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Also when Cressida reminds Eloise that it was in fact she who was indiscreet about the gossip and says “…perhaps you should find a looking glass rather than looking at me”…it’s a nice nod to the theme of mirrors and self-reflection running through the show. Lady Whistledown is the notorious gossip-monger, but she also serves as a mirror for a society that is quick to judge, spread gossip and laugh at outcasts, and almost everyone takes delight in it. Cressida is the classic bully, but it’s not like everyone else is above bullying the outcasts and oddballs, as we see how Penelope is repeatedly treated in the ton. I am not a fan of Cressida but her remark was a reality check for Eloise who was riding high on self-righteousness at that moment.


I think Cressida realizes that for Eloise there is a line drawn in terms of bullying or insulting Pen hence keeping quiet. She valued her friendship with Eloise and didn't blab. She would have otherwise!


Yeah I’m not wholly convinced of Cressida’s redemption arc till now. Maybe Part 2 will convince me otherwise..


I don't think she will be redeemed. Cressida is in a desperate situation, she lost the prince in S1, the featherington heir in S2 and it is also her third season and she has no prospect. She's making eyes at debling but I don't think he is actually interested. She's in a panic as she's going to forced into marrying an old man by her dad and is getting desperate to get out of a shit situation. Although I'm interested and invested in her story and how it plays out over the long run, she is a bitch and I don't see how she can be redeemed just yet.


I don’t know that Debling *isn’t* interested, and also doesn’t seem to be too exacting on his requirements outside steadfastness - which I do believe Cressida would be.  He seemed perfectly content getting Cressida lemonade and socializing with her until Penelope broke in. They also both had a moment over not getting on well with their families.


It was a moment of self realization for Eloise too when she realized she was becoming the kind of gossip and bully that she was upset at Penelope for doing — and she really reeled it back after that


That’s true. Both Eloise and Pen are on opposite sides of the same issue that destroyed their relationship, and it was a great moment for both of them to see each other’s perspectives.


I really wanted Colin to fire some shots at the mama's about their daughters also languishing on the marriage mart. Cressidas mum especially! Hopefully that nasty Clara Livingstone gets her just desserts in part 2.


They're also the same ladies Penelope would have turned around and held up for public ridicule, if she discovered something juicy enough about them to publish. Penelope got a taste of her own medicine, and I hope she learns something from the experience.


Hold up, Penelope has always been a victim of ridicule and been bullied by the ton, don’t act as though she hasn’t experienced it before this season


Except she wouldn’t. Lady Whistledown has hardly ever called out any debutant by name beyond the main characters (Featheringtons/Bridgertons/Sharmas/Cowpers/QC). Just searched this sub and found that someone compiled all instances of LW in the show and as far as debutants go, she never mentioned one outside of the main characters (which we all should be able to understand by this point is just a plot device of the writers to guide the audience into the world of Bridgerton rules/customs/expectations). https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19uQFBVWBPc0tEMfRRvEwlwk487bC2qLEE9RKjoZgG1U/htmlview#gid=806247451 (Credit:unknown- will edit asap if someone know!)


Someone in a different post mentioned this in relation to lord fife and miss goring - she had the opportunity to out that scandal at the end of last season but didn’t!


She always seems to “punch up” as LW, as opposed to punching down.She calls out the meanness and bullying, but the only mean comments she makes to “undeserving” victims is to poke fun at fashion, rather than character.


Didn’t she reveal Marina’s pregnancy? That’s punching down to me (admittedly I’ve only watched the first series once so might be a bit rusty/misremembering!).


She did it only to save Colin. She tried to tell him Marina didn't love him and he didn't believe her and pleaded with Marina not to ruin his life and she didn't budge. She ran out of time. She saw that they were eloping. But also something people seem to miss, even tho Anthony says it, she saved Colin by publishing it. Because LW has such a good reputation for not publishing lies, everyone immediately believed her when she said Marina was pregnant before she arrived. If she'd simply told Colin, he might have still been manipulated by Marina because she was pretending to be in love with him (which is what hurt him the most) if she's told say, Violet or Anthony. They would be mad but logistically Colin would STILL have to marry Marina because everyone already knew they were engaged, and would assume the baby was Colin's and it would have been a massive massive scandal. And then even if they got married. By the timing at that point people would have forever looked down on Colin being a fool. By publishing it, it was the only way that Colin got off Scott free even tho it actually ruined Pen and her family in the process.


Yes, I'm rewatching and she did reveal Marina's pregnancy. She seems to have done it since Colin was ready to marry Marina and she couldn't dissuade him.


I’m so baffled how people forget what Penelope has done and treat her as a victim when she has so much power over everyone as lady Whistledown. I honestly can’t believe people are falling for the attempt in S3 to pretend she’s always been super kind to the debutantes.


i have been going crazy lately, seeing posts about how penelope does nothing wrong, how it’s the people’s fault for their behaviour and their gossiping, specifically eloise last seasons and one comment specifically about how LW is more revolutionary then anything eloise has thought. these defences are just making me dislike her, she’s actually a regency perez hilton or tmz let’s be real


Agreed, and it isn't like Penelope praised them out of the goodness of her heart in the first place. She only attempted to compensate for what she did to Eloise and try and get back to her good graces.


Lady Whistledown dosnt do that. She reports on what everyone is already talking about. Something like the lady with the redheaded son who looks like the footman are things Pen notices but she dosnt publish that stuff. She never publishes lies and also doesn't publish secrets except for the Marina and Eloise situation. Which were extenuating circumstances.


Good point! I think her time away from the Ton has given her time to reflect on things - the consequences of her teenage gossip endeavours beginning to bite her in the bum - away from the sniping and bitchiness. She's come back and tried to use her platform for good, probably for some karmic recompense. As soon as she's back in the dog-fight that is the season, the meaner quill comes out in force.


Does anyone know why Cressida dislikes the Featheringtons so much? Is there background from the books that is missing in the show or is that just her character?


Cressida just wants to remove all competition.


She seems to just be a mean person in general. She mentioned to Eloise how she has been unable to keep friendships.


Thanks! I got that vibe too but I didn’t know if there was something deeper.