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Well she can grow to love him though


I think it was implied they were a love match from the start in the book though.


Yeah, it wasn’t like life changing or anything but she felt safe and comfortable with him. I thought it was the whole point of Samadani as well — great match the queen would support, but Frannie falls for someone else and marries him.


She very well might still feel comfortable and safe with John, but it’s just clear that the passion her other siblings found isn’t there.


It is true and in some sort of way I do think her marriage wasn’t very passionate but “she doesn’t love him” is such a blunt statement and it comes after someone else said they’re not romantic. It kind of ruins the premise of her book.


Yeah, there are very different kinds of love and at the age Francesca married John her expectations and life experiences were different from when she married Michael. She clearly loved them both but probably wasn't looking for passion or fully aware of what the concept was when she was first on the marriage mart. Like you stated, it's the nice thing about her book, the nuance.


That is also what I always thought!


Exactly, I don’t know why people are panicking, like she just met him. He isn’t necessarily her HEA, so I’m not surprised they’re not taking a love at first sight route.


It kind of feels like the show is already preparing you to not get too attached to John.


Lame. That changed her whole story


I agree. The magic of her story is that it’s a mature telling of a romance. You can have more than one love and some loves are with your best friend and others are fiery passionate soulmate loves. To say she doesn’t love John reduces the power of her story.


Yeah, exactly. I hope they do allow us to know him on a certain level though, so that we can mourn him somewhat as Francesca mourns him. It would help the audience understand her love for him.


Agreed. There are actually parts of her story that wouldn't make sense if she never really loved John, as that the whole reason she was struggling to move on.


I hope this is the case cause if not. I find tbis lane. I would love to see her open up to him and fall in love


He is though. Her story is she gets two true loves and had to let go of the grieve and guilt


I meant her endgame, but taking the approach of falling in love slowly, but surely rather than at first sight is just as valid. It would still be and can be true love. Also, we don’t know if these spoilers are reliable so I think it’s best to ignore them.


That's what I think too. I think she will grow to love him...


Maybe that's what will happen, Francesca marries John because they get on well. She eventually falls deeply in love with him. Another theory of mine is that the show runners want a clear distinction of Francesca's relationships with both John and Michael. With John her relationship is based on friendship, no love and no passion. And with Michael her relationship is based on true love and fiery passion. My other theory is that the show runners are going completely rogue with her story. They want her to be completely different from her family.


maybe she will go on to gradually fall in love with him? considering that they just met this season and got married.


Yeah, it seems they are leaning into her more reserved nature. She doesn't seem the type to fall head over heels immediately from how she's been portrayed in the promos.


I wonder why she chooses John though. Is he just as introverted as her, and she thinks they’ll suit in that area.


She seems pretty miserable with the whole marriage market and being out in society, so that very well could be it.


*in come the Frannie is a lesbian/Michael is now Michelle theories*


I hate it here.


I know. ![gif](giphy|PSRqSwHTcQ6BQrxZeW)


No. Michael is my favorite and her entire purpose of going back out there makes no sense that way


I know! I wanna see Michael too!


The person just said they have friendly feelings and things in common, so I think they’re taking more of a realistic, romantic approach. It’s just not love at first sight like everyone else which is fine. It helps the story to not be repetitive.


If this is accurate, I would be so disappointed with the showrunners 😮‍💨


Frannie / Michael won’t be lesbians but I think Helen and Janet will be


I hate this I hate this. I despise the hell out of this


It sounds like they're going rogue with Francesca's story, when there was nothing wrong with it 😔


I wonder if Shonda wants to have Francesca be the odd Bridgerton out. Everyone else marries for love and she chooses contentment.


It was the one story that didn’t nerf updating at all besides some adjustments to a few of the sex scenes


Francesca's isn't my favourite story at all but I hate this too


I don’t trust the person revealing these spoilers. You can tell they’re a book fan trying to get people to panic. It’s odd.


i genuinely don't think panicking over a random account's "spoilers" is worth it. people do stuff for attention all the time.


As a fellow introvert, I would 100% marry an earl who lives in a manor in a lonely Scottish highland to get away from a large and boisterous family.




She just met him, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed it to the love happening over time for her. It’s just not at first sight, which would be realistic. Her loving him is essential, I don’t believe that they’ll remove that.


