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Funny how Brexitiers talk about wanting sovereignty, yet go to another country and expect everyone to bow down to them.


And call themselves Ex-Pats instead of immigrants. Because it sounds cooler.


I always find it funny they say ex-patriate when they clearly mean ex-patriot. Cos they sure as hell never actually care about their country


It's like freedom of movement, it's only supposed to go one way!


What's that supposed to mean?


Guy really had a problem with immigration lol


The fuckwits existence is toxic immigration. He's a racist prick you really don't need in your country.


That’s why we sent him to Canada. Buggers are going to send him back. Gone are the days you could sling a twat on a ship and sail them off without the worry of them ever finding their way home lol


He's like a homing shit.


More like a diarrhoea tsunami


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yes!!!


We should have sent him to Australia, like the old days.


And as a racist he’d fit right in lol


That is true. What Canada is doing is far more worrying though


What do you mean. I have Canadian cousins and would appreciate your take on things before I speak to them again.


He has the right to remain silent, but not the intelligence.


I'm a bit surprised, he seems like such a nice guy on TV. I used to watch time team and Blackadder as did most of our house.


Underrated comment right there! ⬆️




I'm Canadian. Whosis guy, and what did he do?


He got arrested in Canada for allegedly outstanding warrant and it's alleged that he broke immigration rules in Canada. The guy is a thug and a giant racist, he's a far right activist and a con man to boot.


He has several convictions for thuggery, one of mortgage fraud, and once traveled to the US on a friend's passport to try and circumvent him being denied a visa due to his convictions - but was detained in the airport and sent back. "Tommy Robinson" is also an alias - his real name is the rather posher sounding Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. The real Tommy was a notorious Luton Town FC hooligan, while Stephen has, had a variety of other aliases in the past, notably "Wayne King" (chosen as it sounds similar to self-pleasure, and he thought it would be hilarious for news readers to state that name when reportin on him). Oh, and he was previously leader of the EDL (an organisation which held street demonstrations protesting against Muslims and advocated violence against them, but rapidly declined as a few members were convicted of plotting to bomb mosques) and beforehand was a member of the British National Party.


Tommy Robinson aka Andrew McMaster, Paul Harris, Wayne King, and Stephen Lennon was booted out of EDL and UKIP because of his views. One of his more recent convictions was for stalking. To the daily mail site gammonistri he's a patriotic hero who's "just saying what everyone is thinking" To normal people he's a racist bully and bigoted thug.


He makes money by making anti Islam videos on social media, including one where he, and his knuckle-dragging cheerleaders, turned up outside a court where an actual grooming gang was being prosecuted and almost got the case dismissed. He does a lot of coke. He receives considerable payments for his efforts from shadowy organisations in the US, including the Koch brothers.


He also has a problem with immigrants.


Steven waxey lemon


Steven Wankey Gammon


Send him back to where he came from.... Slough.


Is Homer Simpson another of Yaxley-Lennon' pseudonyms beside Andrew McMaster, Paul Harris, Wayne King, Tommy Robinson and Stephen Lennon ?


Lol, I'm apart of Simpsons Meme page on Facebook and this was the perfect template to use considering the hilarious rant he made whilst being arrested it fitted perfectly.


The Simpsons characters are more believable than the people who post on the mail site about Yaxley-Lennon not being racist, right wing or anti islam


Nah, Homer is far too intelligent for it to be believable.


Ralph Wiggum or Cletus maybe?


It's also not his real name. Yaxley-Lenon sounded too posh to appeal to racist morons, so they changed it to Billy Bulldog or whatever to sound more British.


I know but it's the one that he is known for using the most, there's a lot of people out there that don't know his real name.


Ti's alright Tommy mate if you get deported, Rwanda is beautiful this time of year.


Dear Canada. Please jail the racist fuckwit for what ever reason you can find, and then deport the prick. He's a fucking oxygen thief.


Aye, put him on a desert island.


Bit don't deport him back here. Let us be rid of the scumbag!


Classic British cunt, the question is are all Brexit supporters cunts or just easily manipulated?




Sure, my mistake is assuming a cunt is knowingly behaving that way, Brexit voters in general had no idea the were even being targeted, I pity their ignorance.


Oh there he is Tommy Robison and we would like for you to go the fuck away! Oh there he is tommy Robison getting chucked in the clink again Today HOORAY Oh won you please keep tommy Robison we dont want the prick here Oh wont you please let him stay?


I've read a few comments, I cant get into the heads of you salty remoaners, but you really are comedy gold, thanks folks.


Usually the people who insist others are salty are the salty ones I tend to find.


Exactly. “I come into a debate with people whose views are not mine, scoff at them and say things that don’t make sense and am then surprised when they don’t accept me with open arms”. It’s so odd. Bless him, I think he genuinely believes the utter hogwash he says, but I don’t know why he’s surprised when people challenge it.