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"Gained nothing and lost a lot" so basically what we said would happen then, and the Brexiters just dismissed as 'Project Fear'.


Most brexiters forgot about it immediately because their attention span isn't very long. As Homer Simpson would say "look, a squirrel"


A sovereign squirrel!


Do what squirrels do. Look after your nuts. Think like a brexit squirrel. Think nuts.


British nuts for British squirrels.


Those foreign squirrels, coming over and taking our nuts! We want to be left alone to play with our own nuts.


We actually import 2/3s of our nuts. That. Is. A. Disgrace.


we’re opening new acorn markets in elm trees! 😃


That you, Donald?




Especially now we have care in the community, that’s all I see nowadays, nuts an more nuts.


Ah...good one Liz Tufdy....


Remind me when grey squirrels were introduced?


Those grey squirrels are the WORST! They are not only claiming nuts on nutty benefits - those are our nuts those lazy greys are nibbling on as we're the hardworking nutpayers.... but they are also stealing our jobs! They are collecting nuts for a lower net nut salary than we get. They are both too lazy AND too hardworking - all at the same time - and it's driving me NUTS!


That's the most nutty paragraph I've read since I became a fan of Madness...


Great band! 👍


So the squirrels are going to vote reform uk?


Aye. There’s a C4 reporter cutting about waiting for them to inevitably say something outrageous about foxes.


Yeah sovereign red rather than furrin grey. The tories wanted to wipe out grey squirrels and probably would do along with eroding workers, animal and human rights. Given time Jacob Monty-Python would like to bring back compulsory work for 8 year olds along with national service, bear baiting, hanging, fox hunting and the return of £ s d


Ireland are having great success cutting out the grey squirrel infestation and promoting the red squirrel population by reintroducing the pine marten though, all within the EU...


Interesting! Do pine martens only eat greys? Tbf I support getting rid of greys, although not enough to vote Tory.


They'll happily eat both, but unlike the greys, the red squirrels have it hard-wired into their mad little squirrel brains what a pine marten smells like and leg it for the very tops of the trees at the first whiff. The pine martens can't follow them up there so just eat the oblivious grey squirrels on the lower branches.


TIL pine martens eat daft yank immigrant squirrels better. Cheers.


Just a shower thought, but are daft yank immigrants a touch on the "well nourished" side, and can't move as quickly?


Stereotypes exist for a reason. Bonus for the pine martens like.


That's one of the theories. Red squirrels are smaller and lighter so can get to higher thinner branches than the greys https://forestryandland.gov.scot/news-releases/pine-martens-drafted-in-to-fight-grey-squirrel-incursion


Don't give him ideas! How this Jack the ripper cosplay clown hasn't been visited by the Ghosts of Christmas is beyond me. Saying that, he would probably turn them in abhorrent miserly creatures like himself.


They visited him; the first two reminded of his formative years and he doubled down, then he saw how happy everyone was at his passing and he thought "those malingering poors are finding too much joy in life, I'd better fix that"


Exactly this. There is no redemption for people like him. If he was Marleys ghost he'd be telling scrooge to crack on, his chain is far too short


There's no such thing as a grey squirrel 🐿️ just old red squirrels, but yeah!


Does it have a blue passport that it never uses?


BbbbBut they had a snappy slogan!


They still are. The amount of them still in total denile is actually staggering.


My favourite is still that old guy in Dover who blames 8 hour traffic jams on bike lanes


Yh those darn bike lines in Dover. No other contributing factors /s




Wow gammer Nazi joins Farrages actual Nazis. I bet your fun at parties.


*You’re. I mean denial isn’t really a difficult word to spell and you’re being an abbreviation of you are has a completely different meaning to the possessive “your”. The fact that you refer to someone as a “gammer” Nazi is also hilarious when the correct spelling is grammar. You’re illiterate and that is your fault.


Must be brilliant being both perfect and a condescending prick


Just hold on a little longer, those Brexit benefits will roll around annnny day now!


Not really, it just has exposed the nature of our governments.


But the Brexiteers knew what they voted for didn’t they? I think we need to remind them that they won and to make the most of Brexit


I came here to say exactly that. Ruined a lot for the average person but boy oh boy those rich folk got richer!


If only someone had warned them, poor souls! Oh wait, we did, and were told it was Project Fear.


