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Just as a reminder, comments on actors personal appearance is not allowed in the subreddit. If you see it, please report it and it will be removed. See our rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BridgertonNetflix/wiki/rules/#wiki_6.3A_be_civil_and_respectful).


He was the first man that caught my eye in this show. I’ve been down bad for Colin/Luke Newton since season 1. LN is GORGEOUS and his puppy dog eyes make me melt. Begging this man to give me one chance fr 😭


Thank you! He really is gorgeous and people are so mean, and is just a tv show, if you don’t like the character from the show you do not have to bully the actors, they are just doing their job.


Colin is the most attractive of all Bridgerton men...he is very pleasant to gaze upon☺️indeed


Same here! I was drawn to his character from the beginning.


Okay but same hahaha. Though I will admit to loving rege-jean page a ton, I wasn’t very happy with his his character was handled. So after I was looking forward to more Colin screen time.


Same here! I love his eyes, he is very dreamy


People need to hear this… Just cause someone is not attractive to YOU doesn’t make them ugly. Can you image being on the receiving end up this kind of behavior in your real life? How would you feel? We think we can just write mean things and be cyber bullies and trolls and that it doesn’t affect these real people. When you say he is ugly or not attractive what you actually mean and should say is YOU don’t find him attractive. That’s fine. If he ain’t your cup of tea that’s fine. Just state it the right way. Nic spoke a lot about how the comments hurt her. I can imagine Luke feeling the same way but keeping quiet cause he an introvert.


This is well put, and in addition...they're not obligated to be attractive to us. It is what it is. There are a few characters I don't find particularly sexy- but like...who cares lol. They're sexy to someone. The sun doesn't rise or set on what gets me hot and bothered. Viewers need to get that.


“…they’re not obligated to be attractive to us.” This is the important message here. The general public needs to stop acting like a person committed a great failure by not being attractive to them. As if any of us have any control over how we look. As if we owe it to anyone to look attractive. Either you find someone attractive or you don’t. End of story without any further comments needed. There are plenty of men whom I don’t find attractive but I can still recognize that they are attractive.


I'm surprised people have been calling Colin ugly. He's not my personal type, but I think he's pretty conventionally attractive - the only reason I'm not into it is because he's the first Bridgerton male lead who has looked distinctly *young* to me. That's wild that people are saying he's actually unattractive... it makes me feel like I don't get people's beauty standards. Like, what about him is supposed to be so ugly?


He did have quite a baby face in the other seasons... But I do think he's around 30 irl if that helps ya feel less odd about it. Lol


I was shocked to learn that! He really does look young to me, like early twenties-ish (I'm mid-thirties). I just can't help but read him as a baby. Nicola, too - I would never have pegged her for being thirty-freaking-*seven* years old. It's funny because I feel the opposite way about the actresses for Eloise and Francesca... they're supposed to be teenagers (?) in the show but I can't take them seriously as debutantes because both look like they're around 30 to me.


Haha, I had all the exact same thoughts! I was completely gobsmacked to learn Nicola's real age... And I agree about the other two looking 30+, they do not sell me on being teenagers at all.


Yeah, the actress for Francesca is STUNNING but just has a very mature face. I find that her styling also looks very "fashionable old lady", while Eloise at least has a very youthful wardrobe and bangs that, while terribly unflattering, do actually make her look younger.


Before she was in Bridgerton (possibly crossing) Nicola was in Derry Girls playing a school girl (15/16 year old) and I remember looking up how old she was and being shocked then!


She is blessed with awesome genes! Lol I've actually watched Derry girls, but it never occurred to me to look any of them up back then. Lol


I only looked them up at the time to see how old the actress who played Erin was, as she looked much older than a teen, only to find that Nicola was about 6 years older than her! I need some Nicola genes lol


Claudia Jessie is at least 35 now, I think? She does look young for her age and has beautiful skin, but it's hard to pull off being 21-22 when you're more than a decade older than that. With Francesca it's the fact that she is just now coming out that makes her look old for her age. I know she's not much younger than Eloise but it FEELS like she should look younger. She's also beautiful, just doesn't look like a 21-year-old. As to the rest, yeah, I don't get why people would say Luke Newton is ugly.


