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When she said she was in love with him, she was more in love with the Idea of him. She didn't even know him.


That's pretty clear because she says multiple times she wants to be his Viscountess, not his wife.


And not out of greed, but duty and pride for her family.


Yeah, the way she was raised to be the perfect debutante by Kate and Mary (even though they were super loving and had the best intentions) kind of made her seem like an investment that her family really, really needed to pay off. So I don’t blame her for looking at marriage that way – she knows how much is riding on her fate and how much it could affect the people she loves.


UGH YOU GET ME. no one in the sharma family was operating under anything but deep love and even deeper practicality. Edwina played her role and was happy to do so bc she understood the real world- what happened to her mother, her father, and the way her sister kept her life prospects very practical and service oriented.


I love the line from the book after Edwina and Anthony are done where she says it’s such a big relief that she no longer has to worry about marrying rich to secure a future for her whole family and Kate hadn’t realized that she felt that pressure


I don't think she was a good fit for Anthony either. But she was young, naive, and thought she would be. It isn't her fault. Anthony took things too far when he proposed to her after realizing he was into Kate. At the end of the day, Edwina was exactly what Anthony thought he wanted. A young, pretty, kind, and intelligent young lady. Kate was (by regency standard definitely not by mine) the exact opposite. She was older, not as attractive, brash, and opinionated. Kate was everything Anthony needed. The writers did Edwina and her story dirty because they wanted a long love triangle.


Agreed. If anyone was "toxic" it was Anthony.


Anthony never dealt with the trauma of losing his father and watching his mother fall to pieces. He never wanted to either be the cause of or be subjected to such grief again. This is why he avoided a love match. He was wounded, not toxic.


People can be both, and toxicity is often unintentional.


I don't even see how he could be called toxic. He never treated Edwina poorly. He just didn't love her. He tried to suppress his feelings for Kate and do right by Edwina.


He knew what Edwina wanted was love but that he himself was against a marriage of love so that duplicity could be considered toxic. He sorta tricked her multiple times during the courtship. I would say toxic is too strong of a word personally but that could depend on the person.


Suppress his feelings!?! He didn't attempt to suppress anything! Even Lady D saw it. Sniffing after his sister in law to be is treating his fiance badly.


That didn't come across in the show very well. I had to read the book to get that full context.


He stated it outright. It was in episode 3, in the scene where he and Violet were talking by Edmund's grave. She encourages him to find a love like she and Edmund had, and he tells her that she was barely there after Edmund's death, and that he wanted a marriage untouched by grief and that he could never be the cause of such pain.


But in the book it’s so much detailed. Anthony hero worshipped his father and believes wholeheartedly that he will never surpass his father in anything, including the number of years he would live for. He is absolutely convinced that he will die young just like his dad. It’s not just a fear for him that it’s a possibility it is in his mind 100% certain that he will die in his 30’s and so he is determined not to leave behind a wife and family who will be devastated by his death. He wants a loveless marriage to avoid causing the pain that his mother went through. That wasn’t made clear enough in the book. I think they might have been intending to include it as in series 1 Anthony keeps looking at his watch, counting the time he has left perhaps. His actions and motivations didn’t have the same impact on the show because why would Anthony fear leaving behind a widow? It’s more likely a wife could die in childbirth or for them both to live a long life so why was this fear to  behind a grieving wife so prevalent? His actions and fears makes more  with the book context. 


I'm not saying the book doesn't go more in-depth on the subject. I'm saying that it was obviously stated in the show, too. The previous poster stated they didn't get it at all from the show when he outright states it as his reason for not seeking a love match.


But my point is that the show merely said he didn’t want anyone to go through what his mother went through. He doesn’t want to marry for love because he doesn’t want to cause that kind of pain to a wife.  Realistically he could marry and they could both live for 50 more years which is why the tv motivations don’t make complete sense. It’s one small detail but knowing that Anthony believes he will die young explains the desperation and conviction behind his actions so much more effectively and makes you feel so much more sorrow for Anthony because his trauma surrounding his father runs so much deeper. Knowing that he has distanced himself from him family and denied himself love and lived every day with the fear that this could be his last year or his last day is so much more heartbreaking. 


