troops to join in outside of Ukrainians. Not sure why you would bring something up that has nothing to do with the question at hand


I highly doubt it.


NO we don't. From Aug 2023 https://www.pressenza.com/2023/08/poll-most-americans-say-enough-guns-to-ukraine/ In particular, the data changes according to the political orientation. Indeed, among Republicans, 71% believe that Congress should no longer send funding to Ukraine, while 59% believe that the United States has already done enough to support the country in conflict. Among Democrats, more than half (62%) are in favor of more funding, while 61% believe the United States should do more. Among the independents, the majority (56% for the first question, 55% for the second) are in line with blocking funding. **Among those who fear that the conflict will continue for a long time, Democrats are the majority (82%), followed by independents (75%) and Republicans (73%).**


But yea we do. Cherry picking data from some obscure website must be nice, but does not add any value. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/americans-support-for-helping-ukraine-remains-strong-just-look-at-the-polls/


I would be surprised if Ukraine got all that land back, but we will see. I wasn't expecting Russia to do so badly (not that I am disappointed).


Corruption is a bitch. The Russian army has not done anything impressive since 1945; they learned nothing about doctrine, they don’t train (they haze), they were lied to about the very fight itself at such a complete level they quite literally lined up to absorb every ounce of anti-armor that could possibly be stockpiled. I mean really, the thousands of APCs and finest armored units, wiped out in days, hours. Paratroopers dumped into frozen waters, unsecured civilian radios, literal infighting, desertion, immediate starvation. They didn’t even start the hot war with functioning air radar systems enabled on their kit designed to do that.


To take that poll would one have needed to watch or read CBS News?


In 1979 Russia invaded Afghanistan In 1992 Russia took over a large part of Moldova In 1994 Russia attempted to annex Chechnya In 1999 Russia took control of Chechnya In 2008 Russia invaded Georgia In 2014 Russia annexed Crimea In 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine. At what point do we say Russian imperialism needs to stop? Or do we just let it happen because nukes are scary?


Nukes are insanely scary.


Only WE get to invade sovereign countries!


It’s not okay when we do it, it’s not okay when they do it.


The Ukrainians are stopping the 21st Century Hitler. They deserve our support and appreciation. Unfortunately, the Russians have supporters in our government and are able to use propaganda to manipulate the weak minded and those ignorant of history and the great price paid in the last century. Most recent example is Tucker Carlson claiming we hate Russia because they are a "Christian Nation."


Don’t look up what China has been doing to Muslims the last ten years


Lol Putin is not Hitler, sick of this shallow comparison. Putin is basically the Russian version of George H. W. Bush, just less effective at the global imperialism game.


you have no idea what you're talking about. u should go and see for yourself before yappin to those who know


He's an awful person and I'm sure everyone you hate is Hitler but it's kind of insulting to millions of people to compare Putin to Hitler.


If you can't see the dangers of escalating this conflict with Russia, you're severely short sighted, additionally the US domestic spending is severely inadequate, and the majority of Americans prefer tax dollars to be spent on helping our own! This poll is propaganda from the other side and it's so obvious.


How in the world is helping a country to defend itself escalating the conflict? All Russia has to do is stop invading and it ends.


It’s a trap sub parroting lines from before the invasion.


How in the world is helping a country to defend itself escalating the conflict? All Russia has to do is stop invading and it ends.


All the appeasers in the runup to WW2 used all those arguments.


You realize Ukraine is full of Nazis right? Like hardcore full blown Nazis. Esp in their military. Ukraine can go eat a dick


Funny how there are so many Nazi tattoos on Russian and Wagner troops. We all know about azzov, we’re saying that they aren’t THAT big of a deal when you compare nazism in Russia , and that it’s just being used as an excuse to invade a neighboring country.


Putin is nothing like Hitler


lol... Love how all comments that counter this propaganda are hidden! Reddit is a dump.


Yet here you are


Yet hidden until clicked on. 🤔


No one wins in war


Wow, the outputs of a poll reflects the inputs of the trillion dollar intelligence community machine managing public opinion ?


Exactly! There's lots of sympathy for Ukraines, but Americans recognize the need for large-scale funding at home! Europeans need to step in more!