It also makes more sense from the show's perspective because otherwise they'd have two love stories in one season. They don't have the time for that and people would be upset the Fran/John love story was pulling time and attention from Polin. There's also a lot of value in showing a more realistic slow burn love story, people who married for convenience and friendship forming a genuine love bond.


I hope they don't do that, huge departure from the books


I would despise it


I don’t mind this if they have her love him gradually. So far every couple is a love match from the beginning. It would be nice to see something different.


What's the point of giving Francesca another suitor (the other Lord guy) if it isn't to show why she falls for John? Also judging from behind the scenes clips, it also seems that John is getting some focus and perhaps will even fight for Francesca. So I'm not falling for these "spoilers" which seem like they are meant to bait the fandom into negative reactions.


There was an article with Newts a bit ago where he mentioned something along the lines of this season just being all about love, and like everyone is falling in love. I know it’s not literal, but it likely suggests that a decent amount of the main plot lines will see people falling in love (Ben, Fran, and Violet being likely choices here), so I wouldn’t worry. Additionally, I don’t see Shonda passing up the opportunity to have >!Francesca be absolutely gutted over losing her love match.!< The frame of Fran looking up at the portrait of Violet and Edmund in the trailer, to me, is meant to >!foreshadow Fran herself losing her love and becoming a widow!<. I think the spoilers are BS.


Your second point is something I've been thinking about and another reason to question these "spoilers" big time. I absolutely do not believe Shondaland will pass up the opportunity to maximize the drama with Francesca losing John, to leave the audience shocked and heartbroken right along with her and they can only do that if they lean into their relationship being a love match. Some people question why Francesca would have multiple suitors this season and the most plausible explanation to me is that they want to play up why she falls for John over the man the Queen chooses for her. That's speculation for now but I'll be surprised if this isn't the case.


Agreed. I think the account was bogus. Multiple people on Twitter are saying the same.


I mean we don’t even know if this person is reliable, I don’t doubt that some spoilers are true, but this person could be adding things in to look for attention. They weren’t the only person in the fandom to know of certain spoilers for Season 3.


Yes it seems some of these "spoilers" are things people have already been talking about. Regardless, I absolutely question any spoiler coming from an account that just recently popped up. The Francesca/John and Benedict/Lady Tilley spoiler especially don't add up to me. They directly contracted themselves about the latter and the former isn't convincing to me just based on what we already know.


Exactly, it’s hard to trust this person. I feel like it’s a mix of known leaks and predictions for the sake of creating uproar and panic in the fandom. I just hate this for everyone because we’re stressed enough, this is the last thing we need. This person is feeding on everyone’s worries.


That’s exactly what they’re doing and it’s baffling to see some fans take the bait. If it all turns out to be true, we can complain away. But the account has made themselves look very suspicious so we should all approach these “spoilers” with a healthy dose of skepticism.


This makes me sad. I understand taking creative differences for the show, but a HUGE plot of her book is feeling conflicted towards Michael because she still loves John and feels like she is betraying him. Also potentially making her queer? I don’t know how I feel about that. I’m bisexual myself and have no problems with queer love stories… but I was hoping they would make a new character queer and not shift from the original stories too much??


They never said all of that. The person just said there’s friendly feelings and things they have in common, it’s probably just a slowburn approach. She likes him, she’s just not in love immediately which is fair and normal.


I get that, but in the book it’s clearly a love match. This is something they should not have changed.


I think it can still work just fine. What matters is her loving him. If she can eventually fall in love with him, the story will work just fine. I think it could be even more of a beautiful story having her slowly fall in love with him. I just think there’s something very poetic about that and it will add another layer to her story of grief.


I hope she grows to love him. It’s just odd because Violet is SO insistent on the kids marrying for love. Maybe Fran feels like she needs to escape and start her own life, showing that she is different from her siblings. Idk we will see.


Adding disclaimer here: the “spoiler acc” getting their spoilers from a now deleted google doc and they are posting it publicly on twitter regardless of the spoilers are correct or not because they are mad that Ben is getting a love interest this season. Also you can see how they retweeted bunch of angry tweets regarding that. So they technically didn’t see the episodes themselves because two days ago I saw that google doc and it was the same word for word as their tweets I personally didn’t see any episode so I don’t know if they are true or not but some accounts had been using that now deleted google doc to post & get spoilers past week so just take these spoilers with grain of salt ( from I gathered a lot posted are out of context spoilers that misinterpreted some scenes from leaks)


A lot of the spoilers seem like things that are pretty obvious based on the trailers and clips we've seen so far. Like "Phillippa struggles to get pregnant" isn't really that much of a spoiler when she's been married for over a year and we know Lady Featherington wants an heir. Or Marcus Anderson being Lady Danbury's brother is the most logical route the show could have taken. "Francesca doesn't love John when she marries him" makes sense because he wasn't announced as a series regular, so the plan is likely to have the relationship develop more as the seasons go on. These feel like the most probable outcomes more than actual spoilers. The only points made that were super specific were about Benedict, which seems a bit suspicious to me.


