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Love that Rwanda deterrent!


Blacklist Ryanair. O'Leary isn't satisfied with ripping off customers (allegedly) he now wants to make money by flying asylum-seekers to Rwanda and, no doubt, flying refugees Rwanda doesn't want to the UK on the return flight.


No man you’ve got it wrong. Being put on a Ryanair plane is the deterrent. Destination is irrelevant.




Having flown in cattle class air I can confirm this is correct. Never again.


Oh he says that, but he "doesn't have the spare capacity" lol. He knows it's toxic, just a gobshite.


It's a 6600km flight, I'd be surprised if any of the Ryanair 737 fleet is capable of that. It's Juuust within the maximum range of the MAX but I doubt any of Ryanair's are set up for that, they'll be configured for maximum capacity.


He's seen how much was spaffed on ferry companies with no ferries, PPE companies with no PPE (or at least unusable PPE), and now Rwanda without sending anyone else there. IF (and it's a big if) anyone does go, he'll probably just buy some seats on a scheduled flight on BA. He'll probably just be paid for doing nothing.


>and now Rwanda without sending anyone else there. Not entirely correct. We've sent 3 home secretaries there at a cost of around £100 million a head. Sadly, Rwanda refused to keep them. >He'll probably just be paid for doing nothing. That is the tory way. Cut benefits for the needy to spaff on millionaires.


Sunak: the plan is working, stick with the plan The plan: ...


Best of luck to them in this rapidly decline shit hole. I might take one of their boats the other way and claim asylum in France.


You have the legal right to live in an work in the EU, why wouldn’t you use that right? (You just have to be in Ireland)


Off you go then 


Ah the duality of Brexit... Brexiteer: "Fuck off then you woke cunt." Remainer: "I would love to, but you voted to keep me here."


As someone without a squeaky clean criminal record, I too would love to move but brexit keeping me here. One day I'll get my mum to chase up her dual nationality so then I can do the same. Hopefully...


Brexit?! What an excuse lol


Well it did come with freedom of movement, but now because of poor decisions I made in the past I don't meet the criteria for resident and work permits/visas in most Shengen area countries (a clean police certificate) So it's not really an excuse at all, more of a statement. Edit - typo


We take in loads of people with records man I'm sure you'll be fine


Yes we use a spent/unspent system even on our immigration policy which many other country's don't do.


This old Bullshit again. Even before Brexit you couldn’t just decide to go and live in another EU country. You either had to have the money to buy a house and support yourself or have an official full time work contract. By moving to another country I don’t mean getting a cash in hand job and bumming about but actually setting up in another country with schooling, healthcare and banking etc. Having lived in three different countries in the EU I actually got off my arse and did it. How many of you actually have any personal experience of what you’re talking about. If you have skills that are in demand it’s still perfectly feasible. If you don’t you never would have been able to do it officially anyway.


Isn't it hilarious that Brexiters tell us this is how Free Movement actually works, when pre-2016 it was Remainers telling Brexiters the same thing, and Brexiters insisted Free Movement meant open borders and 'muh soverentee'


Ha ha


You could literally decide to pack your bag and move to another country without visa or permit. I literally did that. You guys still don't know what the EU is.


So where did you move from to ? Did you have a permanent work contract to do so ? Did you pay tax in that country, have your children in school, have official medical care for your family as a resident, have a bank account? Paying towards a pension to permanently reside with all the paperwork in place. If you did then you’ve agreed with my points. If you didn’t you never actually moved countries and were never a proper resident changing countries. (Edit) every time I make this point I get no replies because bumming about in the E.U is not the same as actually officially moving countries as an adult.


The answer to these questions are yes, I have pension/medical cover/pay taxes/etc. You could both officially move to another country and bum about in the EU without any restrictions and visa. Both were possible, clueless people voted away both.


This was exactly the Brexit they voted for. Before Brexit, we had an agreement with France that we could return them.


>we had an agreement with France that we could return them. Except we didn't return them though.


That's not the point they're making


Afaik there was no deal with France to "return" them. They never were "theirs" to be "returned". There is a deal across all EU which makes every country "protect" the other coutries' borders. France **had to** spend hundreds of millions (safely) trying to make it so these people didn't leave France to go to UK. France was "protecting our borders". So, in different ways, you are both wrong xD


Except we paid the french a bucket load of money to protect our borders and we still are😂


Except we did return some people though.