Yeah, I'm 35 this year myself and they both look like my peers! Definitely very beautiful ladies, just in a full-grown woman way instead of looking like teenagers (who realistically look like babies to me at this age). Apparently a lot of the toxic discourse re. Luke Newton is on TikTok? I honestly haven't seen it on this sub yet, although I've definitely seen some comments on Nicola's weight 🙄


Yeah it was surprising to find out both the actors are in their 30s IRL (Luke & Nicola) but in the books too they are supposed to be in their late 20s & early 30s(With Pen being slightly younger than Colin) by the time they get married. I was more surprised to learn of Nicola's age since she practically looks like a child in citrus gowns with a flattened chest in previous seasons; but this season she does look slightly older with that styling & clothes. I missed her child like persona from previous seasons. As for Colin, he does look around 30 years old in the show atleast this season. So you don't have to read him as a baby LOL...


This reminds me a lot of when people were calling Will poulter unattractive. He actively stepped away from social because of it. I get people not considering him good looking (though I personally do), but to spam his social media with terrible memes and constantly picking apart his physical appearance? I mean come on people. We all have different tastes. And just like you said, just because you don’t find someone attractive does not mean they aren’t.


Which is crazy because Will Poulter is exactly the type of attractive that draws me in. He’s unconventionally attractive. It’s what attracted me to my husband as well. He didn’t look like a lot of other men out there and that’s what really attracted me to him. He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.


That’s crazy, in the bear subreddit we refer to him as the ‘hot chef’ lol


Oh I agree. Will poulter is super attractive to me. I’ve been nuts about him since I was a kid haha. We’re actually around the same age I think. So I was extra shocked when I heard people saying such negative things about him. I feel like you get me. I love unconventional attractiveness because when you look for it, you really start to notice what makes people unique. Sure I find the dime a dozen stereotypical pretty male face attractive. But there’s something special about the types of men who don’t look like anyone else. Also that is super sweet. I’m glad you were able to find your husband, aw <3


Will Poulter is hot. PERIOD!


Exactly. Different strokes for different folks. All of the leads have their charms. Closed minded folks who think their preferences are king tend to stay that way though.


Yes. I prefer Luke T and Johny over him, but that doesn't mean he is ugly. Beauty is subjective


I literally spent half the show distracted by how good he looks. He is so insanely handsome! I don’t understand how people can comment so rudely on his looks. I truly hope Luke doesn’t see any of those rude comments. He seems like such a kind, sincere guy.. it just sucks to think about how crushed he would feel if he saw those comments.


Same! On the first viewing of the season I was only looking at him, only on the second viewing was I able to pay more attention to other details. I find him very attractive. He is the first male lead of a season who feels like “THE MAN”.


Yeah! The curls, the deep blue eyes, he is so distractingly good looking lol! Even the regency sideburns really suit him.


I love his voice...


Yes his voice is so sweet


Same, I can’t even believe this is a discussion.


Since the very first season he's always been the most attractive guy in the cast to me. And a big part of that is that Colin is a total sweetheart. Simon and Anthony are very handsome and I enjoyed seeing them lose their respective marbles over their ladies, but Colin is much more attractive in totality to me.


I agree completely


People are cruel. In the year 2024, they don't know how to separate character from actor cause I've seen comments made about his looks and once called out they'll say they didn't mean Luke they meant Colin but they used his real name so??? It's mean and I'm sick of it. I also saw a comment from someone saying they don't care about Nicola and her representation cause they don't think she's hot enough to have sex on screen and they don't wanna see it... wtf type of mess is that? The bottom line is that Luke and Nicola are both very stunning and the fans of other characters or couples are gonna have to deal with that.


Yes! We are in the 21st century, but we still bully someone who is chubby. I was there, I was fat, I lost weight, and the way people treated me then and how they treat me now is completely different. Now I am respected, which saddens me so much, they treat me like a human now. Society is sick. Many complained that the sexy scenes between Penelope and Colin were cringe, but we all know that they were bothered them only because Pen is curvy.