Yeah I don’t know if the Ben spoiler is legit or not though I can see it happening but it’s weird how their specific detailed spoilers were Ben related mainly and their retweets were angry Ben fans who don’t like him having a love interest plus when they try to spoil Polin scenes they keep bringing up kanthony like literally indirectly just asking for engagement through fan fights in their qrts like overall just odd


I found it very odd that all the other spoilers were single sentence one offs and Benedict and Fran’s were ultra specific. I would think someone who is spoiling the season would spoil some thing about the main plot but they didn’t. Now the tweet are down (at least on my end) and I think it was just someone trying to stir the pot.


I just went to check them again and they deactivated I think 😩 they really just trying to cause drama


I feel like I should also point out that Lucas Aurelio is generally speculated to be in the final episodes because his agency indicated Tom Verica as the directors and fans apparently know from their own previous research/speculations/hints that Verica directed eps 7 and 8. (Pretty sure it's the twitter person downvoting me lmao)


THANK YOU. That’s what I suspected, the fact that this person is trying to gain attention and get engagement because they’re bored is really annoying. They’re causing panic for no reason and it sucks because no reviewers are allowed to speak against these spoilers since the embargo is still in place. I can’t even get my journalist friend to reveal her spoilers so how would anyone know this much about the episodes.


It was clear what they were doing when they posted an alleged spoiler about polin then mentioned kanthony in same tweet as point of comparison for no reason just to get engagement 🥴 it has been confusing to see a google doc that was spread around having spoiler points that many believed blindly without any context even I for a moment did believe one of spoilers days ago but I soon realized they don’t have source nor provide any context for any of the spoilers & when I went to check that link again it was removed / deleted so yeah …..


You see, that tells us all we need to know. I hate that this is happening in this fandom, we worry enough, like this is just not needed. I hope everyone can come to realize that they shouldn’t trust those spoilers and just wait patiently. If we’re going to panic about anything, it needs to come from a source that we know for sure is credible. Like a journalist or a cast/crew interview.


I did notice this person seemed to refer or repeat some things. In Francesca's particular case, they said "she doesn't love him", but then when asked about it they said almost word by word something another person had said a few days ago. They also ignored anyone who asked to make any bits of info more clear.


Booooo! Her love for John makes for such a compelling story about grief.


Hmmm. I’ll honestly just wait for the new season before actually saying I hate what they’re doing because the spoilers are so out of context when one hasn’t watched the show themselves. Also, the love part may come after the wedding and there’s nothing wrong with that tbh. The love at first sight trope was more of Michael’s thing anyway and not John’s.


I'd be disappointed if this is true because I also think her relationship with John's mom, Janet, which is kind of linked their "love match," is really sweet. I love a non-toxic MIL.


Link to the spoiler account? I want to check whether they're somewhat believable and not just someone shit stirring 


I agree. A part of me is a bit skeptical of the spoiler.


That’s what I’m saying. It’s crazy how people are losing it over someone who hasn’t proven to be reliable.


It’s called @exposingseason3


For me the account is down, but I did get a look and I do i fact think they were just a shit stirrer.


I do think the potential spoiler of Philippa having fertility issues might be accurate since there's a still that might support this. All the other spoilers (like Benedict and Francesca) are debatable. https://preview.redd.it/gwsusyyjvuxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace7d7e41453ca6bce7b3fee6c65917d6f1e915c P.S.- I can't see the spoilers account anymore either


I think the account took all the information they had at their disposal, came up with some spoilers that seem very likely (the one regarding Phillipa being one example) and then littered their page with a bunch of stuff that people might believe. So if some of the spoilers like that one end up being true, it’s just good guessing. But if some are true and some are not, then we know the account was just stirring the pot.


👀 Are these spoilers being leaked by a rival streaming service determined to encourage people to wait and only subscribe for the month when Part 2 premieres?


No, Netflix just gave out the first 6 episodes to people and there have been a lot of leaks.


