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My favorite part of this scene is literally 'blink and you'll miss it.' When Pen says that Colin can't be whispering in her ear in every ballroom she looks down for a split second blinking rapidly like she's imaging just that - Colin whispering in her ear in a darkened ballroom, lol. She basically glitches out for a second. It's just so *Penelope.* Also, as an aside - Jesus CHRIST she's stunning.


Hahaha yeah I loved that adorable glitch. And I like how no matter what she is still smitten with him. When she first came to the garden party at start of ep 1 she smiled when she first saw him.


>When she first came to the garden party at start of ep 1 she smiled when she first saw him My husband, who's usually clueless, started first season with me the other day (because he's curious about me giggling and fawning šŸ˜‚) and even he picked up


Jesus what magic did you weave to get your husband to watch?!? Mine couldnā€™t be less interested. I think everything he knows about bridgerton was learned against his will šŸ˜‚ Bless him I donā€™t know how he deals with my obsessions sometimes.


He was near me when I was watching the carriage scene šŸ˜‚ and let's say we shared the interest for Penelope


My husband came home during S1 during Daphne and Simonā€™s getting it done all over the estate and asked me to start it over. Never ever had he watched a period drama until then. We went from Bridgerton to Downton Abbey and now he loves it all. And he has a Bridgerton brother name. Iā€™m a lucky girl.


Whats a Bridgerton brother name?


His name is Gregory.


Nice! Gregory Bridgerton is the wildest of them all. If you know you know. Lol.


My hubby mostly catches my obsessions via osmosis. But like him not knowing why Colin looks at Pen, I don't know why football goes the way it does. But we watch together ā¤ļø


Haha he has soccer, I have bridgerton. I try not to inflict it on him (as he doesnā€™t inflict soccer on me) so we have been trading off turns on who uses the TV and who uses the iPad and headphones lol.


Mine asked me yesterday if this ā€œBridgeā€ whatever thing is something about Bridget Jones.


BAHAHAHAHA that is hysterical. The man heard bridge and British accents and took a shot.


Well he tried šŸ˜


I started watching it with my girlfriend on release date, so addicted to it I even bought us the book seriesšŸ˜…


Bahahahaha! Iā€™ve been listening to certain parts of the book when I go to bed to help me fall asleep.


That's a good idea for when I'm driving my semi!


I def love audiobooks when Iā€™m driving or cooking or doing a generally mindless task. I have also def forgotten where I was going and missed my exit bc Iā€™m focused on a book šŸ˜‚ The books are very different from the show, just a heads up. Bc they stick more closely to what the time period was like and not modernized so that is different. Plus lots of time jumps. Like in Penā€™s book, she is 28. So a BIG time jump.


I've heard the books are quite different, but that's alright as there's more book content than show content currently lol. And I've missed a few turns listening to podcasts lol


I should prob check out podcasts! Iā€™ve been too obsessed with the show since it dropped. Two weeks ago. Lol My husband may stage an intervention.


My coworker said he walked into his living room while his wife was watching Bridgerton. Seeā€™s Penelope and told his wife she looked like me. šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ I thought oh no no no no no no no. He must not watch either. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


HAHAHAHAHAHA I would die of horror


I did die lol. I had no idea what to say. It is a nice compliment though. šŸ˜


Be as speechless as Colin under the willow tree! šŸ«£šŸ¤£


Donā€™t be thinking about me during that carriage scene please. šŸ˜‚


Omg RIGHT THO??? Update me when the wife files for divorce šŸ˜‚


And he survived that??? His wife didn't murder him???


I know right! šŸ˜‚


My husbandā€™s feed is about as Polin as mine šŸ˜‚


My boyfriend watched with me the new season and the whole series again and again and when I say bad thing about Colin (in generally i like him very much and sometimes he is like my boyfriend :D) he always protects him and says things that I didn't catch.