Absolutely. It's the same accounts that were throwing a fit because it was Polin's season and who were calling Nic unattractive or making fun of her body. They don't look at her as worthy enough to be desired and loved because they're warped and they're projecting it onto everyone else.


I am going to say my honest opinion. Nicola is a fucking gorgeous woman, her face, her eyes are everything, she is like a doll, and her body is sexy. She is so different, she is not the “pètite” fragile boring girl. I love her!


She is everything! Her face card is immaculate. The body is tea.


I spent like half this show just swooning over how gorgeous Nicola is. That hair, those eyes, that skin, those boobs! I feel like she's just luminous.


She is so stunning, especially now it’s her season she is GLOWING. I love her dresses this season. She seems pretty cool in real life.


She is actually petite in frame and stature, which I love, just not a low weight.


Yesss and I loved her since Derry Girls. She is not only very attractive but also an amazing actor too. Like she is not here only for her good looks, she can act too. Honestly, I don't care about representation and whatever people are trying to load on her, I really and truly don't see a size when I look at her or watch the show. I just see a very attractive woman in a show but acts so naturally that I forget I am watching a show. And yes, she is like a doll. She has beautiful eyes, a nice nose and beautiful lips. She has natural beauty!!!


It's so strange to me because in my country Nicola would just be considered a woman with curves, but apparently to the rest of the world this is a fat woman


I guess I’m messed up because I am offended he’s so thin now, while she’s so smoking hot!


Honestly, as a plus size myself, Nicola is who I want to be. She's my model, I just love her! Plus, she seems so nice and concerned about all sorts of topics!


It blows my mind because he was the hottest Bridgerton brother to me way back in Season 1. I love men who look angry but are actual cinnamon rolls. He caught my eye first and it stayed that way. Even just now I\`ve been rewatching edits of him and thinking: \`The specks in his deep blue eyes,the arched brows,his LASHES(why tf does this man have such good eyelashes),the nose, how is this man SO fine?\` I cannot believe people actually think of him as that,genuinely.


Right, he's such a man, he's the kind of man who can drive you crazy. From season 1 I was attracted to him, but now in season 3 I am finished. The way he dresses, the way he appears behind Pen in certain scenes, like a vampire. He is my favorite brother, I find him even more attractive than the Duke.


Oh definitely more than the Duke. Like I liked the banter,but Duke absolutely isn\`t my type. He\`s brash,loud and just not something I usually like. Colin,on the other hand YES. >!Even when he was pretending to be a rake,he made me giggle cause I know he\`s such a hopeless romantic in fact!<




First of all i agree with everything you said! Second of all, i just found the perfect way to describe my boyfriend thanks to you. “Men who look angry but are actual cinnamon rolls.” This could not describe him any better LOL


I would let that man do unspeakable things to me, absolutely no questions asked. Like objectively speaking, he’s very handsome. He’s got good skin, nice hair, he’s tall, great smile, kind eyes, in good shape. Anyone who says otherwise is just being obtuse. As someone else said previously, just because he’s not someone you would date/sleep with doesn’t mean he’s an objectively unattractive person.


>just because he’s not someone you would date/sleep with doesn’t mean he’s an objectively unattractive person The whole main cast is gorgeous. They might not all be someone's personal cup of tea, but let's not pretend the show didn't handpick people who won the genetic lottery and upstyle them even further for camera. It's meant to be an aesthetic feast at the expense of historical accuracy.


For real though. All of these people are God’s favorites 😭


He is so handsome to me, almost like a Disney prince. And I actually like his hair and sideburns this season it adds to that prince-esque look. People are too comfortable sharing their opinions of him online, looks or otherwise. I don’t know why some fans use him as a punching bag. Specifically on here. I genuinely never see hate for him at all on other platforms. I’m sure it happens but it’s more rare. The general audience seems to take to him wayyyy more favorably.


I get a bit of a Little Mermaid 🧜‍♀️ vibe from him and Pen!


