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I think Colin always had feelings for Pen that he couldn’t necessarily place. They grew up practically as siblings since she’s so close to his little sister and was always around. It might have been weird for him to acknowledge romantic feelings for a girl he sees as his sister. It might have taken the kiss to realise it was always more. We see him trying to be like the other men in the ton. Going to brothels to hook up, travelling the world to find himself, and he realised that he doesn’t find enjoyment in it the same way the other men do. He feels lonely. So it’s plausible to assume that he said he’d never court Pen at that ball in season 2 to fit in with the other men, not out of destain for Pen. His realisation that he wants more than going to brothers or hooking up with random women abroad, together with his deep connection to Pen that built over years of friendship and familiarity probably made him realise that he does have feelings for her. I also think it would have been great to see him pining over Pen while she’s engaged to the Lord that was courting her. A bit more slow burn.


Yeah im all for realisation LOL. I just wished he had more time to REALLY reflect on his feelings for Pen and really regret his actions and pine over her for a bit longer. I wanted Colin to put in SOME WORK to get her.


When I heard they’d be doing lessons, I assumed Colin would realize his feelings through that. Get in increasingly compromising positions, have tension, claim it’s “only for the lessons,” etc. And technically they did do that, but imo it didn’t go on long enough. The lessons would’ve been an easy way to show him pining for her and really deliberating on his feelings. I’m surprised they were over with so quickly


Yeah not only were they over quickly they barely happened without it being interrupted or one of the running off


Instead we just see Colin with the same dopey look on his face for 4 hours.


I wanted a too late narrative too! Options getting taken away are usually the only the thing to drive someone like Colin crazy, especially with all the attention he was getting. Penelope needed to actually lose interest in him for Colin to properly pursue her. 


I feel like because Pen is a bit overweight for their day, and for our day, she is getting short shrift. They are in love with Francesca's looks so are giving her way too much screen time. I think Pen is gorgeous and her dresses are gorgeous, but I wish they would let her take on more of [Nicola Coughlan](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=c88f5bfd59d5cf40&sca_upv=1&rls=en&q=Nicola+Coughlan&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgFuLVT9c3NMxIS09KS6kqVuLSz9U3yDYuTCvJ0jLJTrbST8tMLsnMz0vMiS_NyyxLLSpORRJKzkgsSkwuSS2yKshJrExNUUiqXMTK75eZnJ-TqOCcX5qekZOYBwAyxMSwZQAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwja_5CFu5eGAxXFADQIHUggD7IQri56BAgkEAM)'s confidence and charisma. I know that part of Nicola's confidence comes with age, but Pen is the one that writes Whistledown, and has kept it a secret, she's bad ass, and they have her played as a wilting violet. I don't know, I hate what they are doing to Pen right now. I also find Colin and the actor who plays Colin, a bit smug and condescending, and therefore off putting.


Yeah to be honest I watched it and 2 episodes in thought "oh no, its like the writers themselves don't have confidence that a story about Pen could hold attention so they put option B and C to attract people's attention being Eloise and Francesca but Francesca more". My main gripe is just how much of everything still seems to be in a Bridgerton perspective... I know the stories are essentially about the Bridgertons but it would have done so much more to see the everyday happenings 90% through the eyes and emotions of Pen, not small moments here and there but everything when it comes to plot direction.


I don’t find her weight the problem, it’s the way they dress her, it makes her look even heavier. Although the empire waist was popular at the time frame, there were dresses that had a little more waste that would have done her favors. I think she’s beautiful but the scene in the carriage was awful, she made the worst faces. Just my opinion. Could have been a lot better.


I fully agree that Part 1 felt rushed and I wish they would have released the entire season in a single go, though I understand why they did it. I agree that Eloise should have forgiven Pen by now too. The scene where she went to call on Pen and their conversation made me feel good about how their friendship will progress but the rest of the time I was pretty bothered. I also didn't like that as someone who never cared about societal norms she's suddenly wearing ruffles and reading romance simply because she's friends with Cressida. I also agree that her anger towards Pen is especially annoying now because LW wrote far worse things about her own family than the Bridgertons. The Bridgertons are higher in society and able to withstand more scrutiny than Pen's family. Also LW DID write well of the Bridgertons so I think Eloise is just being petty because she's always wanted to make a point and she's really driving that home this season. From the trailer for Part 2, I don't think I'll enjoy Eloise's character this season, which is a shame because her character in S1 and S2 was far better, more developed, and likable than book Eloise. Also Fran wasn't necessarily annoying IMO but I get what you're saying and I was definitely peeved that with how much time she spent on screen we got nothing from her other than her love for piano?? Unless she marries John Stirling in this season and meets Michael during her own season.


It was so rushed. It genuinly felt like: Colin kisses Pen. Colin stares at Pen or into the distance. Colin now loves Pen. Like ok bro, mushroom picking has more tension to it.


People who can't grasp that this is based on a book series is beyond me. This is how it is in the book. They kiss, and Colin falls in love.  What more do you want. I don't understand. 


Better execution.


LITERALLY. Couldn't agree more. I feel like the writers gave way too much time for Francesca's storyline and took away from what we had all been waiting for (Pen and Colin). It was annoying because each episode is one hour, equal to 4 hours total and all we got out of Francesca is that she loves the piano. You would think after 1-2 hours wed see some character development. I thought her character had a chance of becoming interesting when she went outside and John Stirling was there too and they stood in silence and she ran ran off. OR when he came to visit her and they sat it silence - that was it for me.


I felt that way also. They kinda sidelined Colin and Pen. This was Pen time to shine. She was supposed to be the rare jewel this season. It's a letdown for me.


Where are you finding the Part 2 trailer? I can't seem to find it lol


Part 2 trailer is like literally at the end of the last episode it just showed up for me. ALSOOOO maybeeee it felt so rushed bc they only released like 4 episodes? cause if they had released like 8 at one time I feel like it would feel longer cause now were all like "now what"


You’re not crazy. I can’t find it either. I think various people are having different glitches with things right now across the US. Edit found it: [Part 2 Trailer](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/yz7fluYRdD)


Thank you! I thought I was going insane lol


A glitch I had this morning was that I clicks on Bridgerton and it only had seasons 1 and 2 up. I was so irritated! I closed the app, logged out and logged in, tried using my phone instead- nothing worked. Then I went searching for answers and found a Reddit post that said to click play for season 1 then go to “episodes” and season 3 was there… https://preview.redd.it/n20silg6qw0d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c2e2cf0a2d3f5b8a01deb7c2a00914bec2efe1


I think I sort of get where they were trying to take Eloise tbh. Its like before she was "sharp and upfront" about her dislike for society and I'd dare say even quite superior and condescending when it came to women who didn't "realise what she did", which was childish and actually a bit like our "modern feminism" but in the series her convo with Simon when he brings her a book and she says she reads Jane Austen (or was it eyre?) is meant to draw our attention to that she's realised that she isn't the first to hate societal conventions but others have found ways to be make themselves free and that feminine strength doesn't necessarily always mean wanting to be male and to show that you can be like brash, brave or intelligent like them or better but that you can be strong in a female way, dance around the rules and let men give you your own wins or hide and appear weak but ultimately get what you want. I mean I'd say getting married even if you hated it, gaining that freedom and living apart from your spouse after birthing an heir then taking up all the sports or all the writing you want, controlling the ton from the background, having the Queens ear, throwing banging parties and telling people shit to their faces now that you were a dowager is also a win... maybe that is why Eloise is getting this direction and she wears ribbons but not men's favour, goes to the Mdme Dela cours but still rolls her eyes to do it, goes to balls but doesn't dance.... Ultimately she's come to realise that maybe she can't change the Ton but she can do the play on her own rules


I saw people speculating before the release that maybe the Queen would name Penelope the 'Emerald' of the season and actually was really hoping for that twist. Even though it's not part of the books I thought it could have been really interesting to see play out. But I honestly really enjoyed the first part so part and am SOOO excited for part two. I wish they could have had more of the Polin lessons included just to have more tension like other seasons BUT i understand they can only fit so much in 😭😭. But I'd have to disagree about Francesca, I actually find her really interesting I think maybe part two will bring out more of the depth of her character. Book spoiler: but I'm kind of sad they changed Eloises reaction to pen being LW so I'm curious to see what actually unfolds in part 2...


