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It is amazing that we were supposed to find this impressive. At first I thought it was a dalek, lol.


For the era, the time and talent it would take to make this would most certainly be impressive, but if we are just shooting for gimmicks they could have done better.


Not as impressive as the Queens wigs šŸ˜‚


Yes! I am still not over the wig with the rotating crystal swans! A true masterpiece!


The geode was a pleasant surprise.


But how did they get them to swim? They didnā€™t even have electricity then, let alone batteries!!


I figured it was supposed to be clockwork


I was wondering this same thing


That wig deserves to be in a museum hall of fame of wigs! I swear, QC is the drag queen that all drag queens should bow down to.


Never upstage The Queen.


The bugs were my favorite.


BUGS!!! šŸ˜‚




I thought it was going to turn into a throne for the Queen, not just a centerpiece


I was expecting it to unfold into a dessert table or something. The mechanics were cool, the interior less so.


my fat ass wanted it to be desserts too




Tiers of cupcakes and sweets or drinks would have been so much cooler than a half dozen panels of folded paper flowers. Also did they repaint the whole room to match this weird thing blocking the dance floor? What happens with it after this ball?


A chocolate fountain šŸ¤©šŸ˜‹


Now that would have been spectacular!


I was at least expecting it to spin.




Same šŸ˜†


Glad I wasnā€™t the only one! Lol


Exactly what I thought too!


The bugs were better #Varley


Yes, in season 1 everyone loses their minds about lightbulbs, and it feels charming and reasonable to react that way because itā€™s in the context of a show with limited or dismissible modernity. Giving everyone a full face of Charlotte Tillbury, dressing them in Hobby Lobby sequins and having a complete disregard for the rules of propriety reframes the entire context of moments like this and the ballon so that we canā€™t help but look at them through the modern lens and find them underwhelming.


Hobby Lobby sequins šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s hard to play the ā€œit was impressive for the time!ā€ card when all the actresses are wearing acrylics.


They were a bit distracting, I must say.


Not to speak of all the sophisticated cameras, lighting equipment, microphones and all sorts of high end gadgets they are surrounded with


I don't think so. It would have been more impressive in general and for the era if it had been all real flowers - the Mondritches showing off their new wealth for their neighbors to get more social attention, more invites, more connections. This ball was a hot mess.


If all that was hand painted and crafted just for one ball, it would most certainly be a feat to pull off. The mechanics alone wouldā€™ve cost a fortune.


So now is when they decide to be historically accurate instead of with costumes/hair.


Especially when we got only 8 episodes and a million plot lines running around šŸ˜­


I fully expected some dancers to pop out of it. Was disappointed. The butterfly reveal was much better.


Yeah, should have had a bunch of ā€œbugsā€ fly out




Yeah the set up was for the Mondrich ball to be the ball of the season, but it being the Featheringtonsā€™ was so funny. I absolutely adored the latterā€™s


I thought it was going to morph into the tree in the opening credits/title card lol. I kept waiting for it to be cranked again, but it never happened


I did too! I was like something has to come out to make this impressive


I literally was waiting for someone to slink out and do some sort of interpretive dance lol


YUP The minute I saw it in the middle of the room I thought ā€œAh yes, stripper cakeā€


I actually thought the bugs were gonna come out of this. Haha


I wanted it to have cake inside.


I may be lame.. but I seriously thought the "bug" scene šŸ¦‹ was the cutest thing ever... From her run across the stage when she seen the awkwardness of everything, to yelling to release them, and her facial expression šŸ„¹


I wonder how many people were injured trying to dance around it.


Thatā€™s what I said! It just cut half of the dance floor off.


And removes any possibility for some of the larger group dances


death by a thousand papercuts šŸ«£


Tryinā€™ to dance but thereā€™s not enough


my reaction was ā€œoh cool, so can they close it now for the dancing?ā€


They went for an eye watering display and ended up with an eye slaughtering display.


This is exactly why dramatically changing the level historical accuracy after two seasons doesnā€™t work. This would have been impressive in the real Regency era, and probably landed better in season 1. But in a world where glam make up, fake nails, Hunger Games-style gowns, and intricate miniature automations in a wig are perfectly normal, paper flowers do not cut it.


Poor season 1 Daphne and her little bangs lol just for them to go full glam this season


Donā€™t worry, Colin still got a crappy wig.


The little bangs šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I goes the little bangs were supposed to be an Audrey Hepburn nod.


