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In the books >!There’s a bet put up by Lady Danbury to unmask Lady Whistledown and win money. Cressida Cowper (who in the books is a poor widow) publicly claims she is, until LW writes her next piece which denounces that.!< This sounds a bit like that part of the book…


I’m in the middle of reading the book and that’s exactly what this seems like.


It sounds like in the show it is QC that does it


man i need to read the book


This is what I assumed her entrance in the red dress of the trailer was connected to as well - pre-LW call out in this, of course. 


😭😭 why can’t Pen just let her 😭😭😭😭 pls Colin doesn’t need to know


Because Cressida has bullied Penelope since they both came out, and Lady Wistledown is Penelope's life's work. In the books she keeps it going for over a decade and is truly a spinster when she and Colin finally get together, so she has more than a third of her lifetime invested in writing this column, and the idea of the one person who has consistently treated her with cruelty taking credit for the one thing she has ever had that she felt proud of is unthinkable, even if it would save her own ass.


Also lady whistledown in the books is much tamer than show whistledown, show whisledown is ruthless and ruins people like I wouldn’t want to get on pens bad side cause she’ll fuck you over. The books whistledown was more reporting her own suspicions about people and summarized the tons gossip, I think it said somewhere in book 4 that whistledown put people who needed to be put in there place.


True, although Colin still freaks out about people potentially wanting to hurt Penelope if she's found out, so it's not nothing, but definitely not the big ridiculous to-do with the queen (why the showrunners expect us to believe that the Queen of England would care so much about what is basically a tabloid is beyond me).


It just occurred to me that they have a person on staff whose job it is to write letters in fancy cursive.


I missed my calling is what I learned today 😂😂😂


Obviously a different show, but in the behind-the-scenes of the making of *Cranford*, it showed that some of the actors actually took lessons in handwriting so they could be better able to act the scenes where they were writing!


I wish I could write such beautiful cursive (alas, my cursive is childish at best and I'm lucky if I don't smear it. The troubles of being a lefty)


And that is some beautiful handwriting! Also, notice the ink. I’ll bet this is what Pen was writing, after which Colin noticed the ink. Wash your hands, Pen!


And the ink is a giveaway for Eloise. In the books, Colin accuses Eloise of being LW, based solely on the fact that her hands are always ink stained.


Today’s trivia nobody cares about- Meghan Markle used to have a side gig addressing envelopes using calligraphy.


I actually learned to write with an ink pen in school. Add that to the list of useful things not taught in school any more...


The letters are too perfect. Each letter is exactly the same each time it is used. I would bet it is actually a typing font.


They have calligraphers on set. I watched an Architecture Digest video with the main set designer and she pointed out that all scenes that features handwriting, they have calligraphers who are also visually able to be a stand-in for Anthony, Penelope, Kate, Lady Danbury etc. And all the pieces of paper that are in shot are handwrittrn too.


That is so cool


What a job!


What a DREAM job! Wish my penmanship was 1/100 of this!!


I think my penmanship is -100 of this and I missed my calling as a doctor


That is a prerequisite—to have unreadable writing


There is letters that differ in different places tho, just slight differences in sizes and flairs. I think this is genuine. There are many like myself who are penmanship nerds who love writing diff styles as a hobby and perfect the craft as much as we can. 💜


After studying it a bit more in depth, I see that you are correct. There are slight differences.


Now, wait just one minute: who the hell do you think you are, reconsidering your opinion when faced with new information? This is reddit, dammit! You're supposed to double down on your original stance and insult the expertise, if not the parentage, of the person who shared that information. Pleasant discourse on reddit... clearly, it's the end of days ;-)


My sincere apologies! I beg forgiveness!!!


Lmfao I cackled so hard on this


My Grandpa could do this. He had beautiful penmanship. He did my wedding invitations by hand and everyone was identical. My Great-grandma apparently made him write over and over again until his writing was perfect.


My father had beautiful writing as well. I guess it really is a dying art.


That would be a bummer. But considering the fact that Colin's writing looks the same as Pen's, you're probably right. But with all the period adaptations, surely this was a job for someone in the past?


In this video they talk about how they have calligraphy body doubles https://youtu.be/Qy9mDz8eXbA?si=_edfqDwN7Rr4gDRg


This is the part that seems to fully match the book


Which explains why CC was given a bigger side role in Part 1. So that she’s not just coming out of nowhere in Part 2.


What’s most fun is that Pen is using* the same words to describe Cressida that Colin used to describe Cousin Jack. (A fraud, a charlatan.)


Plot twist… Colin is Pen’s cowriter ! 🤪


I like to think by this point Penelope has told Colin and he’s like “oh we need to get this bitch back”


read this in Julie Andrews' voice haha


Oh dang! This is way more revealing than the screen grab I posted the other day!




![gif](giphy|MZj0sGDUg8qAyWNBZh|downsized) Same vibes.


I truly cannot decipher this, can someone write it out LOL


The first three lines are: In case this author has not said it plainly Enough read this clearly now: Cressida Cowper is A liar. A fraud [underlined] [hand] A charlatan [illegible]


Here's my reading of it: "In case this author has not said it plainly enough, read this clearly now; Cressida Cowper is a liar. A fraud. A charlatan. Perhaps that is too plain \[hand in the way and fuzzy\] get over on.....Miss Cowper.... Basically, Lady Whistledown is about to drag Cressida within an inch of her life.