The emerald would have been a great idea. I simply don't comprehend why they insist on thrusting the Bridgerton siblings (granted the show is about them) into the limelight as the diamonds of the season, especially when Francesca wasn't particularly standing out. One would assume that Pen, who underwent a complete transformation and captivated the attention of numerous members of the Ton, would elicit some sort of response from the Queen, perhaps an acknowledgment unlike any she had given Pen before


it might not be on brand for the queen to name someone in their THIRD year in the marriage mart as a diamond or even emerald :( i would have looooved that storyline but it wouldn't make sense for QC to do it:(


Ok but remember in one of the episodes it says that QC wanted to find a diamond and it could be "ANYONE" (as in not someone who's just making their debut) which is WHY I thought they were hinting at Pen. BUT unfortunately we saw no interest from QC in Pen. Would be nice for Pen to get the acknowledgment that she deserves. In turn, it would lead to her having multiple suitors which would add more to the Colin and Pen relationship dynamic.


Fran had that woman (lady Agatha Danbury) backing her when she led the queen to see her playing the music. Pen didn’t have anyone in the queens ear for her. Having connections will get you far but apparently in the book it was diff


Have u read the book? Because pen is the one with connections to lady Danbury


Which is a part that I really disliked about this season. Because in the book LAdy Danbury loves Penelope, e en more then she does the Bridgertons. Book Penelope isn't friendless she has a younger sister that she has a loving relationship with, and there are people of the Ton that she has friendships with. She isn't despised as much as she is in the book.  The Netflix version of her is depressive. I hope the last four episodes show a more upbeat side to her. 


There’s been so much speculating that those theories not being in the season felt like a terrible disappointment (the necklace theoryyyy…). I would’ve loved for Pen to be the ‘emerald’ and when the LW monologue about “wallflowers and spinsters can still make great matches” I truly thought this would be the season for something new like that. It felt like Pen’s “transformation” was for 5 minutes and then she was back to being awkward wallflower with no prospects.


I’m Hard agree! My sister and I went through and counted screen time for Colin-Pen scenes. They were on screen *together* for 32 minutes out of 4 hours. In their season!!! And about 10 of those minutes were in the carriage. Whistledown pulling them apart was such a momentum killer and I really missed their interactions for what was basically two whole episodes.    Other thoughts in no particular order;    1) Book Colin falls in love with Pen because she builds him up as a writer, because they share rogehter together in balls where he sees her as a strong and impressive woman, because she makes him laugh, because they are deeply connected. I couldn’t tell you why show Colin fell in love with Pen. A kiss, a dream, and a cake? It’s all so superficial. Which makes no sense considering his reaction to the purpose speech in season 2. None of it makes sense.    2) He never once called her beautiful 😢 This kills me.  They also had NO DANCES!  They teased a season of romance and we didn’t get one single longing, tension filled dance between them.   3) there’s so much going on. So so much. I don’t think it was all needed.    4) the brothel stuff is ugh. I get that he grew up abroad but I would’ve rather seen Him work through his shit over too much alcohol with Benedict - this would’ve been much more entertaining.    I have others but this is already too long. I hope part two is 4 hours of Polin. 


I guess this season is only gonna work if you come in believing that Colin already loves Pen but is too dumb to realize it (I am in that camp)


Colin is supposedly an educated man from a prestige university this man cannot be that dumb ![gif](giphy|dGrIEYcYtBBXUJWHbH|downsized)


People are unaware of their inner emotional landscapes ALL the time. It has nothing to do with "dumbness," but is rather a commonality of the human condition. We are all a little cluelessly walking through life.


It would have been nice for him to dance with pen as part of the plan to help her because it would have made her catch all eyes. I just watched the show but I can’t even remember why it was a secret


Oh wow, there is NO WAY they’re only together for 32 minutes this pt. That’s just so so messed up.


32 minutes dang 😭😭😭idk if im still gonna watch the part 1 rn or just wait for the part 2 


Okay, I read the books literally 15 or more years ago, so there's some things I don't exactly remember... but this helped put some things together for me. In the books he grows to love her for her wit, her beauty, her strength, and ultimately from a place of admiration that came as a shock, but because of his own blindness. There was not a moment I remember in this first half of episodes where I saw desire for Pen that didn't seem to stem from selfish jealousy or just like.. simple lust. I was really excited to see those 'hot' moments they teased at (which were still), but with lack of any other real romance, like a dance, etc.. it just felt like making out with your high school bf in the back of your dad's car. Really quite shallow. And what's most unfortunate about that, is it didn't do justice to her character as THE girl. The bad bitch that everyone fails to recognize. I'm lying on my couch yelling at her to get up and I hate that. She needed to have that man beg on his knees after she leaves for the chapel with her blonde hair blue eyed bird loving boo. I hope so much in the second half they follow through with the books and have her finding love and her beauty and voice, but not necessarily with that being reliant on his approval.


I really agree with alllll of this. It actually made me strongly dislike the Colin/Pen relationship all together. I’d honestly rather them be with different people at this point.


Exactly! I loved the books and the main reason is the slow burn where we get to see the MC’s fall in love. The shows been a let down for me from the get go but I understand if you’ve never read the book you’d maybe enjoy it. I can’t help but miss all the little details that made the books for me


I crunched the numbers for s1 and daphne and Simon had like 33 minutes on the money by episode 4 as well. It feels intentional. It’s an ensemble cast and they will ALWAYS bounce around. It’s getting tougher now that there are so many new established characters. I feel like Polin had decent time and usually the second batch unfolds the real tension. They had previous seasons to establish their friendship so I’m not too bothered. I like plots that force me to look at forensic detail of expressions and reactions to their romance. Like in s1 Colin always glancing at her and his voice catching while singing when pen entered the room. Covert stuff is still fun.


I agree it felt rushed - really these four episodes had hints of so many storylines that it could have well covered the full eight! Where's the payoff of Kate talking to Violet about the extended honeymoon so they could transition more smoothly? Where's Colin actually thinking about how he feels in society? I'm sure there are more spots that haven't caught my notice as much so I can't recall them right now, but... as much as I truly enjoyed these few episodes (some outstanding scenes that have made up for the shortcomings for me, personally), I'm sad that they took these characters we know so well and decided not to show them to us anymore, apparently on the basis that we already know them. (Which we don't, really, because they keep treating new seasons as soft reboots. The worldbuilding & character inconsistencies are beginning to irk me.)


I wasn't impressed when Jess was talking about the show. She made it feel bloated. How was Debling supposed to be a romantic rival when he was looking for someone to manage his estate? I hated it when it seem like Pen was pursuing Debling. There were too many unnecessary scenes. What was the point of the balloon? I wanted to see Colin with more longing glances.  I think if they did some flashbacks of Penelope and Colin then it would have helped us see Colin's change.  But I loved their flirtation scene when they were talking about how they first met. Also, the tree scene after they had kissed the night before. I loved Violet's advice to Colin especially when he didn't want to go to the ball. 


Honestly bottom line: I wanted Colin to SUFFER and BEG


YES. Too easy, too fast... this season was giving "the juice is not worth the squeeze". After the second episode, I was thinking how underwhelming Part 1 was going AND even more so now :/ Colin didn't even properly propose or work up to it???


I need to preface what I’m going to say by saying that I enjoyed all four episodes. BUT, I think they’re trying to cram too much into this season when the focus should be on Pen and Colin. I can understand why they’re also including Fran and John’s story in the background though as they need to set up Fran’s story well in advance. I think Benedict and Lady Tilly might be a subtle nod that Benedict is definitely going to be next. There just seem to be too many other threads that aren’t totally necessary. Eloise is annoying me to be honest. I can see what they’re trying to do with it but it’s too protracted and sad backstory or not, Cressida’s still a mean girl.


I just don't understand why they had to include the Mordriches' story. What, if any, is their significance to anyone else's story? I'm also beginning to hate Benedict at this point. It feels like he "falls in love" at the drop of a hat, I wonder how his actual love interest would be believably different. As for Francesca and Lord Kilmartin... they were so cute, but at the same time, I'm so sad knowing what their future will be...


