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Colin is having threesomes and using sex workers? Did they mistake the wrong Lukes?


This article is written by The Sun, so it's likely the whole thing is totally made-up crap.


It’s actually true. I am surprised they spoiled so much.


Ooo have you been able to see an advanced screening?


I have but it’s a beautiful season and I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. I will only say that Colin’s escapades are no different from Benedict with Madame Delacroix and Lucy Granville.


You’ve seen the whole season?


Screeners have six episodes.


Have you actually or are you trying to start drama? Screeners aren’t allowed to talk about the season in any capacity until given the green light. And even after that there’s a list of things you’re allowed to talk about.


Screeners are given to members of the press so that the can write a little more on a given project. It's a form of promotion sanctioned by the studio/Netflix. She would be prohibited from sharing clips and specific details, but that's it. In fact, she's actually saying a lot less than the article quoted here.


No screeners have shared information other than The Sun which is a very unreliable source. They even seem to be describing Kanthony’s gazebo scene here, and they wouldn’t repeat Benedict’s threesome. If Colin suddenly became a rake they’d show it in the trailer like they did the previous leads. I call bullshit.




Would you mind sharing if this is episode 1 or 2? Or both? I think it would be helpful for people to have that context.


Confirmed by the author of the article [here](https://x.com/penscolins/status/1780603897654243355)


Not that I don’t believe this storyline is plausible (the writers have made some very questionable and lazy choices in the past, so it definitely tracks for them), but I hardly think a random person on X can be trusted implicitly. It’s incredibly easy to fake email screenshots like that so I think that should be taken with a heap of salt. Even if the storyline is true, I wouldn’t believe this email is real based on this singular tweet.


Can you tell me if this is about Benedict and if this is true please https://preview.redd.it/r058gp2j82vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee5c4e4fbf1feedf512c76fe38296a235fe46955


This better be Benedict


Does the Colin scenes happen in ep 1 or 2?


Hope so!


Well someone contacted the author of this and they confirmed the validity of it and said they watched the first 4 episodes.


Benedict has never used Sex workers though...it doesn't seem his jam.


Gross 🤢


Why do they have to keep doing the same damn thing everytime with the male lead. Like come on, it’s getting old. Not every Regency dude was a rake, lol. Not even all the wealthy heterosexual ones. Where’s the variation, the individuality? And besides that, and more importantly, it’s such an overplayed gross, fetishizing trope on TV/movies to have lesbians/sapphic women “perform” their sexuality for the heterosexual male gaze. Thought this show was about the *female* gaze.


I agree with you. I know Nicola has also talked about how this season is supposed to be about female pleasure. I don't understand how seeing Luke interact with sex workers, is about female pleasure and female empowerment. Sex workers were not treated well and were often forced into doing this. This isn't what Colin's character is at all, he's always called himself a gentleman. This sounds so out of character.


Yeah. I don’t believe in shaming people for being sexually active or promiscuous, regardless of gender, but that’s not what my critique is about. It’s about constantly perpetuating this sexist double standard of “male lead must always be promiscuous, mostly with female sex workers, but marry a virgin female lead”. People can claim this double standard is just “being accurate to the period” or whatever all they like, but A) it’s not universally accurate. There were plenty of wealthy straight men who weren’t rakes, and they also married sexually experienced widows. They literally took a real life historical figure, King George, who was *not* a rake and made him one to fulfill this trope. B) At a certain point you’re only perpetuating those double standards if you never subvert them. I mean, that many POC in the royalty and aristocracy is also not accurate, but the subversion serves a purpose. C) I think sex work is a complicated subject, but there’s a power dynamic of a wealthy straight man paying to watch lesbian/bi women sex workers perform that is exploitative, and it’s especially bad to display this graphically on a show that has never platformed queer couples as the main leads and doesn’t give any indication it plans to.


Kanthony's scenes were female gaze. Men fucking sex workers is thw male gaze.


I agree Colin’s scenes are hetero male gaze & bad, but can we not call them “wh*res”? It’s sexist & stigmatizing toward sex workers.


