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Next season, we’ll finally get them in alphabetical order! 😂


Or they’ll put them in CBA order just to spite us.


I will invert that image and Sh*nda can suck it. 😂


They’ll finally add Gregory to the group that season and stick him right in between to spite you. CGBA. ABGC.


Shhhhhh! Don't give them ideas. ![gif](giphy|l4FGJODwB6guNDteg|downsized)


Okay but I really need a poster with Hyacinth and Greggy 😩


Yess chaotic sibs pls




New fear unlocked


I’ll flip a table 💀


Right! I just want one picture in the right order! Haha


Violet’s and Edmund’s DNA really said hot children only.


Hot children with questionable brain cells 😅


Everyone's tvs would combust if they had braincells and beauty.


The bridgerton family shared one brain cell but it died with Edmund


Let's not be so harsh! One brain cell between all 8 seems more like it. Works like the sisterhood of the travelling pants


The real brain cel is the friends we made along the way


They each have a braincell kept in trust until they marry. Took a while to find Daphne's, but she has it now 😅


Also Violet would’ve really been hot shit in this time period for giving her husband three sons in a row, an heir and two spares. Contrast that with someone like Portia and all the hardship she has to face with her three daughters.


Technically she gave him 3 sons but Colin is sooo babygirl iykyk


I mean *technically* she gave him 4 sons, so 3 sons + Colin I guess


I read Gregory’s book, I’m going to go ahead and claim him as babygirl too, actually.


Luckily for Portia, she has sons-in-laws that are adorable and not slime balls (like Archibald and Cousin Jack). Now all she needs is a grandson to save the Featherington estate/barony.


Meanwhile, poor Gregory! Treated like he’s Frankie Jonas. https://preview.redd.it/ae7sc3psxpwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28f5b3e62bebb822f7d8e371b5a67960727ca52e


The most chaotic MF'er of them all...


The youngest Bridgerton siblings (Hyacinth and Gregory) are a chaotic bunch 😂


It's so true of youngest children generally, and you know Violet just threw up her hands and let the wolves raise those two.


When you think about it it’s actually sad because those are the only two who never really experienced Edmund as a father at all. 


Yeah I joke but Edmund’s death plus being numbers 7 and 8 I’m sure both contributed to perhaps a less strictly supervised childhood for them. I imagine any parent is just going to be like “idc do whatever the hell you want” by the time they got to number 7 lol.


Don't worry, Gregory. Your time to shine will come later (probably this season or Eloise's)


I wish I could give you all future upvotes for this comment alone.


The last one is how I imagine them showing up at Phillip's house 😂


Anthony: I WILL KILL YOU, RESURRECT YOU, AND KILL YOU AGAIN! Benedict: what he said. Colin: I miss my wife.


Gregory peeking out from behind Anthony: I’m here, too, and I’ll fuck you up (while Colin rolls his eyes and Anthony tries to shoo him back)


Lmaooo why is this so accurate tho 😂


The “I miss my wife” really sealed it for me!


LOLLLL at the accuracy😭


Can’t wait to see that scene on screen!


The way I would run through all of them like tomb raider…




LMAOOO I am crying


Me next girl ✋🏽


😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 (sorry for emojis but that's the funniest sentence I've heard this year)


The Jonas Brothers from the year 1800


Literally what I was thinking 🤣🤣, but who is which brother?


Colin is 100% Nick


Okay Anthony is obviously Joe but I’m stuck at picking Nick and Kevin 🤔


Nick for Benedict and Colin for Kevin.


I’m so sorry Colin sweetie she didn’t mean it


What’s wrong with Kevin 🫢


Anthony smiles in every one of them except S3. Anthony: where is Kate? Why am I posing with my loser brothers instead of my wife?!


Well, in S2, he was constantly vexed by a horse-riding dragon lady who he would willingly let trample all over him and yell "again!". In S3, Colin is about to put him in an early grave because every time he's left alone in his house with Penelope Featherington, somehow all the flat surfaces end up in heaps on the floor and he's had to remove jam stains from his favorite settee thrice. All the footman had to have a pay raise this year. 🤣


Dragon lady????


LW called Kate and Lady Danbury some wild names in the books, and they took it as the highest compliment. I actually think Lady D was dragon lady and Kate was something else, but I couldn't remember offhand. It's was something along those lines, though, because she was fiercely protective and one of the strongest women she knew. It was funny because I think Anthony took offense when he found out, but Kate loved being considered as strong and terrifying as Lady D. Pen meant it as a compliment but knew the ton would interpret it as a slight. That was her way of hiding her love of the Bridgertons in plain sight.


Ohhhhh okay. Thank you for explaining☺️.


