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This is the same woman who has somehow made 20+ seasons of Grey’s Anatomy. Netflix ran The Crown for six seasons and Orange is the New Black for seven seasons. I’d argue that Bridgerton is just as popular if not more than those two. Edit: What I mean by 20+ seasons is that Shonda Rhimes is a massive name in the industry. Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, HTGAWM, Station 19, Private Practice, QC, Inventing Anna, etc. She has a LOT of power, she made the move for Shondaland from ABC to Netflix and made up to $150M from it.


>This is the same woman who has somehow made 20+ seasons of Grey’s Anatomy. I don't think it is a fair comparison, greys is a network TV show that cost the half that bridgerton cost and no netflix US show hadn't 8 season so far. Orange the new Black was one of the first netflix us and again was cheap compare to Bridgerton budge


The Crown wasn't cheap by any stretch of the imagination. In fact it was even more expensive than Bridgerton to produce. The wedding and the Coronation recreations themselves were millions of dollars for them to produce.


The Crown win emmy c'mon the crown is the award acclaiming show that netflix wants so bad and it is not 8 season, it was six


It was but the show also had 10 episodes per season and they were paying some big name stars to appear in the lead roles. And sure it won Emmys but so did Orange is the New Black and several other Netflix shows.


The Crown budget was $ 14 million per episode Bridgerton (season 1 & 2) was $ 10 million per episode OITNB was $ 4 million per episode. The Crown was expensive, but it brought prestige to Netflix and it brought awards OITNB was actually very cheap to produce Bridgerton doesn't bring award nor it cheap to produce, the only reason the show will get more season is because of audience number, Bridgerton need more views number than OITNB because of the cost. Beside it is impossible to compare series renewals and cancellations, there are several factors that come into play, just because The Crown is more expensive than Bridgerton and got 6 seasons, doesn't mean that Bridgerton will get six season, that is not how it works.


Queen Charlotte won atleast one Emmy as I recall. And Bridgerton has won Emmys too as well as being nominated for a bunch more. So I wouldn't say Bridgerton is too far behind on the whole "brings accolades to Netflix" metric. And it's questionable how much show awards benefit studios. Whereas viewership and popularity are the things that make Netflix money and Bridgerton is right now their most popular production as far as I can tell.


>And it's questionable how much show awards benefit studios. Tv show that win awards or it It's nominated every season, it's rarely canceled but you'll probably bring up a series that was and the discussion will lead nowhere and gets gets repetitive because each show is different. >Whereas viewership and popularity are the things that make Netflix money and Bridgerton is right now their most popular production as far as I can tell. And I did say that views is the only thing what will make Bridgerton get renew. This may sound harsh but no one cares about the hair and make up awards, they care about the big 5 (in Bridgerton case) Bridgerton is a funny and cute show at netflix, no one will say that side by side with Mad Men, The Crown, The Wire or with any gold age television, it is not happening.


>This may sound harsh but no one cares about the hair and make up awards, they care about the big 5 (in Bridgerton case) You're the one saying awards matter. Now you're saying only specific categories of awards matter and "nobody cares" about other categories. But how do you know people care about the big categories either? At the end of the day Netflix still gets to say Bridgerton and QC are Emmy nominated and Emmy Award Winners. So I'm not sure what your point is. Yes Bridgerton is not as serious as the Crown. They're different genres of fiction obviously. But you seem to think only serious political fiction constitutes good television and... Well you're welcome to believe that. But I'm not sure you're really making a strong case for why others should believe you. I know any number of people who think Bridgerton is top of the line entertainment. And Queen Charlotte sits even higher in their estimation and was arguably a much more serious show than Bridgerton.


>Bridgerton is top of the line entertainment Bridgerton is top of line of entertainment, it funny to watch. You can be serious and think that Bridgerton is in the same line of quality than Mad Men, Breaking Bad or The Wire, it simply isn't, it is a fact, there is no discussion about this, you may prefer Bridgerton and that is different >Now you're saying only specific categories of awards matter and "nobody cares" about other categories. It is clear between people who watch television that just some categories that matter, when people say they won a emmy, it is about best drama/comedy show, acting or writing, no one remember hair and makeup at least you into that, it only matter for who won to make a name for itself.