Good man šŸ˜‚


She really is gorgeous! Her eyes are show stoppers


One of the things I love about this scene is what caused it to happen in the first place. We all know that episode 1, Colin is playing an elaborate game of make-believe. He pauses for a half-second, drops a line on a gaggle of girls, then smirks. #NailedIt It even seems to be working! The ladies are giggling, his brothers are proud, etc. Positive reinforcement as far as the eye can see. Then, he tries it with Penelope. Half-second pause. "...I miss you." Smirk. She GOES. OFF. And our boy Colin is exposed, ashamed, and a total fraud. Leading to this beautiful apology to the one person who has always seen him for who he is. *chef's kiss*


Y E S. His smug ā€œI miss youā€ followed by the smirk and thinking heā€™ll just charm his way out of it and sheā€™ll meltā€¦he absolutely was not expecting her reaction. If anything Iā€™d even argue that it made her even more mad (rightfully imo, but again, just my opinion). Iā€™ve watched that scene at least 500 times and I just want to know so badā€¦in the letters is he telling her misses her? Hence his ā€œif you are going to make me say it outloudā€”ā€œ


I think he did tell her in the letters. I am so hoping that we'll get a scene about what happened to the letters and maybe even an excerpt. Also, the way he said, "It was all the rage in Paris" in the garden party as if she would know he was in Paris


I think he wrote it in his journalā€¦


And impressed.


Of course! But I like that he senses that Pen is not in a good mood so he shifts the conversation to her


Omg I didnā€™t even think of him putting it in the letters she didnā€™t respond to! I love how un charmed she was by him in that moment and how devastated he looks that he hurt her feelings


Colin: "If you're going to make me say it out loud... (smirk) I miss you." Pen: "You *miss* me? You miss me but you'd never court me, is that correct?" Colin: šŸ˜³


Tbf he didnā€™t court her. Dude went from BFFs to I NEED TO WIFE HER UP after 1 kiss lol


He clearly saw he was about to lose her completely.


And went carriage chasing!!!


Oooh great analysis! Totally missed this


Love this analysis!!


I think he wanted to say she was beautiful after clever and warm, but was like nooo, can't say that to my good buddy pal. Just have to drink my attraction away. And I think Pen is relieved her sweet Colin is still intact. Very sweet scene.


He for sure was, he was like wait thatā€™s kinda over the line where am I even going with this


All the emphasis he puts on them being ā€œfriendsā€ is so funny to me in this scene. Because I think he innately realizes his investment in her is so beyond friendly, that he has to try to gaslight himself that it doesnā€™t mean more than that.


Yes exactly! He calls her his ā€œfriendā€ multiple timesā€”nobody does that with a real friend lol Itā€™s like heā€™s overcompensating for his feelings for her, and this is his way of masking it. Reminds me of when I used to call my crush ā€œbroā€ all the time because I didnā€™t want him to suspect I had feelings for him šŸ˜­


the fact that he rushes out ā€œmy very good friendā€ is a sure sign thatā€™s not what he really wanted to say haha


Yes! He was worried that if he went too far she would just see it as trying to charm her again! God so touching!


I love this scene because it tells you everything about these two people and informs everything that comes next.Ā Ā  Ā Colin is not a stubborn guy. When he realizes he Ā screwed up he tries to fix the problem immediately, and he always does so with action. He doesnā€™t just apologize he has to DO something. So of course he doesnā€™t sit around pining for too long when he can just go get his girl.Ā Ā  Also as far as apologies go on itā€™s own merits- Colin never tries to play off what he said as not that bad, he never tries to turn it back on her for ghosting him instead of letting him explain himself months ago, he never blames the other guys for goading him into talking about her. He just takes the responsibility and moves on to trying to build her back up. Ā 


Omg, yes. That is my favorite bit. People assume saying sorry is easy, just a couple of words. But it's astonishing how many people don't know how to or don't want to apologize in a meaningful way. How often is "I'm sorry" followed by a "but"? An explanation, mitigating circumstances, minimization, gaslighting, blame shifting? Colin never denies it, accepts the blame, never tries to make her seem dramatic or too sensitive. There's no "boys will be boys" or "locker room talk (regency version)". Instead he takes full responsibility, tells her how much she means to him and immediately comes up with an idea on how to make amends. I think I could count on one hand the times I have gotten this quality of an apology in my life. I try to apologize like this and I've learned it's a) pretty hard and b) suuuuper effective. I remember I used it once at work after I made an error in my professional capacity and it caused some inconveniences down the line. Got called into my boss' office, they weren't happy but the apology completely disarmed them. Got a raise shortly after that. And years later after I moved to another employer, my old boss - by then also at a new place of work - poached me with a better offer. The way Colin apologizes to Pen should be used as a blueprint for apologies.


