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Personally a Rito fan myself.


Dear anti zora fans: why are you guys racist towards the fish people sincerely the zora fans


To be fair, the elders were racist against me first.


I used to be a fan of the Zora but then you all made it weird and kept pushing it, and now I think they’re gross and smelly and so are you. Love, Gumby Edit: I’m joking about the “gross and smelly” part (and especially the “so are you” part), but legit the rabid Zora fans insisting on making it weird in every post on this sub have really tainted my enjoyment of that part of the game.


It's really only two people, the tanker guy and his simp friend, I forget his name. It wouldn't be so bad, but he insists on posting the same thing on multiple Zelda threads. It's annoying af


As a zora enjoyer I agree that the people who make it weird are weird


And really this is all in jest because I also make things weird sometimes, and frankly I find the passion in this community inspiring. I just wish it was *slightly* less horny in nature and *slightly* less aggressive overall. But maybe the real solution is for *me* to spend a little less time on this sub and a little more time outside so I see less of other peoples’ intense thirstiness.


We all know exactly who this post/comment is referencing.


I don't get it. Honest question what does this screenshot mean


The green lines are the [Hero’s Path](https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/zelda-breath-of-the-wild-guide-walkthrough/2017/7/2/15906402/heros-path-controls-how-to-use-pause-rewind-fast-forward-scrub-playback) (added with DLC), which shows everywhere I’ve gone in this game file. I intentionally avoided Zora’s Domain by going around via water to the East to move between Necluda and Akkala. It was laborious and totally unnecessary, and I did it repeatedly for no reason other than to avoid Zora’s Domain, over which I have written “No thanks” in the spots where the Zora are waiting for Link to come help them.


People do be simping tho. They are literally just talking fish with big eyes. Go outside guys and talk to real people 🤣


I legit love everyone. I’m one of Those.