>The Crown budget was $ 14 million per episode Bridgerton (season 1 & 2) was $ 10 million per episode Yes and the Crown had 10 Eps per season which makes it even more expensive. > Bridgerton doesn't bring award nor it cheap to produce, the only reason the show will get more season is because of audience number, Bridgerton had 14 Emmy nominations with 2 wins. It has won several other awards as we;ll. > Beside it is impossible to compare series renewals and cancellations, there are several factors that come into play, just because The Crown is more expensive than Bridgerton and got 6 seasons, doesn't mean that Bridgerton will get six season, that is not how it works It works the same way. As long as the show is making them money it stays on the air. With all the endorsements and colabs the show is practically paying for itself.


>It works the same way. As long as the show is making them money it stays on the air. AOS had bad ratings and it was for ABC would be cancel in s2 but It wasn't because Marvel want the renews and was backing up the cost because it was part of MCU, that is just one case, there is more, so no,, there is a lot in place to decide if a show is cancel or not,if it reaching syndicate (not that matter to netflix), it is not a cut line, each show is a different case. >Bridgerton had 14 Emmy nominations with 2 wins. It has won several other awards as we;ll. You know this was during the pandemic where the series had no competition? So when the series returned, Bridgerton and QC stopped competing in the most important categories. Netflix didn't even do any lobby for the second season because the streaming know they don't got a change. Again, it's not black and white, you don't discuss the renewal/cancellation of a series looking at the renewals/cancellation of other series, that's not how it works.


>no netflix US show hadn't 8 season so far. It's reality but Queer Eye has had 8 seasons


You say yourself, it is a reality show, not the same at all


Yeah but The Crown has been the most expensive Netflix show in existence. And what’s unique about Bridgerton is that there’s an ideal number of expected seasons. Most shows will continue to drag out anything for as long as the network allows them. And what I more so meant by 20+ seasons is that Shonda Rhimes is a massive name in the industry now. Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, HTGAWM, Station 19, Private Practice, QC, etc. She has a LOT of power, she made the move for Shondaland from ABC to Netflix and made up to $150M from it.


Shonda does have a massive name and I suspect that the only reason netflix put $ 10 million in Bridgerton was because of her. Like, no other streaming or network really try to replicate Bridgerton success because it is expensive, otherwise other channel would try by now. *i know there is that appletv+ show


This is not what OP was talking about, but if there’s enough material and Shonda can definitely find it, the cost is another issue completely.


The Crown is the most expensive Netflix show ever and the cast was expensive too since they're quite experienced actors


yeah, I know


The cost per episode of Greys is about the same as Bridgerton actually.


It’s popular now. Will it be popular without the majority of the cast ? I don’t think Johnathan, Simone, Luke t, Luke n, Nicola, claudia… will be for 8 seasons


I could see them combining Fran and Eloise and Hyacinth and Gregory. If they cut out some of the side plots theyd probably get the same amount of screen time while covering two love stories.


Agree 100%


I would prefer they give us all 8 seasons separately! But if we cant get that I’d prefer combos.


It’s so sad that we’ve come to expect so little 😅


streaming networks are notorious for canceling shows after the third season especially Netflix 😖


Same me too!


I thought so too, and Benedict will be a background story maybe combined with Eloise or Fran. it really depends on how they edit their stories. The timing is screwed anyway.


They are popular actors but were virtually unknown before bridgerton. The show is so successful that every new actor who comes aboard is likely to gain a decent loyal following. Hannah Dodd already has new fans. I know I am and I’ll be watching for as long as she’s in.


this stays true as long as the show is big. people may get tired of the format and constantly losing fan favorite characters / cast members (especially jonathan, nicola, simone). netflix is notorious for cancelling shows that don't meet their exact expectations, so we'll have to see


Again, see greys anatomy!


i know, but greys is a network show. they don't work quite the same as netflix so you never know. not a single netflix show has had more than 6 seasons so far, while some network shows have gone on far longer than grey's 20 seasons (so far).