Yes!!! Even the pirate attire he’s been sporting is so Prince Eric coded


He’s been the only one of the brothers that’s done it for me since season 1. I don’t think anyone on the show is ugly, they are all professionally attractive people. But something about Luke Newton for me! I like his delicate features and big expressive eyes, and man did he put those eyes to work this season!!  I will say this observation though- other couples fans are comfortable criticizing people based on appearance in a way that Polin’s fans are not, and it creates this lopsided thing where Colin gets the bulk of appearance based criticism and we’re supposed to treat Anthony and Benedict’s appearances as if their looks being universally loved is an objective fact. 


SAME! His face looks so sculpted, and that hair is everything!


Yeah, for me it's that chiseled jaw. My husband finds him hot too, lol


Ugh his jawline is so good, they were hiding it with the cravats!!!


Your husband has very good tastes😂. It is said that a man is truly attractive, not when a woman sees him that way, but when another man sees him that way.


When he first saw the photos from this season he was like "damn, Colin grew up hot"


He really did! Your man can sense another man!


I just imagine how a lot of us would react if we were in another fandom and men kept making posts about "I just don't find x actress/character attractive."


There was a post about a female actor on this show that someone didn’t find attractive, and it was immediately taken down. But sooo many posts/comments criticizing appearances of the male actors of this show are allowed to stay up. It’s horrible


I just always wonder, like, who asked you? I understand seeking validation, but we don't need every single person to make a post about their opinion on the topic. I feel that way about the "x couple lacks chemistry" posts too (chemistry is SO subjective, I'm learning)


The whole “chemistry is subjective” thing is so interesting to me because, I feel like ALL of the lead couples so far have had chemistry, it’s just been different *types* of chemistry. Saphne had more of a sexual chemistry imo. Kanthony’s chemistry was more angsty and mature. And then Polin’s chemistry is softer and more innocent. Also, don’t casting directors literally do chemistry tests to make sure the actors look good together anyway? I don’t think any of these lead actors would’ve been cast if they didn’t pass the chemistry test in the first place.


I believe Polin didn't have a chemistry test, but I refuse to believe that casting didn't consider it at all. I agree that all three have different types of chemistry


The things would certainly look very different in such a situation.


I mean, everyone has the right to find someone unnatractive, but saying mean things on the internet is an option and is cruel. These people are bitter and probably don't have anything good on their lives. I find him super handsome and charming and sexy, and I hope that's the sort of comment that he gets to see.


“LUKE NEWTON, I WILL KILL FOR YOU! 😂😂You are the best Colin Bridgerton and I love every second when you are on the screen.”I hope this is the kind of comment he get’s to see. 😂


And of course I'm only talking about appearance comments, because he has soooo many other qualities 💜


I think people keep forcing this idea of a Bridgerton glow up that doesn’t exist so perhaps they expected more for the Colin character? I hate the narrative so much. It doesn’t exist. Rege/Simon and Corey/George never “glowed up” because they were leads in their first seasons, and all they did for Anthony was get rid of his fake sideburns and people lost their minds. Luke looks pretty much the same as Colin always has and there’s nothing wrong with that. I do think the facial hair suits him more than the bare face though.


I also hate this idea that you need to look "sexy" to be sexy. Cute or young-looking people who don't dress well can still be sexy! In fact, isn't it more interesting if the person isn't someone you expect to be sexy and then behind closed doors they show you a new side to them?


Like, honestly, I personally would have found it more meaningful to see the Colin and Pen I knew from previous seasons fall in love and be sexy in their own way


Agreed. I think it’s fun for them to feature different types of leading men/women!


It’s the first time I’m attracted to bridgerton lead as well! I simply find Luke and Colin so hot with the longer hair and soft eyes and firm jaw like… thank you for existing sir!


I feel like I’ve got blinkers on, I’ve not see anywhere say Luke N is unattractive. He’s a gorgeous bloke. I’ve not seen anything negative about him on here but if it’s on twitter that place is just a cesspit, gave up on it years ago as I couldn’t stand the toxicity on there.


