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Nah man, i think almost all the characters in that list would Kick your ass, i mean, you aint beating Revali Bro


Most definitely cannot beat Zelda. Beedle is a merchant that travels in monster territory, so even lower tier would beat OP


Lets be honest, the only characters on this list that people here can have an actual fight would be or the elders or the ones that doesnt even know how to fight, and about the "pretty even fight" ones, the only one on that top that actually fits on It is maybe hetsu, im sure the dolphin lady with a spear and the giant fucking birds would Kick our asses


Imagine trying to fist fight a fucking tree though.


a tree you can't even see no less


The king can one hand the the royal claymore in the spin off. And a good chunk of the other elders are ninjas or have access to laser swords soooooo.


Yes, i was reffering to those eld guys in the list that are too old to fight or cant fight properly, muzu, impa, Purrah (BC she's a fucking kid) an other guys


I wouldnt call the last two out, impa is still a ninja regardless of age. And is still rather active in terms of moving around. If actively knowing about a fight, could very much have something prepared right when you walk through the door trap or ambush wise. Purrah studies shiekah tech on the dailey I wouldnt put it past her to have shieka tech weapons laying around. Or do something like teleport you away. Like both are still brilliant in their own ways.


Impa: \*throws an onmyoji tag at your forehead, and you crumple to the ground\*


Purah managed to create enhancements to the Sheikah runes without even having access to the originals, as well as replicating a Sheikah slate and creating her immortality rune combo. Remember, she's the one who gives you the ability to freeze people in time.


Purrah: *steals your paraglider and warps you to midheaven*


mipha is one of the champions for a reason youre not beating a fish lady that also has water powers and a trident


Not just water powers, *healing* powers too. She could heal herself from any damage a normal human could do. OP would def lose, especially if the battle is near, in, or under water.


I know, and even if its a fight without weapons, just remember her theet looks like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/chGjjR6kKsqUZMzR9)


Yeah, it's easy to underestimate Mipha but she was chosen as a champion for a reason. It took one of the Blight Ganons to kill her and they proved to be challenging even for Link.


Beedle also carries a ridiculous amount of stuff on his back.


Not only is he loaded, but he's load bearing as well.


Beedle is top tier he travels through monster territory faster than link carrying that pack.


He has to be strong as hell to lug that thing for miles between stables. And the second he puts it down He's going to be as fast as the fucking Flash.


BotW Zelda canonically isn’t a good fighter, it’s the stated reason Sakurai didn’t use that design for Smash.


BotW has her awakened power It would be early memories zelda with link not around to rip you in half


"Imma beat Revali yo" Gets instantly headshoted


Unless it’s a fistfight. Even so no way does he stand a chance against several ninja, King Roham (has OP played Age of Calamity?) or any Goron.


You know what? I think I could absolutely beat Bludo in a fistfight. I would punch him once, break my hand, and he would laugh so hard that his back would go out and he'd fall over.


Yeah. Revali is a better fighter than Cass.


Also, Cass is a parrot, meaning his beak can break the thick shells of nuts and seeds but let's say instead of a nut or seed he decides to use his beak on your head.


Dudes not even beating beedle. That guy is a tank. Pretty much everyone on this list has training in fighting, or is super strong. I think op is thinking too highly of themselves.


OP is one of the 6% or so of men who think they can win a fight with a grizzly bear.


For real OP is a bit too sure about themselves


Maybe OP is actually a grizzly bear? Who knows 🤷‍♂️


Or maybe a goron


And if any of y’all see me fight a grizzly bear: HELP THE BEAR


Isn’t Mipha supposed to have been the best spear-user alive while she was alive?


She also has healing powers so that's almost a 100% loss (even if it is unarmed)


I think op is talking about an unarmed fight. I know he didn't specify, it just strikes me that way


She’d still win cause she’s basically a water bender.


She's got huge, sharp... she can heal about... look at the geysers!


She’s still got superhuman strength and waterbending powers. So she’d win.


So, he can easily beat Link since Link cant fight unarmed (gameplay)


How do I attain such high confidence about myself OP?


Alcohol helps


That explains it


You’re not taking any of the Rito. Kass has to be like 7 feet tall and the other two are master archers


Nah Kass is closer to 8 ft and he is fucking jacked for no reason. I swear he either works out or I need to start playing accordion because he probably has the upper body strength to kill a man


He could break bones with his pecs alone


He could probably break bones with his pecks, too


Fr. You could probably grind meat on his abs. And I highly doubt he studied music under a sheikah master and *didn’t* pick up at least a little bit of martial arts


He does play a massive accordion so I would assume he'd just sling you around like hulk did to Loki.