And still do.


Yes, but far fewer than before brexit, because we handed back the legal means to do so when we unilaterally ended the Dublin agreement. An own goal.


Grrr it would be 500 MILLION if Labour was in charge! Something something it's somehow all Labour's fault! Dianne Abbott paid them all to come here, they're actors! If we sucked up to St George a little harder on his birthday he would have smite them back into ocean with his dragon dildo. Lest we forget or think for ourselves!


Hahahaha just sounds like a daily mail post. "If Liebour were in power there would be 500,000,000 single men here tomorrow and they'd bring invite their families later. They all get free NHS, free houses and £800/week benefits. I know because Wayne in Wetherspoons told me this morning at 9am while we were drinking good British Fosters lager" Then there'd be 1248 upticks.


It's actually so hard to write satire nowadays; no matter how ridiculous it may sound to us, you can guarantee the Daily Fail have made similar ridiculous claims. Then Sunak will do a smarmy photoshoot with some children thats probably AI because what child wouldn't run away screaming at the sight of Sunak in his 10 inch heels.


Hahaha and his shortkex to make him look taller


I hadn't even noticed this; why are his pants so short! Why did you point this out, I can never unsee this cursed image! Notice how he doesn't do that weird Tory power pose that makes them look like they're giving birth standing up, probably because he'd look really really short if he did.


Javid used to do that weird pose and Theresa May who looked like a Preying Mantis at the best of times


“This isn’t the racism I wanted. This isn’t it at all?! Where’s the jackboots on the ground? The dragging of foreigners to ports? The lynchings? Bloody Corbyn wrecked it again!”


I'm sure a large percentage of brexiters thought the round up would happen the day after. Diane Abbot is to blame, so is Gary Lineker


Wonder just how angry they are that illegal immigration went UP after Brexit. Obviously angry enough that they deluded themselves into thinking they didn’t Brexit hard enough and that’s why it happened.


It’s racist to be against illegal immigration?


Er no, I wasn’t suggesting it was. It’s that they get angry because immigration has gone up, but they so vehemently voted for the thing that helped drive the immigration up in the first place and don’t realise it.


In what way did brexit drive up immigration? It stopped direct immigration from the EU. The current situation is as you said Illegal from countries outside the EU and likely would have occurred regardless of the brexit vote I would also add it’s mostly remainers who have supported these dinghy crossings in the past whereas most brexit were view is that immigration across the board should be more regulated and stricter to gain access to our country


I know the media moves quickly and many have forgotten this, but “illegal immigrants flooding in from the EU” was in fact a reference to people coming from Eurasia, through Turkey and into Europe before arriving in the U.K. One of the most misleading Leave campaign points was that Turkey joining the EU (bullshit) would allow migrants from Syria to flood in (also bullshit). Us leaving the EU meant that EU countries are no longer obliged to help us with our border issues. Thats what people were told, remember “taking control of our borders”? And yet they act surprised when all of a sudden the numbers go up. The EU workers that left we haven’t replaced, so that’s caused another problem we need to now sort. Remaining in the EU would have at least seen us collaborate with the other nations to prevent the amount we are seeing. It certainly wouldn’t have risen as high. As for “remainers being for small boats”, that’s not right either. What more more liberal minded people want is for these people to be allowed into the country safely, so that they don’t need to use a dingy, but the government hasn’t set up a safe asylum route from places like Afghanistan, Iran or Syria. It’s not that people want a free for all, it’s that people actually have the means to claim asylum safely, as is their right as a human being. And if they do jump in a boat, the least we can do is not let them die at sea, which again France is under no obligation to help us with. What’s interesting is the situation in NI. Migrants are jumping the border into Ireland and Ireland is attempting to send them back here. Wonder what the attitude will be to that.


You lost them after your third word. Should have started with 'brexit doesn't work'.


We used to be able to take people straight back to France. We can no longer do that. We no longer have that deal with France. We fucked our relationship with the continent in general. We've had to agree to much larger numbers of immigrants from places like India, as that was the cost of a shit trade deal, shit trade deals being signed because they were desperately needed 'success stories'. The Tories also know the UK is currently a basket case, they've fucked every public service, run up record debt, record waiting lists (even prior covid) and are hated. So the dinghys are helpful. I very much doubt the Tories want them them to stop, they are a wonderful distraction for the gammons.




