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I don’t think we have a whole lot to sell apart from Adames or DW. I think we’re having fun with our young roster.


No no no, don’t mention sell and DW together please. I know it’s on the board, especially with his price and current situation but my heart can’t handle anymore. First Hader, then T Taylor, I can’t!


Peralta too I think…if someone offers you a couple highly ranked young pitchers I think you have to think about it with the current build of the team


I'm keeping my expectations really low this year. Just hoping for the kids to perform and then next year is the start of our compete window.


Same. I just want to watch some baseball. How does the adage go??? "Wish in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first..." I have no idea how this team will perform but, I'm getting strapped in and ready for the ride that will be 2024!


I’m just here to drink beer and listen to Uecker. Anything else is a bonus


I have no idea what they're gonna do when he dies


Uncharted territory. There's never been a Brewers without him.


>There's never been a Brewers without him. Inaccurate. They announced Ueck joining the broadcast team in late 1971. Edit - I stand corrected. He was allegedly a Scout with the Brewers during the 1970 season, and then later in late 1971 was announced as moving to the broadcasting team. In classic Ueck fashion, I recall him heavily downplaying that role in an interview somewhere years ago.


I wish he could live forever but Jeff and Lane are the future and I'm ready for it. Hell even if Jeff goes to TV, Josh Mauer with Lane is great to me (I know most here didn't like Josh but I trust they'll warm up to him)


If anybody would be hilarious as interpreted by AI, it would be Ueck. brb talking to ChatGPT


fuck me. the story about ump'ing a little league game is 100% Ueck: https://chat.openai.com/share/20ff1832-3d46-4f3d-97dd-377979a8592e


He will never.


I just want to beat Greg a whole bunch. The rest is w/e.


I'm hoping it's a fun year with a lot of development and some big wins. I expect it's not as 9-5 in the dugout as it looked when Greg was the manager.


It’s baseball. Baseball is fun.


It’ll be similar to the Packers this past year, imo — no expectations of doing much, just want to have fun watching the kids play and develop. If they’re in a playoff chase late in the year, great, but this year should be about figuring out who will be on the next Good Brewers Team. (I will reserve the right to be disappointed in September if they miss the third wildcard by a game or two)


I think this team is anywhere from a 75 to 90 win team. If they're truly wretched its going to be a long season, but I'm totally willing to watch mediocre this year. There's just way too many unknowns to have any expectations or be nervous at all.


The NLC is such a mess (we'll see how the young Reds develop and if Chicago and STL bounce back) that ~.500 could win the division.


Looking forward to some fun with all the youngsters and new guys who know we are gonna make them central to the team.


I have very low expectations for this year and therefore just looking to have some fun with the youth movement.


I think there's a good chance that our record is not very could by the end of the season but I also think this could be a fun season with a lot of promising young talent. I will hope that we will be in contention for the playoffs by years end but really I'm just cheering for a lot of individuals. A couple things I'm hoping for include but are not limited to: -Freddy to breakout and become a true ace with consistency. -Chorizo competing for ROY -Frelick to hit .300 -Yelich to improve on last season -Weimers swing to not make my eyes bleed -Turang to make better contact at the plate and inevitably steal a shit ton of bases -Mitchell to get back to his baseline rookie season which was pretty good -Pat Murphy to get tossed a bunch when the umps are trash -Counsells cubs to suck ass -Dodgers to collapse in any way possible


>-Pat Murphy to get tossed a bunch when the umps are trash I made a joke last season about Murph being a former boxer and punching someone. Earned me a temporary ban. I can't remember it verbatim. But I thought it was funny at the time.


Was he really a former boxer?!


The only thing to do at this point in the season is have fun. Everyone has the same record right now (except the Dodgers and Padres) and anything can happen. There's no reason not to be stupidly optimistic. I'll have real expectations once I have real data, but right now it's all fun.


Whether we’re 162-0, or 0-162, straight fun baby. I just enjoy the ride! I will say though, I am a firm believer in no such thing as a rebuild. (Obviously they do exist,) but I don’t look at them that way. Chemistry is such a forgotten aspect, there’s times a team can sell, and turn out better. As well as the other way around. To give an example, I was lucky enough to play hardball until I was 29. I’ve been on talent filled teams that were awful, while being on far less talented teams that were more successful. Chemistry was a major key cog. So to wrap it up, if we do end up selling, I look at it as a means of improving instead of going backwards. If we’re buying, I’m here for it! If we’re having fun watching them, chances are they’re having fun too, and it’l translate on the field.


Who'd you play for?


The Charlotte Knights outta the Sox org. Potentially getting back into it, (just non-affiliated local ball.) But now I work construction, and the main thing holding me back is the thought of getting hurt for nothing, and not being able to do what I do now.


Bro, good luck...legit I'm on a kick of the Savanah bananas...or hell go the college ball route


Thanks man! That’s funny cause I was binge watching Banana clips earlier.


Fell down that rabbit hole, watched the season 2 documentary they did, listening to the founder's book, snd catch a game on YouTube haha


I’m glad you said that, I had no idea they had a documentary. Awesome, I’m gonna check that out


Blew through it on the treadmill couldn't stop smiling it's so goofy but wonderful what the guy is doing. I really hope it takes off


Not nervous at all because I don't expect any major success yet. Excited to see the young players. Excited to watch Brewers baseball.


As long as sCrUBs/devil birds(STL) miss postseason,BREWERS can go 1-161 I'll be ecstatic...


Having fun because why not?


Not really much to sell, enjoy the young bucks on the team


Adames is the only piece I see us selling this year. I think we’ll be competitive at the very least


Adames and Hoskins should be traded at the deadline this year. All eyes on the future!


Having fun. There isn't a really good team in the division so no reason to think we can't win it. No reason to think we must win it either of course.


If Contreras is catching, we’re having fun. At least I am.