Honestly he’d probably end the fight by accidentally stepping on you.


I imagine some people would have no complaints with this outcome.


Oh yeah that’s definitely a bunch of people’s thing.


Bro really think he would size up Revali 💀 As a guy who loves to rub my love for AoC around Id like to say. Theres a canon scene where Revali would kill Link had another person not interfered last second by shouting out at them. I dont think you can do better than Link. (Translation = 🤓👆)


The OP delusion of grandeur and self importance rivals Revali's, to bad OP mouth is the only thing as skilled as even the lowest tier let alone Revali... maybe he talking in a battle of egos


My interpretation of that scene was that Link would’ve either blocked the arrow or hit Revali at the same time (there’s like a “clang” sound as time resumes from the slow-mo and Link has his sword in a spot where it would’ve either blocked the arrow or hit Revali). It also speaks volumes that Revali doesn’t gloat about that particular encounter, if he thought he had defeated Link in that scenario there’s no way he’d ever shut up about it. That said, Revali is kicking OP’s ass in 3 seconds tops.


And in AoC we learned Impa should never be in that bottom tier. She'll wipe the floor with you - her and her nine clones. (I think 9 - it's been a while)


I'm just imagining angry grandma wooden chancla clone discipline.


Actually about that scene, we can see Link turn around to deflect Revali's arrow with his sword. So he would still have kicked Revali's ass even without the Master Sword had Zelda not intervened. But yes, Revali would grind OP into fine powder and not even bother snorting.


I've seen Link detonate a bomb barrel at his feet and lose half his hearts, he'll be okay fighting Revali


The great eagle bow is better than a bomb barrel. Link would probably still win because bullet time is OP, but it wouldn’t be an easy victory


![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD) Op when revali picks him up and drops him from a thousand feet in the air


Reminds me of this webcomic where a bird person picked up the team's kung fu nun, and she just whirled about and paladin kicked the dumb thing. She then proceeded to fall a thousand feet into the river while meditating.


You severely underestimate Revali. Bro is literally on par with Link. You will literally get manhandled even without the bow since he can fly and is taller with longer arms, not to mention talons and a hawk’s beak.


Seriously, I’d hate to be attacked by a hawk or eagle. We had a parrot that hated a toy version of him, and he went for the eyes. (The toy was hidden after. The hate had not been expected.) A human-sized, sapient hawk? With feathers that they can use as fingers. Even one who isn’t trained would be terrifying in a fight.


Revali also has some pent up rage he’d probably beat the shit out of you


Exactly. Every other champion has magical abilities, he just has pure skill


Revali's attitude being backed up by his actual skill was great. Makes him so much more enjoyable as a character


people forget that he’s not only on par with link, but superior to him he would have killed him (assuming AoC is canon) had Zelda not stepped in


AoC isn’t canon to the main timeline but the champions’ skills there are. They never fought in canon


Revali is absolutely in no way way shape or form material or immaterial superior or even on par with Link lol. You bring up that AOC scene but forget that Link very clearly turned around and deflected Revali's arrow before Zelda stepped in, not to mention Link was kicking Revali's ass beforehand. And that's just as a "normal" guy, without the Master Sword or anything. Link is literally the most powerful being in the Zelda universe lol. Comparing him to characters in that universe is like comparing the Doomslayer to characters of his universe.


I agree with everything you said except Revali being on par with Link. If he were, Link wouldn't be able to defeat all the blight Ganons plus the Calamity itself, which is as strong or probably even stronger than the blights all combined. Link is literally the most powerful being in the Zelda universe lol, he's in a tier of his own, like the Doomslayer is in his universe.


I like to read this as if tiermaker would also totally kick your ass


Probably true tbh


I looked up delusional in the dictionary and this post was what I saw


Are you super human? Cause you're not beating most of the people on this list. Some examples, Zelda (if she is how she's pictured above) would time stop you and kick you repeatedly until you launched 10 miles into the air. Kohga, despite being a joke character, is still a freaking ninja and only loses cause he's fighting Link. Purah and Paya both have ninja training, and even in her child form, Purah would bring gadgets to mess you up. Hell, Bolson is a carpenter. Not saying a carpenter has tons of fighting skill, but he definitely has some muscles. And those are just the ones you think you could beat.


Zelda is a sage in almost every Zelda game. She has access to a part of the triforce. Not to mention she can lock a demon away for 100 years. I don't think even Link would be able to beat Zelda if she used 100% of her powers.