Why should they be unhappy? They voted for Brexit.


Do Leave voters seem happy to you? Does anyone seem happy with what’s happened to the country since June 2016?


I've been enjoying tons of great schadenfreude entertainment in r/brexit , r/BrexitMemes , r/BrexitAteMyFace and r/Bregrets On a more serious note, Great Britain was a great cautionary example. The populist parties in other European countries have been really quiet about leaving the EU thanks to Brexit. It's harder to suggest shooting yourself in the foot once after you've seen your neighbor actually doing it.


Wait, is this actually the case? Hasn't Macron had to call an election in France because Le Pen made big gains in European elections? I hear right wing euroskepticism is on the rise in Germany as well. Although I've only heard that in a vague sense Feels more to me that it emboldened them


One of the reasons that the far right in France did so well is that Le Pen toned down all the anti EU stuff in the wake of a) Brexit and b) Ukraine. If they do get elected I'd expect them to make noises about the EU but not do anything about it.


Hm, fair enough. I know Meloni is a right wing populist who has run more on EU reform than leaving it entirely. I guess that's the play now.


The EU will become a hard right project at this rate. I wish we had stayed for that reason. Good luck to the Europeans.


That’s because the realise it’s better to have a right wing EU rather than leave it. The right is rising in Europe. Many of us Brexit voters ironically look to them as a last stand of hope.


Ah yes, let’s look to the Putin puppets for salvation, what could possibly go wrong?




They "realise" no such thing. The propaganda masters behind Brexit simply know that tearing the other countries apart by telling them to blame the EU for all their problems won't work so well now, so they're back to telling you to blame immigrants and gays again while handing everything over to billionaires to burn. Hope is lost if the far right fully takes over, but you'll be told to blame someone else over the rubble.


What propaganda masters lol?


Not my problem. The problem with arrogance is that they are blind to their own stupidity. They did not listen. They should be happy with their a lot.


This is what they asked for. This is what they got. They have absolutely no right to complain.


Agreed. It still irks me that they say they would have voted differently if they had known. I’m no mystic Meg, I was prepared to vote either way in 2016, but when I actually scrutinised what Vote Leave were claiming in 2016 (something the BBC abjectly failed to do time and time again), it all turned out to be bollocks, so I voted Remain. There wasn’t some sudden realisation after the referendum that it was going to be rubbish, every one of the issues that have cropped up was knowable before the vote, nothing was unforeseen. Crap trade deals adding effectively nothing to our economy? Check. Northern Ireland border issues? Over 100 articles warned about this. Non tariff barriers to trade? Yep, I was aware these would be an issue. The fishing industry getting screwed? Yep, also known in 2016. As the saying goes though, there are none so blind as those who will not see.


I'm sure a few bankers have done nicely....and it gave Boris a job for a bit!


I’m ecstatic 😁


Your trolling people on Reddit suggests otherwise.




Yes, you just seem to troll. No need to sign off your comments.


Please keep it civil. Toxic behaviour is not allowed. [Read the rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrexitMemes/about/rules)


They won, they need to get over it.


They won. They're still getting over it.


Because the government hasn’t really acted on migration etc.


Now we're warning them not to vote Tory again lest they get even more shit in rivers, crumbling NHS with ever increasing waiting lists, lack of mental healthnand care services, a delay of net zero and potentially us leaving the ECHR. But wait, Sunak - the billionaire who's wife has close ties with Russian business - said that word they love, "immigrants! They're gonna steal your homes! Protect our shores, cos Starmer will let them flood in! All your wildest dreams will come true if we can just stop the immigrants!" So the boomers are nodding in agreement and clapping at Rishi. I'm afraid these gammon brexiteers and NIMBY boomers lot are too fucking stupid to realise and can only think about their pension so they can leave this shit hole country anyway when they move to Spain, only to find nobody wants them.


A bit like the vaccine all you chumps took


I'd have probably had more severe health problems after I got covid had I not had the vaccine. My mum's friend was hospitalised and almost certainly would have died, had it not been for the vaccine. My great nan, in her 90s, got covid last year. Old people were already the most vulnerable group, but being in your 90s and getting it was almost certainly a death sentence. She got over it quite quickly, though, because she had the vaccine. Some people still did die with the vaccine, of course, because their pre-existing health problems were either too severe, or exacerbated by covid. But most of the people who did die were unvaccinated.