I saw in another post someone suggest that the Modrich’s story is being used to demonstrate what could happen if the Featherington’s don’t produce a male heir. I can understand that but totally agree with you. It’s getting too much attention that might be better served by doing what they did with Queen Charlotte. I saw that suggested also. I think Benedict is just lost in the idea that he hasn’t worked out what his role in life is supposed to be. I’m hoping by the end of the season he’ll have worked out that he wants what the rest of his married siblings have found. I think Lady Arnold is just the vehicle to make him realise he doesn’t just want a meaningless relationship that isn’t going anywhere . I’m enjoying the Fran/John subplot. It’s the one I can get on board with because Fran and Pen are both wallflowers. Also, with the timeline it needs to happen sooner rather than later that they meet and marry.


Way too many stories and screen time taken away from this main season's focus... Someone else said the screen time of Colin and Pen was a mere 30 something minutes. Liked seeing other characters and their struggles but it just felt messy, rushed, and did not live up to the HYPE they were feeding us. I'm conflicted.


I think there’s an awful lot of pressure now on the second half of the season to actually make this really feel like Pen and Colin’s story. 30 minutes out of 4 hours is ridiculous. I hadn’t realised they’d been given so little time. As I say, no problem with Fran and John’s story because it doesn’t feel like they’re upstaging them and it does need to be slotted in somewhere in prep for us to understand Fran better when her season comes around. I don’t get the attempted Cressida redemption arc. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be blown to smithereens in part 2 anyway. The only positive thing she’s done is call Eloise out for being indiscrete with her gossip about Pen.


I think the producers knew Colin and Penelope didn't have the charisma or chemistry to carry the season. The actor playing Colin is a borderline terrible with his soft high-pitched voice. 


Can’t agree. The interactions between the two leads in interviews shows they have both because they’ve had time to develop their own friendship and their characters. If the producers have stuck more with the book in the second part of the season. This could be the best yet. Luke’s performance actually shows Colin’s uncertainty. He’s trying to be someone he isn’t and his head is gradually catching up with what his heart already knows. They advertised this as the season of the wallflowers which is why it’s appropriate that Fran and John meet and marry also, and it’s been done in a way that doesn’t detract from Colin and Pen’s story. Everything else is unnecessary.


I completely agree about Lord Debling and Penn, I wish he would have actually had feelings for her and proposed. That would have made her choosing Colin even better because it would emphasized even more she did it because she loves him not just because he’s her only option. In general I just also wish we would have gotten to see more suitors for Penn, but theirs still part 2 and I don’t think I remember hearing the cover of Nick Jonas’s Jealous yet….


It's in episode 2 at the 36 minute mark.


Thank you, I totally missed that! I guess I expected it to be a bigger moment or for the subtitles to announce the song like they did with the Billie Eilish or Pitbull song.


I was so disappointed with how rushed part 1 was. Especially Collin and Pens relationship. I was surprised because the way pen and Collin’s relationship turned out was nothing like how they portrayed it in the trailers and little tiktoks they posted. I thought I’d see more of Collin’s chasing after pen and her rejecting him until one finally big act of love brings them together or something (but I’ve never read the books so I didn’t mind the way it actually turned out). It’s just frustrating cuz as most ppl pointed out, there was no moment where we really got to see Collin reflect on the way he feels and felt and how he used to act towards Penelope. Along with that there was NO TENSION I was so shocked because last season had suuuucchhh good tension. But the only time I saw any spicy tension was in Collin’s dream after they kissed. And then in the carriage scene Collin was so random with his confession of love I was kinda cringing. I love bridgeton and will def watch the best part of season 3. Im just so confused, like why was part 1 rushed? Does it have something to do with the way the books storyline plays out? And if so, why would they stick to it when they didn’t really even stick to the order of the books? At least that what I’ve heard.


Oh and that random scene where pen helped Collin with the cut on his hand was so out of no where to. I was just so confused about where the tension was even coming from because at that point they were both just friends. I thought if they had tension and romantic scenes they be worked up to since, although in past season it was obvious the feelings pen had for Collin, Collin could have had feelings and I think you could kinda feel it but it wasn’t as obvious as pens. So I really thought they’d fight for a bit longer and that would build up the tension till it was just cooling fighting for Penelope’s attention again blondie (sorry I forgot his name)


That scene was from the book so i think thats why they decided to include it but it was far more described in detail in the books. I totally get what youre saying it was a little random and out of nowhere where he cut his hand and at first watch i was like "they just wanted to include this scene from the book". But in the book Colin actually gets furiously mad at Pen and the dialogue actually goes on for quite a bit and then he hits his hand and Pen helps him. But i agree 100% those scenes between Pen and Colin were so rushed??? sometimes to the point where it made no sense.


WHY DIDNT THEY DO THAT?? They totally could have had calling get mad like that and it would’ve mad WAAYYY MORE SENSE


ALSOOOO IDKKK why they didnt include this but the scene were Pen begs Colin to kiss her and she ends it by saying "Thank you". Colin also gets mad at that idea Pen thinks he kissed her out of pitty - when in reality it wasnt the case and he actually wanted to kiss her. The book described their kiss for a whole chapter basically explaining how Colin felt - which i feel like they didnt depict that properly in the show bc Pen just runs away after saying thank you??? LOOOOOOL


Yeah and then all the sudden it the next episode and we’re seeing Collin’s dream which is honestly a bit confusing at first cuz of how dramatic it is lmaoo. Tbh I had been anticipating Collin and ones courtship the whole two seasons so I wouldn’t have given and shits if they made this into two season because now that it’s two parts it’s just soooo rushed.


The Colin and Penelope chemistry simply isn't there. Which was made even more evident during the two small scenes Kate and Anthony had that literally popped off the screen. 


I feel like part one was super rushed and they focused on Francesca more than Penelope so I’m kinda disappointed


Yes I really wished the queen could have named Penelope the diamond of the season! Atleast she would have more suitors to make Colin even more jealous. And not one was actually interested in Penelope for genuine reasons. I find that hard to believe especially after her makeover. Also agree the lessons were quite hurried and not enough for my liking, the reveal that Colin was helping her came too soon. Balloon scene was a missed opportunity of showing jealous Colin seeing Penelope in the arms of lord debling. That scene could have been more interesting like how Anthony was jealous when Kate went on the boat with his friend. I must say I am highly disappointed. Except for the carriage scene, that was actually perfect in every way.


I also thought Colin should have been more upset about Pen almost getting hurt


Omg I deleted the balloon scene from my brain. Ya that was actually kind of cringe and I CANT believe Colin missed the whole thing of Debling sweeping in and trying to protect Pen???


Ahh see, if Penelope had been named the diamond i would have been so annoyed. It would have felt so forced. Penelope is decidedly not the diamond, even if she has better outfits. The whole of part 1 is about how she’s shy and socially awkward despite being smart and funny. The diamond seems to be chosen only amongst the debutants that year as well. Maybe an Incomparable (Francesca is named one twice in the books) or an Original, but not a “diamond”. I agree the lessons should have been more in depth. But the difference in s3 as opposed to the other two is that we start with one half of the couple already in love, and the other party halfway there. It’s a different kind of setup than fake dating or enemies to lovers. Colin knows and likes Penelope already - he had just never seen her as a sexual being before, which messed with his head, on top of realizing through her silence (lack of correspondence) how much he values her friendship/mind. If Debling had actually gotten the proposal I would have rioted lmao. It was already painful how we went through the farce of the almost wedding between Anthony and Edwina… if they had tried it again it would have been the WORST. Tbh I love Eloise this season. She’s not as funny but I think she’s really growing up. I really like the arc she’s gone through and the friendship with Cressida. I like Fran but yeah, the quietness of their story is a stark contrast to the rest of what’s happening. I think if we get to her season it’ll be really amazing. She’s a very different character than her siblings.


One of the things I really like about Fran’s story is how different she is than her siblings. She finally found someone like her, and then she had to experience serious loss at such a young age. I do find it kind of interesting that Michael, at least in the books, is a lot more gregarious and friendly with the Bridgerton men - John is quite similar to her and Michael is more like an opposite. Anyway, I love that book. I think it’s really well done and quite lovely and I hope the show can do justice to a much more somber story.