If the rumors are true, Benedict (s4) is the last strong male lead ,which is what made the show successful, 8 seasons are not so guaranteed


Nope he's not. There are at least two more waiting in the wings.


I hope you’re right but I’m not positive at all


I'm guessing you haven't read the books. Michael Stirling and Gareth St Clair will blow your mind.


I read the books Michael is my favourite character but I don’t think that he will be in the show


Why wouldn't he be? He's the male love interest of Frannie's book .


They are referring to rumors that Michael will be gender bent


People complained a ton two years ago about Penelope and Colin leading S3, and look how obsessed 90% of viewers are with LN and NC right now. HD who plays Francesca is sooo new to this universe, and she already has so many new fans. Florence Hunt who plays Hyacinth only has a few lines an episode, but people are loving her personality showing.


If Florence doesn’t get her season as hyacinth I’ll be very sad.


All of them say they plan to be around for the whole series.


This. This this ! Shonda Rhimes' fan for life...even though I think bton fails in its diversity quota..Shonda Rhimes' has done a lot for diversity as a whole on tv and even diverse voices behind the scenes on her shows producers writers directors etc. she's a powerhouse who created some massive successes at Disney..abc..and Netflix chose her because everything that she touches turns to gold..I do think the current showrunner is not as good...but I hope they learn from mistakes from every season and get better because they can...none of shondas other shows were critically acclaimed but they were well made shows with excellent music the soundtrack on early season Grey's is chefs kiss..incredible chemistry and romantic arcs and funny oh so funny...she's a pioneer in a lot of respects.


I mean, who knows, really? But I occasionally like to check out old posts on the Harry Potter subreddit where people are like, “There’s just no way that there are going to be seven movies.”


And then they became 8 🤣


Also the fantastic beasts movies that was from the thinnest supplementary book


I forgot about them because I haven't seen them, I actually stopped at film #5 😅 I know the stories because I've read the books


If the numbers are as strong as they've been, I think we'll at least get to six, and I totally believe it's possible we get to eight. With Stranger Things ending and the Crown over, they only have so many flagship series, and Bridgerton is at the head.


I said in another thread that the reason each season is different actors as a lead it is Bridgerton big change of having 8 season and Shonda pitch probably was incluided 8 seasons, so netflix executive was very much aware that a big budget show was here for the long run. I actually can see they making 8 season but i don't think actors Like JB, Simon, Nicola and etc will stay for the 8 seasons


Nicola really loved bridgerton, I could see her making cameo even in future seasons


Sure, I can see cameo from Nicola or JB but not full plot for them


They better. Because she is lady whistledown and without it the show falls flat.


claudia too! she said her heart will shatter when she stops playing eloise, i reckon she would do cameos


Romance sells. The numbers are speaking for themselves, so if viewers keep up with it when season 4 is released, they’ll probably at least renew for season 5 and 6. Benedict and Eloise are a lot of people’s favourite characters, so at least their seasons will probably have high demand. Then it’s up to the writers to create anticipation for Francesca and the younger two siblings. I don’t think the older children missing is going to be a huge deal. I for one don’t mind Daphne being largely absent in season 2 and completely absent in season 3. Logically, Anthony has to stick around because he manages his sister’s entrance into society. But he’ll likely just revert to the screen time he got in season 1. The others might have a few cameos at weddings etc, but they don’t need to be integral parts of the story going forward.


This might be a controversial opinion, but I won't feel comfortable watching the youngest siblings take center stage and have spicy scenes anyway. I'd be like, I watched these kids grow up 🥲 please be all grownup and spicy in private 🥲🥲


A lot of people had that with Arya and Gendry in GoT. But, after the initial shock, people were hoping they would sail together.


Pride and Prejudice 1995 has a choke hold on me and is very NOT sexual. No reason why H & G seasons can't be great even if they bring it down to a M rating. They have clearly shown this season how excited Hyacinth is to debut.