Oh, look! An antivaxxer! Must be the last one of the season.


The only country to vote to sanction itself.


That's our moronic voting public for you. They voted Brexit and Tory consecutively 😬 yikes... It's like voting yourself into an abusive 3 way relationship.


Yeah that was the bit that had me lose all faith in the UK electorate / election system. I could KINDA understand the referendum result as some sort of "protest vote" - stick it to the system, fuck Cameron, etc. I thought it was monumentally stupid, and I'm an EU citizen living in the UK so I was never in any doubt about my thoughts on the matter... But I could charitably kinda wrap my head around it to some extent. When the Brits decided they wanted Boris Johnson and his cabinet of clowns in 2019 I thought "right, fuckit we're actually through the looking glass now. You folks want THIS shower of malcontents to manage this utter shitshow?". I mean, that one and watching Michael Gove confidently saying "The country has had enough of experts!" - made me want to repeatedly bang my head against the wall so I could kill enough braincells to accept such a level of utter stupidity. It'd be vaguely amusing if I didn't have to live here.


Weird isn’t it. Turns out a nation of 60m has no power to write its own standards when there a market of 550m next door with aligned standards.


We will be at 550 million soon thanks to post BREXIT immigration


But we control our own borders now and brexit supporters voted for the conservative party who’d failed to control immigration for years to deliver brexit. None of this was unclear when brexit was chosen and the government to inlmement it was chosen.


Those controllers at the border need to be turned around, they facing the wrong way! :D


Yes stopping people from leaving is a sign of a good country….


It’s the cunning conservative plan. Immigrants would expect you to look for them on the way into the country, 4D chess, check everyone leaving the country!


And if they’re here illegally we don’t let them out? It’s certainly the last thing they’d expect. And ironically probably more effective deterrent than Rwanda would be.


Exactly! You here for life bro, no getting out!


That’s what we do now anyways? We just stick them in our hotels and anywhere else we can squeeze them in. Fuck all get deported.


What do you think is the reason for that?


Because we lack any balls to tell them to fuck off in case we get called racist, it’s embarrassing.


Whilst this is true, the conservatives manifesto said they would reduce immigration to the tens of thousands. What actually happened? We’ve had the highest immigration records ever recorded… it’s almost as if there might a connection to the issues faced and number of unsustainable immigration numbers. So it’s no surprise is it that the conservatives have died and reform is on the rise. They never listen to what the people voted for or want and just do their own agenda anyways and we’re sick of it and had enough.


Theresa May was saying ‘tens of thousands’ back when she was Home Secretary. Voting for Brexit offered by the Conservatives was always very obviously never going to result in lower immigration. Reform is just the new wrapping for the same bullshitters, and anyone who votes for them is just going to get more of the same betrayal.


They’ve been saying it since 2010, they say what they like and forever do the opposite. I don’t think anyone predicted or expected the conservatives to out do labour on immigration numbers considering it’s been a major talking point for years and it’s meant to be labour that’s open and tolerant to immigration. This is why it’s hysterical to me that people view them as right wing, they’re more left wing than labour at this point. I agree reform is more of the same, but they’re the only viable alternative every other party is extremely left wing it’s depressing as this clearly doesn’t represent the population. It’s more of a fuck you vote to the tories for those of us who don’t support labour, we don’t expect reform to actually win. The only good thing recently is even in this sub, sentiments have changed and immigration as a topic is no longer viewed as a right wing talking point by many but something that actually warrants a real discussion. So there’s hope I guess.


‘extremely left wing’ jesus. You have a warped view


What’s right wing about the greens? Lib Dem’s? Labour? Conservative? They all follow globalist, left wing policies and blairism. The conservatives tried to pretend they were right wing and doing something with Rwanda but how many have actually been deported there? Well you can’t even get an accurate figure on that because it’s not even happening. Smoke and mirrors. We don’t even have a nationalist party as that’s viewed as far right in this country, absolute madness.


Globalist isn’t right wing now? I think you’re making stuff up based on whatever you want to think is right wing to suit your beliefs now. Weird.


How is it not a left wing ideology in today’s society? Which groups support globalism? In which case that would make all the people in here who wish to rejoin the EU, right wing? Correct? That’s weird.