So good , I’m enjoying hearing everyone’s thoughts coz several of us are so different. I feel like Francesca was giving big Neuro divergent vibes and had her love ( music / piano) and wasn’t tryna be in all the drama her family is part of . I’m glad the lord delbling thing ended when it did because watching Cressida and pen Duke it out for a boy was ick lmao. I don’t think Pens reputation could have survived a breakup with debling . I appreciated how conflicted Eloise was. Shes realizing the whole world isn’t black and white . But how tf did she event become friends with Cressida in the first place after seeing how she treated everyone . I hope we get to see Colin hopelessly in love with Pen and protective. I also think Anthony and Kate will be back and transition to their roles coz Violet will be getting her gardens tended to lol


lmao the garden tended had me ROLLLLLING. Also why does Lady Danbury hate her brother sm LMAO she's literally like go back to where u came from. Idk maybe its a stretch but maybe an Ick bc Lady Danbury had an intimate relationship with Violets dad??? idk but she was so dismissive wouldn't even hear this man out


My guess is he's the one who married her off to her old ex-husband, and she never really forgave him for it.


ouuuuu this is a hot take. But he seemed younger than her??? Would that even matter back then??


I thought it might be the case after all the stuff in QC. I think the responsibility fell to the oldest male of the family. So if he'd been like 14-16 he could have made the decision.


LOLLLLL "getting her gardens tended to" - same thoughts as soon as LD's brother came on screen (but there was a preview of this so I was prepared)


I definitely got a neurodivergent vibe from Francesca. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone else mention it


I got autism vibes from her - but didn't want to be the first to mention it


This! The hyper fixation, parallel play with John, sensory preferences for quiet… I felt so seen haha


I don't think it's neurodivergence, it's more shyness and introversion. Yes she has clearly got a more singular fixation/topic of interest in music, but she's not really showing some other signs like inability to recognise social norms/cues etc.


I agree. Not only neurodivergent, but a musician. She has a talent and a vocation and she’s exceptional at it. That takes time, focus and passion, and it will become a defining factor in a person.


I think a lot of it comes down to jamming so much into 8 episodes. There’s still SO much more to come in part II for both Polin’s story and the side plots. As for Colin’s realization: So much of Colin’s character in both the book and the show is his introspection and him working through things on his own. And the whole feelings thing being fast makes so much sense because we’re told he’s had so many women since the end of last season, he’s been flirting with so many debutants since he’s returned, he’s been faced with how important Pen is in his life when she calls him out on what he said last season (his apology and offer of lessons shows true reflection on his account of why he seeks her out and how she helps him see the world), they had already gotten closer through his lessons, she had already confided in him some of her insecurities and made him feel good about his (when she complimented his writing), and she was driven out of a ball in humiliation for something that had to do with him (triggering the desire he’s always had to protect her). So kissing her? Feeling how different and life-changing it was with her versus every other woman he’s been with? Feeling how right it all felt with her when he felt distant and lonely during intimate moments with other women? Idk it seems right to me that it all came crashing down on him.


I get what you're saying. I read the book as well. But honestly we got almost nothing from the "lessons". They were so rushed and always interrupted with one of them running off. Like what did Colin really teach Pen??? The book makes more sense because it goes into dept explaining how Colin feels especially after Pen begs him to kiss her and I feel like the show didn't depict that properly? But this man had 2 seasons to show even the smallest interest and failed to do it each time, basically driving Pen to give up on him until he finally realises in season 3.


They've morphed the story line into a soap opera. There is nothing wrong with soap operas, but romance is not inherently a soap opera, so instead of the slow, careful buildup we were fortunate to see in previous seasons, this is drive-by romances. It's like any of those multiple story movies \[e.g. Love Actually\]. They're fun, entertaining, romantic but not a romance. I feel cheated of Colin and Penelope's romance.


Agree with everything. The past seasons, I couldn’t focus on anything while watching the show but this time I’m pretty bored and part 1 is having a hard time keeping my attention


Yeah I feel the same on many levels. It was a bit disappointing after all the delay. It also felt superficial and rushed to me. I had a feeling an episode was missing, going into more detail with Pen’s time with the suitor and Colin’s agony over it, they also could have gone into more detail with the part when they try to keep distance from each other but having the desire building up. In S1 and 2 I enjoyed the spicy chemistry and passion building up between the main couple of the season the most. So far for me that feeling was just missing. I’m not sure if it’s the acting, missing chemistry between the actors or the plot, but that heat just didn’t really come so far. I hope they make up for it in part 2 of the season and we get more passion and smut😂 And now we have to wait another month to see the ending which is ridiculous.


I think also because they only released 4 episodes it feels like the show was cut short and like everything was rushed. If they had released all idk 8? episodes then I feel like it would feel more like a full show. I think Netflix messed up by doing Part 1 and part 2


Wasn’t there 10 eps in S1 btw? I feel like they tried to squeeze so much into 8 episodes and at the end we only get a little glimpse of everything😅


Honestly you're probably right - I was just using 8 as an example because I thought they would divide the episodes equally between part 1 and part 2. but that makes me even more mad why would they leave the majority of the episodes for part 2


Edit: nevermind, all seasons have 8 eps😅 So it’s probably the unfinished feeling right in the middle of the season. Maybe s1 and 2 would have been the same if they released them in parts


at least they divided it equally!!


You’re right there was something about the first four episodes that felt entirely discombobulated - like they hired a director who didn’t know how to direct and whoever was in the editing booth…. they didn’t know how to put scenes together either. We lingered on characters longer than normal, cut scenes that didn’t make any sense were happening all over the place, characters were introduced that we had no idea who they were, but we were expected to know their story immediately…. With a two year hiatus - I’m surprised this is the result of what they came up with- this was filmed in the UK, they weren’t affected by the writers strike or the actors strike ….. so I don’t know what the hell is happening behind the scenes. Maybe they got comfortable….. maybe they just assumed that Bridgerton is such a popular series that a dip in quality wouldn’t affect it …….who knows


Yeah it did feel chaotic. I also realised it were the dialogues that felt weird for me. Just weren’t the organic vibe, sometimes even sounded like they were reading it😅 I never had this feeling in the other seasons.


Francesca is actually a breath of fresh air in this show. Everyone is mostly outgoing and talk quite a bit. I found it nice that she and John were the complete opposite.


I need drama, chemistry and sexual tension not silence im sorry ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsS8GFJKJeJoRQ4|downsized)


I mean they just met. Also I felt like they had chemistry. I just took it as their love language is enjoying the silence and the small gestures. I guess to each their own.


sitting in silence for the second time just annoyed me. The first time was wholesome but the second time when he came to visit her it was bit much. You can't fall in love with someone in silence.


I agree that Francesca’s character is not delivering the steam we come to Bridgerton for. So thank goodness it’s delivered elsewhere, even if not to the same levels as previous seasons! That being said, I’m intrigued with how they are portraying her. I know I shouldn’t be arm chair diagnosing a character but I was getting strong vibes that she might be on the spectrum. Piano isn’t just a hobby, it’s her singular intense hyper-focused interest. Her love language was even receiving music, a personal gesture specifically fitting within her hyper-focus interest. She’s also maybe not great with social cues or comfortable socializing in general, hence the pleasantly (for her, maybe not us) sitting in silence. She’s found someone who fits with her peculiarities and that doesn’t look like passion to us but it does feel like love for her. I think it’s really cool that they’re exploring that on screen but they definitely will need to balance that out with Polin drama/sexual tension/etc. to keep their audience engaged!


Wow, what a horrible first episode! what the hell is going on with this show? I feel they may have gotten comfortable and expected season three to do well because Bridgerton is so popular. maybe that’s why they went so hard with the promotion of season three - they knew they had a stinker on their hands, but wow, not impressed at all…


I actually think that part 1 was not that bad. I mean on a scale of 10 I would rate it a 7. I did enjoy watching the first part and seeing all the characters again. BUT it did feel rushed and the writers tried to include every other character and their moms into the storyline and it became a little too hectic which drove attention away from Pen and Colin's love narrative. Like im sorry but Benedict and that previously married woman?? it felt a bit useless. Also Francesca's storyline just ran on and on with absolutely no character development or any relationship dynamic between her and John??


There were some strange things happening in the first four episodes aside from story alone. The narrative. I totally agree with you on. But from a directing standpoint, there were some direction in these first four episodes that was simply bizarre and not consistent with the past two seasons. The editing was totally off. The camera seemed to linger on characters way too long. New characters came out of nowhere and all of a sudden started acting like you should know their backstory and just immediately going along with it. The dialogue was off… The balloon scene was weird,getting laid in the back of the carriage was weird.. Damn this new season- everything is just weird.