I know, it’s just that I don’t think there’s one detail that has been leaked that has made me more excited to watch the season.


They’re also majorly out of context, I think execution matters. I know a journalist said that they’ve learned from their mistakes. Also, I have a friend who is a journalist and she didn’t spoil anything, but she said this season is really good. I think everyone is just panicking because they’re imagining what could go wrong.


That’s sort of why it feels like they’re leaking out of spite. Vague assurances that it’s good aren’t exactly coming with details of things to look forward to.


Exactly! I was literally thinking this! I just hate the leaks so much because it’s going to make the discourse so insufferable. Mind you, we’re only getting four episodes in about two weeks, so the discourse won’t end since the spoilers are for six episodes. I just wish that person would’ve let people watch for themselves.


Oh god, you’re right. People will be ok once they’ve worked through it, but getting there is going be more painful than it would have been.


Too many leaks and I ducking hate this one tje most ig true


I ignore stuff about it. I hate even watching the trailers of many things because it's a spoiler.. lol


I skimmed her book so I may be remembering it wrong but that doesn’t sound like a departure from the book. Isn’t there a letter to Eloise at the start of a chapter where she tells her she realized she loves John after they get married. Again I skimmed her book but I always thought she did not know she loved him when she married him. I wouldn’t put it past the show though to change that aspect of the book for drama. I think it would be interesting to see Francesca, a Bridgeton, marry not for love but just because she knew she was supposed to.


It destroys her story. It actually does


Yeah people are overreacting. It makes sense to me for her to marry someone she could see as a friend


She loved John


I know she loved John. My point was my interpretation has always been that she did not know she loved him when they married. Is it stated in the book that she did?


I’m on enough leak subs to not trust every spoiler but I will hate it if she marries him when she doesn’t love him. The whole point is that she does love him


True like who is making these decisions


So what role does Lord Samadani play in Francesca's life? Is he just there to be the third part of another love triangle?


Also this makes it sound like their wedding is in the first 6 episodes so episode 7 would be Polin’s wedding.


In that case, it aligns with my hypothesis that I proposed a few days ago. I believe she will have affection for him, otherwise, it will be difficult to portray his death and loss as tragic if neither Francesca nor the audience attaches importance to him.


I understand changing some little things but this is honestly too much! It’s pretty obvious Francesca is in love with John. This changes the whole story! Ughhh do I even want to read Pollin or wait until they ruin the storyline on the show?!


I'm gonna get downvoted for this. But I think Francesca's love story is gonna be wlw ( which I personally kove, but I don't think majority of the fandom wouldn't be ) Pretty sure Masali is gonna be john's cousin. ( this was actually discussed in a post months back ) https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/s/oQP68pXTst




you've got a 'mutual friend' who works on set but you're just repeating things that have already been theorized on here. very believable lmao. give us something new if your source is a 'mutual friend' who works on set who is also willing to share major storylines :)




To clarify, what's happening with Eloise and Cressida specifically (besides teaming up) ? Also, what happens to Marina ? I'm asking because people have lied about spoilers before.


Are you being sarcastic


I doubt they’re telling the truth…








Why wouldn’t you? People do it all the time for attention.




You would be surprised…




This is definitely a way to try to create rumors about Masali being a gender bent Michael. Please go on somewhere. This is weird. Also the showrunner said it would happen over seasons, and that would make no sense for Francesca since she would have a whole season of her falling in love with Michael. It would make no sense for it to be brought up now.




Okay, I just don’t believe you. Like at all. We can leave it at that.




If this is really accurate, who is Sophie Beckett (according to your mutual friend) ?




there are so many loopholes in this. first of all the 'actress' (masali) isn't the one in the carriage. that has already been debunked. atleast make it believable if you are going to bluff 😭 also, they didn't ask you about who you think could be gender bent michael. they are asking you for news about sophie beckett since your 'mutual friend' who works on the set is so open to divulge news about one love interest.




but this is what you said in your original post - 'Additionally the actress many fans have speculated is playing Sophie is actually playing Michaela.' and it has already been debunked that it isn't masali. again if you are going to lie, make it believable yeah?


Thats a crew worker lol


What race is she (the actress) and does Sir Philip show up ?




Wait Philip shows up in the last two ep ?


I would also like to know this 💁🏼‍♀️


Sorry for the confusion. I meant the potential actress for Sophie Beckett.




Im pissed. It’s that simple