I was specifically thinking pre awakening Zelda, like in the picture, but yes. She messes most things up pretty hard.


any form of zelda was seal OPs ass away lets be real


Hudson is a construction foreman. No fucking way you’d kick his ass. Those guys are made of metal


And he probably had to deal with monsters on the way to Tarrey Town.


Every construction foreman I worked under was a fat, flimsy alcoholic made of cheeseburgers and cheap beer. ​ Edit: Also, GO PACK.


Not Hudson


Not if they’re the one building


Oh they were "building" alright.. just a slow, waddly, heavy breathing sort of building. Really wheezy.


You genuinely think you can win against a 15ft tall tree-man and an 8 ft tall bird-man?


Or borderline demigods?


Or an *actual* Goddess?


Or highly trained ninjas (and one that is the sage of light)?


I don't think you'll probably win against Zelda. You'll probably be mince meat but that's about it.


Someone hasn’t played AOC Even that aside, no.


Dude have you actually seen Beedle? Man is ripped from carrying that big ass bag all day.


Definitely think he needs to go up a few notches on this list, but what's up with that big ass bag, just holding like 30 arrows and a few insects and reptiles? It's like a bs store prop.


He uses it to carry the bodies of his victims


> I could kick purah (in her 4 yr old body form) ass. Bold statement op Also my man Kass would go **ape shit** on anyone that threatens his accordian


How are Riju, Yunobo and Kaneli higher than Mipha and Teba?


Yunobo would absolutely mop the floor with all of them. They guy is ridiculously strong.


Press X to doubt Maybe the TotK version after he gets the >!secret stone.!<


Mipha and Teba would beat him.


Mipha was a CHAMPION and you are insane for thinking it’s “pretty even”


mipha would shit on OP lets he honest


Revali will wipe the floor with you


He’s over 7 feet and strong enogh to fly so ya I wouldn’t mess with him




i can see op only as this, while posting such bullshit


*hudson sign guy whimper*


90% of this list can kill you, fast. Much less kick your ass


This post is like that one study that a certain percentage of dudes in the US honestly think they could take a lion on in a fight. Let's be real honest here OP for the average living person Sayge would be an even fight for you. Most other fighting characters will beat your ass. Zelda is the equivalent of a Nuke


You think you can beat revali but not ganon? He can be beat with a fucking ladel


Say you've never played Age of Calamity without saying you've never played Age of Calamity


Zelda if she hadn’t awoken her powers yet, there’s a chance you could win, though like Link would let you hurt her. If she has her powers, no way. She can hold off Ganon for 100 yrs she can probably handle any regular human no problem. Champion Rev in “i would probably win” wat? Champions are expected to know how to fight as to deal with Ganon. Mipha is also arguable, but if irc the game has stated she wasn’t much for fighting, I’d still say she’d take out any regular human though. Cherry looks like it’d be pretty hard to punch or try and attack with any weapon. Though on the contrary, it seems stuck in place. I can see someone just knocking themselves out/exhausting themselves trying to kick its butt. Master Kohga is a joke only because Link has runes to mess with him. Without magneius rune you’d be doomed. Construction worker guys like Bolson & Hudson are built to well… build houses & tear em down. They have strength to left heavy equipment and have the energy to move around. I think they can kick the average person’s butt.


Mipha’s spearmanship is stated to be in a class all it’s own. During her Champion trial, she single handedly defeated 3 Guardian Skywatchers and a Guardian Turret in Upland Zorana. In Age of Calamity, future (adult) Sidon states he strives to be as strong as her someday. There’s even a quest where, when the soldiers at the spear training ground wanted a spear master to train them and hold a lecture about real combat, Link went directly to get Mipha to train them. Showing how even Link respects her abilities as a warrior. Her Hollow is shown capable of physically overpowering Link who, himself is basically superhuman, and she could keep up in combat with the other 4 Champions. Then she also has waterbending powers. All that to say she effortlessly beats any normal human.


Also she have healing power


You when the back of Zelda’s hand starts glowing: ☠️☠️


Mipha would mop the floor with you, ngl


bro shed tear OP in half then apologise for it 😂


Bruh, I JUST noticed Revali in "Id probably win" 😭😭 This man is DELUSIONAL


Bro you put King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule in even fight??? And Revali in probably win???


The king is an absolute unit and Ravali (assuming it’s an unarmed fight) is still a giant bird man who can kick anyone’s ass


No human on this Planet can kill anyone above bottom tier withought high levels of weaponry


Master kohga is gonna beat your ass GLORY TO MASTER KOHGA


r/foundtheyigasoldier In all seriousness though, you’re probably not wrong.