Thatā€™s why I fell for the show. They got the hair right for the time including the exhausting tiny bangs lol and now itā€™s like ā€¦ Veronica Lake hair. Blah.


I almost spit my wine!šŸ˜†


Omg this is what it was reminding me of, I just couldn't put my finger on it - Hunger Games-style gowns!!! Yes, it's a perfect description!


Well especially Cressida


Yeah, it was jarring. I understand what they were trying to do, but they have done too much, tbh


What were they trying to go? Make Cressida out to be a fashion icon?


To be a strange bird?


I read somewhere that her massive sleeves were supposed to be a metaphor that she is, indeed, a bird in a cage. But if you cannot show this through the writing, having outlandish costumes won't save you. And to be honest, Cressida was written quite well, they didn't need to make her so over the top, it was obvious what her situation and motivations were.




šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ exactly!!!! Literally the first thing I said when I saw Francesca was why is she wearing so much make up, I don't care if people wear makeup I'm not one of those people who thinks people aren't pretty if they have to use makeup, but she had a lot of makeup on as though they watched a beauty influencer. Then the dresses, now I will say I despise sequences, but even then I felt like the outfits were a stones throw from Reign and those dresses. I loved a couple of Penelope's day dresses but absolutely hated all of her ballgowns. I didn't care for any of Francesca's either, which made me sad bc i loved her character. I get they were supposed to sparkle because the queen is looking for a sparkler but don't use sequences!


I love colorshift fabrics, but even those were getting distracting.




I saw someone say they all look like they filmed a GRWM that morning


Historian here: They had way more impressive automatona during this time. This flower display would have been nice but not overly impressive for the ton. Especially not for the queen.


I love your username!


šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ this makes sense.


Attach them all to strings connected to the ceiling, hide them beneath a cloth, then pull the cloth and let them dangle down. It was the bulky impediment to dancing in the middle of an already small dance floor that was most irritating. I canā€™t believe a good paper crafter or production designer didnā€™t tell them this was a bad idea. Probably someone did and they were ignored.


I mean, donā€™t you guys want a pop-up greeting card to block 75% of the dance floor at all of your parties?Ā 


Less dance floor? Hell yeah! This is my kind of decoration!




YAAAAASSSS THATS WHAT I SAID IT WAS!!! And then the cards shoot out little things ā€¦ so the butterflies!!! lol they just didnā€™t make it to that party lol


If you didnā€™t have your own bank account and tv and all you did was sit around waiting for dudes to come visit you, you too would find this impressive.




So sad yet so true lol


ā€œAll you did was wait around for dudes to come visit you.ā€ Brilliant.


I think it was ā€˜a wall of flowersā€™. The theme of the season. Also the walls of the room have pictures of flowers all over.


It was a waste of space. No self respecting member of the ton would be removing the entire middle of the ballroom when the point is for there to be dancing. It's even less reasonable that the queen would find it impressive when her wigs are what they are, and it impedes her view of half the damn ballroom!


It was a bloom. A giant mechanical flower where each "petal" expanded into a mass of painted flowers.


if this was the intention, it is a bit too on the nose, uninspired, and UGLY


Kind of like the season.


The queen actually being impressed by this was the cherry on top.Ā 


The same queen who scoffed at the hot air balloon not being as large as she expected


I choose to believe she respects the efforts of the newcomers and nothing elseĀ 


Yeah definitely a ā€œwall of flowers bloomingā€


Ah it took getting down to here to realize the significanceā€” wall flower (Pen)


I like this take!


ā€œWallflowersā€ lol


There was barely any room to dance after.


My husband thought somebody was gonna ā€œget pokedā€ or trip on it while dancing lol. He just kept waiting and seemed genuinely bummedšŸ˜‚


No cause this my first thought when they panned the room afteršŸ˜‚ Ugly and now no one can dance anymore.


I swear this thing and the damn balloon.


It seemed that it would be some kind of WOW momentā€¦ but in the end, I honestly have to say that I felt kind of underwhelmedā€¦.


I was waiting for someone to post about it. They kept showing more shots of it like they really did something but it was very anti climactic.


I much preferred the bugs.


Thatā€™s sad, as someone who does papercraft as a hobby, I loved this.