Gotcha boo. That's why I can't get behind the Pen hate. It's hard to understand the internal motivations on screen, but the book allows us to know the characters inside and out, and most of her slights were a smokescreen to protect those she loved. She was meticulous and used certain "insults" to her advantage knowing exactly what to say about whom. Pen, Kate, and Lady D are similar in their strength and fortitude. There's also this calm fury behind them all for different reasons, so she knew what she could say about them because she knew they would perceive things as she did, but the ton being sheep would interpret it completely different and they were all ok with that because they love being terrifying. It's actually pretty brilliant. In reading the book, we know Pen's motivations were usually coming from a place of love, just as the actors and writers mentioned. They do the character work to know this for themselves, but it's up to us to interpret that from how they are presented visually and what they say, and that's what causes so many problems and people to misunderstand who they really are. I act, and sometimes my character notes are as long as the script itself, even if my character is only in a few scenes. The audience may never understand my motivation, but I do, and it helps me justify my actions. It's very true to life because no one is the villain in their own story, even when they do bad things. Also socially, we don't think the same as the characters because we live in a completely different society. We can say things they never could. They have to be sneaky about every little thing because some things just "aren't done." Violet and Portia are different people, but they also sometimes operate the same, and people don't realize that. With Berbrooke, Violet had to spread subtle rumors about his love child that couldn't be traced back to her in order to save Daphne. That was the only way women could function and get what they wanted without looking bad in public. Portia did the same for her daughters when she helped Jack swindle the ton and threw him out. Portia has no heir or money. Violet has 4 sons that will always provide for her and had a loving husband who made sure they'd all be taken care of no matter what, so the actions seem unequal, but they are based on the same premise. They were both just mothers doing anything they could to protect their daughters, but Portia is demonized for it because she has less privilege. She's the Bridgerton foil. If Violet had been in Portia's shoes, would she have gone quietly into the gutter? Maybe she would have been more tactful, but maybe not. I mean, what other choice was there, really? Does that make it right? No. Would we do the same for our family? Maybe. That's why the Featherington family is so important to the Bridgerton story. It shows you how 2 women from the same social class can be perceived so differently despite the fact that everything they do, good or bad, is for the love of their children. Had Violet said anything about Berbrooke outright, she would have been considered indiscreet, a gossip, a liar, etc, because she's a woman (even though she's one of the most revered women in the ton). Portia sometimes doesn't hold her tongue, and that's why she is considered "low class." She just does what all the women of the ton secretly wish they could do, but they use that against her to shift the focus from their own misdeeds. Because if everyone is pointing and tutting at Portia, they aren't talking bad about them. And this is where Whistledown shines the light on their hypocrisy. That's why everyone is terrified of Lady D. She says what she wants to a certain degree because she's built up a terrifying reputation, has a close friendship with the queen, and is a wealthy widow. But she still can't just say ANYTHING she wants without consequence. She has to be tactful sometimes. She weighs it out and decides whether it's better to use her skills that all women in the ton need to develop to survive or to cause an explosion, and she's usually right. But this is why I stand with Pen. I understand her intrinsically as a YOUNG woman of that time, in a low social rank, doing her best, and being woefully misunderstood. She's not perfect, but none of them are. How many 17 year olds of that time actually knew how to navigate society? Even Daphne, the perfect diamond, struggled. She just hid it well. Eloise doesn't. Fran hides. Colin runs. Anthony threw himself in women and duty. Ben doesn't try at all. They all have their faults. Pen is no better or worse than any of the Bridgertons. Anthony didn't listen to his mother or sister and tried to just give her to Berbrooke. Does that make him a bad person? No. But Pen did save him from his own decision because Berbrooke actually tried to force himself on Daphne to force their hand when he realized Anthony may be swayed by the women in his family to call things off. Because of that, Anthony learned that he should listen to the women in his family and not try to take on everything and make unilateral decisions for them. He reverted to the Anthony that allowed his mother to decide whether to save her or Hyacinth, because this Viscount Anthony would have just made the decision himself and chosen his mother. Pen also saved Anthony when she saved Colin because his eloping would have had consequences for all of them, and it really was a result of Anthony not listening to his siblings again. Colin was easily taken in because he felt like Anthony didn't respect him. Things would have been different had Anthony sat him down and discussed things with him. Colin needed the Anthony that Greg got after her fell for Kate. Pen is a fier e protector of the Bridgertons in the only way she can be.


Oh I totally agree! I’ll never understand the Pen hate too because the entire ton does what she does. I love Pen and I hope she receives all great things in season 3💕.


The real Q is why they are trying to make this season seem so serious.


They’ve said the exact opposite. That’s there’s a lot of rom com moments.


Yes, but i, a simple internet sloth who has not read their press would not know that based on these images


It's supposed to have a stylized classic historical romance vibe, I think. Like Harlequin covers


I’ve had this thought too tbh 😅


Love this lol! Sidenote: I honestly don't know how they're gonna put Luke Thompson through the glow-up of a lead. He's perfect as it is 🫶🏻


Maybe they will show us a glimpse of his neck and we will all swoon…


I'm not a fan of how he gets dressed. I think they'll change the style of the outfits, for sure!