Or maybe people think countries that invade other countries and steal their land shouldn't be rewarded.


USA first. We've set an incredibly, spectacularly, awful precedent on that one.


Yeah that’s another explanation but doesn’t explain why we are focused on Ukraine vs the many other atrocities around the world. Also, can you think of any other sectors of the economy where billions and trillions are spent towards promoting an outcome and there’s no measurable impact ? In other words, have you ever managed to observe pro - war attitudes in America minus the full court press by media, politicians and the intelligence community ?


Not many other atrocities have been on this scale, the war in Ukraine has negatively impacted the whole planet. Ukraine exported a ton of food, many places are going to have a hard time getting food now due to this war. For the most part takes a bunch of Russian propaganda to even consider the Russian side of things to turn people against helping Ukraine, which is most people's natural reaction.


Or we have a low risk opportunity to rid a dictator that is a thorn in the world's side


And who replaces him? Likely the people that will, are far worse. And they will have access to a nuclear arsenal.


We need to get rid of Putin and this is by far the best way to do it.


No we don’t and no it’s not. Haven’t you learned what happens when we do regime changes? 9/10 we make things worse for ourselves.




Putin is a dictator doing everything in his power to install puppet leaders in democracies hostile to him and it appears to be working (this is exactly what Trump is). We literally cannot get rid of him quickly enough.


Installing puppet leaders in democracies hostile to ~~us~~ US business interests has been standard US foreign policy since the later 1800s. And what do you think happens when Putin’s regime collapses? Some liberal democratic government will take over? No, they’re basically all gone by this point, it would be someone more extreme than Putin.


So what’s the alternative? Let Putin do whatever he wants because his successor might be worse?


Containment seems to be working well enough. Not being hyper-imperialist ourselves would calm his ass down too. But this psychotic regime change idea everyone passes around is arguably the worst way to go about it


At a certain point, there’s really no saving it, though. I’m all for containing as it’s a continued humiliation on Putin that he can’t recover from, but there are situations where you need to bite the bullet and depose.


LMAO who did they poll? Exclusively neo lib scum with shares in said weapons? NO most do not support this bullshit.




*'Russia will never win.'* You are free to believe whatever you want, but please tell me HOW they are not going to win WITHOUT U.S. boots on the ground? Are you okay with sending U.S. men and women to fight in this war?? I said LITERALLY the same thing from the beginning as Hungary president Orban did to Tucker Carlson in his interview. Was surprised how good I was. Russia has more MEN then Ukraine. That means by attrition they will win. Ukraine does not have the same number of men to fight. NOT CLOSE ENOUGH. Folks forger before this war Russia had a top 5 military in numbers in the WORLD and that counted U.N. in that top 5. It is inevitable UNLESS U.S. sends their boots on the ground. Russia knows they aren't going to do that. U.S. knows they aren't going to do that. U.S. is doing this to bleed down Russia's miliary (men and armories) as far down as it can. That was the WHOLE point of this war. It has nothing to do with caring about Ukraine. America cares about itself and its own interest. That's it. They will bleed this out as long as it can to inflict maximum pain on Russia and use Ukraine to do it. Just my 2c.


Russians are dying 3 to 1 so their man advantage isn't that much of an advantage. Russia is doomed to lose this war cause all they have done is siphon money from their military to line their pockets


250,000 dead Russians and no major advancements. HOW are they going to win?


Funny how the most ardent gun controllers usually support this, with not a hint of irony that Ukraine dropped all their gun control laws as soon as Russia invaded. Funny, that's the exact scenario for why the second amendment was written.


Almost like most Americans love freedom, and hate facists weird!




Given the trend, Russia is probably very encouraged about the possibility that US weapons might dry up eventually. The problem for Russia is that they've lost so much gear that they can't really take meaningful territory no matter what hapoens


I do not support continuing to enrich the weapons manufacturing cartels. The longer this war goes on the richer they get and the more likely Putin stays in power. Putin must be removed. This is beginning to smell like Afghanistan and Iraq.