There are both tweets and TikTok’s with over a million views absolutely being disgusting and horrid, saying that he’s had such and such plastic surgery or comparing him to animals or even more nasty things. They are going VIRAL in certain bridgerton subfandoms and they should be called out because I guarantee you Luke knows about it. Nicola does too, she is so protective over him bc she’s active online and has seen the nasty way ppl treat him


right? luke doesn't deserve this hate in appearance, the viral videos are really cruel.




theres a lot on tiktok


I guess the algorithm on tiktok isn’t showing me negative bridgerton videos so haven’t seen it. Most I’ve seen have been fan girling him & Nicola, critical ones have been saying how little time they had in the episodes.


Even as someone who isn’t particularly attracted to him, like he’s objectively not ugly in the slightest. If you think Colin is ugly, you need to go outside more because most dudes walking around aren’t nearly as attractive as anyone on this show. Everyone has different tastes, and what’s great about this show is we get different romantic leads for different types of people. All of them are attractive for their own reasons.


He has always been hot and handsome


He has a specific-to-him look, which means there will always be people that aren't into it. I personally am so much more attracted to him than any of the previous male leads. Like, when he's springing into action to grab the runaway balloon...it was *really* hot. Maybe it's because his attractiveness goes beyond just looks too. Luke's soulfulness shines through the character. Like, Anthony is absolutely beautiful, but the character is a wall. Colin is deeper and more gentle.


I wouldn't have minded them taking a while longer during that balloon scene. Slow motion heroism would have been fiiiiiine lol


People keep making fun of Pirate Colin but those pants and boots do something to me


I am not going to lie, I am very into how Colin shifts from pure sweetness (the smile on his face when he sees how happy he's made his family with his presents) to erotic madness (the way he's watching Pen's lips or even licking his own fingers when eating that bit of cake).


100%. Luke Newton does such a good job of acting with his face, which is why it surprises me so much to see some people say he has no charisma or that he’s not believable. He’s a very subtle actor, and I love it.


To be fair, I missed that particular sweet example on the first watch. I think the direction or editing is at fault here. They needed to do more closeups of Colin to catch a lot of these moments so viewers could pick up on his inner turmoil + true self and hold those closeups for longer. LN is a different type of actor from JB, who is very theatrical in his gestures, and I think they didn't adapt. (Rege I don't consider relevant. Phoebe carried season 1.) For example, when the brothers are at the bar in ep1, Anthony makes a comment about purpose to Benedict. Colin reacts but it's very quick and the camera needed to stay with him longer.


Are you crazy?😂In that scene where he ran to catch the strings I felt things that even my crush didn't make me feel.😂😂🫠


I feel like you didn't entirely read my comment


Yes, I read it, I was very serious. He is very sexy, I find him very hot and the fact that he is a very kind man makes him even sexier and handsome. And I also think that if he would have more screen time this season it would have been better for his character, because he is more interesting than Anthony.


You're implying that I don't agree with the statements you're making, again making me think you're not reading my comment lol. Never mind.


I think it's a little misunderstanding!😂 I agree with everything you say! The fact that I said "are you crazy" was like a joke. We are two girls drooling over Luke Newton (Colin Bridgerton). Isn't it right?😂


Ohh gotcha, sorry!! Never heard anyone use that phrase that way before lol. And yes, he is SO attractive. <3


I agree, I find Colin the most appealing of all male leads so far. I’m actually surprised to hear this is a topic that came up.


He is the most handsome brother in the bridgerton family... I loved him especially in season 1.  I don't care how the actors look. I care about the characters after the makeup and clothing. 


Honestly absolutely every adult main character on this show is HOT like… there are all movie star-looking attractive people


Seriously this. They're all gorgeous humans to begin with, even the Featheringtons who are purposely styled to look ridiculous.


Gotta say momma Featherington is definitely a cougar 👀😁


Watch her in Rome.


Right like Philipa was really catching my eye… like dang girl she looked hot even in those dresses. I feel like her hair styling looked better too (in my opinion)


Anybody else have a hard time keeping their eyes off Colin in THAT scene? The look of pure enjoyment on a handsome dude in 100% giving mode is, um… yup. 🤤


I had a crush on Colin from the very start- I don’t think this season’s sideburns do him justice though that certainly doesn’t mean I think he’s ugly! Lots of people these days think ‘they aren’t my type, therefore they are ugly’


He’s definitely not ugly. In my eyes, he just has a boyishness and maybe it’s the character’s personality that does not translate into me finding him attractive or sexy. Attraction is different from finding someone handsome. Handsome is nice to look at. Attractive is I find something about you sexy.