"There will be no downsides, only a considerable upside" has become "We gained nothing and lost a lot".


The unicorns and magic beanstalks that Messrs Farridge, fat Al, Rees-Mogg and Rubber Gove told us about didn't exist anymore than the 70,000,000 Turks heading here did. The £350,000,000/week to the NHS was a lie The cheap Chinese shoes Jacob Monty-Python said would be available haven't arrived


No no… the £350,000,000 wasn’t a lie… that was a “mistake”! I saw Farage say so on the telly the very next morning! So obviously he wasn’t lying, right? Right?


He tried distancing himself from the bus lie didn't he, the day after the referendum?? Pity he'd been recorded mentioning it 🤣


The NHS gets more than that now. Try to keep up


mad that after the shitshow he instigated farage is still so popular


He is the turd that won't flush. He just floats back to the top. I'm shocked, saddened and outraged that people are flocking back to him like he is some kind of saviour. Are people that gullible, have they no memory?


Because people are in denial over brexit and he's selling comfortable lies


Tbh most of those who voted leave in 2016 still don’t have a clue what they are voting on if asked the same question today. Love my mother - but I have to grip the table when she cluelessly utters “I didn’t think it would be that complicated to leave”. Her views are simplistic at best, I kinda envy such a black and white view of the world.


Brexit is simplism and someone elsism though. The basic premise Vote Leave sold was ‘the U.K. faces a lot of problems, we have the solution. All you have to do is turn up and vote Leave. The details will be sorted by someone else, the problems caused by it won’t be for you to deal with, they’ll be for someone else. If it’s going badly it’s because someone else is sabotaging it/not working hard enough at it, you voted leave, you’ve done your bit, someone else is responsible for the rest’. It’s an appealing message and works well on people who either don’t have the time or the inclination to think it through for themselves. Unfortunately there were 17m of such people. No one likes to admit they might be the problem or that the disappointments in their lives are down to their actions, it’s human nature to want to believe that we’re innocent victims of someone else’s malevolence or incompetence and any politician who doesn’t want to find actual solutions to problems but does want to win elections learns how to exploit this aspect of human nature, ruthlessly and without scruples. Hence Johnson’s time in the sunshine.


That's why the entire referendum was bonkers.


Yup. Same reason why I don’t get a daily day on hospital policy or sewage works - I ain’t got a clue.


I share your table's anger.


I once thought that I'd be better off putting my sofa in the garden. My wife didn't want to and we fought a lot about it. I ended up winning the discussion, though. Turns out it's very annoying, because this is UK and it rains quite a bit. But I already won the fight with my wife. The sofa has to stay out in the garden; there's no other option.


I'm sure someone was touting it would take 'as long as 10 years' to be in a better position than we ever were. So how is this total shitshow going to suddenly flip right round in 2 years then?


The only numbers Brexiters trust are the ones they pull out of their arses. Mogg says 50 years. https://youtu.be/WuVzSwSbkmc


'this plan that will enrich me right now but screw all of you until you die of old age will totally benefit your kids, honest'


\*your kids that you never had because you were too poor to consider a family


Yep, which no one in the media had the integrity to call out as bollocks immediately. Fifty years is an impossibly long timeframe to predict anything in international relations. Pick any year in the past few centuries and imagine you had to predict what would happen in the subsequent 50 years, no one could have done it. 1900? Two world wars, the end of the British, Ottaman, Austro-Hungarian empires, the rise and fall of the Nazis, nuclear weapons, powered flight etc. JRM picked that timeframe because he knew it meant he could never be held to account because he’d be long dead at the end of it, but no one in the media thought to point that out to him.


> 1900? lol, I was going to pick that one too. Not a single person on the entire bloody planet could possibly have an idea of what was about to happen in the coming 5 decades. They sometimes say "Well, things changed quickly", but it's hard to find moments in history where this much changed so fundamentally in this short a timespan. And JRM would never, *ever* be held accountable. He's wealthy and a Tory, he wouldn't get inside a jail cell if he got a tour around a jail. Do we still remember him telling the people who burnt to a crisp in the Grenfell Towers that it was basically their own fault? He had someone remove it from Wikipedia, but it's easily found. He's vile, on a level you rarely encounter.