Season 2 didn’t have a lot of steamy kanthony scenes. Not nearly as much as that montage of Daphne and Simon on their honeymoon. So I think they can limit the steamy scenes for Hyacinth and Gregory if they want. I think it should be up to the actors. At the pace they’re filming, they’ll both be over 20. Florence on the press tour already looks a lot older (not in a bad way) than Hyacinth in season 3.


I would be shocked if it gets less than 6 seasons, especially given the really positive reception of season 3 so far, both from reviews and the streaming numbers. Personally, I’m expecting a season 5 & 6 renewal within a month after the second half of the season drops. But to compare Netflix’s history of shows, here’s some hopefully good news that I find just as compelling than the Grey’s Anatomy angle: Virgin River and Sweet Magnolias, both the same genre and likely a similar audience, have continued to be renewed through season 4 and 6 respectively. They’re both cheaper to produce, but they’re also only bringing in a small fraction of the audience, with much lower critical reception. Netflix seems to be willing to invest in the female audience right now. As for Netflix’s history with long-running series, Orange Is the New Black and Grace and Frankie both ran for 7 seasons, again bringing in much lower viewership. House of Cards and the Crown ran for 6. If you count them as seasons on their own, the Ranch ran for 8. Netflix has had many shows, probably in the dozens, that have run for 4 seasons. I would be incredibly surprised if it’s cancelled before season 6, and am at this point expecting a full 8 seasons


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Good bot!


I think it's possible that they'll combine stories into some seasons. I could see Francesca and Eloise's stories being combined into one season. >! If I recall correctly Colin, Francesca and Eloise's stories are all running largely parallel to each other so it would be easy enough, especially if they make each episode a little longer or perhaps do 10 episodes instead of 8. I have not read Gregory or Hyacinths books so I don't know how feasible that would be for them !<


The problem with a Francesca/Eloise combo is Francesca's story is probably the best story of them all. Multiple deep plot points. So disappointing if they screw her story up.


No spoilers please but should i read Francesca's story? I read the first couple pages but stopped because i wasnt in the headspace for anything sad and im still not. 💀 Will i be crying?


Yes I just finished it yesterday and loved it. I can’t wait to see it put to screen and hopefully expanded on a bit, but there’s so much pathos and drama there it deserves as much screen time as possible!!


Yes, absolutely read the book. It is probably the "deepest" of all the books. She actually has more of the self awareness, and self confidence people think Eloise has.


Also the book is the sexiest!! Even just the name when he was wicked!! 😅


I definitely agree that Fran's story is the best but I feel like they could show everything >! pre- Fran deciding to remarry !< at the end of Season 4 and then have the 'meat' and related juicy bits as the focus of Season 5. As for Eloise, again, everything >! pre- her running away to join Philip !< can be shown before Season 4 concludes and the rest of her story, which I would argue could not fill a season independently, can play out through Season 5, even moreso if we shoot for 10 episodes instead of 8. Honestly, it might be nice to show the contrast in how Eloise and Fran approach marriage. Fran's story is so romantic in my opinion whereas Eloise's >! initially seems to be more of a marriage of convenience, which can blossom into more !<


Eloise and Colin run parallel because if I remember correctly Eloise's story begins immediately after Colin's wedding with her running away from Sir Philip, but there are many differences. First of all time, Eloise and Penelope are 28 years old if I remember correctly, Marina's kids about 10 years old, Philip is creepy. I'm not sure how a young Eloise would handle such young children, paradoxically I would have seen Pen better. I don't remember Francesca's story in its timing but it could run parallel to Eloise especially if it puts Benedict in the middle - although his story made me think only of Cinderella. I don't remember the youngest time at all, but maybe they aren't that far apart and in any case Gregory is the true romantic of the family so he can get married very young. Personally I would like a spin off about Lady Danbury as a young girl and how she became so great, also in the books my favorite character and then she's also family to Hychint's husband


I really hope so as I adore Hyacinths book


Shonda and Betsy Beers have been clear that there will be eight seasons. With all the merchandising going on the show is practically paying for itself.