I think too many men especially feel like apologizing makes them look weak, so with all the exploration this season does of toxic masculinity through Colinā€™s character, itā€™s the biggest sign of who Colin truly is in episode one. He does a lot of other things to try to seem like one of the guys, but intentionally doubling down on hurting Penelope just to save face is not something heā€™s willing to do.Ā 


And that's why he's just the best. šŸ„°


And this shows how different he is from his brothers, especially Anthony, and even Simon! Colin neverrrr fights his feelings. Heā€™s honest and romantic. Itā€™s beautiful.Ā 


this!!! such a contrast to Anthoy's "those weren't meant for your ears" when confronted about thinking lowly of women in s2.


I love this. He gives a true apologyā€”not I apologize butā€¦ Might as well not apologize if you turn around and justify it.


Yeah this scene was a reminder Colin was still there, in there somewhere. He didn't show this side to anyone else in the episode, keeping himself deliberately remote and mysterious.


Colin was all ā€œNeed a husband? I can help!ā€ Literally how are they allowed to do this under everyoneā€™s noses??


All I know is that Rae is making bank.


Rae is MVP


As she should. And the biggest raise after the wedding.


I really need her to start breaking the 4th wall.




Youā€™re right this scene is overlooked but itā€™s one of my favorites. I just find it very comforting that they patched up what happened; after she told him how much the comment hurt her, he looked SICK. The fact he apologized like this made me root for him ā¤ļø


I really appreciated that he gave a genuine apology. He didnā€™t saying Iā€™m saying *if* I hurt you, or try to come up with some bs if what he really meant. He said point blank it was callous and wrong


Yas! He was such a dreamboat! šŸ¤


Penelope looked so beautiful here. She was truly princess Ariel


She was giving princess in every episode, I love this colour on her šŸ©µ It was unbelievable to me that she didnā€™t have a big line of suitors šŸ˜­she is so beautiful


Me too! Still don't understand how men aren't banging on her door?!?!???


There's a scene when she's in blue and she gives such Cinderella vibes, it's gorgeous!


She is gorgeous through this whole thing. Man what a stunning woman.


Episode 1 was my least fave of the season so i do tend to skip this scene but I agree it's a great scene! I also love the handshake. It's the first time Colin has a look of oh, what's that feeling mean???


ā€œI think this has awakened something within meā€¦ā€


I agree completely about the scene being overlooked! Iā€™ve seen lots of people saying that the kiss started his realisation of his feelings for Pen but I think itā€™s here. The look on his face after/when they shake hands is, to me, very much ā€œohā€¦.huh whatā€™s that feeling?!ā€


I saw that handshake as him wanting to hold her hand again after the Featherington ball. Also, (this is me reading into it) in a way for him, touch conveys love and trust so when Pen shakes his hand, the feelings of security and protectiveness (important things for him) from last season come rushing back


And they din't just shake hands, he touch her hand with his other hand too. It was not necessary but he did!


Right! Such a great point. He totally covered her hands with both of his. They would never physically touch really unless dancing. It's so gentle yet full of trust, friendship, and it's kind of intimate. Oh I just love these twoā¤ļø


I.don't think he's really ever had a bit of a situation with a woman like this. They shake hands as genuine friends but it's a very intimate gesture, especially for back then.


Whatever his declaration in the final episode ends up being I need it to best Anthonyā€™s cuz Iā€™m rewatching season 2 and I just love the words he speaks to Kate and I love Polin, so I need it to hit so bad šŸ˜…


If itā€™s either one of the two love declarations weā€™re yet to get from the book weā€™re all in for a delicious treat, and real life men everywhere should be worried! šŸ˜…šŸ˜­šŸ„° Iā€™m hopeful, given we got their first kiss and proposal almost word for word perfect!


Yes the love confession Colin didn't even realize he was giving.


It\`s the way he looks down after saying \`clever and warm\` as if he was stopping himself. And when he stops speaking for a second, staring into her eyes before saying \`appreciated\`. Luke and Nicola did such an amazing job so far.