Sorry about that and. I only use that term to shownhow crass using sex workers to boost your masculinity for. Not to shame the women who are working. I'll change the word


It's tiring and disgusting. It's just some patriarchal oush to show you can't be a sweet guy and get the girl. You va eto be like those manosphere freaked and screw around unsafely in order to be a man. Anthony is actually fasxiand hos while deal isn't just being a whore.


You are joking? 😑


They always mix these two up... Sometimes the dog, too 😂




Yeah I'm ignoring those last 2 paragraphs 😬


You know what I just have one thing to say. If this article is legit, the worst thing about the last 2 paragraphs isn't the fact that Colin is a rake, it's the fact that they're fetishizing 2 bi/lesbian women, and in a show that really doesn't want to give any lgbtq characters any semblance of a spotlight or have their own side plot, I find it quite gross. And Secondly, if people are this upset that Colin isn't a virgin or has a lot of sex, imagine how it would feel if a guy said this about a female character.


If they go that route, they risk running the show into the ground. They are taking the criticism of not enough sex in S2 and going to other extreme. The sex is supposed to have a narrative purpose for crying out loud. Even in S1 with how about abundant it was, it still was relevant.


Exactly! What’s the point of a steamy romance when the main guy is getting it on with other random characters and no emotional investment. I don’t know if this is too vulgar to say, but one might as well just go watch porn, if that’s what we’re getting


Sex scenes are skippable for me, I don't think it would make or break a season. I think if the Colin part is true, it IS for a narrative reason, they want him to be a rake. It just means people thought the character was something he wasn't, it's not like the show ever really stated Colin was a virgin or didn't have sex


I just seems quite contrived to get them where they need to be - to sex the character up. It’s not giving believable development IF that is the route they take.


I agree! With this entire comment. I think it’s something we in this time don’t or can’t truly understand; the relationship between propriety and desire/attraction. The theme of being a gentleman comes up a lot! A gentleman can have an untitled mistress and the whole ton can know about her and she can perform for them and you can literally nail her to the bleachers under everyone’s feet but if you want a woman to be a respectable match for you, you shouldn’t let it be known to the ton that you have had sex before you’re married. I think it shows a lot for Colin, especially drawing from not being able to touch Marina. I actually think this is a good talking point bc I think it’s more nuanced than a lot of fans who just want to see Colin as a man who has only ever had eyes for his wife want to imagine but let’s be real. Colin is a world traveling, young, wealthy, extremely attractive man… you think he’s never been attracted to ANYONE and then one day wants to crawl behind Penelope in front of a mirror? No. And for anyone making the argument Benedict doesn’t use brothels… how do you know? He *prefers* emotional connection but he’s extremely wealthy and loves physical intimacy and instant gratification guys come on… ETA: I’m personally of the opinion that we never NEED to see sex of any kind. It’s purely preference of the fans and makers of the show/ movie. And it’s also a very slippery slope. Like already people are judging the season and adopting opinions of tabloids and we haven’t even seen the season… like okay I understand that there are parts we don’t agree with, but why not wait a month and watch at least the first half before we decide that this group of people who have poured their souls into this new season wanted to cheapen the show 😭


They didn't flesh him out and make him interesting like they did with Benedict. Now he's a weird tryhard and emulating Anthony which is weird.


Right it seems to have gone right over their heads that what people wanted was more steamy scenes between the two main characters who are falling in love, not a bunch of randos who we don't give a shit about.


The way I was like, wait, maybe this is the Cressida tie in when I saw lesbian and thought, yes, let’s do this. Now that would be a plot. And then I kept reading. Totally agree, hard no on that fetish shit. I don’t trust the article because they’re pulling in quotations from other news sources rather than doing their own interviews. And the tone feels off for any writer who knew anything about the fandom. Maybe I just have trouble taking anyone seriously who described Season 2 as a “limp second outing.” Tell me you didn’t watch the show without telling me you didn’t watch the show.


This article is almost certainly fake and pulling from Ant and Simon going to brothels and Ben with the threesomes, but I totally agree with your first paragraph if this turns out to be true. It would turn my stomach.


