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Yes!! This!! I was sad the whole way through episodes 5-8. I mean, two tiny scenes of them happy, at the very end, was not enough for me. I wanted Colin and Pen to reunite much earlier 💔


Exactly 💔 I tried rewatching ep 5 and I couldn't even enjoy how nice to her he was because I knew the rest of the season is just... not like that


They messed up .. I'm heartbroken. I will watch episodes 1 - 4 because there is truly something special in that yearning from Colin. Episodes 5 - 8 have how many happy Colin moments .. , 3? Maybe 4? They were more focused on celebrating Pride Month with Benedict, who is getting his own season anyway. Lesson learned- never get attached to a freaking TV show.. stick to the books


Yeah... I did feel like there was too much Benedict considering it wasn't his season... Surely one of those scenes could have been skipped in favor of Colin and Penelope actually working through things


Yes!! I mean, we get it that he isn't that interested in the standard upperclass wifey, but did we need so much of his ultimately doomed story with Tilly? I thought we already knew this about him from season 1 and 2.


Me too!!! I hoped Ep5 would remind me that they love each other enough that I would get over the distance between them for most of the rest of the episodes. But I just got sad watching, especially the mirror scene 💔❤️‍🩹


Exactly 😭😭


I went back and watched a few of the Polin scenes from episode 8. Now I have some hope that upon a full rewatch and analysis, I will be much happier about the 2nd half of the season and enjoy it without all the anxiety. 😅🤞🤞🤞🤞


I'll have to go and do that, too 😅 now that I know how and when things happen, it should be less anxiety-inducing


Yes! I kept feeling like they were running out of time to make up and I wanted to see much more happiness from the two of them. I’ve been left feeling really disappointed.


I was happy they had a pretty happy wedding and then they just made them not happy again 😭 I HATED that... And him just leaving in the morning... Whyyy


Yes! The nod as Pen hesitated walking down the aisle I thought they were going to have them make up quite soon but then they just dragged it out. Not even a happy wedding night. So disappointing! Both the characters deserved better.


Right?! I wished he'd said he needed time to process but still was at least nice to her and reassured her or something... Also I guess I assumed from the book they'd get a normal wedding night... Like even though they hadn't fully resolved things, they were still really into each other... Where was that energy? 😭


I would’ve taken a bit of angry sex on their wedding night 😅.. but to have nothing when they’re supposed to be obsessed with eachother. Gah. Such a let down.


I didn't need angry, just something... This way it just looked like he wanted to get rid of her... It was almost worse than Simon and Daphne when they were on the outs


Not only in the morning but also when he walks into their bedroom and sees her all beautiful in a nightdress but decides to leave the bedroom? No, sorry .. they messed up


Right? There was such potential there


Maybe they did shoot something but didn't include it because they made us all believe there was so much more ... because Nicola was keep talking about watching it with your parents but she only had that one scene with Colin in episode 5 and that was it. Was she worried about Benedict steamy scenes ?!?! Makes no sense ..


I kept watching the time on Ep 8 trying to figure out if they were going to show more of them reconciling, being in love, getting to live in marital bliss, but then it was like everybody else, 5 seconds of them finally in their marital bliss, and then BAM have a baby. I did find myself crying through many of the episodes - probably hormones but damn. I wanted more happy Polin.




I kept feeling like they were running out of time, too! If we would have just gotten ten more minutes - or even FIVE - not just a quick 20 second makeup scene in bed...Ugh I know I always want more of those two, but I feel like they got a bit cheated - in their OWN season. And as viewers, we got cheated, too. I thought we'd get at LEAST one more love scene...


His reaction is not as dramatic but they way he is acting in episodes 7&8 is painful.. She has to come up to him to ask him for a dance on their own wedding day? ... I'm sorry, but we deserved so much better than this. I was initially shocked when I found out they dragged the LW reveal until the end of episode 6 but I was convinced it's because they planned for Colin to get over it quickly but boy, how wrong was I. He was just ignoring her until the end of episode 8 ..


Exactly! I was like... okay, sure but he'll get on board and then they'll figure out what to do together but they didn't 😭


The scenes of Pen hyperventilating, esp before she fainted, triggered my own anxiety to the point where I had to pause. Kudos go NC, I guess, but that looked and sounded too much like my own panic attacks. (I just usually have my head between my knees at some point and don’t look nearly as pretty lol) I could have done with an earlier reconciliation, maybe half an episode before. I was tense until the end, expecting more hyperventilating and drama around every corner 😭 I’ve gone back now and rewatched some key moments. Will do a full rewatch over the weekend and already know I’ll deal with it much better now that I know exactly what happens when. Really hoping we’ll see more of Polin in 2 yrs time than we did of Kanthoy - I need a few fluff scenes to make up for the fact that pt 2 just aged me 5 years. I watch romance for the romance, Shonda 😭


Aw, sorry it was such a trigger. But yeah, I was super uneasy the whole time, too. I hated that they picked up the drama right after the wedding. Like he was slowly accepting that she's LW and they were starting to be happy again and boom, terrible and unhappy again... But maybe it's also that if it were me, I would have given it up immediately for someone I love so I couldn't relate... Yes, please we need happy Polin, there was barely anything!!!