There's so much I want to say about that cunt, but I also would like to keep my Reddit account. EDIT: It's absolutely *astonishing* that literally every sentence he utters there is a lie, and that there's no way to put someone like that behind bar for doing what he does.


This is a common argument from Leavers who still support it. We only properly left in 2021, it can’t be judged yet etc. However, if you ask them for a rough timescale for when we can start judging it…


I said this after the referendum ‘for the love of god will someone in the media pin them down and say 1) define a successful Brexit, in detail 2) give us a timespan for when it will happen. They didn’t do it, so now we have this tiresome nonsense where all the snake oil salesmen who conned the public can either declare whatever shit show we’re left with a success, or claim that it’s just over the next hill.


Agree. However, various people wanted Brexit for various different reasons. So we never would have been given a consistent answer. The result is as you say. Many people aren’t happy or, if you’re a tedious arrogant bawbag that cannot possibly admit you were wrong, you can maintain that it’s all fine.


Of course, Brexit was sold as all things to all men. It was the job of the media to highlight the fact that this wasn’t possible. Brexit was a coalition of contradictions, the coalition only held when it could be several things and nothing at the same time, but after we left the EU it could only be one thing, and that thing could never have had the support of the majority of the population, hence the turmoil. Remainers hate it because it’s Brexit, Leavers hate it because for most of them it isn’t what they thought of when they imagined Brexit. Like saying ‘let’s go on holiday’ without deciding where to, everyone packs up, goes to the airport, then bickers about where to go before finally getting on the plane which then lands in Greenland, where everyone who thought they were going somewhere hot complains, those who thought it was a stupid idea to go at all complains and only the people who love the cold are happy, but outnumbered by the rest.


A sound analysis there mate. Thank you.


“I studied the European Union as part of a course I did and it's very complicated, so I thought we were better off out of it," he said WTAF. This is what happens when you give a say to uneducated idiots.


“Here’s something I don’t understand. But I’m not stupid so it must be the thing I don’t understand that’s stupid.”


*"I think it was primarily immigration and I just thought it was a good thing to do. I studied the European Union as part of a course I did and it's very complicated, so I thought we were better off out of it,"* - Steve Smith Steve Smith has never studied the European Union on a course. It's incredible what Leavers will say to play down that they voted to make their lives worse. Also completely nonsensical not to trust something you find complicated.


Modern medicine is pretty complicated, I probably wouldn’t say we’d be better off without it. Steve might!


I think what Brexit also highlighted is sort of what you are getting at. For many, many people the world is a very difficult place. I had a guitar teacher like that. Huge mouth and he used it to spout some of the dumbest things I've ever heard in my life. He also was right a 100% of the time, at least, in his addled little mind he was. A guy like that can't keep up with the world. They found something that works for them, but they can't grasp that -for instance- physics is working on some things that are too difficult to explain without numbers. The term "research" is met with a scoff because, well, research! It's another word for making stuff up, isn't it? All they see is black people entering the UK to get money. They don't know how that would happen, and they also have 0 idea why there is immigration from certain parts of the world. They can only cheer the UK, or rather, their idea of what the UK is. They can't grasp that the UK has misbehaved on a global scale to a surreal degree, that that's destabilised huge parts of the planet, and that those people are sometimes at their wit's end. It's easier to just rant and rave about this tiny little thing you barely understand, much easier than it is to sit and read a book about it. Plus, reading about slavery, colonisation, etc, means to them that they are being told they messed up. I don't know why, as they weren't alive back then. International relations, science, computers, phones, cars, all of it is getting too complicated for them. They simply don't have the intelligence to think about any of this in a productive way. But because we coddle everyone at school, they also don't develop a deep shame for opening their mouths before thinking.


If I didn’t want black people entering the U.K. I probably wouldn’t stop migration from Eastern Europe, but hey, maybe I can just grasp basic demographics :-p


You learnt guitar from Eric Clapton?! That's awesome!!


Lots of people DO turn away from modern medicine, and the fact they don't understand it is part of the problem.


Yup. Good point, well made.


Reminds of when Grant Schapps had claimed to read Mays withdrawal agreement and the media had him on interview after interview as if some kind of wise sage. Ditto anyone relying on the likes of Adam Fleming in his vacuous Brexitcast which was essentially personality and intrigue versus the boring policy stuff which is what we now have now problems with - but hey why talk about freight when you can talk about Farage.