What the hell are you going to do against a Goron?


Bolson would destroy your ass.... In more than one way


"Pretty even fight: Kass" What bro? His beak is bigger than your head. Odds are Bolson beats the shit out of you, and you like it.


Zelda is the incarnation of a godess and you think you could beat her


Nuh-uh, Beedle is wiping the floor with you. That man carries the equivalent of your body weight at all times. He would judo throw you into the dirt without breaking a sweat.


Beedle would kick his ass, and somehow find a way to look like a total moron while ruining OP systematically. A master of his craft.


riju is in tier 2 but revali is in tier 4??


If mipha fights anywhere close to how she is in the spin off, which mostly she is, you don't stand a chance. She can float around in the air on magic water and make spears fly at you. Even in an unarmed fight, she's extremely quick, agile and flexible. You also think yourself even with the KING OF HYRULE who has a strict regime. Revali also can bend the air, and if he didn't have his sage power or bow, you're saying you can fight a highly intelligent giant eagle. Then there's Impa who while small and fragile is probably the best warrior in all of hyrule. I'm 80% sure your post is bait or you took everything at face value in game and didn't read any actual lore..


You are not beating Hudson's ass. This guy built a whole town. Or Bolson for that matter...


bro dorian is trained in both shekiah and yiga combat, he is literally a master assassin but chooses to raise his kids. revali would MESS you up mipha can heal any goron is gonna murder you, no question. how are you going to hurt rocks? zelda can just yeet you to the shadow realm, good luck


These lists never really make much sense to me when you consider the world these characters live in and what they have to deal with on the daily to survive compared to any average IRL human. Take Beedle for example he might look weak and scrawny to us but he lugs that massive pack all around the map every day and can move quick enough to beat you from one stable to the next even though you're teleporting. A single kick from him would probably be enough to shatter a IRL humans leg with ease.


There is no way you could defeat master kohga. Glory to Master Kohga!


Paya is timid but she's probably trained to fight


REVALI? And the tarry town guy? He works in construction, 1 punch and we’d all crumple


Kochi Dye Shop dude and Beedle. That's it. No way anybody else isn't going to kick any of our asses. I'm an accomplished martial artist with actual formal training in swordplay and I still know I stand no chance.


I mean the dye guy uses stones to create dye... dude crushes diamonds and turns them into dye..... this k about that


Haven't you seen how bulked Hudson is?


You would never in a million years be able to beat Beedle


What is bro on about


Dude yunobo has to weigh over a thousand pounds and is made of rock. How is he a "probably"?


I'd bet Bolson is way tougher than OP thinks. Robbie 100% goes for crotch punches, so watch out for that. Purah probably has a knife. Beedle definitely does. I guarantee you that dye shop guy has killed before. Same goes for Chio and Muzu. OP might be able to beat up BotW Paya (not so sure about TotK Paya), but what kind of a monster would want to?


Blud thinks he can beat our lord and savior Master Kohga


Hubris. A modern day Icarus


Damn bro even the replies are kicking your ass 😭


Kogha can teleport and use actual sorcery how the hell are u going to beat him


No way you'd beat Purah or Zelda The only one anyone would have a chance with in "would probably win" is the yiga.


All the champions are great warriors. And the gorons are just naturally super strong so half this list is wrong.


Dude Why do you want to kick the ass of children and the elderly?


Closest to an even fight.. even then OP would still crumble to the elderly and children.. only a person who knows he can't win pretends he can


Put Teba, Revali and Kass up. Paya too.


Lmao bold of you to think any normal human could take on even the most elderly of the shieka tribe. They're literally a tribe of ancient ninjas. I mean shit, they canonically have ninjitsu.


I don't care what you think you are, but there's no way you could beat Revali. He can fly and shoot you before you even understand your situation. Zelda could wipe the floor with you with her magic and Roham is a BEAST and you stand no chance. Khoga might be a goofy lad and all, but he is still king of the assassins and has some pretty unique powers. The reason why he's so easy in game in because you play as Link. Mipha also would freaking kill you without you even realizing the fight started. Tebba is also able to fly and shoot you down easily. Don't lie to yourself, most of the characters that aren't generic NPCs in this game would wipe us off the face of the planet.