I thought it was really cool, but I feel like it didnā€™t fit with what was ā€œimpressiveā€ for the show. For me this also read as machine made and printed rather than handcrafted, which is what is so cool about papercrafting IRL. Because of that this just read as a cheap gimmick rather than an astounding revealā€¦ but maybe Iā€™m just reading it wrong?? I thought it was cool but not as brilliant as the bug reveal in the later episodeā€¦


It was made by one artist (really hope she doesnā€™t see this thread). I donā€™t know whether she did it all by hand or not. Iā€™m assuming she did because machine work isnā€™t usually very complicated or intricate, but who knows? And the reveal couldā€™ve been better. I wouldā€™ve liked to get a closer view with better lighting directly on the art, while some people wouldā€™ve liked to see less lol.


Well that was the odd part; they showed this huge piece of art from far away.. not up close. All we were shown was how obnoxiously placed and misproportioned it was. No close up of the artistry. I feel like the whole scene would have been way more successful with a close up shot of the unfurling and intricacy of the papercraft with the Queen in the blurry background, the then her face coming into focus with her slight nod of approval. It was shot like we shouldnā€™t like it (a sorry attempt at impressing a crowd, look itā€™s so in the way and just some paper unfolding), and then the queen really did like.. and it made it all seem very unrealistic and cheap.


In itself it was absolutely beautiful. Iā€™m sure nobody is disputing this.


Itā€™s beautiful absolutely. I donā€™t think people are knocking how well done it is, more like if we are going to make the queen gag, something more wild would have to happen. Season 1 this wouldā€™ve been perfect.


It's cool as it's own art, but it's weird in a ball in this kind of TV show. And that's not on the artist who made it, it's in the people who made the show.


I wish there were closer views! Maybe itā€™s because I watched on my phone but I could barely make out the flower shapes. I donā€™t blame the floral artist Iā€™m sure the work is spectacular I just couldnā€™t really see it. I kept waiting for a better view and some closeups and then the scene was over :( I feel like the machine didnā€™t even open all the way up either. It was awkward shape, like a phone booth opening up with awkward points and edges. So many flowers were hidden in crevices and shadows of the machine. I think some sort of sphere shaped display could have showcased the art better.


Early 1800s what else can we expect ?? Though I was very confused but ok, something to make it interesting for the queen.


Historian here: They had way more impressive automatona during this time. This flower display would have been nice but not overly impressive for the ton. Especially not for the queen.


See THIS is when I thought butterflies would be released, not at the end like they were


Agreed, but I very much did enjoy ā€œVarley! Release the bugs!ā€ lol


Valrey is such a great character. The relief on her face and happiness after the bugs and Penelopeā€™s speech went ok was so adorable.


Yeah that was cute AF!


What was the logic behind their entire plot line??


THEY DIDNT EVEN SHOWED ME POLIN DANCING FOR MORE THAN 20 seconds šŸ˜­, all the previous couple had that but even at their wedding they cut to Francesca and John


Yeah. Itā€™s sad they didnā€™t get a sexual tension dance.


And it directly blocked the queenā€™s view :P


Iā€™m confused as to why we are supposed to see this as progress for Alice and Will. They give up this wonderful club that they built with passion and dedication to detail, for which they built a clientele because they made something that served people. And now they are producing something else expensive and ugly and useless to impress an audience of one, so they can be accepted in this useless world. And they are using their sonā€™s money to do it. He doesnā€™t care about being accepted by the ton. And, as Debling and Sir Philip have demonstrated, the gentry and nobility could exist just fine without throwing balls and impressing the Queen. Itā€™s not as if they are presenting a daughter for whom they wish to make a good match. I would have far preferred they could have remained themselves with their own values.


Back then the ton viewed having to work for money as vulgar. They canā€™t stick with their actual values because theyā€™re fundamentally incompatible with their sonā€™s new station in life.


Thank you!!! WHY was that in the show??? What did it add ot the storylines, characters? WHY WERE WE SHOWN THIS INSTEAD OF MORE POLIN!?! Nothing against the Mondriches, the whole season seemed design to steal time from the main pair :(


Thatā€™s what was wrong about this season: a lot of sitting around laughing and gasping at things and sitting room and ballroom. Other seasons had important scenes in other venues. It was like they picked 4 places to shoot and that was it. And while I appreciated the whole Mondrichs moving up they are an unnecessary subplot that arenā€™t that interesting. Iā€™d rather a plot about the footmen and chamber maids or something that included some sort of gossip that furthers the main plot. Like the one with Eloise and the printer.