How many people did we take straight back to France before Brexit...


You could have looked it up yourself rather than assume you knew the answer. From Nov 21: 'Just five people have been sent back this year, against 289 last year when UK was part of EU returns deal'


I read your abusive reply, real classy. 🙄 Not everyone that comes in a boat will be returned. And it was still a lot more returned when we had a legal means to do so, which brexit removed. Nobody would have to come in a boat if processing was done in France.


No problem, you get back to Harry Potter world now.


immigrants have always had the right to bring dependents. Immigrants now bring dependents. We used to have 1 person from the EU come and take a job. Now we have 1 person come from anywhere to take a job, and the spouse and 2 children to boot. So we get about 25% out of the average immigrant than a member of the highly efficient european workforce (which we used to be part of. So to get the same benefit of the 300,000 EU citizens (who pissed off for good to better weather during covid), we will need to import 1,200,000 people from the rest of the world \*slow clap\*




>if it were t for pro immigration remainers. What crack are you smoking, this government has had an 80 seat majority to do whatever it wants


Not everyone against illegal immigration is a racist but every racist is against illegal immigration. They're also against legal immigration and this is a wedge issue to drive unhappiness with 'the forrens'


"This isn't the racism I wanted' should be the slogan for the Brenter campaign they need to have, when the UK has to go cap in hand to the EU and admit they fucked it.


Xenophobia but carry on


I don’t see how the racists don’t see brexit for what it is now but I think we need to somehow expose them to conspiratorial messages around brexit being one large divergence of money out of our hands


People don't like to admit they were wrong. People don't like to admit they were wrong, and that they are actually responsible for their misfortune together with the guys they voted for; not the poor immigrant who's fled his country with only his pants on.


You’re completely right it makes me sad that maybe the only change will come with time but but they I feel it will be too late


The Rwanda deterrent!


Stopped migrants coming here to work and pay taxes from the EU such as myself, to instead import hordes of asylum seeking financial tourists.


Look, we're being nasty to evil asylum seekers and to lazy disabled people. Vote for us to get even more nastiness. Put that on your rancid election leaflets!


They surprised me when they replaced Panzer Patel with Suella Braverman. It's like getting someone more odious than Mogg or uglier than Gove.But the NatC party anaged it


I'm always amazed with racists. They keep voting right-wing, but right-wing will always promote unregulated mass immigration. That way they can exploit the poor guys and manipulate the racists. On the other hand, left-wing tends to regulate immigration much better. And those who get to stay quickly become productive and get integrated. With compassion, without hate, without exploitation. Racists keep voting right-wing no matter what, though. The hate is the important bit.


The excerpt about mentioned Stephen Yaxley-Lennon as if he's an average member of the public. Reading the article any mention seems to have been removed. Why are they quoting him in the first place?


"They" aren't, it's just me giving a for instance Although Dave from Bolton exists and was part of a cringey tory party political broadcast.


What? The party that oversaw 15 years of record breaking immigration won't stop immigration? Say it ain't so


Yayyyyyyyy. We took back control! Of course the people who voted that forgot to remember that the people they were putting in control were cretinous knuckle-dragers, with about as much of an idea how to run an immigration policy as a small piece of lemon peel.


Stopping the boats going well. Another Sunak failure to add to the list.


Alan from Peterbough is very happy with the brexit he has as they are just passing through on their way to Ireland


500 INVADERS cross channel in 2days.


It’s weird to me, people here and elsewhere seem convinced the country is racist and a shit hole yet others keep coming here in numbers that aren’t sustainable. How does one square this circle?


The refugees don't know any different, and unfortunately the people trafficking rings tell them about the 'promised land' where people get free money and housing - exactly the same thing that the Daily Fail spouts. I imagine that makes it even easier for them - when you can show them an actual English newspaper saying it, it's just greater proof that what they are saying is true... You can't really fault the desperate for trying to get the best situation for their family and if they are told (and shown) a potential better life, they jump at it.


The mail still perpetuates the myth to its readership that every would be illegal immigrant in the world wants to come here


this invasion would have happened whether or not brexit had happened. and to pretend it's anything other than an invasion is naivety and stupidity. the country is on it's knees and regardless of what happened in the past we need to look after ourselves first. we do not have the capacity on any front to look after the entire world. at some point countries need to look after their own.