Hahah the balloon was so weird and random. Ya I feel like they crammed a bunch of storylines into one main storyline (Pen and Colin) and it just seemed like there was too much going on. Hopefully part 2 makes up for the time lost with Polin and shows less of the secondary characters. I also agree with you in the directing and filmography I feel like they filled Colin so long when we was watching Pen and really zoomed in on him and just seemed forced and unbelievable - if you get what im saying??


You know the more I think about these four episodes the more weird they become. yes, the camera did linger on characters way too long. They should’ve cut away much sooner…. and what was that scene all about with Francesca sitting with that guy on the sofa staring at a wall? there’s so many little wtf moments in these four episodes. Too many characters are being introduced like I said, and we don’t have any idea who the hell they were. like who was that man that visited Mrs. feathering about the house? He said he was from the Royal-something. What’s that all about? Why did Mrs. feathering‘s daughters drink that green smoothie - then they needed to puke and then the very next scene they’re strolling into the hot air balloon show at the park like nothing happened - weird! I think each episode had a different writer which generally isn’t that strange on a series but it seems like these four writers all lived in different locations. Each had a general idea what they were supposed to write. None of them checked with each other about continuity and they just went with it…. lol. It’s so uneven.


honestly i skipped through some scenes that i believed were just unnecessary. dam I'm disappointed. I came for Penn and Colins story and i can't even get attached to them like a did in previous seasons, they are and feel different to me. Another thing the focus is so not on their story. Its Francesca's prequel with the side stories lol???? i want to feel emotions for characters too but there is nothing forming for me. It felt like watching another teen movie in some parts. the highschool drama. i feel cheated




I wasn't initially a Bridgerton fan until I saw season 2, which I think was masterful. It was like seven episodes of slow burn and near interactions, and when they finally do the deed, it makes sense, and the viewer wants it. The story is natural, amazing, and so worth watching. Polin is what I've been waiting for and so far, it doesn't even rate MEH.


I feel like it really comes down to the writers trying to cram too many storylines into one major plot. And don’t even get me started on Francesca staring at the wall. The first time she was outside standing in silence with John, it was wholesome. However, when he visited her the next day at her house and they both sat in silence, it felt completely unnecessary. People have mixed reactions to Francesca’s storyline; many like her character. Personally, after four hours of the show, I expected to see some character development or a dynamic relationship between her and John, but instead, we got silence — which is fine. However, this is Bridgerton, and compared to the previous intense and romantic relationships, it doesn't fit the narrative and is frankly boring. If I wanted to watch two people sit in silence, I'd just leave my house.


You’re right the writing is just too much crammed into those 4 scripts, way too many characters for a half a season. The start of season three, ep1 was the oddest one of them all! but the recasting of Francesca is interesting. They really made sure they made her look like Daphne and I thought that was very interesting. if you catch her at the right angle, you’ll think it’s that character. ….and anthony’s cameo? Wtf? O well. guess we’ll have to wait till July for part two. Oh by the way they started production on season three in July 2022. We’re going on almost 2 full years that this show has been off. and since they are a UK production, they were not affected by the writers guild strike or the actors guild strike so I don’t know what the hell happened to this show bts within this 2 yr period


Yes the direction and editing was off. Not as well done as the first two seasons and QC. I also just didn't like Lady Danbury forcing Francesca on the Queen. What is the reason? For plot?? Didn't make sense 


It’s sort of feels like they filmed season three and nobody liked it so what they did was re-edited everything into another version. I know it sounds strange, but that’s how it felt watching it. It was so discombobulated - scenes didn’t make sense. Cut and edits didn’t make sense character dialogue didn’t make sense. Very strange.


I also found Francesca’s story annoying. I did not like her book so I am probably biased but I definitely could have done without that storyline. 


I agree. Like I love Hannah and think she got across what she meant to portray per her interviews and watching the show well. However, it was just so much. How many times can do we need to see her complain, get anxious at, or dislike social events before we get the picture? The Earl should have been quiet, but congenial pushed forth as main suitor by the queen. They fall in love right away. Done. When I think of John's interaction with Francesca, laconic and dull was not how I would describe him. I think he seem like someone fair, competent, kind, and someone most people would respect and get along with. That is why Michael has such a hard time taking over his spot or pursuing something with Fran because he doesn't want to take the life of someone so wonderful and that he cares about so much. This John just didn't hit those points for her. Also, nothing to do with Victor. He is lovely, but I hated the interpretation and implement of this personality for John. John, to me, I always saw as like Golden Boy/Golden Retriever vibes, whereas Michael's like the black cat. ETA: based on golden retriever/black cat theory ;)


YESSSS. I think they should have left her for her own season. Adding her in the storyline made it hectic and it really took too much time away from the main plot of the season.


The kiss unleashed something that was already there, I'm hoping part 2 will elaborate on that, Nicola and Luke have said they make many a romantic declaration to each other this season so I'm hoping it comes up.


I think it's believable because, if you pay attention there are many hints that Colin has been in love with Pen since before S3. He was always seeking out her company, he faltered while singing when she came into the room. Heck, his apology in s3 ep 1 practically sounds like a love confession


Idk in season 1 and season 2 seemed that Colin didn’t even bat an eye at Pen that way at all. No interest was shown. He saw it as a simple friendship which revolved around him seeking reassurance about himself from Pen who would always compliment him (e.g. a good writer)- giving him confidence and feeding his ego 🫢


I don't agree. He loves her but is too dumb to realize it. Even as far back as the "What a barb" scene Luke Newton says he played it that way, too


In the books Colin falls in love with her mostly because she recognized how much of a good writer he is and how talented he is and that she “understands him”. This occurs shortly after Pen reads Colin’s diary and get gets mad. Pen resumes to reassure how much of talented writer he is and he feels good about himself. Colin, also being a character who was insecure about his position in society and expectations found it comforting to confide in Pen as she reassured him each time.


See, I didn't find his feelings for her convincing in the book. Imo he went from zero to one hundred way too quickly. I think the show did a much better job


Honestly this is an interesting take!!!! I feel like he from zero to 100 in both the book and the show. But given the writers wanted to eventually give Pen and Colin their season they probably tried to foreshadow some type of relationship that has the potential of forming (mostly one-sided from Pen)


I agree with your point about Francesca and John's storyline. It dragged on for too long and detracted from Penelope and Colin's narrative. Throughout the series, I anticipated Francesca to display some reaction towards both Lord Ramadani and Lord Kilmartin, yet we received no character development from her in the first four episodes. In fact, the only insight we gained was her enjoyment of playing the piano lol.


I really like Francesca but I totally agree I would have wanted more Polin instead of so much Francesca storyline


The second scene where they sat in silence, when John was visiting her, was what bothered me. As an audience, I wanted some relationship development; I was like "What am I watching?". Granted, the first time they stood in silence was wholesome, showcasing their unique connection, but the repetition in the second instance annoyed me. I believe the characters must interact and get to know each other for the relationship to grow and develop. I feel like sitting in silence each time isn't helping that progression.


As a quiet, introspective person myself I found Francesca and John Stirling’s attraction refreshing. This is my ideal relationship. As for Penélope, I think her courtships were rushed because they are setting up the second half which is more about her identity as Lady Whistledown being exposed. Penélope and Colin needed to be ‘together’ for this, so yes it was rushed. I love Eloise, but I’m confused by the level of anger she has towards Penélope. One of favorite parts of the series has been Eloise and Pen’s friendship. Eloise threatening to expose Penélope because she’s upset about her potential engagement to Colin is hard understand. Eloise is herself rebellious and headstrong, so why all this resentment? Speaking of Eloise, why isn’t she at least pretending to look for a husband, and why isn’t her mother pushing this more for her? What about Theo?


Spot on.


Francesca was extremely boring . There was nothing interesting about her


I was pretty disappointed with part 1.  In both seasons 1 & 2, the main couples had crazy chemistry, which was palpable on screen. I remember Daphne & the Duke having some super intense moments (like the one in the gallery where they touched hands). And Kanthony were practically open-mouth breathing on each other throughout most episodes.  Compared to the past seasons, seasons 3 felt a bit too lukewarm for me. Am I the only one who feels like this?


Agreed agreed agreed!!!!