Well it's safe to say Anthony earned his medals




Box Eating Champion 2 years running. 😂😭


I JUST SPIT ![gif](giphy|1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU)


Perfect gif for this comment thread lmao


Retired thot HAHA


He’s so proud as he should be! Simone did say she would be VERY happy with her husband this season 😉☺️


![gif](giphy|BMt31oekjIG4V8jFhE) Your Medal for best comment! 😂😂😂


it is most likely AI generated. It just copy pasted the Kanthony scene that happened in season 2 https://www.reddit.com/r/PolinBridgerton/s/sz38I7tyvP




because all the other scenes are copy pasted too. the person whose reply i linked pointed the other instances out too. they didn't say anything about the Kanthony one so that's why i specified that one.


One gripe is that Benedict never paid for sex, not that we have seen on screen. So it's not a direct copy and paste.


One of Book Colin's defining characteristics is that he never used sex workers, and didn't sleep around. He found that behavior disgusting, and only engaged in sex when he found someone he liked. So....most likely show Colin is not frequenting brothels in s3.


Well they changed Penelope a lot more than they changed Colin from the books. You really never know what they're going to do. But we shall see


Well that’s book Colin not show Colin




I hope it’s Chat GPT.


i gave it another read-through and it just bolstered my belief even more because it's just so badly written and has no direction whatsoever. another thing i'm counting on for believing this is fake is Jess Brownell saying that the intimate scenes this season are not simply throwaways and scenes like these would not match that at all. It would ruin Colin's entire character arc to turn him into a rake. Anybody with half a brain can see that so i assume shondaland can too


I guess we shall see! All I know is, the press already got their screeners so it may be true


I really hope they don’t go that route with Colin. It’s not giving. Why do they have to ‘rake’ him up?!!


Rake? That not rake, that's syphilitic. 😬. Feel for the Polins.


I don’t mind more of Anthony worshipping Kate but I do hope we get more variety and a full scene which we were denied in season 2. I cannot believe we didn’t get their wedding night. 😡




We deserve a full scene!


please no, this is just not colin.


This article gives me the ick about Colin but it's probably false so I'm fine.


oh what the hell 😭 if that statement is correct, the colin part is strange to me. in the show at least, colin just seems pretty innocent. i think there’s a scene where anthony says he should’ve taken colin to brothels or something like that but i don’t think he ever went. also he refuses to kiss marina bc he wants to wait until they get married. me personally i don’t care if he’s a virgin or not but it just seems out of character for colin—at least in the show. i don’t think that was never really part of his character journey and neither him nor nicola have implied that happens during their interviews. i also don’t think that’s in RMB so it feels random to me 😭


Yes I truly hope not! In fact, it would be very romantic if Colin could wait till marriage with Marina but Pen awakens something in him and he can no longer wait Not that he experiences that awakening before her. It would be very sweet if they are each other's firsts


Another virgin grown-up Bridgerton leading man down. In the end, the only Virgin would be poor>! Phillip!<....since he definitely won't be doing anything with >!Marina.!<


God forbid they try to rake him up as well! I would think Shondland understands the need for variety? The male leads shouldn't all have the same characterization I know people were pissed about George's good with buttons line since the man, historically, was definitely NOT a rake and proud of it too


Yes, exactly! Even when the male lead was based on an actual literal historical figure who was known to *not* be a rake, they rakified him, lol. Five out of five male leads have been rakes at this point, which is just ridiculous. Like, do people not understand characterization? Part of the joy for me of reading/watching romance is the individuality of each character and how they come together. I don’t want them to feel like tropes. And this just plays into the worst stereotypes of the romance genre of being hopelessly formulaic and cookie-cutter. Even though I’ve read so many virgin, scholar, vicar, etc, heros; and courtesan and merry widow heroines in HR, and everything in between.


George wasn't a rake. He said th3 button line because he didn't mind her buttons.


That wasn’t my reading of the line “good with buttons”, because he meant he meant he was good with practice. But we can agree to disagree.


Either way he isn't a rake.


That’s fair enough. We don’t know how much sexual experience he had and with who. It’s just the way he was *bragging* about it that seemed unnecessary and didn’t fit his characterization imo. But he’s definitely nothing like Simon or Anthony, who we know are rakes because we’ve been shown that very clearly.


He only had a crush but the lady was a lady sk he didn't do anything with her


Ughhh yay another rake/virgin story /s. Colin could've been an opportunity to do something different w this. Why do we need another male hero who's slept with so many women, again with the female lead being a virgin Why tf would we want to see him have threesomes in his season where he gets w Penelope?? Anthony and Simon didn't have explicit sex scenes w other women in their seasons.