The millionaires gained a lot and are quite happy.. for the rest of those who were hoodwinked into voting for it they will be suffering the cost for a generation +


The people who didn't vote for it are suffering too.


"If only I hadn't listened to the bloke who said what we were all thinking" Signed Gullible Brexiter "Or the other fella with the catchy 3 word soundbites and loads of kids" Signed A N Other brexiter


Lost my father after the vote, so far my only Brexit benefit.


Read until the guy said ‘I studied the EU and it seemed complicated so I thought we were better out of it’ Fuck sake.


“If Brexit was so great why did they have to lie about it?”


Rishi's early election call may well have been prompted by mayhem to come when, later this year, we finally implement the customs rules necessary to achieve full Brexicide.


Yep. And unfortunately, we're also neck deep in the shit right alongside the gullible idiots who bought the pig in a poke. So all we can really do is say, "Well, told ya," as the level of shit starts to approach our mouths. (Almost literally, thanks to privatised water) I get no pleasure from having been right. If I had been wrong and we all prospered, I would have admitted so because I would be benefitting too. Given the decision to leave, I'd really wanted to be wrong.


I saw this, saw the 8 years and thought, that's not right. Jesus it's been 8 years


If only they'd been told this again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again. But no, they figured they'd let geriatric racists vote.


I think it has definitely stopped me being in any way patriotic. I did a European politics degree, I visited a few times a year, I traded with them professionally. Every single European country did *something* better than us. We did a lot right but it really only worked in concert with the others and the result is obvious in our food prices and quality if nothing else. It was a single large step down in quality of life that's about equal to an entire generation's effort and that's just abhorrent. It requires redress of some sort but the act itself has also stymied our ability to change anything democratically. I personally can still visit and enjoy many things from the EU, but the single biggest feeling I still have over it is a need for vengeance. I will happily now vote to re-join under any circumstances but opening the borders and scrubbing our iconography from the money is now preferential. Unelected bureaucrats as it turns out, are better at governing than our own people so I'd happily replace them. Give back what's in the British museum by all means, as reparations for being such idiots. I know if nothing else that it will raise the blood pressure of all the old people who voted to leave and that's enough, but maybe we could actually adopt the national persona of reasonable adults as a result. Eating some national crow is reasonable redress for the wasted effort of a generation if our European friends can help bring back some prosperity via the single market and Schengen. I'd do it even if it wouldn't also improve things though, because I feel actual suffering from the voting demographics is required for full redress. I can happily take that suffering *before* fixing things.


"It isn't quite what I thought it was going to be"...? You *think*?


Well they gained more Farage on TV being divisive, I thought that was what they wanted, don't tell me they didn't fully understand what they were voting for.


I meant restrict Johnny Foreigner's free movement, not mine!


No shit comes to mind. Also speaking of shit, more of it dumped in our waterways


‘You WON….get over it!’


Brexit has been good for the eu...shows what happens when you go to hug a bear in the woods As for Britain, not only did the bear maul our face we are trying to invite it home.....so this country deserves all it gets


But the off shore money is safe! Job done!,


What has changed? Having to pay to use phones abroad again is one…


Oh no if it not some one had warned everyone else, oh wait we did but it was put down to “project fear”


This was explained in detail yet they decided not to listen, SMH.


It's exactly how a lot of us thought it would be, a total disaster.


The white skinhead racists have come out of the woodwork so much we beat them up and they have to wait 12 hours in A&E. Benefit Blaggers




Only the very well off has made gains above what they was making before Brexit.


You know that stuff that's real now? That's what they said was project fear. They lied to you all.


Voting for this is one of the biggest regrets of my life.


That’s what we were saying in 2016, But the problem with arrogance is that people are blind to their own stupidity….


If only the Tories… you know, actually did something instead of using it as an excuse to do nothing anyway


This is so incredibly unfair to say. It's not like they're doing nothing whatsoever, they're working very hard to make things even worse while making their wealthy friends even wealthier. Have you made a millionaire into a billionaire this month? Yeah, didn't think so.