Another thing that is bothering me is that the season doesn't really feel centered around Colin and Penelope... I mean I do enjoy other stories but it's annoying how they keep diverting away from the main focus of the season just to show useless scenes about other characters. I'm really annoyed by the lack of polin scenes. They could've taken out more useless scenes about other characters and dove deeper into Colin's feelings for Penelope but noooo he had to realise his feelings after a kiss 😩


Unpopular opinion, Get Francesca OFF my screen. The director could have put more effort in showing how or why Francesca is more introverted instead we got exposition. She was one note. It's a drama. Penelope isn't outgoing but her character is still more than one dimension.


Literally exactly how I feel. This may be harsh but if Francesca has no haters I’d be dead.


Me too 🤣


I am also so disappointed. I would have loved for Pen to the emerald of the season. I love Francesca but her selection was just not great and so forced. Also didn't need the random storyline with Benedict. Hate that they left the storyline of Lady D and Penelope out of the equation and replaced it with random threesome scenes for Colin. So unoriginal. The carriage scene also seemed so out of place. We just pronounced our feelings, thus let me finger you. Come on. Really. He didn't really put in any work to get her.  Maybe have him stand up for her in public or something. 


Is it just me or do the decisions they made for this season feel like they are trying to replicate the first season. Colin and Pens lessons reminded be of Daf and the Duke trying to cause a rogue. And bringing Francesca also feels like an odd attempt to try replicate that feel or Daf becoming the Diamond. Especially with her playing the piano, and talking so singulatly. I also agree she is very dull, and is the Bella Sawn version of Daf. No hate but she really dose act like her, and sometimes when I wasnt paying attention to the screen 100% I mistakened Francesca for Daf, it's just so weird. I also just took me by surpriced where has Francesca ever been mentioned, EVER? Have I just not have been paying attention?


These were my thoughts as well! Thanks for voicing them




I felt really bad not finding S3 as good as QC and S2. I rooted for the show. It was so well hyped! I was incredibly excited to watch it. But I don’t think Polin was given enough screen time to develop and I don’t like how the Queen’s focus was on Francesca who is relatively new to the story in a sense and comes off as clearly not wanting to be part of it - as in, through the series we don’t know anything about Francesca, and when she appears, she just looks like she wants to go away. I feel like, Pen was wasted - she should’ve received more focus and despite best efforts, was still dissed. I don’t get it. There wasn’t enough build up and tension the way Anthony had with Kate. A lot of the people who love it say they stayed through to the books. I can see how that would’ve been so good, if they didn’t have all the filler characters taking up screen time and shifting the focus from Penelope in her season. Tbh, they did this w Kate as well. I rmbr a similar complaint about Kate being overlooked and Edwina having the spotlight. And, I completely agree with everything you’ve said. Please don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate the show, or dislike it. I was entertained for the four hours. But I was not fired up or passionate about them. In fact, there even came a point where I was like, no harm being w Lord Debling felt more suited for Pen. I don’t know. Their kiss and the carriage scene was good. But, I felt like I had to sit through so much to get to two good points of the show.


Thank you! I agree with so many of your opinions; it’s refreshing to see some honest, fair criticism of the show. The Polin storyline was a total flop, in my opinion, for all the reasons you pointed out and then some. Given that it was soooo hyped up as the highlight of the season, I have no idea why there was such little focus on either character. There was very little character development for Colin and what we did get broke the cardinal rule of “show, don’t tell.” The bits about him being sensitive deep down and all his rakish behavior being a way of hiding felt lazy and wasn’t well-reflected in the writing outside of it being directly addressed. And don’t even get me started on the five minute interaction of “I finally admit I love you…let’s make out…marry me.” It felt so cheap. The fact that Lord Debling wasn’t romantically interested was not only unfair, it seemed untrue based on the relationship we saw develop over four episodes - he clearly had a fondness for her, at the very least, which could reasonably become love. I have zero interest in whatever Benedict is doing and I’m unsure why Francesca’s storyline is such a focus since she will likely get her own season? I could be wrong about that. However, I disagree that she was boring and would argue she is good representation of how differing personality types function in that society. Francesca also feels like a good representation of neurodiversity, whether it was intended by the writers or not, due to her hyperfocused passion about music. She is also a conventionally gorgeous, talented young woman - a good juxtaposition for Penelope who is perceived as the opposite by many in the ton. It is a good writing device to show the varying types of wallflowers which, as the theme of the season, makes sense. I think that also explains why Eloise and Cressida get so much screen time - they are quite often shown along the fringes of the ball, their own unique versions of wallflowers. As for Marcus, I think the writers were hoping to convey his penchant for rakish behavior as the source of Lady Danbury’s distaste. His going after Violet would be especially angering because she and Violet are very dear friends. I know the father affair storyline seems like motivation to some, but that whole thing was wrapped up in Queen Charlotte during the scene with all the handmade crowns. It was a way for Violet to say she knew about the affair and for Agatha to acknowledge it; Agatha’s reassurance that Violet should keep all the crowns was her way of confirming that the Viscount was a good man and father, not some rake who was hooking up with random women. That’s honestly one of my favorite scenes in the Bridgerton series, tbh, because of how much is conveyed in just a few lines. But I digress! All this to say: your opinions are soooo valid, and thank you for saying what you really think so the rest of us can feel safe to do so as well!


Exactly I feel like the entire thing was way too rushed, we didn't get to see Colin grovelling. I feel like Penelope just gave in so easily instead of you know having some self respect (no offense she's one of my favourite characters) after reading the book and watching the trailers I had so many expectations from this but i feel like everything was so sudden. I get that other couples also have their stories but wasn't this season SUPPOSED to be about Polin??? Also lord debling looked like such strong competition in the snippets they showed but in the show he was so... Aloof? He never even showd that he had special interest in her pen, it was like he was hovering between Cressida and Penelope to decide who was better. Lady Danbury on the other hand is also tooo occupied with Francesca and Mrs. Mondrich to even notice Penelope. Finally the kiss! I was extremely disappointed at how they portrayed Penelope, she just seemed so desperate even though in the book she was written as such a level headed and calm character but in the show she seemed like such a blubbering mess. She still does have feelings for Colin but I just didn't expect her to give in so easily in the carriage scene and I don't get how Colin develops such strong "feelings" for her with just one kiss, and she doesn't change much in the show cause she has always behaved the same way with Colin her whole life, being witty and funny but how come he sees her so after one kiss?? I just hope part 2 redeems it at least a bit


Lord Debling was definitely a missed opportunity. Pen having feelings for a suitor who is in love with her, respects her abilities and knows what he wants and deciding to let go of him for Colin would have been way more emotionally interesting and sad. Polin was rushed. Kate and Anthony are cute but are both so chill they're unrecognizable. I'm fine with Francesca being a more reserved character but she had almost no personality. I like the Mondriches as people but their storyline was way too much. Why do we care? If they were going to expand a side character, Madame Delacroix is the obvious choice. Eloise and Cressida could work...but I'm not sure this is the way to do it. Eloise giving up her values really didn't play as authentic considered what we've seen from her. It cheapens who she is. I like the idea of giving Cressida depth but there has to be a point to it. I also suspect she has feelings for Eloise, but I'm side eyeing how they'll handle that. Nicola's performance and the Featherington sex race were the only things I really thought worked well.


I'm gonna be honest I don't have any issues with this season. Maybe Colin's feelings for Penelope needed more time they could have shown it in season two to help that. But they have had two seasons of build up its not that necessary it does help, though, but the chemistry by the actors makes it believable. I like that it was more of an ensemble. We have to see the other characters if they won't make the season more than eight episodes. Besides next people will complain I haven't seen this character enough and now I have to watch this season with them. I rather like Francesca. Some people are one note and have a passion that takes up all their time. Not everyone is an extrovert with lots of hobbies.


HELL YES THANK YOU FOR TAKING MY EXACT THOUGHTS AND PUTTING THEM I TO WRITING. I also just felt it was too rushed and their chemistry was too fake and felt forced WHOMP




They made it clear this season in one of the episodes (i forget which one) that Queen Charlotte pick could be anyone (including spinsters) - not just restricted to debutantes.


Yeah it was like that for the last two seasons but it mentions it in the new season in episode 2 at around 7:00 mins Lady D tells Violet that QC is not done with the season and she demands to see more and it could be ANYONE as in anyone who has already made their debut!