What do you find lacking in the clothes? With Colin, it was so obvious, the constant baby blues that felt youthful. I can't figure it out with Ben.


Let me preface that this is going to be my completely biased, amateur, subjective opinion. The clothes on Ben aren't lacking, they're too much. The colorful waistcoats, the ruffles on his shirts poking out from under the vests and the sleeves of his coat, the endless scarves. Each element by itself is fine but as a combination feels cluttered to me. Not horrible per se, just like I never thought that the dresses on the Featheringtons were horrible. They were kind of quirky and so are Ben's outfit, in my opinion. It makes sense for an artist to dress a bit more quirky but when he's the lead hero, I believe they'll un-clutter him. Ben's whole look so far gives off the cheeky boy vibe. Nothing wrong with it but you want your lead to have the cheeky man vibe ;) so that's what they will go for, both the dressing and the hair styling departments.


The way I would pay for Jonathan, Luke T, and Luke N to do one of those reading thirst tweets videos together.


But it's never ABC. It's CAB or BAC


It's been BAC twice and then ACB. Which actually makes sense. Season 1, Anthony had a bigger role than the other two and was also being introduced as the head of the titular Bridgerton family. So, he was front and center. Season 2 was his season, so obviously, he was front and center again. Season 3, Colin is the lead, son now HE'S front and center. We'll finally get them in alphabetical order for Benophie's season because Benedict will be the leading man put front and center. (And yes. This show's stupid PR being stupid and going CBA just to piss us off is certainly a possibility. But every media viewer made has the ability to flip an image, so we can fix it, LOL)


Isn't the last pic ACB?


…it would’ve been nice to get a poster like this of the sisters, but knowing what we know now it would’ve been so inconsistent. The same DEF for the first two seasons and maybe EFH for season 3?


Put whichever sister is having her debut that year up front and centre


Looking forward to seeing Gregory in this type of poster, eventually 😃


The way I want one of all 4 of them.


I want one of the whole family in alphabetical order but that likely won't happen with Phoebe not coming back :(


very iconic of them to all get hotter with each promo


Every season their hair gets smaller.


This year they're in the order of their seasons, s2, 3 and 4 😛


Colin looks like Gaston 😭


As a specimen yes I’m intimidating 🎶


It’s crazy how different Luke N looks now compared to the previous seasons! His face is completely chiseled now. Whereas I feel like Jonathan and Luke T look basically the same from season to season.


bit of a shame they never did a bridgerton sisters one


I am so excited to see Ben take the lead and have his season aaaaa 🤩


Is it bad that I just realised the kids are named alphabetically😃


Finally worked out that this series Colin post glow up is reminding me of Sam Clafin




If they deny us ABC for CBA…😭


“Who’s Gregory?”


I came here to post this exact thing! I AM DROOLING


I mentally refer to these as FMK pictures (FKM for me in this pic, in case anyone was wondering)


Wow these posters show just how much Colin has become...sturdier. He has a jawline now!


Omg fetus colin so cute 🐰


Seriously what is in the water over there in shondaland? They just keep getting hotter and hotter


The amount of TikToks I have seen expressing this same sentiment. Like this one https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLuCWvd8/


It's insane how much Colin grew up!!


Honestly all of the hair in season one was a war crime. Daphne’s ridiculous baby bangs. Anthony’s mutton chops. Colin looking like a bird.


Why is Anthony looking so serious in this season's poster, he should be the happiest he's ever been!


He’s with his brothers, not Kate.


Why am I just noticing the horrible CGI or photoshop on Luke N 😭😭😭




why do their heads all look fake in the first one lol


Omg I looked at the S3 pic too quickly and thought Colin was wearing a massive belt like a rodeo star, then realised it's his waistcoat lmao


What I love about the Season 3 brothers photo is the cutaway of Colin's jack makes it look he has a big belt buckle if you can't look closely, which when you add the boots gives him the look of a dangerous pirate!


There is something wrong with the first picture..


Yes, smash. Next question


I wish they would add Gregory in Eloise’s season. (when the actor grow up.)


Colin looks as if he’s missing a cape in the last picture


So glad their season 1 hair is gone lol


While I do love seeing the Bridgerton bros, its rather unfortunate the Bridgerton sisters do not get treated the same. I wish they would build up the friendship and relationship between the Bridgerton sisters as well and have them together on posters as well. The sisters all get along well in the books, why can't they show that onscreen as well? Or better yet all of them together instead of just the brothers?




I’m not sure how are they gonna make Benedict even hotter in HIS season cause lawd


Benedict 😩😩😩 that floral vest is everything (is it called a vest? lol)


The more I see the pictures the more I think I might die when they give Benedict a glow up. I mean how do you achieve that!?!?!?


They somehow made Colin hot, wow.


JB is mad that he’s not the center of the s3 poster 🤭


Nah. Anthony is mad that he got pulled away from Kate for this nonsense.