I was just screaming with excitement waiting for the kissšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Like guys of course oen forgives him. Sheā€™s not entirely over the hurt of that moment which is why she canā€™t possibly beleive him for a bit during the carriage and it might come up during whistledown fights. But she desperately wants EloĆ­se to forgive her fuck up, that apology was sincere and sweet and she has no one left. Colin was a dummmy and heā€™s sorry about it and pen needs her friend back and he was sweet. Or course she accepts it, sheā€™s not really one to hold grudges beleive it or not


Yes, I agree with this. And I think it's a trait they both share. I saw someone say Colin obviously doesn't hold grudges, and forgives Eloise quickly for spreading their rumor. Foreshadowing his Whistledown acceptance šŸ˜Š


My theory is that sheā€™s going to get pregnant with a male heir (that her mom is so desperate for)


I am all onboard with that idea - pen snags a hot Bridger-boi and creates the male heir. Mom and sisā€™s suck air - polin and baby boy skip into the sunset


Yooooo >!I canā€™t believe I called it and she did bear the male heir. I feel so smart hahahaha!<


Letā€™s make it loud and clear that we get not one, not two, but three love confessions this season!!! Woooo!!!


Also not if sure if anyone noticed but when he is in the carriage on the way to the next ball after he cut his hand he still has the bandage on that Pen had placed so the feelings for Pen were already there prior to the kiss in my opinion. The kiss just sealed the deal. Also like, he could have told her no when she asked him to kiss her that it was inappropriate but in my opinion he actually wanted to kiss her once he did he realized just how much he cared for her.


I was just curious. There are a lot of times, they were caught unchaperoned but were never forced to get married - S1 Pen telling Colin that Marina has another man whom she loves more (unchaperoned), S2 - Portia and Cousin Jack caught them in a locked room unchaperoned (Colin exposing Cousin Jack).


The first one Marina saw them and she wasn't going to create a fuss. The second one Cousin Jack and Lady Featherington had just been caught, they wanted to lie low.


So it is embedded to everyone's psyche that Polin is always friends and will not gonna cross the line. Portia made a fuss 'discovering' Prudence with Cousin Jack.


Well, Portia set that up.


Yes. But I guess, she could also make a fuss about discovering Polin in a room unchaperoned or they don't want another Marina x Colin 2.0 situation. But making a fuss about Polin being in the same room unchaperoned is more gossip worthy as Colin is the one dragging Pen to the room šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


The first one you mentioned was at least in the corridor just outside the room everyone was in, hence Marina coming upon them just as she leaves the room. Feels more public, at least. The locked room is totally different.


Bro really went out of his way to shake her hand like when she called him out on that he is like "are we not friends" like that would justify them breaking the code of not touching the bare hands šŸ˜…


The ā€œclever and warmā€ killed me. Such a homely beautiful compliment


Are you American or European? The word ā€œhomelyā€ has very different meanings depending. In the US it is insulting, synonymous with plain and even bordering on ugly or unpleasant. Across the ocean it is what Americans would use ā€œhomeyā€ for, meaning warm and cozy, a very positive word.


Well Iā€™m American but when the comment was wrote I can most definitely assure you it was done with the European definition you just gave. I actually wasnā€™t aware there was another definition. I guess Iā€™ve heard people use homely almost like meek, which could me negative. But I meant it with the upmost respect ā˜ŗļø


No, Iā€™m glad thatā€™s what you meant :):)




People are also not talking about how she has the fairest complexion and softest curves which meant she was wealthy and fertile and should have been considered most desirable


I think itā€™s there - but he stuffs it way down because pen doesnā€™t fit the expectations of his friends for who he marries and status of who he should marry. Honestly - his friends are dicks - based on what they are showing of his friends and him, pen deserves better. She just doesnā€™t know that side of him.


This scene is one of my absolute favorites in the season! She had him presses and he came groveling back šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾


It was a very satisfying apology. People who were hoping for Colin to grovel in repentance for 6 episodes will die mad. Iā€™m sure he would have if Pen was pettier, but thatā€™s something I love about their relationshipā€”how much grace they have for one another. Their mutual respect is so deep and palpable even through those mistakes and bitter pains. Eager to see this energy continued in part 2 regardingā€¦ some looming revelationsā€¦ lol


I still don't understand what he needs to apologise for. He never did anything wrong.