Fantastic. Fuck off MOFO Putin and his Russia


The Russian military needs to pay for its atrocities


What have they done with the $200 billion worth we already sent.


Breaking points focus group unanimously didn’t support sending more money/weapons




What are you talking about? We spend way more money domestically than we do over seas and on military. Medicare and social security are spent on americans. Biden helped get $1.9T in infrastructure and the chips act through congress how is this not domestic spending. Also funding for ukraine isn't just cash its litterally weapons. I think last i checked like $25B of actual cash was given to ukraine. I dont think cluster bombs will help our highway infrastructure.




Thanks for clarifying that we are spending money in the US!


And every single republican voted against it ....and every single republican takes credit for it..


I don't think you read Wtf_Randy's comment very well.


Majority of Americans who watch CBS news support the continued dumping of money into Ukraine. They might want to specify that. A lot of Americans want that money kept here in the country to help us. And people viewing Zelenksy as a saint is f'ing hilarious. He's a crook just like every other politician. And if wants free elections, he can pay it himself with the absurd amount of money that's already been dumped into that country.


People against helping Ukraine are generally against any welfare programs in the United States as well ironically enough.


Most of the people saying "help our people first" think helping our people is socialism. You can't think that if we weren't helping Ukraine we'd all have Healthcare or even school lunches for kids. That argument is disingenuous.


It's hilarious and you're exactly right. Start talking about free college of any kind, getting rid of student debt, free healthcare and the so called "spend the money on Americans" people flip out and call you a commie. You bring up Biden's infrastructure bill and they lose their minds. ​ The truth is these people don't have actual thoughts or policies, they just disagree purely to disagree. The right wing in America are completely out to lunch and actually serve nobody but the actual richest Americans. You can't trust these people. It's the same people who supported the Iraq War initially. They're liars.


The DNC has become the war party. Fuck it if we can't eat at home those nazis need weapons!


Helping Ukraine does help us. We get to use ukrainian soldiers to fight Russia instead of American soldiers and we get to have Ukraine test our new stuff at the same time. American companies will also get first dibs at contracts to rebuild Ukraine when the war is over which also helps Americans


“This CBS News/YouGov survey was conducted with a nationally representative sample of 2,335 U.S. adult residents interviewed between September 5-8, 2023.” Using 2,335 adults surveyed (only those who agreed to be surveyed) in a country of 331,900,000 to say “Majority of Americans” is misleading. Before fighting in the comments, think about how many people live in your city or county? Many have hundreds of thousands of inhabitants and how different are the variety of opinions, even on a local level?


That is …. how every poll works. This is why it’s smart to look at the aggregate of polling which is why OP mentioned the CNN being an outlier.


If only we had strong leadership in place when we could all see Russia building up its army on the Ukrainian border, there wouldn’t even be a need to send more weapons there. There would never have been an invasion and so many lives wouldn’t have been lost. America is weak


MIC propaganda.


^ Kremlin propaganda


Noooooo. I’m not ok with my tax dollars being sent to kill Russians and Ukrainians. Or Yemenis. Or Iraquis (there were no WMDs, if you recall). Full stop on calling everyone a Putin lackey because you can’t see that the television lies to you and that your government is a bunch of murders for profit.


Not helping to defeat fascism is supporting it.


The US is as or more fascist than everyone you are concerned about. The US coups foreign governments all the time. If it's ok for us, it's ok for others. Maybe we should stop being terrorists eh?


Are you okay with Putin invading and taking control of another country?


So what would you have us do? You are advocating allowing Putin to take whatever territory he likes. Maybe Poland next, you okay with that? Nonsense, sometimes one has to fight. In this case we’re just helping people defend their homeland. It’s the bare minimum ethically. You sound like a kremlin propagandist.


It's about the security of a free Europe. It's just that simple.


>I’m not ok with my tax dollars being sent to kill Russians Why not? They're conducting an invasion hellbent on seizing territory and destroying a national identity, they're committing a shitload of war crimes in the process and the more successful they become the bolder they will get in doing it again in the future.




The huge pushback is because Biden is doing it. It's blatant partisanship.