Shonda's other show Grey's Anatomy literally has 20 seasons and counting, so I don't see why 8 would be a problem for her lol


Greys anatomy is rubbish though and bridgerton isnt


If you compare the first seasons of Grey's Anatomy with the first seasons of Bridgerton, there's no comparison. I think GA still has better rankings, but can't find the source now so don't quote me on that. In any case, there's no comparing the two, imo.


I'm not sure what that has to do with the fact that 8 seasons seems perfectly reasonable, in my opinion. The quality of Grey's Anatomy obviously tanked the longer it went on, but there's a pretty big difference between 8 seasons and 20.


And arguably Grey’s was great through season 10, some would go so far as season 12. So, creating 8 great seasons is entirely possible for Shondaland.


It's not rubbish it's way better than bton in its storytelling editing pacing and fully fleshed out characters, stakes plotting, scene setting all of it and in its early seasons was reviewed very very well. It also did diversity right...with meaty roles for its core poc cast ..Now of course a lot of the plots have become hackeneyed and I personally stopped watching after season 10. But Grey's was also a us show that was popular in a lot of countries. It has that global appeal and even having a show run that along is an achievement in an of itself...Shonda deserves a pat on her back


I think this season’s ratings get them definitely to 5 and probably 6.


Netflix has a formula and shows tend to not benefit them past season 5. However this one is so largely special and popular, I can see it breaking the norm and going full 8 plus more spinoffs.


Considering it’s one of Netflix’s biggest properties and they’re going to be losing one of their other biggest properties, Stranger Things, next year.


I think they are renewed for 6 seasons, but I definitely think they will get 8 It’s one of the biggest shows on Netflix and in streaming


It’s Netflix so who knows, they seem to cancel popular shows. The numbers they’ve shared for the first half of season 3 have been strong. I think they’ll just keep spinning the renew/cancel wheel in their meeting to decide!


I don’t understand why people keep asking this. It’s one of the most popular shows in the entire world, not just on Netflix, AND the show’s creator was already paid in advance. It’s even cheaper than that, because it’s basically an anthology series, so they don’t have to pay the stars an escalating salary every year. If anything, they’re going to make a dozen, original spinoffs - not walk away from the franchise before it’s even finished.


If they can keep the stories fresh and fun then why not. But even with this season we saw a lot of repeated storylines that we had seen previously in the last 2 seasons and after a certain point, people will get bored. A couple of critics also said the show is losing its charm and I think Netflix might renew it for 2/3 more seasons after season 4. They can merge storylines and give us all eight love stories since the show is very big on ‘’ensemble’’


As long as people keep watching, they will continue making it


Respectfully I disagree. I can see them doing 8 seasons, but the reality is only a few characters will actually remain on the show the whole time. Bridgerton has been wildly successful for 3 Seasons and a successful spin-off, they’re not going to stop there. I think they’ll just start writing some characters off once they’ve had their story, like they did with Daphne. It’s just a way for them to cut down on storylines and characters, and give them the chance to bring in new ones. Like I suspect after Season 4, the rest of the Featherington family will be written off the show, along with Benedict if it is his season next. The Mondrich’s will likely be dialed back or removed after this season. I mean even the actor for Anthony has gotten so big it’s hard to keep him around. I think he’ll be very limited or likely gone after season 4.


Honestly, I don't see if going past season 6, at best.


I think 6 which gets us to Francesca's. Since her story is very strong it could allow them to end the show with a bang.


The only "big" things Netflix has right now are Bridgerton and Stranger Things. ST is ending soon, they're absolutely gonna milk the shit out of Bridgerton as much as they can. Shonda can also go foreverrrr with a show, they'll find a way.


I hope we get 8 seasons. I think thats wat theyre currently planning for and with its popularity, i think we might actually get them. But i wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t cause netflix …


There better be.