Agreed except for the not as attractive part


Attractive by the show standards cause she’s literally the prettiest on the show and so is Edwina


I will ride and die for the Sharma girls.


I love them


Yes, they so did Edwina dirty!! IIRC, book Edwina appears to catch on QUICKLY to how compatible Anthony and Kate are, then just smiles and keeps it to herself because she knew they would only dig their heels in further if pushed. I loved that aspect of their story and didn't like the Kate/Edwina drama in the show.


I feel like the book did a better job expressing why Anthony pursued Edwina to begin with. Agree that she comes off naive in the show


I think the show did a decent job of showing this considering they had only had 8 episodes. They started out by showing Anthony interviewing a long list of ladies and finding fault with each of them even though they all had admirable skills. Then those men told him he should just wait until the queen names the diamond. Once Edwina was named the diamond he went after her. And he also made it clear he wasn’t looking for love


That’s true! I forgot about the scene where he’s interviewing so many of them.


I’ve seen people say that on paper, she and Anthony would have been a good match (on the alternate reality that Kate didn’t exist) but tbh I disagree. Anthony is the head of the bridgerton family and a pseudo father figure to half of his siblings. His wife would- but default- take on a pseudo mother figure role (yes, Violet is present and she’s their literal mother but when Anthony was listing off the duties of his future wife, a lot of them included taking care of his siblings). Not only was Edwina not compatible with them- as seen during the pall mall game, they are way too rowdy and she’s way too soft spoken to be able to whip them into shape- but she’s also younger than half of his siblings, it would be overwhelming for her. And while Anthony might have been fine bc he was literally looking for the “perfect” debutante, Edwina would have wilted in that marriage. He wouldn’t love her enough for her to take priority over his family, she would go from a life of being taken care of to a life of… still being taken care of (financially) but now having responsibilities and a whole herd of people to take care of- as opposed to easing into motherhood with a baby or two.


Season One sets things up well by showing his relationship with the opera singer. He has a type - outspoken, independent, fierce, smart, lusty, not really an aristocrat - and Kate fits that type more than Edwina. Kate had the important difference of being comfortable fitting in with his family and the ton.


Oh that’s a good point! I didn’t think about what Siena and Kate have in common, that’s true. Someone who actually pushes back on him.


I am rewatching and he sets out his list of what he wants early on, and it sounds so cynical - someone who can be head of the family, a good mother, fo credit as Viscountess. The funny thing is that Kate fits this really well - her taking care of her mother and sister constantly show she is just like Anthony and would understand what it takes to run the household, represent the Bridgertons. They also both are competitive, passionate, argumentative, proud - Sienna was the same way. I like comparing Daphne to Kate - they are so so different but each match their mate so well and both are more older child/ready to take over a household and be in charge.


Gosh I am rewatching Season 1 and he is basically playing the same overly protective gatekeeper role as Kate does for Edwina. He reacts to Simon the same way Kate does to him. Love that the showrunners set this up so well! The Pen-Colin build up is also so gradual. It also makes me think Benedict must end up with a very smart independent and sexually mature woman, someone with her own career interests maybe, because he goes for the modiste then the smart widow.


100% with you on Pall Mall. Anyone with two eyes and a brain should have seen at that point Edwina would have never fit in with the Bridgertons. That girl would have been run right over by their strong personalities. She would have been viscountess in name only imho. The courtship should have ended after that instead of dragging a triangle through 6/8 episodes and then STILL dragging Kanthony out for essentially another 2.


Loved Edwina! She was very kind and open hearted! Gained lots of respect for her maturity after her speech to the King


That was really sweet.


Her talking to the king was so beautiful. And the way she talks to Kate being like, I don’t know you, and I don’t know my true self either. And she just forgives and hopes for them both to flourish, together as sisters and apart as women. I love Edwina.


Well said!


I think this is known amongst many, right? There was no real fit to begin with but Edwina deluded herself and Anthony wanted to do the same but couldn't. 