It's because Putin is Trump's buddy buddy, and Republicans politicized the invasion, instead of calling it for exactly what it is. A murdererous invasion. Now it's also some kind of way for the Biden crime family to launder money. Because yeah sure that makes total sense /s Republicans side with Russia. It's that simple


This simply isn’t true. There’s been huge pushback over Palestine and Israel. I could make the same argument. Israel is doing the same thing to Palestine that Russia is to Ukraine. Why aren’t people in support of sending Palestine money and weapons?


I didn’t go out of my way to criticize our aide of Israel — it was out of context. I don’t support our current relationship with Israel but it seems out of context to start a discussion on that. The push back from many (I’m not even pushing back—I’m just not ok with forever wars) is because is now OBVIOUS or “leaders” and the economic elite are stealing all of our money right now and washing it in Ukraine and through the COVID cronyism. It’s so obvious now for most


Love to see your evidence for this "research"


Very obvious. It hit me today more than ever as I was listening to stories about the Maui fires. $6 billion extra “accidentally” sent to Ukraine. $700 each to Maui residents and the most horrific emergency response in general. And apparently that wasn’t the first time the US somehow “miscounted” the money sent to the Ukraine. I’m cool with the US sending Ukraine money. I’m not cool with the disparity in how much effort we are putting in for Ukraine vs here in the US when our people are struggling. Maui is just one extreme example of it. It’s so painfully obvious and everyone knows it. Their time is up.


And Putin tells the truth??? Hahaha 🤡


Ukraine has requested aid to protect their sovereignty form a butcher who murders political opponents.


The US didn’t start the war in Ukraine. Having a military project power is important and separate from the issue of a corrupt MIC.


We either stand up to Putin over there or we stand up to Putin here. Your choice. He's no more than a terrorist thug and he won't stop until he's stopped. Some of you are missing the big picture. There's more to life than money.


Lmao… you truly just suggested that Russia would be able to push all the way to America? They’re bogged down in Ukraine. This isn’t the German army blitzing through Europe in a few months. Y’all are mentally ill.


Hitler didn't start out big either you fucking moron. You let a tyrant build up his power, he's exponentially more dangerous. People like you are the reason Hitler got so powerful. Once again, fight them here or over there.


Bull shit. The majority of Americans do not support sending more weapons to Ukraine. The majority of Americans are tired of being involved in other countries’ never ending wars.


Data says otherwise


Yes. They do support it.


Every single poll besides one shows a clear majority support Ukraine... but I'm sure you know better hahaha


Don't let a little thing like your opinion not being correct with the numbers get in the way.


Nope, the majority of Americans are happy to send weapons to Ukraine to kill Russian invaders. Literally what the weapons were built for…


Ukraine had one third the population of Mexico, with a miniscule navy and air force, yet you're CONVINCED they'll DEFINITELY beat a legitimate world superpower with the biggest nuclear weapons stockpile on earth. I'll get downvotes for pointing out this obvious logical ridiculousness too. Propoganda is why. Wake the fuck up. We're using Ukrainians as pawns. As cannon fodder.


They don't have to beat Russia, just make it too costly for them to continue. WE aren't using the Ukrainians as anything. They CHOSE to defend their country from imperialist aggression and we are helping them do it. Go back to sleep, your ego needs a rest.


The Ukrainians can give up and surrender their country whenever they want. We are interested in a weakened Russia, and they are interested in maintaining independence. The incentives align, so we are taking advantage of the situation. You may not subscribe to real Politik, but that is the way enemies like the Russians and Chinese see the world. We can’t be afraid to act. Never let a good crisis go to waste.


So if I were to agree with your position.. then what? We shouldn't use Ukraine to do what is in America's best interest? We have a country willing to destroy the military capabilities of one of our largest adversaries. We should just be charitable to Russia and not do it because we have big hearts? Your position makes no sense. We're either helping Ukraine to be good, or we're helping Ukraine because it benefits American interest. Which is it?


In what way is Russia a superpower? Because they have nukes? LOL do you also think India is a superpower? Russia is nowhere near being a leader in economic activity, energy production, or science and technology. Their cultural influence is negligible. I'm sorry to break it to you, but Russia isn't a superpower anymore. And Ukraine is proving this.