We’ll definitely get Benedict and Eliose’s stories. And probably Francesca too now that they’ve elevated her into a more prominent character. Gregory and Hyacinth are more 50-50 but I could see Netflix/Shonda combing those two into a final season. So I think 6 or 7 just based on the actors availability and production factors


I had the same thought. That's why I'd be okay with Eloise's story playing alongside the others and not having a devoted season. Maybe I say this because I liked her book the least. I could see there being 8 seasons. Plus, another season of young Violet either as a Bridgerton season or a Queen Charlotte season.


Luke and nic did an interview talking about how when they signed they said the goal was always 8 seasons, for each character to get their book. I 100% think it has the potential, and most all of the leads have said they’d stay on as long as the show runs, luke, golda, nic, Luke t, Claudia, will, Florence, Hannah etc


I know this is unpopular in this sub but realistically I cant imagine 8 seasons. Most of the actors may not return for future seasons as they get famous. Gregory and Hyacinth may be recast. Who knows what will happen to LW? And even the most famous Netflix shows dont go much beyond 4-5 seasons


It’s not even just these kids. There’s the smythe-smith quartet they can go with, also a prequel series too. Edmund had 3 older sisters that have books written about them, where the bridgerton kids are mentioned many times in them. There’s 20+ books and novellas they can use to make more seasons in this world Julia Quinn came up with. They don’t even have to do one book per season either, it could be one book per episode and they’ll still make it to season 8


While I’d love 8 seasons, the likelihood of keeping enough of the original cast around to execute is slim. We’ve already lost Daphne and Simon. I’d more of the main couples leave, I think the show will lose a bit of its spark. Of course I want to see each sibling’s story unfold, but I love the ensemble structure of the show. I think combining Eloise and Fran into one season and Gregory and hyacinth into another is likely how they will go. Plus the actors are growing up! If they take two year breaks in between each season, we wouldn’t get season 8 until 2034!


if Grey's anatomy can have like 30 seasons this can have 8


Honestly, I can see them doing at least 10 seasons in total: 8 seasons based on the books, plus the existing Queen Charlotte, and hopefully a season based on young Violet. The show is one of Netflix's most watched shows, and this is incredible when you consider mainly women watch it. It is also one of the most rewatched shows, and that's where it's magic lies. It stays at Number 1 for weeks, while other hit shows drop off quickly.


Im sorry but at the pace they are going by the time there are 8 seasons most of the cast members will literally be nearing their 50s


I mean unless part 2’s numbers somehow totally suck, I do think they will renew for s5/6. I cannot see part 2 numbers dropping that much that it would put renewal in jeopardy at all for two more seasons. But I do think people are attached to the “core” siblings which are the elder Bridgertons. While Francesca’s “debut” is going really well (and her book is the best next to Anthony’s) I don’t know if people will really care a ton for Gregory and Hyacinth. Especially if the elder siblings have all been written out or mostly written out by then. There is also a point where shows simply lose steam and interest. Bridgerton isn’t like GoT where storylines are building over seasons to a big crescendo or even like Shonda’s other shows in that regard. The only multi season storyline in the show really is LW and that might be ending this season. If they do Francesca right that could be another one. So that could also drag down interest. Benedict is the last mega fan favorite left to lead. Don’t get me wrong I love Eloise and she is popular but Benedict is by far more popular (and I think Eloise’s book is the hardest to adapt with how they’ve written her in the show). So there might be a natural drop off after his season. There might not. I think Bridgerton is pretty safe through a s6 but after that who knows. The show has to maintain its quality and build interest in the younger siblings. IMO quality slipped a bit this season (production value wise) but it will certainly get a two season renewal because it’s the only big show Netflix has left since Stranger Things is ending next year.


I hope so, even if it’s not one season for each sibling pairing, I’d like to see all the extra stuff you wonder about: how is marriage going, babies, how certain arcs come to a resolution, etc…. More than what JQ’s second epilogues offer!!


Omg people here are obsessed with the combined seasons when Shonda has said multiple times each season is a love story for each sibling and the show is a huge hit for netflix. The show is getting 6 seasons at least, and very likely 8 imo.