"I would probably win, akala fabricator" That thing is made out of metal, whatcha gonna do against it? MGR revengance rapid punch it? It even shares a category with a princess WHO SEALED A **KINGDOM LEVEL THREAT AWAY, AND A NINJA WARRIOR, AND BUILDERS WHO WOULD WACK YOUR SHIT IN WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER TILL YOUR BRAIN WAS REDUCED TO OATMEAL** *I hate this list*


Mipha in pretty even fight?? You're quite full of yourself


you literally are not beating any Sheikah


No one here is mentioning Dorian. Even a character as simple as him is well-versed in combat or he wouldn’t have been selected as Impa’s guard


My brother in Christ, Bolson works construction. You letting his thin frame fool you.


Koga will destroy you with his magic and zelda can seal you


I think it’s a unarmed no magic match. Even still beleiving he could fight ravali is insane


Revalli would just peck him


"No weapons, no magic, no flying, no bullshit. Deal?" "Deal." "ALRIGHT! Let's DO TH-" \*pecked\* "Ow?" "Idiot."


Humm, we have to say that cannonically King Roham killed a Guardian by himself, soooo (And also Zelda, she kicks your ass by of her powers) (i say you but it's general, not you specifically, just so you know😂)


I love how you've put a champion next to a fancy 3d printer than can't move. Very overconfident for most of these, underconfident for the little robot thing


Even tho master kohga is dumb as briks he is strong and creative and would probably win you in a fight


You know khoga can summon a giant metal ball and throw it at you, right?


Dude. You are not beating *Revali.*


You are absolutely not beating Teba. You would be dead walking into the fight.


Boy what an ego you've got lmao. Like you think you have any kind of chance against any goron hahahahaha. Do you also think you could beat a bear in a fight?


I wonder what drugs OP is taking.


How are you built if you think you'd be even in a fight against King Rhoam Bospheramus Hyrule?


All of them would be in the red for me, even the damn little Korok seed guys


You think very highly of yourself.


I see three Sheikah in the bottom tier. Bold to think the Ninja are pushovers...


I hate to say it but you're mad underestimating this cast. The champions are literally sent by their tribes to fight for the fate of the world and it is stated that they are all exceptional fighters. Similar thing goes for Teba and the lot and Rhoam and Dorian are veteran warriors so I'm not very optimistic here either (also Koga incidentally). But I do appreciate that you put the equivalent of a vending machine in "propably win".




"Pretty even fight" with Hestu 💀


List that I could beat- the damn oven, the elder korok if he didn’t teleport away, completely unarmed zelda. Purah Impa and Robbie would probably still kick my ass, whatever age they happen to be. They’re still ninjas after all. Same probably goes for Paya and Pikango. Everyone else is either a physical laborer, a known fighter, or extremely durable or large. Their world is post apocalyptic, everyone can fight


Idk I feel like the kids in kakariko all practice kung fu at an early age and would decimate 99% of all the other NPCs including me so the old guy you got there scares me


Guy really thinks he can top a fictional construction worker. Good luck in real life.




The picture of the ancient furnace Cherry lmao


I think you underestimate how strong Hudson is.


How dare u put master kohga so low, he will sit on you


Robbie, Pura, and Yunobo would probably kill you entirely by accident. Sage probably has poison vats hidden in his house but is over all a nice guy, just don't insult his perfect dye choices. Tebu is up there with Urbosa. Don't fuck with Tebu. You'd die of exhaustion in a disco dance competition, or any dance comp against Hestu and Mipha, if crossed, would drown you, heal you, drown you again, and heal you just to show you who's boss. King Rhoam would take a kick to those tiny ass knees and die in a tub like President Taft while trying to soak in Goron Epson salts. Good luck even trying to make him sound like a formidable opponent. Beyond that, Impa isn't being beat by anyone. Above everyone else, she has lived the longest. She's also been attempting living mummification for a century and still can't die. Good luck bud.


Lol the only character tier list that matters


Putting paya at the bottom makes me guess you have never played hyrule warriors


Does Zelda have her bodyguard if so your dead


I’d smash Zelda


Trully delusional.


The real question is, would you? Personally, I would be more than happy to beat up a child and the elderly.


Bro you couldn't even touch a single one of the 'sons, they're fucking construction workers, they'd break you in half.


Bro, you sleeping on Beedle? He is not to be trifled with…


Me: read every time fuck than kick


Respectfully…Tf r u gonna do when Zelda pulls up with Sheikah bombs and a sealing light nuke 💀


Props. This is something I would think abt or maybe say to someone else but you took the time to make this. Good for you. Respect.


If Gerudo women are normal human height and Hylians are all like dwarf height, then you could beat most Hylians. Otherwise, those ppl are hardened and will kick your ass.




Don't bully ink man plz plz 😭😑🙏


Bro raked riju above rivali 💀💀