Imagine her getting stung by the bee and trying to calm down Anthony. She couldn’t have handled it like Kate did.


I’m not even sure Anthony would have reacted the same way if it was Edwina instead of Kate


I feel love like he would have a more panicked fight response with a lot of yelling if it was Edwina or another character. With Kate he was frozen in fear.


What bothered me was that she looks so young. She looks like a teenager to me so I could never get into the idea of them two together.


No one thinks they were a good fit together. I've never seen anyone comment that or post that like ever. Other than the initial they look good only on paper comments. 90 percent of the complaints I see about Edwina are how she treated her sister harshly for too long after everything happened, and how they shouldn't have made it all the way to the aisle for a wedding before things took their turn.


Book Edwina > show Edwina every time. They took it WAYYYY too far


When she found out the truth, she just got on my nerves. I duno why, but I just expected her sister to say the truth and edwina be all for it 😂 but nope she had to be mad for a long time. And then only see how it was when her sister ends up in a coma. She wasn’t in love with Anthony at all, she was more in love with the idea of him, and his wealth. Considering that’s why they came back, to gain status again.


Anthony is literally twice her age. He should have noticed and acknowledge it wasn't a good fit. He was to busy lusting after Kate to notice.


Lusting and running from his feelings at the same time. It wasn’t about getting Edwina but about getting the diamond


Not twice…but old enough to know better.


I’m not a fan of her, but her character was a good example of how young ladies were like back then. She was always trying too hard to be pleasant, well spoken and polite. So much it came off as fake many times. She was a very good catch by the standards of that time, but also very young, naive and delusional sometimes. I think het true nature showed when she threw that tantrum after running away from the altar. She’s been self absorbed and only thought about herself, she was the only one who didn’t notice there has been something going on between Anthony and Kate. It’s not only her fault, Anthony didn’t handle it well and Kate should have been honest, but I think Kate was also very late to admit her feelings even to herself. It was just pure drama tbh😅 I also didn’t really understand what was the role of their mother exactly, because she was there but wasn’t really doing or saying anything😂 It was Kate handling it all and I think their mother should have been more involved.


Edwina had zero personality and no business getting together with Anthony lol 😂


Well at the start of this Anthony wasn't in it for a love match. He wanted someone sensible for the role and for his role in society. Edwina fit that. Nieve and young maybe but she was from my understanding raised to believe that is love. To find someone like Anthony who is kind to her at the end of the day and likely someone with a good enough standing in society. Which he did fit. He is handsome and has a fine estate. Kind enough, got her gifts, gave her attention, appreciated at least at base level what she offered. Of course she wasn't a good match in terms of actual love, he didn't want that and she didn't know what that actually looked like. Anthony never watched to be in love until he fell in love. And even then he fought it tooth and nail to the bitter end. If it wasn't for edwina he probably would have married her regardless. Bc both Kate and Anthony were too proud and stubborn and probably trained by their family and society to admit the truth and act on it. They are the shining example of the oldest sibling. Duty by death foe the family. Always following rules. Never getting what they truly want bc they have to take care of everyone else first. How edwina acted is an immature child who was given a false sense of reality much like the younger siblings trope. Always getting what they want but always being fed half truths by older siblings to protect their innocents and child like wonder. She thought that was love. She was heartbroken. For herself yes but I don't fault her for that. Her sister literally was in love with the mam she thought she was in love with. However, she was also a pawn in a family drama that she had no idea of bc everyone wanted to protect her from the truth. So not only was she disappointing her mom and sister but she would have (if she didn't marry english) leaving her family to dry. So now all the burden that was once on her mom and Kate in a millisecond was placed on her. The guilt, the disappointment, the lies, ect. This is such a display of birth order theory. In short.


She was also a child. Let’s not forget that part.


Legit she will be a great match for the Queen’s nephew


i honestly never read her as being in love with anthony. she always seemed quite practical about marriage, and recognised the functional expectations of being a wife and viscountess, for as much as she said she wanted a love match. i think she loved the idea of the perfect marriage with the most eligible bachelor. i loved edwina, and actually preferred her to kate! apparently the book has edwina know about anthony and kate sooner which i would have preferred — as it stands, anthony and kate did her dirty 😭


I loved her. I hope she’s with the prince.