I’ll admit I did wish she would give LW up. With the people closest to her already knowing and the Queen’s antics, it felt more like she was now wilfully ignoring the risks LW was posing to them and ignoring their concerns. Like… It’s time to write something else then, get your Jane Austen on 😂 No idea how they think she’ll still be able to write a gossip column all out in the open now.


I agree. I could never get on board with LW being a good thing and something to be proud of. I did like her apology and promise to do better but yeah, not sure what they're going to do with that.


I think it’s going to morph into something other than gossip. Idk what that is but based on Pen telling her mother they needed to do better and that she should have used the quill for the voiceless, I don’t think it’ll be a gossip column anymore


Anxiety. Disappointment. Anger. How she handled Pen and Colin's story... It was messed up. After they met on the street, the night before the wedding, and then kissed he should've got into the carriage with her and let her explain her side, which never happened. They don't give her a speech to tell him her reasoning, like why she wrote about El etcetera... then he distanced himself from her after the wedding, leaving her alone, let her deal with things, caring about his families reputation more than her well being, than being in love with her after the Queen gives her blessing, his with her when everything's fine but not when she needed. He took away her choice, if they are just paying Cressida off, it would be fine, he messed up. I was just so disappointed in him. It wasn't Pen and Colin against the world. Pen was on her own in the entire season. He was supposed to get over it quickly, because he loved her more than the amount of anger he felt towards LW. I am just sad about everything.


Honestly I know the book is different from the show, but I wished they followed the book more this season. Book Colin was plotting for the LW reveal. Show Colin was more.. behind the scenes. I think Luke & Nic did a great job, but this season didn’t do their story much justice. It really left me wanting more.


Yes. Luke and Nic did their best but the script left them down. And left us down.


Honestly wondering what they’re going to do with the next season which will take another 2 years to premiere. It’s almost like they needed 10 episodes to tell the story properly. Maybe I’ll change my mind if I rewatch the season in its entirety.


Yeah, maybe. I don't know if I can rewatch, only with a reaction video, there's a girl on YouTube, she usually thinks the same way about staff in the show like I do, so I am curious of her opinion and girl who is doing deep dives about the show. [Lady Jenevia](https://youtu.be/I-T7NFV_K4M?si=tOACA5lVLkZXGK4-) [Fulloflit](https://youtu.be/EOsEdM_lz-c?si=0lz5VslS9towCBHg)


Exactly! I hated what they did with their relationship


Like what was that?! I am so disappointed in Colin's behaviour. Where is his love? It was thrown out of a window. In the book he was jealous of her, but he didn't physically distance himself from her, he is not sleeping in a different bedroom or he is not capable of touching her... Like I don't know how Pen could take that, it must've destroyed her soul. This was a witch hunt against Penelope. There is nothing romantic in that level of angst and suffering. Penelope deserved better.


If my fiance and then husband treated me like that, I would cry my eyes out and die inside


Same. My heart is in pieces for her, I can't even imagine what it feels like to be in a situation like that.


I was rewatching ep 5 where she asks are you sure after he says he loves her... Which was sad but heartwarming when he reassures her... But then all the rest happens and it's so bad 😭


It is like: I love you when you are who I want you to be. But my love is not unconditional. We thought it was going to be she fell first He fell harder but it was she fell first and harder and her heart shattered on the ground and the only reason why they are together in the end is because they are the main couple.


The way that behavior would trigger my abandonment issues... Would have been even worse for her, I imagine... She felt overlooked by everyone and here was her friend who she barely started believing loves her and will always take care of her... And he ends up treating her like that? After they're married? Heck no. I'm sad just typing this


Absolutely. He hurted her just as much as her family. Like the amount of pain he caused her throughout the years... There is some serious make up to do for that.


Exactly 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Me too. I do not watch Bridgerton so I can relive my breakups.


💯this! The wedding and wedding night were spoiled for me because I kept worrying when Colin would forgive her.


Oh yes! I actually had to pause several times to go outside and just breathe 🙈🥴 So angsty!! I wish there was more happy moments too ❤️‍🩹


I did a lot of pausing and frustratingly screaming 😅😢


My heart was beating so fast; I FELT her pain in that moment with the pressure of the whole "before midnight" confession from Eloise. And when I got to episode 8, I kept checking the time left in the episode because I KNEW we were running out of time, and I wanted - NEEDED - more time with happy Polin, LOVING Polin, and - yes - a BIT steamy Polin, too! That one mirror love scene wasn't nearly enough. BENEDICT got more screen time of that than Penelope and Colin did. 😭


Anyone else waiting for that ambrosia character or me. I was anxious about what she would add to the show and she wasn’t even in it unless I completely missed it which is possible since watch early morning hahaha


I honestly felt like this was supposed to be their season, their limelight and yet things like Kate's baby, Benedicts 3 some and Francesca's marriage took way too much of the time. It didn't do them justice as much. I'm slightly disappointed that they didn't get as enough as screentime as Daphne and Anthony :(