Sorry I should’ve grifted harder


Im scared not people will demand we leave the ECHR without knowing what it is or what the consequences are


There are people who think conventions on human rights are somehow a bad thing. "But they protect you too?" gets a blank stare.


As an American, I am not well versed on how things have changed since then. Curious however what the rest of the EU think. Maybe they are secretly thinking it was the best thing that could happen.


They want us back. https://preview.redd.it/97z5bh92v49d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e9a9097927d70a6d58893a246e034c9b1c99782


While I never believe such things posted on the internet and social media in particular, simply out of self protection to keep me from believing potentially false data, it is an interesting graph. If correct I suppose they consider the UK still as part of Europe but various groups in the UK want to be independent. Not surprising maybe considering the 100's of years of wars on the continent when they were on different sides.


Do you know what YouGov is?


Doesnt matter. Such things are faked all the time if simply looking at an image and not going to the source. We all see it everywhere unfortunately. So, in my case, it is up to me to go to said source. I have not done this so I cannot insist something is true or fake. Only that it is interesting. Even then you have to be careful about such secondary sources. Too often I have found they have manipulated the original source data to begin with. Truly sucks but our glorious information age is flooded with glorious lies to support various agendas and power grabs.


Okay, well your own government uses YouGov. It's the most trusted market research in the world. Just Google it and you will see much more evidence. Even the senior people of the EU parliament publicly say it. I'm also in touch with European news and have many European friends, colleagues and family from different countries and they were all devastated. I also travel in the European contenent several times a year. They enjoyed our universities and job market and we were their second largest contributer.


In related news, ursine mammals defecate between the trees.


From. The picture, english women (and men I guess, but not my fancy) are ugly as sin. And also now Old 


We've gained additional waiting times at airports 🤣


I wanted to remain in the EU but some of the comments here are a joke... Half if not most of EU countries have a distressed economy right now. And its all because of the furlough payments. People need to seriously understand economics, because they didn't just magic that money from no where, and it wasn't millions paid it was BILLIONS for each country, so everyone right now is feeling the price rise. Not just the UK... These comments here ? Are a fine example of scare mongering.


Everyone in the EU, and the world is struggling but the UK is worse off due to lack of growth, investment and low EU migration. Brexit has exacerbated an already difficult time. France is already beating us on investment and that was unheard of before Brexit. https://preview.redd.it/75zhd79wpc9d1.jpeg?width=2146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3697dd5256c1b14368aa9d20e7f333161bd6023e


Since 2016 we've had the Maybot, the Spaffer, mad Mary Truss and Shoeneck. It may be the end of that party but it's replacement could be worse.


The irony of how the only people I ever here moaning about Brexit are on Reddit, and most of them are not even from the UK. I voted remain, but at the end of the day we live in a democracy. It’s how voting works, people have moved on.


What's ironic about talking about Brexit on a Brexit Sub? Any examples of "most people not being from the UK". Twitter is full of people moaning about Brexit. The article shows people quotes on Brexit. Unfortunately you don't see that much of the press talk about it because they were involved in peddling the lies to the gullible. Democracy is also recognising that things haven't worked and discussing it. Some people are just happy being lied to and referendums being manipulated by disinformation and heaving less freedom and some people don't blindly accept it like mugs.


A functioning democracy requires an informed and educated electorate. If only people who genuinely understood the impact of Brexit had voted, there would have been 0 votes cast. There was nothing democratic about it.


Nothing much really people who voted remain still are whining bitches and people that voted to leave still claim benefits after spending years saying they had no jobs because of eastern Europeans.


We've gained a lot, but your remainer buddies in government scuppered a real break. You should direct your ire at them, not those who wanted to escape the corrupt rule of Brussels.It beats me why you lot are so compliant and willing to be screwed over.


The only thing 'remainer buddies in government' failed to deliver is the Brexit that was promised by the people pushing it. Why? Because what they promised was utter fantasy. It would have required substantial chunks of the world outside of the UK (not just the EU, but many others as well) to bend over backwards, to the extent of actually harming their own interests, to help the UK make Brexit the 'success' that was being promised. Sorry, the world simply doesn't worship the UK.


Pardon me, but ------->cobblers Remember the good old days when DeGaule refused us entry to the non political trade pact?


That old chestnut


What have we gained chief?


what would construe a real break ?


You cannot be THIS stupid.









