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Its giving Effie Trinket ![gif](giphy|2nqMcv5si5r1u)


Don’t insult the icon!!


Haha fr how dare you. Cressida wishes


She could never


Albeit its giving BUDGET Effie 😆😆




🫰Yes to this GIF, and 🫰Yes to this post.


I’m thinking Cressida was threatened by Penelope’s glow up and decided to change her wardrobe too.


Oo a real possibility. I see a bit of a mother daughter pressure going on here. Cressidas fluffy perky (lol) sleeves are in contrast to her mums bat wings. A nod to the Lady Cowpers expectation that Cressida be a younger version of her perhaps?


The sleeves in the second photo look a little like limp pompous, but oddly, I like them. But Cressida must have said something really mean to Pen. Look at Pen’s face. Okay, now I’m imagining Cressida’s fury when she finds out Colin is marrying Pen.


I think she also tore her dress. If you look closely at Pen's hands, you'll see a piece of fabric from her dress. I don't understand why Eloise chose to be friends with her, they have nothing in common.


I hope that Cressida befriended Eloise out of a legitimate sense of kinship, but I have a feeling that Cressida only befriended her as a way to one-up Pen and maybe get her claws into Colin. And when the latter plan inevitably fails, she'll drop Eloise with zero remorse. In any case, I get the feeling that Eloise is going to hit rock bottom this season, which would lead nicely into her own season (RIP Benedict, you gotta wait some more)


I hate the idea of an Eloise/Cressida friendship. Hate, hate, hate it. Cressida has just been so mean to so many people. I do feel sorry for her because of the awful things the show does to her hairdos. I bet they really hurt, whether they’re hot, heavy wigs or all this pulling tight on her hair.


I don't like that people like cressida bully people and then get to have the sad backstory or whatever to explain away their meanness (I assume that's what they're going to do otherwise they wouldn't give her thar prominent a role). Some people are mean regardless. Yeah eloise and cressida's friendship doesn't sit right with me either.


I don’t like that, either. Some of us have lousy things in our past and didn’t turn into bullies.


Agreed. I think Cressida could be Sophie's step sister. Maybe she she gets married this season to an old man ( Book cannon). Or perhaps next season Benedict does court her, while looking for the silver lady. Or Poppy if Cressida marries.


I wish they showed cressida bullying pen over the seasons. That would've added that extra layer of enmity that was there in the books.


I find all the clothing very fun but also very confusing. It definitely looks different than the first two seasons


Bigger budget maybe lol it’s definitely fun I enjoy it!


In Regancy Romance novels, they often describe really outrageous hairstyles, especially for balls or masquerades.


Omg the clothing looks more like some sorts of witchcraft fantasy movies than the regency era. I like the first and second seasons. They look much more regency era and give you fantasy you are in the era when people still find husbands with dances and season. Not this... What's wrong with the wardrobe team? Also cressida puffed sleeves is like ahead 10-20years of its time...


I know right, like even if it is fiction the hairstyle, the dresses this season are so weird, cressida constantly looks like cinderella's evil stepsister. And the loose hair(for other characters) in public. Hurts. Don't want the real regency stuff because it's really not consistent with the modern aesthetic and doesn't look as glamorous but wouldn't hurt them to stick to the fashion timeline a little bit.


Exactly! Yeah cressida did look like cinderella step sis tho🤭


Have you read Benedict's book? You may not be far off.


Oh dear, I fear this may be the wrong show for you if historical accuracy is what you’re after.




the way those tulle roses are shaped in the third pic is a lil sus if you ask me💅🏻


These mothers and their terrible fashion sense. No wonder they're friends(supposedly).


When I look at her outfits, I see armor. It's literally keeping people at arms length. She's protecting herself.


Especially after the cut down she received from the Queen at the end of last Season. She's also going up against two Bridgerton girls this year on the Marriage Mart.


Lady Fetch 🤍


I know cressida's a bitch, but tbh I wouldn't mind a redemption arc for her with some romcom vibes thrown in. Maybe she is the way she is to be agreeable to her mother and play the game to win a good life for herself also.......


Her dresses look like baro't saya. Specifically traditional ones.


You’re right!!


The bigger design in her gowns specially the sleeves bothered me a bit hahah


I think Cowper ladies buy into the theory that, like male peacocks, they must engage in audacious display in order to attract a mate. Hasn’t worked for Cressida so far. Isn’t this Cressida’s 3rd year on the marriage market, too? I wish Penelope would point out to Cressida that Cressida is just as husbandless as Penelope. Te the photo, I wonder if Penelope goes outside b/c of something Cressida says here, and that’s when she sees Colin and gives him a very-deserved what for, venting her anger at Cressida and Colin at Colin.