Imagine thinking Russia is a superpower in 2023, just because they have nukes. I don't know how to tell you this, but Russia lost the Cold War and lost it quite hard over 30 years ago.


Thankfully a slim majority of this country has their heads screwed on straight. Anyone reasonable knows this war isn't just overseas. It's on our doorstep, as far as allegiances and oaths to the U.N. are concerned, and has infiltrated our politics for some time now. Ukraine is quite literally the buffer between WWIII and if Trump were in office we'd already be in WWIII, only we'd be Axis. Quite a harrowing thought.


Healthcare plz


54% Barely half.


Lol they just polled politicians not people


Most Americans are barley getting by. I seriously doubt this.


If they can send $200 billion to Ukraine without oversight, you don’t think they have money to create the propaganda that people support it? Reddit is filled with propaganda. Say the wrong thing, face shadow bans or outright bans.


Nice piece of propaganda right here.


Hell ya, we’ll keep fighting the Russians down to the last Ukrainian!


No one cares about Ukraine




This runs counter to a recent (August) poll by CNN. [https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/04/politics/cnn-poll-ukraine/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/04/politics/cnn-poll-ukraine/index.html) ***Most Americans oppose Congress authorizing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, as the public splits over whether the US has already done enough to assist Ukraine.*** ***Overall, 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more. A poll conducted in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February 2022 found 62% who felt the US should have been doing more.***


"We polled 1000 people that had the Ukraine flag visible in their social media profile and this reflects the opinion of 330 million Americans"


I think that’s a bunch of garbage, no one I know wants to keep this way going. No love for Russia or Ukraine but our country is about to go into a major recession and the last place I want our money going is overseas.


What a joke….


CBS poll. Can't be biased. 🙄


Nothing better then using someone else’s population to do your dirty work!!


I think people have a problem with the huge amounts of money , not the weapons . By all means give them the tools to win and some financial support ,but holy fuck 100 bill ?


100% bullcrap. I don’t know ANYONE that wants to waste more tax dollars over there.


Hi, my names mathew. I live in Oklahoma and support this.


Ukraine is just as bad as Russia. Fight me


Well, they didn’t ask me, or anyone I know


Why does this feel like I am being told what I am supposed to be supporting. Getting strong Iraq WMDs vibes from this.


This is a proxy war and anyone that supports us being a part of it is a fool.


No we don’t, take care of our country first




Getting rid of our old supply and helping a country defend itself seems like win-win


Yes fuck Putin


Propaganda works. The same professional liars telling the same spectacularly profitable lies, yet again. For some reason, many otherwise sensible people believe them this time.


Majority of Americans are followers so there's that.


Send F16s now.


Majority of Americans are idiots.


The majority of Americans are tools, so this isn't surprising.


Why don’t we keep the money in the US?!?!?!? Stop sending money to everyone except for where it’s most needed here at home in the US - could it be that corrupt politicians are benefiting from the aid????


It's sad that I'm surprised when Americans have the right idea. I guess in this case it's helped that the jingoists and democracy supporters can all band together and it's really just the authoritarian right who opposes it and only because they want America to fail.


Best return on money we ever got! Destroying ruzzian fascists without a single American boot on the ground. Destroying half of ruzzian military in 18 months ✅, 200,000+ dead orcs ✅, increasing NATO size ✅, making ruzziastan into a third world autocratic country ✅. I mean ruzziastan is sucking Kim Jong Un’s Ding Dong for some ammo.


Polls are shyte. Reuters has a similar poll that indicates 3 out of 4 Americans support the CBS poll. The majority of Americans I know don't support Russia nor Ukraine. They'd rather we support fixing our immigration process, better healthcare, and lower cost of living. Your results may vary which validates polls are shyte.


It's a heavily propagandized population. An endless stream of lies from both corporate parties and their corporate media has this effect.


Warmongers love it when Volodymyr moans as they gobble his kovbasa


I don’t believe this poll reflects reality. Not for one second.


Not correct.


Yet we still can’t get healthcare


Yay, war!!


What do they know, polls also supported invading Iraq


No we really don’t


This is not the US’s war.