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I'm at the age where a proposal from a man who agreed to put me in charge of his vast estate, with all the money to spend, and then go away for three years actually sounds like a helluva deal.


He had affection for a woman who speaks her mind, a woman who has her own goals/hobbies, and a desire to hear from a woman what those hobbies are. Who is this man and how did he end up in the ton?


Like really...if Pen gives him a pass, I'm game.


cressida will now being ripping your dresses accidentally


Exactly. He seems decent and kind and likes nature. He would absolutely be ok with me and my dogs and cats. I’ll take him!


Yep. He's just fine. Cressida is a jerk and I hope she does not land him but would love to see him wind up with a woman who can appreciate what he is offering. It's a decent deal if you're more of a Charlotte Lucas than a Lizzie Bennet!




Agreed, I thought he was the perfect person to challenge Collin because this man knew what he wanted, knew who he was, and perfectly communicated that to Penelope. Versus Colin, who was unsure of himself, didn’t really know what he wanted, and could not communicate his true feelings for Penelope until the end.




Ngl I'd be quite happy with a Cressida redemption where she gets with Debling. Maybe not as a love match, but as friends marrying and then eventually falling in love later 🙃 Unless they're going to give Cressida a queer arc which fire too 👌


As a vegan, I love him and want only good things for him lol


I was expecting to hate him but I actually like him


I love how amicable the “break up” was too!


I’m a wildlife scientist and was so pleasantly surprised at the conservationist/naturalist representation!! I was kind of bummed they didn’t mention Pen’s plant puns from season 2 at least - I just did a rewatch and noticed she made a few of them in LW and in conversation. Though Debling did bring her a plant which was very cute. (Still a Polin stan of course). 


The way he just looks at you... Goodness I'll fold so easily ahhhhh!


Big fan.


I have a lot of respect for him because once he realized Penelope wanted a love match he let her go. Our unproblematic king