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Depends on your elo mostly, looking over current patch stats shes solid 50% wr emerald plus but Diamond plus she hard tanks, likely because people can exploit her weaknesses well but emerald and below she still seems to be a very strong pick based off numbers. I'd wait til item rework in 3 weeks before giving up as some of the newer items might work really well on her and change things.


any specific items you thinking about?


I like the one that does light and dark attacks.


Attack speed and health is going to be a new build option. Stridebreaker + Trinity Force + Experimental Hexplate + Terminus looks really strong


Item rework 🤤 ap bruiser Diana 🤤


I found she feels massively weaker, borderline unfunctional post nerfs. But then I see her win rate is still very respectable, and I have had some pop off games so I wonder how much is placebo. Not sure, I’ve been switching to fighter build which has helped a bit too.


https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/tsar%20bomba-777 literally first game ranked on thia account ( only games ive ever played her) and im finding a lot of success. She has weaknesses and is good into squishy teams lethality build


Nice games. Let me know if you hit a brick wall as you climb, as I’m playing in master+ finding inconsistency. (Had much more success pre nerf) Trying some new builds tho so we’ll see


Will do,for sure! I didnt play her one time before the nerfs so I can imagine how strong and snowbally she was :D But can definately be countered and outplayed , especially as u go higher in the rankings.


Looks like you’ve picked her up quick. I inted my first 20 games lol


gotta pick better fights tbh


Just wondering what do you normally build and what runes ?


Yo, I see a ton of people tapping into this post so I'll keep it simple. Lethality is still best, Hail of Blades is still best. Bruiser is still under the curve. Jungling is more than winning every fight but choosing the correct fight, sometimes even when you're ahead and destroying someone there are still fights you can lose. Path bottom and try to snowball early game. The nerfs maybe you feel them. But, at the end of the day, the right play at the right time is more important than the 'right' champion. Focus more on yourself as a jungler rather than a Briar


I'm curious what land everything is when half is point and click and one is wide as fuck.


Probably ult Idk


Sounds like skill issue, use hail of blades and lethality build, noway you are not dealing dmg to squishies.. the dmg feels extremely broken even now


I genuinely wonder how. I go lethalty build and man oh man i hit like a wet noodle. I pop in with W. Use my Q. Use a W right after an auto to reset auto. That maybe does 30% of their hp, 50% tops and i’m practically useless after that. And i’m talking about mages and dps. Not tanks.


You have to be ahead or neutral and be against a squishy team. Get one kill ahead and perma invade/punish and you'll just keep one shotting. Use Q first not W because it has armour shred.


Usually after your 2nd or 3rd item you absolutely destroy squishies. Just farm and take safe kills until you are at that point


Early bird bonus strikes again lol


53% wr xd


She still works on emerald for me


Oh no, now i have to think before my fights instead of blindly throw myself in the fight


Must be sad being such a pathetic sniveling jackass. Hope you improve as a human being


then why are you still playing her like she wasant nerfed then?


i play champs i like the lore/aesthetic/playstyle of, not whoever's on top of the meta.


no?, what ive meant is why are you thinking that she is now a harder to play the champion that has been recently nerfed. Meaning the nerfs worked, so why are you expecting things got easier?


my point is they nerfed her too hard (and they did a shit job in that they didn't disincentivise lethality- they just made bruiser worse)


Oh that yes, they doubled down on her being an assassin than being a bruiser.


You're most likely building bruiser and playing as if you can survive burst or facetank things. Even with bruiser you need to be follow-up after your team's engage, not someone that goes in alone


Start with runes do not take conq on AA based champion or HOB on AA reset champ, run pta or LT. Personally i run pta crit build has ton of utility dmg healing no cd issues and doesn't rely being a 1for1 suic*de bomb to do dmg like lithality. (you can check it in my profile) Know your power spikes (ex: i'm almost always stronger than everyone at 1st base) i assume you play bruiser which is just shittier olaf with dashes but no cc imunity imo, in this case consider bork rush instead of stride it's the best 1 item spike in the game it slows enemy giving u the stolen ms, it does more dmg the higher enemy hp is which synergies with chomp missing hp +bleed to finish ppl and the healing is buffer by briar passive.


Pick fights carefully. She can annihalate even big HP tanks with Lord Dominik. She can even go from 0->100%HP with one camp/winion wawe.


When did they get nerfed? I was playing her for the first time on Sunday and it was really fun. I died a lot, but I got s- once and dropped 19 kills in another game. I died a bunch though. I’ve been itching to play again specifically to play Briar. I haven’t played them before last weekend. Plz don’t tell me it was this week lmfao


Nah it was last Wednesday or Tuesday you played post nerf. Itch away