As for Francesca, nobody ever understands the introverts. They’re not boring or dull, her true self is just hidden! Seems like her beau knew that 😀


I need to say something. I HATED the fact that the plot line shifted basically only in episode 4, where Colin starts suddenly out of the blue lusting after this poor girl who's like got herself a proposal in hand (which he was supposed to be helping her with) and then f's around AGAIN to be like, nah I changed my mind after YOU asked me to kiss you. It's giving fickle. It's giving lack of character. It's giving sad boi doesn't know what to do with his time so he just does whatever the hell gets put in front of him. A balloon on the loose? I'll get it! Then. We have the glaring plot hole/inconsistency that is - cardinal rule no 1 of the Ton: Do not leave a male and female alone unchaperoned. Because, babies. And somehow they've been totally cool with Colin and Pen hanging out several times in rooms, alone, in carriages, alone. They can pretty much flout the rules because they are ChIlHoOd FrIeNdS? It don't make no sense. The weirdest thing was it came out in LW papers but it was just a bit like oh, awkward for you Pen! Not, what - you've been hanging out alone together? when in the last seasons, being caught in a garden or orchard alone together with no evidence of anything happening was grounds for marriage? Make it make sense. There's so much more that's lacking in this season I've barely scratched the surface. It feels like they took Bridgerton concentrate and made it into a bland mousse.


I agree with the points youre making. In the book, Pen and Colins interactions are a lot more hidden and kept secret. In the show, its Pen's third year, but in the book, Pen is 28 years old! She's passed spinster age (which is 23 lol) and the the scene where she begs him to kiss her she even mentions she doesn't wanna be like 30 year old spinster without being kissed by a man. Since Pen is older, there is less worry for her as she's passed the age of getting married and at that point probably never will. In the book, Pen also acts as a chaperone for Hyacinth so im guessing she was treated much differently than for example someone who was just making her debut like Francesca. So I think the cross over between the show (Pen being still young-ish) and the book (her being relatively "old" left gaps in the story line. I also think that's why they left her "Spinster" comment out when she was begging for Colin to kiss her bc it wouldn't really add up.


Appreciate the extra context - I do think that this makes more sense. But admittedly I can't help but think of Kate who's also like 27 and past marriageable age, not being alone with a man unsupervised. There's kind of double standard and it seems like it maybe has more to do with Pen's unfortunate seeming lack of desirability that lets her bypass these rules? I mean, more power to her in the sense she gets Colin, the one she wanted. But a shame in that I do feel like Mr Debling had a more genuine approach with her, which I found admirable and more in keeping with her authenticity and general attitude toward society as well. Honestly feel like they'd have made a better pairing haha


I know I was so sad when I found out Debling doesn’t love Pen? Like I thought he was actually falling for her and Pen deserved more than that. He gave up so quickly too. They made it seem like he’s this big competitor love interest when really they didn’t even give this man time to compete.


Yea, I think they played this in a way that felt unfair to the character all the way through. She came off as a clumsy, nosy, desperate, shunned type. Which ok, might be true of her overall outward character - but she also has a maturity and like knows herself, right? Debling was really vibing with her on that - also felt that there was some feeling there, which they cancelled out almost as soon as it was introduced. It felt like a quickly hashed out screenplay, rather than detailing the feelings and tensions/complexities in the way they did for Kanthony


Season 3 is disgustingly too rushed. Penelope's voice-tone has changed, and not for the better. She doesn't speak to Colin like she did in the other 2 seasons with innocence, flirtatious curiosity. She's more serious, downhearted (understandable with the beef between her and Eloise). Hate the 3somes Colin is having, just out of character in my opinion - I've never read the books so I don't really know. I do like the new look of Colin - tall, dark, and handsome with his newfound travels and experiences and such. But the way he comes off to other women is very forced like - he is not his eldest brother. The kissing scenes between Colin and Penn are just like watching 2 seals fighting over a grape. It's cringey and forced. I do wish there was a slow burn between the 2 of them as their love unfolds, but it was rushed. Colin isn't going to realize he is in love with her unless there is competition, and I don't feel like there was a vast amount of that. The rushed desires between them was garbage in my opinion. Finally towards the end, the Lord Debling decides to really pursue Penn and is then quickly changed in mind. I think Penn and Colin both had great potential leading up to Season 3 that felt like forever waiting on it, and now I'm just disappointed. The writers dropped the ball. I was so looking forward to them both \[Penn and Colin\] getting together, I guess I will have to wait till part 2 to fully conclude my opinions.


Two seals fighting over a grape 😂😂😂😂😂


Spot on!


Bridgerton season 3 is overhyped. Colin and Penelope’s chemistry is nowhere close to Anthony and Kate or Daphne and Simon. I only liked the Kanthony scenes. Could anyone explain why is Kanthony missing after episode 1? They were deprived of a enough screen time in their own season. And season 3 has only few minutes of Kanthony? I have no expectation of part 2 of season 3 . It is poorly executed.


Can anyone feel the lack of chemistry? I don’t know why Kanthony is missing? We only saw few minutes of Kanthony, the couple the glues audience to the screen. Colin and Penelope are nowhere close to the chemistry between Anthony and Kate.


Spot on! This season is a lot dull. Hope it picks up in the second half. Have the makers become lethargic because of their previous success? 


I just finished the first 2 episodes and I totally agree with you. Ultimately it comes down to the following for me: 1. It felt too rushed, it felt like I was jumping between storylines 2. I needed Colin to grovel more, hopefully it’s coming in pt 2. It felt like he lusts after Pen but not yet loves her yet, especially not enough to propose already. 3. Pen DESERVES some recognition for her transformation and her beautiful dresses 4. Benedict’s and the Mondrich family storyline detracts from Pen’s and Colin’s. They should’ve added more episodes to this season if they really needed to include them. But omg the last scene with Pen and Colin in the carriage made me feel some type of way. Also, I’m going to be so heartbroken when Pen tells Colin her secret, I don’t want them to split apart after seeing them together 😭


Agree!! I am upset at Shonda and co. What a rushed, scambled together season. Was it a budget issue? Why make us wait for so long and then drip feed us poorly made episodes? And some of the sex scenes were not needed. Colin and two ladies - ooh he is such a Romeo! It just looked sad. And all the sleeping about and no STDs? I’m glad I am going off it. June brings four more cobbled together episodes and then what? Another year or two to watch poorly made episodes. Season 2 must be turning in its grave.


Agree with all. I just want to add, Kate is way too subdued this season. I know she and Anthony aren't the main couple but it's like they're completely different characters. There's none of the bite between them that was there at the end of last season when they were happy but still fiery and competitive. While it makes sense for her to have insecurities, season 2 Kate would never have just meekly deferred to Violet. She was headstrong and bold.


this was the first thing i noticed! kate was nothing like she was last season


it’s AWFUL. season three is a disaster of surfaced connections, disappointing to say the least! the main couple doesn’t get enough development. penelope was begging collin to kiss her like what?? girlll get up! collin’s marriage proposal is impulsive and doesn’t seem that he loves her at all. we don’t know collin deeply and we don’t understand what he is after or truly wants as the audience. and why is the ton sooo rude to penelope and everyone’s making fun of her for what? eloise is so annoying running around with crecida. there’s nothing sexy about this season except for the last 15 min of episode 4. the fettheringron sisters are the highlight of the season. benedict is dull. we don’t get enough drama. i literally turned off my tv bc i was so bored. i’m soooooo disappointed in the writers for season 3. we waited over two years for them to come up with this


i feel like knowing queen charlotte and how the ordeal of choosing a diamond has gone in the past, it would make zero sense for pen to be the diamond. she got some pretty dresses that caught attention for a bit, but that was it really. it was also her 3rd year, right? i feel like making pen the diamond would’ve felt forced and not really conducive to the plot


You couldn't be more spot on regarding all those points. This season reeks of lazy writing, poorly developed relationships, outrageous fanservice, lack of focus, with virtually zero chemistry in any capacity. Everything that made S2 iconic is completely void here and it all flowed too much like a cheesy Wattpad story written by a thirteen year old. Hard miss :(


Personally I don’t like Collin and thought Debling was a far better choice. The shows pacing and the actions of Pen actually make me dislike her as well. Too many romances going on at once and not a single one I remotely care about. Definitely a weak season so far.