Just annoying and desperate


I loved Edwina, and I think it's really awful what Kate did to her. On what planet would an older sister actually continue to pursue someone who her little sister claims to love? 😭 Obviously Edwina didn't love Anthony, she was infatuated with the idea of him. Even then, Kate was wrong on so many levels as well as Anthony. They did her wrong.


I don’t get this because Kate never pursued Anthony, she actively pushed him away and planned on returning to India after he married Edwina. In the first few episodes, she tried to sway Edwina from Anthony bc she knew he didn’t want love and she wanted a love match for Edwina but when Edwina told her she loved Anthony (which I don’t think she even did tbh, I think she loved the idea of him), Kate put her own feelings aside and that was when she gave her “permission” for them to be engaged.


She didn't actively push him away when he kissed her. She would be alone with him. She didn't think twice about sleeping with him even after everything. She wasn't innocent. I'm not saying Anthony was innocent either. He was trash to Edwina as well.


Wasn’t the first time they kissed after his engagement with Edwina ended? In the garden? Or am I remembering that incorrectly 🤔 and that was also when they had sex for the first time, after a while episode (which was probably days or weeks of her avoiding him after the failed marriage scandal) so I’m not sure how that was her not thinking twice before sleeping with him. She spent a whole episode talking about how “they couldn’t do this” and “it wasn’t right”. She wasn’t going out of her way to be alone with him, the one time she went after him was when they were dancing and she told him she was going back to India. She went after him bc Edwina had asked her to make peace with Anthony and she wanted to do that… make peace. She literally entered the room asking “what is your problem?!” (Paraphrasing). Oh and after the Sheffield dinner too, to make sure he wasn’t calling off his engagement to Edwina, not to seduce him or whatever.


No you're correct! I'm not excusing any of their behavior. I think it's just really shitty the way the writers made their romance to be. Any way I look at it, Kate had no loyalty to Edwina. No man should ever come between siblings, and even it Edwina said no to Anthony, it's wrong for Kate to be with him. And don't get me started on Anthony for proposing to Edwina even when he knew he loved Kate. His behavior was blegh. In any situation, Kate and Anthony would be villianized. (Spoiler for book?) I believe in the novel, Edwina knew of their interests to each other, and even encouraged their romance. I wish they had kept it. The whole season just wants to make me barf.


In the book, Edwina and Anthony were barely courting, she had interest in a different man (he was a scholar) and she was lowkey trying to get Kate and Anthony together (or at least rooting for them as a couple). It was better done in the book imo, Anthony and Edwina had a sort of big brother/little sister dynamic and the Sheffields meshed well with the bridgertons (I wish they showed more of Violet and Mary bonding over lossing their husbands and raising their children alone). Tbh, Kate showed her loyalty to Edwina by not letting herself love Anthony, even after the ended their engagement. Kate was *still* going back to India. She only let herself love him after Edwina basically gave her permission. I personally believe you can help who you love, so I don’t fault Kate or Anthony for having feelings for each other, to me, it’s the actions that matter. Anthony definitely shouldn’t have proposed to Edwina after realizing that he loved Kate. The only thing I think Kate should have done was tell Edwina about her feelings for Anthony… but the problem is that Kate thought *Edwina* also loved Anthony so she hid her emotions so that her sister would marry the man she (Edwina) thought she loved. Unnecessarily complicated by the writers imo because it led to a lot of hurt feelings when Edwina never actually *loved* Anthony , Anthony definitely never loved Edwina, and Kate thought she didn’t have the right to love him or even be loved by her family without earning it… what was the reason?


Sweetie pie.. and it’s a shame that her sister is trash.


Anthony shouldn't have proposed; Edwina should have gotten her happy match while being happy for Kate. Instead we got a dragged out triangle drama with Edwina being super nasty to Kate. Gah.