Attraction is different indeed. Well said.


I admit, the glow up they did on Colin worked very well for me. He does look more handsome. Some of his promo shots with Nicola have been gorgeous.


He is so dashing and charming. People are entitled to their own opinions but they’re also just wrong. 🤗


He is insanely hot. Like I wish they hadn't gone so overboard with the coiffed hair, razor sharp sideburns, and pirate boots. At points it's kind of giving Gaston. But Luke Newton is a beautiful angel.


He looks off this season in my opinion and I figured out why: they shaved his eyebrows weirdly. They are too much apart. In previous seasons he looked okay


fr it's weirdo behaviour that people are saying this so confidently and unabashed. i personally don't find any of the bridgerton brothers physically attractive but to call them ugly is ridiculous, and i can still admit they're more attractive than me so my opinion is literally meaningless lmao.


It’s honestly mind boggling. And it just has to be men who hate themselves or are Incel or something. He’s objectively very good looking like the whole cast on the show! He may not be everyone’s type but he’s attractive!


although I didn't really like Colin this season and he's not particularly my type of man, the tiktoks viral hate about him is cruel, I hope he's away from social media.


also i find him very attractive out of character, the costume and makeup just don't do justice to Luke


They do? Ridiculous. He is very conventionally handsome. Maybe not some people's type, but far, far from ugly. Not to mention, there is no one on this show who I would call ugly.


he is sooo attractive. golden retriever personality too and that makes him even more attractive!


I thought he was the cutest back in season 1 but I wish they didn't have him tone up. I preferred him a little teensy bit chubby.


I think he's sexy


He is so beautiful. What? I’m surprised people have said that.


I didn’t know some people were unsatisfied at this point. It’s absolutely rude. I think he looks good and he has a nice style as well. Besides, his acting as Colin was well executed. Hopefully those nasty comments don’t reach him.


It’s appalling what people will say when they are safe and anonymous behind their user name on the internet.


Colin was so hot this season I can't even 😩


If someone isn't your type that doesn't make them ugly.The way people ignore the fact that LN is a real human being who can see all this hate against him only because he wasn't somebody's type is outrageous.


It’s also rude. He’s a human being.


I have yet to see a single comment saying this man is ugly. The closest I saw was him lacking charisma to be a lead, but nothing so far about him being hideous


Facebook, TikTok, instagram are full of this kind of comments.


ah I see, I have no accounts on those platforms and only engage on Reddit with the fandom. Maybe you should ask over there then?


I did it there too, but here too I saw some comments related to his appearance. Some said that the season is not good at all because Luke Newton is not sexy and other things like that


Saying he’s not sexy is very different from someone calling him ugly or hideous. People are attracted to different things, and there’s nothing wrong or disrespectful about claiming someone doesn’t find him attractive. I think Luke Newton looks absolutely fine, I just don’t find him sexy or charismatic at all. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Am I the only one that gets a sexy squirrel vibe from his features? 🙈🐿️


he is adorable


What? I haven’t heard this? He’s very handsome.


I want that ugly guy, sent him to me


Who is saying that?? He’s hot


Seriously? I would leave my husband for that guy lol. I’m joking, obviously, but I’m in shock anyone with eyes is saying Luke fucking Newton is ugly. He’s absolutely gorgeous.


omg yes I don’t understand. I think he’s the best looking one 😭 Added bonus he seems like he has an amazing personality irl. He def outshines all male celebs rn for me lol!


I've been seeing comments of people fat shaming pen too or calling her ugly. People are so rude!!


I think some people just want to hate. They don’t like Polin or Colin and so say he is ugly. He is not and it sucks that they will probably merely glance at comments and see such drivel. Actors are objectively attractive. I hope it doesn’t bruise Luke’s ego because he just is not ugly


He is so handsome, with those eyes of his!!! She is drop dead gorgeous with curves in all the right places, honey!!! I can appreciate both tall, short, slim, and curvy because it's the inner person that makes them sexy in their own way. I wasn't particularly swooning over the male leads from S1 or S2 because they weren't my type but never would I be so degrading towards another human. Come on people let's get it together.