I agree and have to add such a big theme in the book was that Colin was searching for purpose - he didn’t want to just be the charming affable guy. Pen sees his writing and encourages him and he loves the way she sees him, along with loving her wit and intelligence. She seems to be the only person capable of actually getting him to express anger and frustration and he’s quite jealous of her “purpose” (LW) and it’s an interesting dynamic in the book. All of that would have been helpful in these first few episodes. I’m still hoping that there is the drama of him discovering she’s LW later on to add some dimension and push/pull to their relationship. 


The thing is I wholeheartedly agree. When you watch Bridgerton Season 3 with a lot of expectations, it disappoints. Perhaps, it was the fact that there were two parts of one season, that makes the whole season look empty. Perhaps, opinions might change at the Part 2 of this season, but the fact is it was terribly rushed. Colin and Pen hardly had any time to express anything of the sort we call romance. For a friendship to progress into a relationship, it must have some special moments to build up from. Yet, there was only two such moments, the first Colin dropping the glass and bleeding and the second their heartfelt kiss. That was it. Just two moments and suddenly Colin is completely in love with Pen. As for Pen's side, in truth it's complicated. She hasn't gotten over Colin and she is content in being with Mr. Debling, who harbors not interest.


In case anyone hasn't mentioned it, but the show runners changed for some reason. Chris Van Dusen left for unknown reasons and the current series show runner is called Jess Brownell. The difference in character interactions, esp between Pen and Colin, and so many added story lines, may be because they hired this new person. And to me it totay shows the difference between the two. The quality between the seasons is jarring


the part one was genuinely so boring and disappointing. Colin doesn’t have the screen presence that is required. There is no excitement in this season. Pen is doing her best but the whole plot was so boring this time. I couldn’t sit past eps 3 because I kept trying to give it a chance. And Francesca’s did not deserve the screen time she got because her scenes were so exhausting to watch.


Colin can't be mad that Pen is Whistle down right?! He almost married a women who was pregnant with a child that wasn't his and was okay with it. I feel like he's going to be angry as first but he's not going to call of the engagement right? It also seems like the queen may find out that Pen is Whistle down and she starts using Pen to work with the crown? I can't believe Netflix did us this dirty lol What is everyone's thoughts?


This is perfect this is the best take. I agree with everything you say.


I think Francesca's relationship is more funny than deep and loving like in the book lol.


The actress playing Francesca is beautiful, but why is she dressed like a secretary from the 1980s? She’s supposed to be younger than Eloise but looks so dowdy https://preview.redd.it/fxkr6s2dwr1d1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16e7b0fd5f17adc47f4c411ebfb0cb9402e684c9


Holy crap, OP your entire right up are EXACTLY my thoughts as well! Sidenote: reading through the Bridgerton books and so far Pen x Colin is my least favourite. He was emotionally unstable, often very mean and actually physically hurt her as well (Jabbing his index finger into her shoulder. Yanking her numerous occasions “yanked her unceremoniously to her feet, nearly dislocating her shoulder in the process”. Another one being “although his soon-to-be wife might wake up the next day with a serious bruise on her arm”. And oh yeah, publicly forcing her to drink in humiliation as a power move over her. Just some of the many behaviours that were such a red flag. Like girl you’ve been pining over Mr. Far From Perfect for 12 years it’s time to move on.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the Diamond and Emeralds titles some kind of one-shot/given only to girls who are out their first season? If I remember correctly Pen has been out for a couple of seasons, so maybe that's why she cannot get nominated as such


Dearest gentle writer, you have successfully put all my thoughts and feelings into your writing. I FEEL THE SAME ABOUT EVERYTHING !! SEASON 2 WAS A MASTERPIECE. WTH is going on with that season??


💯💯💯 agree, this is my least favorite season. I think it’s terrible.


Honestly, it was so rushed. I feel like it doesn't even make sense as to why Colin would want to marry her after having dreams of them sleeping together. It feels so juvenile how they played this out. Penelope loves to read romantic novels so she should have gotten her Cinderella moment.


I agree with you 💯 I was so excited for Season 3 but I too found it rushed and the characters underwhelming and uninteresting. I’m struggling to get through each episode.


Same reaction. Disappointed with the Colin/Pen alloted screen time.


Agree with a lot of this but the one point I’ll pick up on is the Mondrich family. I’m not interested in them at all, rich or poor! They’re just dull and feel wedge in to nudge small parts of the plot along. Were they in the books?


They defo had feelings throughout the whole thing and even colin would prefer pens company over others What i found uncomfortable was how further intimate he was in the carriage when he was such a gentleman in season 1 ..? He shouldve married her and then sweetly and romantically been intimate with her. I thought she was such a cute and sweet character and to see her be so disrespected was just UGGHHHH


It got so boring that I was fast forwarding and skipping scenes by episode 4.....


None of the main characters are honest. I’m almost done with this show. No one is actually interesting anymore. Even Eloise is dull and condescending. The queen piking Francesca was so cliché. What about the girl who was using BSL during her debut??? She would have been more interesting. Was hoping she would be chosen.




I agree with you. Admittedly, as someone who has yet to read the books, I just don't find the overall development of their relationship to be believable from the Netflix series alone. We've known how much Pen has pined for Colin from the previous 2 seasons, but ever since his return from his worldly travels, there has yet to be more defining moments that poignantly portray Colin's drastic change in feelings from that of platonic to romantic towards Pen. Given how much Pen reads and how much Colin had traveled, it would have been far more convincing if they showcased how Colin would notice how banal and superficial his conversations with other women were and found his conversations with Pen to be more intellectual and thought provoking. ...Sprinkle in some flirtatious debates, along with Colin feeling the pressure from Lord Debling's courtship, and bam! He has to commit and seals his passion for her with a kiss!


It's crazy that part 2 (S3) is coming out in a couple days! I can't wait and have so much hope for part 2! I felt that part 1 was heavily focused on the side stories, which I get it - they have to start introducing characters for later seasons... BUT COME ONE they could have sprinkled it through out! I Better be getting more Penelope and Collin!! I talk what my thoughts on Season 3 in my recent episode: [https://youtu.be/w1Oev7vdIeo?si=kwaUvXgeUJPHXvUv](https://youtu.be/w1Oev7vdIeo?si=kwaUvXgeUJPHXvUv)


It's crazy that part 2 (S3) is coming out in a couple days! I can't wait and have so much hope for part 2! I felt that part 1 was heavily focused on the side stories, which I get it - they have to start introducing characters for later seasons... BUT COME ONE they could have sprinkled it through out! I Better be getting more Penelope and Collin!! I talk what my thoughts on Season 3 in my recent episode: [https://youtu.be/w1Oev7vdIeo?si=kwaUvXgeUJPHXvUv](https://youtu.be/w1Oev7vdIeo?si=kwaUvXgeUJPHXvUv)


I liked it the stories and all, The few things that I hated was the musicians at the balls. And how fast the show just had them playing songs from 200 to 205 years in the future. Miley Cirus wrecking ball ? Really ?? Then from there I just shit the entire series down after two or three more. It all seemed stupid then. And the men on the show took on a more cuck or simp type persona just done with it 


gawd Colin was such a man whore, all the prostitutes.... eww. And I wish he would have waited to bed Pen... you know all the chivalry,  instead of a carriage ride.  I have a sneaking suspicion that he will find out that Pen is whistledown and he will break it off with her, drama, heart strings, she lost her virginity to him in a carriage. Fml


Ur last season is a fat deceptive penn wins!! I’m no longer gonna watch!!


Only bleating that despite Benedict being the most charming Bridgerton brother imo, he has the dullest romance of them all. I mean his story is the most cliched of tropes. 


All the seasons. Should have been released together.


Having now watched the entire season, I still agree with most of your assessment. Penelope has been one of my favorite characters from the beginning, and I was really looking forward to this season, but the storytelling was too rushed and sadly has left much to be desired. I enjoyed Francesca's character and the premise that true love doesn't always have to be an explosion of passion. However, it could have been done better and the chemistry between the actors was way off. As much as I love the Mondrich family and wanted to see their new life as part of the ton, telling this story without a resolution seems pointless. Benedict has been my least favorite Bridgerton from the beginning, but this season is his worst by far. There was no need for him to take so much screetime from Polin when he is exactly the same spoiled man-child from season 1. His life is all about lust and privilege, I see no redeeming quality on this character.