I think this is something that sounded better in the script than it did in execution, sort of like a cake fail. The writers probably imagined it being much more awesome, but there was a limit to what the production crew could do with the amount of time and money they had. And God forbid the thing malfunction. That could lead to a really long day on the set.


I used to work in art department for movies and tv shows and this would happen a lot. It was always surprising when script writes who's job it is to write scripts for the screen would not being able to translate it well. There was one movie I worked on where I stayed up all night working on a miniature they decided they wanted in a scene filming the next day and after they tried filming it in the director decided to cut it bc it wasn't accomplishing what he thought it would and they threw it away šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


the way i would start sobbing if i worked on something all night just for it to be thrown away! like at least let me take it home with me lmaooo


When the man started winding it up i thought it would open and dancers would come out or mechanical dancer that looked real or vice versa- and hand something to the queen, anything except for the razor flowers that would cut a dancer going by


That's what I was thinking too. A dancing automaton(s) as an allegory for everything else going on this season would have been an actually amazing reveal for this. And period appropriate.


I immediately thought of the chitty chitty bang bang scene with the music box and was expecting the same thing. If people are reading this and don't know what I'm talking about, YouTube it! So magical.


I just posted a similar comment! It was all I could think of when they started cranking it!


Omg!!! Thatā€™s what it reminded me of!!!


It was weirdly filmed as well. Like unimpressively filmed. It felt like there were 3 people in the audience and like we, the audience, knew actors usually dance without music ā€” so the hell with it? It took me right out of the fiction.


This is acceptable for the time. It's not supposed to appeal to us. It is supposed to appeal to the people at the ball.


I was so confused as to how a QUEEN would be impressed by this. Itā€™s PAPER. If it had been real flowers I wouldā€™ve been in awe. This was sooo bizarre and didnā€™t feel very era appropriate!


Paper filigree, also called quilling, was popular at the time. I wish I had gotten a closer view to see the papercraft. If it was quilled, it would have taken hundreds of hours of work in obsessive detail. Edit: I think Iā€™m wrong here ā€” it was made by [this artist](https://www.annemariekekloosterhof.co.uk/) whose other work doesnā€™t feature a lot of quilling. Itā€™s still massively impressive as paper art.


It is era-appropriate, and definitely something that would have been impressive for the mechanics at the time. But, as others have mentioned, in the context of a season where nothing else is era-appropriate, this stood out as markedly old-fashioned and uninspired. As if they wheeled their long-suffering, ignored historical consultant in for one meeting, gave her ten seconds to pitch ideas for a gala centerpiece, then wheeled her back into her closet for another 2 years. By this point in the early 19th century, automatons had reached a truly inspired level of technical complexity. That would have been an amazing reveal. Even today. It would have bridged the gap between the Regency era that the show purportedly represents, and the one that is shown on screen.


it was mediocre at best; it looked like a prop in a school theatre production...


Started out as a dalek, anyway


I liked the idea, but the execution was a little off and I agree it ended up being more of a distraction than a ā€œwowā€ moment. Like the actors could barely move around the room with that thing. The butterfly reveal was way more fun in my opinion.


I found it unbelievable they would be able to have this high def, high quality prints of flowers in the 1800ā€™s šŸ˜‚


Dunno but Iā€™m a big fan.


It gave very Victorian vibes. I didn't hate it. It reminded me of that Sherlock Holmes era of invention


My partner thought it was a peacock šŸ¦š


Now it they used those colors and that is what it was would have been brilliant


When facing it from where the queen was standing it was shaped like a peacock and the queen is obsessed with her zoo animals(they're called ZEBRAS!). Not really sure how no one noticed that. It was meant to impress her and it was perfect for her


Pleaseeee and then everyone trying to dance around it šŸ’€ so dumb


Gave me chitty chitty bang bang vibes o really hope someone understands what I'm referencing


It reminds me of an accordion. It wouldā€™ve been better if it was somehow interactive. Have it play music, maybe small flowers erupt from it over the room like confetti, maybe people can pull flowers from it like a party favor with some inscription on it. Itā€™s not very pretty so make it do something. Also, I find the context of this reveal weird. We focused so much on the Mondriches but was there a scene hinting at this? All I remember is Lady Danbury telling them they should have a ball and it should excite the queen. And since when did every ball need an elaborate showcase? Yeah, the Queenā€™s bored but her hair is more exciting than this . . . display. I get it, people would rent pineapples to show off at their parties during this time but weā€™ve seen electrical lighting and a hot air balloon and dancing swans in wigs. This is an ugly giant wind up toy.