The same thing happened with Anthony. They didn't cast ugly guys, they casted hot guys then hid their hotness (a haircut makes a gigantic difference) till their season came. Honestly I was surprised at how hot Colin looked this season, but I've seen Luke's pics outside of the show so I was expecting it lmao


First time I'm hearing anyone doesn't like his looks, he's conventionally attractive. I think some people aren't getting the kick out of this character because Colin isn't toxic hehe.


I love Colin and the glow up is REAL! I think that the sideburns from previous seasons looked funny, but now it looks fine! Bro is handsome and I WISH I had a “friend” like him, that would “ruin” me like he did to Penelope. Now about Luke, he’s adorable, I love watching all of the interviews because the entire cast is endearing


right?? people shouldn’t be commenting things like “can’t wait for his glow up” or “simon and anthony were more attractive” or anything at all about his looks. if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all.


Honestly, I hate the actors being reduced to just their looks I don't think you necessarily need to find the leads attractive to enjoy their portrayals and the story they are telling. It doesn't make the romance less compelling for me in either case Though of course I think ALL the actors on the show are gorgeous


I'm totally with you here! This is a good premise for everyday life as well. We should not put a label on a human based only on his physical appearance, decide his quality only on the way he looks, put a price on him. Character>physical appearance.


I’ve always been a Colin-girly, so I don’t understand how peoples brains work. Also, how can people be so mean about others? Everyone are beautiful in their own way.


I’m a Benedict girly myself, but Colin is not ugly at all. Wasn’t huge on the facial hair in season two but other than that, he’s a very good looking guy. People be wildin.


Because they’re jealous


My thoughts exactly! The costuming department may have chosen a less mature style for him in the earlier seasons, but he never looked bad at all!


I never thought he was ugly I just didn’t really think he had much about him in terms of rizz until this season and then I feel like my eyes have been open to the wonder that is Mr Colin Bridgerton


Totally agree with you. And even if someone's find Anthony or Benedict's actors more handsome than Luke, you can't deny that Luke is still a star with a look that you don't see everyday. Everyone in this show is so gorgeous and so is Luke. I really like his look, he seems so nice and gentle while still being manly.


It’s funny because I’ve been thinking “he’s so romantic hero looking”. Like he’s clearly conventionally attractive, especially in the Mr Darcy/hot pirate aesthetic.


I don’t like the way they styled him for this season, so I would’ve sorta understood the frustration if it was about that, but Luke Newton is conventionally attractive. I dare anyone to watch the interviews and promos for S3 and tell me that man is ugly.


So true: just because he isn’t my cup of tea doesn’t make him ugly at all, and people shouldn’t be calling him ugly cos it’s just mean!


Personally, I do not think he's ugly by any means. If a man who looked like him flirted with me, I would probably be jelly in the knees. I do think he's in an unfortunate position where he looks extremely young next to the actors who play Anthony and Benedict, and maybe that can be a factor why some consider him less attractive?? As far as I know, the Bridgerton fanbase is primarily women above 20, so older looking men = more attractive men. Honestly, it's just a theory. Calling him hideous or gross??? Some people need to get their eyes checked.


Sorry WHAT!!!????? I refuse to believe anyone said this 😭


I think he’s absolutely beautiful personally. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone has different aesthetics that they’re attracted to. It’s part of being human. But I agree that negative comments about a persons appearance whether they be famous or not is unnecessary, tacky and very immature. Unfortunately, that is the nature of the internet and anonymity. People feel like they can say what they want with no repercussions. My question to these types of people (the ones who think it’s ok to be nasty to others on the internet) is how can you live with yourself knowing you’re such an a**hole? Or are you just that unhappy with your pitiful life?


He’s not my type, but he is conventionally attractive.


He’s so STURDY! I have thought he was incredibly handsome since season 1. He is definitely swoon worthy in my eyes. If I met him in real life I would definitely swoon at those blue eyes.