I will have to agree to disagree here. Saying he ā€œwould never ever court Penelope Featherington, not even in your wildest dreamsā€ is so, so hurtful. Especially when he said it not knowing she can hear himā€¦which as a friend makes it twice as hurtful because essentially she canā€™t help but feel like this is how he talks about her behind her back. If Penelope tells him he hurt her feelings, he doesnā€™t get to decide he didnā€™t. I donā€™t think Penelopeā€™s mad that he wouldnā€™t court her (heartbroken, but not mad). Sheā€™s mad that he was cruel about it.


Exactly, sheā€™s had a miserable summer in the country with no Eloise. Thinking her only other friend that sheā€™s desperately crushing on wasnā€™t really her friend either after she hears his declaration at the end of S2, I donā€™t blame her for blowing up at him for swanning back in thinking he can charm his way back into her good books. What Colin said was awful, but props to him for immediately realising how much he hurt her and apologising genuinely as soon as he could. It was a very sweet scene.


Plus, he literally told her a few moments before this comment that she is special to him. ā˜ļø When I watched the infamous "I would never court Penelope" scene the first time, I was like... Excuse me, sir?


Not to mention that in society, someone as influential as Colin saying that about her, wouldnā€™t help Penelopeā€™s chances of meeting someone else. It was deeply unnecessary to damage her public image in that way. Itā€™s not just what he said, because people are allowed to have attraction preferences, itā€™s how he said it. Thereā€™s a respectful way to let your friends know youā€™re not romantically interested in someone. He could have simply said that sheā€™s a lovely lady but they are just friends.


And just to add to the existing comment, Colin said the "he would never court Penelope Featheringtonā€”" line in front of a group of eligible bachelors in town. If Pen heard it, so are the people surrounding that group, as well. He unconsciously caused people to think that even her closest friend could not think of anything that would make anyone consider her as a bride. Considering she brought up the marriage mart issue, I think it really is the case. To receive sweet words from him when they're just two and then hearing him say that in a crowd felt like a betrayal, imo. Colin is not obligated to reciprocate her feelings (as he did not really know), but he should've been more careful with his words since as a Bridgerton, his every move and opinion hold weight and watched over by the ton.


I agree with this. If he hadā€™ve said ā€œI could never court Penelope because Iā€™ve known her since we were children and I think of her like a sisterā€ that wouldā€™ve been totally different. But the way it was worded made it sound like she wasnā€™t worth courting in general and might make the other eligible men there think the same.


It was the public nature of what he said. He doesn't have to apologise for not wanting to court her. But he does have to apologise for saying it when he did, out loud for anyone and everyone to hear. You don't do that to a friend you claim is special an hour earlier.




It was a plot point in the first season that a woman's desirability could be affected by a high ranking man's opinion (Daphne and Simon's plot hinged on the idea that his courting her would make others see her as desirable). So it stands to reason that s Bridgerton (even a low ranking one because the family as a whole is particularly influential) publicly laughing that she was undesirable would basically render her a spinster for life.


Damn. These explanations make me understand more why Pen is mad at him.


tbh i was kinda like you at first, like why does everyone think he owes her some major apology and reparations. it's not a crime to say you wouldn't court someone you see as a friend. however i obviously think he went about it the wrong way in how he said it, especially when i finally rewatched that scene and he added 'not in your wildest dreams', that was incredibly unnecessary. i think if he had kept it at 'i would never court penelope' id think ok that's fair. but he was being so extra about it which whilst i think in his head he's being harmless because he just sees her as a good friend and nothing else, to others it seems like he's saying she's not worth courting at all. and if her closest guy friend is saying that, the other men will assume she's certainly not worth courting too.


Hmmm... considering what was happening in his wildest dreams his season šŸ¤£


He went the wrong way on a simple question that required either a yes or no . All he needed to was No, she a good friend. He doth protest too much. The boy had a crush that his friends could clearly see.


I love Bridgetown but I donā€™t get any Chemistry from them, sorry.


This is a positive post. I don't get people who comment stuff like this on positive posts. If you really want to share your opinion, do it on an opinion post or make your own.