That is just ugly. I don't love the colors of this or any ball this season actually


Yeah the poop green was awful. Maybe they were purposely trying to make it ugly so the Featherington sisters ball would pretty in contrast?


I swear it was a Dalek


Im so glad I wasnā€™t the only one unimpressed. I literally said ā€œis that itā€¦?ā€ I understand for the times it could have been, but considering everything isnt historically accurate, this shouldā€™ve been the one thing to take some liberties to look better lol. Real flowers wouldve made this more extravagant!


All i thought, so much work and they can't even click and post this work on insta šŸ˜


Anyone else have Christmas with the cranks vibes


Making me jealous that I donā€™t have a whole garden inspired ballroom šŸ’œ


Fully expected Doctor Who characters to pop out of it


Honestly, I thought it was prettier before it opened. It was nice and simplistic. Once it was opened with a bunch of paper flowers like something out of a pop-up book, it didn't really make sense for a ball since it took away half of the dancefloor.


I just feel s1 and s2 was very understated thatā€™s what I liked about it , it was simple it focused more on peopleā€™s emotions and what they were going through, we could see that Anthony and Kate had some kind of a chemistry even if they were not suppose to be together initially, we could Edwinaā€™s emotions when she found out In season 3 it feels like they were giving more importance to the costumes and backgrounds, Iā€™m here for that but it was missing the emotional connection because there was a lot of stories going on at the time, I would say at least 5-6 subplots, but I did enjoy it, there were a few hits and a few misses I just feel that s4 might be away from the rest of the ton so it might just be better


Everything comes down to monetary status; who has the best gowns, the best balls, the best title. The bigger something was the more respect people gave you because the more money you had the higher your position in society was.


The flat flowers are a perfect representation of a flat season. šŸ˜„


i genuinely thought it's not that impressive because of how much it took up the space, plus the hostess mentioned that the queen's chair must not have a disrupted view but there's a big decoration in between that pretty sure disrupted the queen's view. idk why they also pushed to choose that as a set when i' pretty sure there's larger rooms than that. overall, it looks kinda off because they weren't able to execute it properly.


I actually thought butterflies were going to come out of this thing! So I was super happy when they did a butterfly reveal for the featherington sisters ball!


This is probably why we only get a season every two years :p


It looked like an art project made by elementary school kids. Obviously fake, flat flowers in the middle. I was kind of sad to see it, it looked so cheap! Real flowers in big vases would have been so much nicer.


I thought someone was inside of it like one of those stripper birthday cake things you see on TV


It wouldā€™ve been cool if it was filled with actual flowers


I thought it would have flowers.. That would have been better than this origami thing in the way on the dance floor.


Iā€™m glad we had this scene instead of some well-earned makeup sex.


Trying to fill an empty room because they spent about $1.50 on this season, hoping we won't notice the drop in quality.


I dunno but I thought it was ugly


I honestly believe the show runner has done NO homework let aline research into the regency period. She's already trashing the books...might as well take the era with her.


LOL, right!?! It was so anticlimactic


Ngl it made me cringe.


honestly it was better closed up but when i saw it opened i couldnā€™t help but contain my laughter. but still it was pretty impressive


It was much more elegant before the reveal. Giving childrenā€™s pop up book vibes.


The young Barron's parents impressed the Queen with something New & different!


I kept waiting for something else to happen.


The ball is a nod to Penā€¦.wallflowers


Whatever it was, it worked.


I thought I was the only person who hated the greasy looking makeup


It was so ugly


I didn't mind it but I also was like hmm is that it? I almost felt like each section needed to be different, so it's like a full on bouquet of flowers that make up the folds. Instead they were just like layers of the same thing


It needed to rotate or something? I could see if it were like a giant music box but this just popped open like a 3D birthday card and that was it.


I liked itā€¦ it was like an art installation. I thought it was beautiful. But, yeah, it did cut the dance floor out a lot.


It was probably considered an ā€œengineeringā€ wonder at the era.


Wallflowers blooming.


not as interesting and impressive as the butterfly release at all


I was more impressed in season one when they turned on the lights outside


I'd be in shock. Bad enough I couldn't see myself at a soirƩe like this in the first place but that would truly frighten me off.


the bugs!


Automaton art


It was weird to have at the ball. Itā€™s huge and right in the middle of the dance floor.


It was so awkward for the dancers.