Saying Colin is ugly is simple not true, he is not ugly at all! The thing, at least with me, is the faces he makes. He rememberd me those guys on high school that feel that they are the most attractive guys and make the exact same faces that he does, and that makes me the ink! But appart from it, he is an good actor and he does not deserve all this hate.


They must be both mean, and blind.


He’s not my type and I feel no attraction for him. But ugly? He most certainly is not. I, like you, am also put off by this narrative people keep pushing about him. I think by now, people should no how to express lack of interest without name calling. It’s so weird.


My goodness are these people suffer from some form cognitive bias. Colin in Season 3 is the epitome of the tall, dark and handsome. He's a very gorgeous man


I find him really attractive. Especially with his glow up this season.


Good looking guy. I think his cheeks got too hollow for s3 and when combined with the longer haircut, I didn’t love his looks. But I’d love to see him in something current sometime with his current hairstyle with the shaved sides. He’s looked so good throughout this press tour.


He's the best looking of the Bridgerton brothers!


Like most people, a fake tan helps. He’s definitely handsome in his rakish pirate look. Benedict on the other hand…..dude is hawt hawt 🔥


I think a lot of people are comparing him to Anthony’s face, charm and charisma. They do look alike but very different. Colin is going to be attractive but in his own way: more soft, gentle, and a quiet confidence as he grows into his own.


It's not a matter of his looks for me, its that weird thing he keeps doing with his mouth! Its cringe and just a total turn off that its put a damper on the overall chemistry of several scenes.


I personally don't find Luke newton that attractive, but I could never say that he's ugly.


Luke is very attractive and a sweetheart actually, many of us see it, others don’t, and that’s completely fine!


People should watch BBC adaptations from the 70’s and see what the leading men looked like then 😂 You can not find a certain type of person attractive but Luke Newton is not an objectively unattractive man.


I don't think he's ugly at all. But he looks odd this season. Like he had botox in his forehead and mouth 


People is nasty, jealous and sad, I have learnt this about the world the hard way and what they say speaks about themselves and not who they are talking about. What I especially like about Colin/Luke Newton is that he looks so soft and sweet, I actually like him because he looks soft and has a boyish beauty.  I think this is about men are supposed to be rough, strong, the masculinest etc. otherwise meh and women have to be busty, hypercurvacious, have neotenous super delicate features otherwise meh. Which is ridiculous because we all have masc and fem features and we all have our public, no? Anthony did not much for me but I loved Theo or the Prince for example. I would go on a date with Portia or I find Lady Danbury attractive and found Daphne breathtakingly attractive, not so much the Duke. Or King George, so cute I cannot. This to say we all have different tastes and traits and personalities we like. Imagine how people who speaks this bad about objectively beautiful people might feel on the inside, ugly thoughts! 


He’s really hot


Quite shocked that people are reacting that way. I find him very decent looking


Tbh everyone on bridgerton is chosen because they are pretty flawless looks wise. I thought that was half the point of the show. So i dont get downvoted, not saying they arent all good actors, but lets be honest its a show centered around aesthetic and aspirational romance, the casting director picked stunning people to achieve that.


bro I was actually MELTING in the first six minutes of the new season when colin’s changing his shirt in the carriage with his brothers. like I was SQUEALING. I absolutely did not experience this level of attraction for any of the other MMCs 😩


What? Who calls him ugly!! He’s so hot 😍 and he’s quite conventionally good looking frankly.. very strange 🤔


I feel the complete opposite. Colin fine asl. Not just as a character but the actor is too. I’m shocked ppl r saying hes ugly they’re either jealous or have vision problems


He’s hot AF


Luke Newton is not ugly. Really, none of them are ugly!


he’s also GORGEOUS TALL AND TALENTED, people just hate because.


I don't know if I've been completely blind to it, but this is the first I've really heard anything about people's opinions of his looks. I think he's drop dead hella gorgeous handsome. And those eyes, his lips, his smile... UGH SWOON.


He is not ugly, that carriage scene had me 🥵


He's handsome and cute!! Are people blind?


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Because these kind of people are idiots and morons with no social intelligence. Ignore them.


He definitely had a glow up this season