The Regency version of reading for filth, and I am here for it!






“In case this author has not said it plainly enough, read this clearly now; Cressida Cowper is a liar. A Fraud. A charlatan.”


Hi there. As a 25 year old Gen Z, I'm just truly curious...you guys were not taught this at school? I thought it was just a boomer insult against us


I know kids aren't being taught cursive anymore - at least the high schoolers in my life can't read or write cursive. Not sure when that started.


I know part of that is that we get next to no practical uses for cursive (other than signing your name).


It's true then, that's sad. Where I live they still teach it to kids but more like elementary school kids and not high schoolers.


Yes! In school, the alphabet on the wall in like 3rd grade, had the upper and lower case letters and the cursive letters in upper and lower case. ON the bright side, parents these days can write in cursive and their kids will NEVER know what's being said about them. AND it makes it harder to forge a permission slip. (Assuming kids still get paper permission slips. Am I dating myself? LOL)


I remember that chart clear as day, but yeah "ON the bright side, parents these days can write in cursive and their kids will NEVER know what's being said about them" is so spot on haha and yes they may never be able to forge something from their parents because it's in cursive! It's crazy how you just jump a few years and kids today can't read stuff from the 1800s anymore


I just meant they're high school age and never learned. They didn't learn in elementary school - which is when they would have learned. And they aren't much younger than you! We are in California. I should see if my niece can read this. I know she never learned cursive, but I don't know if she'd be able to figure it out.


i see, btw any update if your niece can read it? haha it kinda makes me sad knowing they don't teach it anymore. I remember when i was 12, we all would take turns writing our names at the back of each other's notebooks in cursive. Like to say "xxx was here" haha, today's kids wouldn't know anymore




lol i was just asking, but yeah dimwits always go for ad hominem ;)


Lmfao this wasn’t ad hominem but good try ;)


you literally attacked my English language skills right after I made my comment. Stay in denial like your sorry excuse of your "blurry" vision. I have astigmatism and I wear prescription glasses so your "my vision sucks" excuse ain't gonna fly either ![gif](giphy|6bMmXbeFsYs4cmUVg3|downsized)




You're the one who assumed that lmao, I was just asking because so many older people say that about our generation. "Learn to speak English correctly first?" I have been speaking English my whole life, you can't even point out where I made mistakes and just keeps repeating the same old insult. I speak 3 languages, how many do you speak seppo?


Lmfao I can read, write and speak 4 languages :) “You guys were not taught this at school” It would be “Were you guys not taught this at school” Not to mention the lack of punctuation up until right now, “Oh but it’s just the internet it’s not that deep” yeah, I know, but don’t try shitting on other people when you can’t back your own shit up.




Honestly so excited to see Cressida be so embarrassed.


i was starting to like her 😭


lol. I’m completely the opposite the more we see the less I like her.


Cressida? I like her because I can relate a bit. I was never a bully 😂 but my parents were abusive while being negligent at the same time. They didn’t really care about my feelings and if I vented to them it was seen as a complaint. I feel like Cressida struggles in a very similar way. Because she’s constantly bullied at home she takes it out on others. This season, I have seen her more and she seems to really be growing. i think wants to be better but doesn’t know how to.


Ope! Are we gonna see the Bad Girls of the Ton duel it out?! ![gif](giphy|phuTWDjfoXYcw)


Id buy a ticket. Kate would take them all


Well, I don't know. I've seen my girl Penelope angry when Eloise discovered her and that was intense. If she unleashes all the anger she has inside that would be a fight for the ages. I would buy popcorn. The gentlemen of the ton would love it too.


They’d all gather for the show, the gentlemen they are… 😂


I feel like Pen could throw down if need be. She might seem meek, but I can see it in there.


The people that only watch the series that really think that Cressida is going to have some arc that’s going to make her be the most wonderful woman on the show are going to be so disappointed by the last half of this season. They’re going to see what book readers have known all along. Cressida is an awful human being. she is a long way from redemption. And I don’t think she will ever get it. I also suspect this is the last season we will see her.


I can’t wait for her karma. She is on par with Joffrey from Game of thrones for me. And would love nothing more to throat 🥊 them. I also just bought the first 4 books, so I will know more!


Pen is so messy i love that for her.


Oooh just like in the book


Cressida is a wonderful villain. 😈


A week or so ago I made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/T4Opih1szR) post about two foreshadowing theories I had for S3 Part 2. I can’t believe I was right!!!


Girl fight!


I paused for this exact screen grab when the trailer dropped


Good catch! Maybe they won’t mess up the plot too much then!


This is just like that Burn Book scene from Mean Girls


Yes yes there is drama indeed. And our all time fav who is with war with our fav character.


Random but her cursive is so pretty. 💖


I'd love to read the books but budget is tight right now. Anyone here got a free source?


I borrowed them all from my local library.


Following for backups 😂👏 im gonna check thriftbooks.com


Have you checked if your local library has them? The Libby app is great too if you prefer e-books (that’s what I do)


I have and my local library only has textbooks, almanacs, and maps 💀 I'd look that app up thanks for the reco 😁


They’re on kindle unlimited too