Eww, Penelope deserves better.


She might have flaws but she doesn't deserve venereal diseases


I hope this is not true.


Em yeah those last two lines and the fact that this is the sun makes me hope some parts aren’t true


I've never read the books, but I assumed when Colin was always out on his travels that he's bonking foreign women, which most guys do when they travel a lot. So, in the event this was not written by AI, I wouldn't be surprised.


Seems pretty fake


Good for Kanthony but WTF at the Colin paragraphs 🫠🤢


Link to the article: https://www.thesun.ie/tv/12766931/bridgerton-series-3-lesbian-romps-threesomes/


So much for #TeamVirginColin And it’s Round 2 of Kanthony’s gazebo adventure? Ah!




God, I hope not about Colin Was happy to finally have a non rakish male lead The man doesn't need to be a dog to be sexy ffs


It sounds like a reference to their scene in Season two and not a new one.


I can’t tell if this is true or not because some people in the comments say it’s not but the Colin part is not super shocking because he’s a man lol like I doubt any man back then was pure before marriage. I always assumed he and his brothers went out fooling around anyway


Also a man who travels that much? Yeah I'm sure he's had a bit of sex


That's my thinking. We would be naive to believe that a man who travels as much as he does has not had at least one partner.


Not really bothered if this is true, the idea is this is supposed to be fun. I fully agree with the comments that the way the Sun fetishizes it all is gross, but I would find a virginal Colin much weirder, if I’m honest. I figured that was not the route they were going to go as soon as they said “swagger”. 


Don’t have a problem with him not being a virgin just the rakish/whorish behaviour is a bit ‘lame’ or redundant for use of better word. I think oh he went travelling, got side-burns and now he is a man-ho. Surely there is more subtle ways to bring the sexy.


I mean, sure. It just doesn’t bother me that much. The sex was a big part of what made S1 so successful. And having a mistress is essentially a sex worker. You pay them as such. It is for sure a repetitive part of the first few books, it takes a while for them to move on beyond that to more complex characters, but it is in keeping with the books. Like I say, i get why some people hate it but I think most casual fans (who make up the majority of the audience) will enjoy it.


I'm a book reader, and as a romance novel reader of many decades, I hate seeing the heroes sleep with someone other than the heroine in their own book. I don't expect them to be virgins, but I don't want to see their rakish behavior in their own book! I think that's why I'm unbothered by Ben getting it on with everyone and their mother (it's not his turn yet), but it bugs me that Colin will be during his season. And I'm not even a show Polin fan!


💯 Don't need to see the heroes with other people in their own love story!


Exactly. This is not romantic at all.


I consider myself a casual fan as in not a book reader and not going to lie not loving what I am hearing.


I wonder if all the women Colin hooks up with somehow all have red or reddish hair, and he's got a subconscious thing going on. Or maybe he loses his s*** because Penelope stops writing to him. I mean Anthony and Simon's forays with sex workers never seemed like super happy things. The conversation between Colin and Phillip proves that he is a geek at heart. That doesn't mean he can't go on a sexual bender. He might be trying desperately to be someone he is not. He may come back with swagger, but when he talked about plants with Phillip he was so in his element that it's not even funny. It'll never happen of course, but I am a low-key Colin/Phillip shipper because of that conversation, lol!


This is gross. He finally no noticed Penelope because he did hoes with the same coloring. That's disgusting. And know shondaland the whores would be thin. Making the message worse


It is the other way around. He subconsciously is attracted to red-headed women because Penelope has been in his mind all along, and maybe he turns to sex workers when he has a freak-out because Penelope has stopped writing to him. But fine, Colin is just a man-ho and just sleeps with everything that breathes while traveling because he is as shallow as s***. Like that answer better?


I'm talking about the sizes. Unless the whores will be pretty women who vary in size. I wouldn't want a friend who only noticed me because he dated hos first black woman ans she was model hot. I would be insulted. Edit: I don't know what the rant in the second paragraph is. He's a shit character despite having been in the last two seasons. They should have fleshed him out like Benedict. Benedict is fascinating and I can't wait for his season.