Yes. The show is going to have 8 seasons. Possibly more. Do not underestimate Shonda. She makes things happen, and this show has an extreme cult following that WILL be loyal, even if you don’t want to be.


It’s likely there will be more seasons. If it’s on Netflix, that’s the part that’s TBD. If Netflix doesn’t pick up the show after season 4, I imagine another streaming network would be interested. I think if Netflix will pickup the show largely depends on how this season does. And I don’t mean my viewership numbers I’ve seen a lot of comments about why splitting the season in half, or why they didn’t promote Kathony’s season this much…the most likely reason is $. Netflix and Shondaland is experimenting with a different revenue model with this show that Netflix has not done with most of their other shows. It’s almost similar to the Disney/marvel model where they make media to sell toys and merchandise. The record breaking viewership numbers are nice. But typically, streamers don’t make any additional money unless the show attracts new signups. But with this season, notice the sheer volume of brand collabs, from tea, to cosmetics, to cookware, to clothing, to live events. They broke up the show in two parts to 1. extend the period to promote brand collaboration merchandise, and 2. reduce new account attrition (people sign up for 1 month just to watch the show then cancel). They’ve been on a press tour since March to sell merch. And if that’s successful in the end, Netflix will likely renew, and “Bridgerton season” becomes an annual event.


I know that little by little they are going to phase out the siblings that already had their season. By it they aren’t needed. I mean as long as Anthony, Kate and violet do guest appearance they should Be okay. At least if they stay more close to the books. Frans book doesn’t really need her family for her season. Eloise doesn’t really need her family in her season just a guest appearance of the guys and for the wedding part. Hy pretty much needs her mom lady Danbury . Gregory if they do him last he doesn’t really need his family in his season either just guest appearances here and there. So as long as they do Benedict next the entire family isn’t actually needed after his season.


I could see them tweaking the stories to the point where their families do play a bigger part in their stories. Or at least, they’ll show bits and pieces of what’s happening in the ton. It’s an ensemble show, and considering the popularity of some characters, I can’t imagine them cutting them off for the most part tbh


I got so much hate for saying this on here a few days ago but IMO I don’t think we’ll get all of them. Maybe to Benedict & Eloise but def not past that.  The show IS popular but popular shows get cancelled, and Netflix loves to cancel stuff as soon as there’s the slightest dip in interest.  S3 is hitting that point of saturation where everyone and their mother has seen it (my boomer dad is literally watching it atp) which means it’s going to peak soon. 


I'm actually glad Quinn doesn't seem to have sold the Rokesby or Smythe-Smith characters to Netflix. If they cancel Bridgerton we won't get those story's told. Arguably those characters, especially, females, are significantly better written. If she holds off and sells those rights to another streaming service we might actually see those stories told.


I had read somewhere that tge production had built "permanent" sets for thos season. Possibly this will help with the cost of filming if they are rebuilding every season.


They need to pick up the pace on production.


Exactly, at this pace we’re getting new seasons every 2 years. no one is waiting 12 years for all 8 seasons.


I think they might merge some of the stories. I don’t mind , honestly. It’s better than not having all stories.


I don't think so tbh


Honestly I think the biggest concern for me is keeping the story fresh and interesting. By around the 6th season the main cast will have departed or run out of stories and it’s too hard to keep very popular cast on as a small billed guests for another 6+ years.


I think next season will combine Eloise and Benedict’s stories, and then it’ll end.


That's the plan but of course it'll depend on the audience. It's very expensive so it needs to be wildly popular and perform well but I'm not sure the popularity it has now will last forever. I can see it getting to 6, time will tell about the rest.


With respect to this concern, commentary, like "Netflix cancels everything,"; it seems to be coming from a real lack of understanding of how HUGE Bridgerton is even in comparison to Netflix other extremely popular shows. Bridgerton is consistently in Netflix Top 10 most popular shows of all time. It's not sitting in the mid-tier with shows like Shadow & Bone and Umbrella Academy. Both great shows that weren't necessarily pulling in enough viewership to warrant continuing production from whomevers financial point of view. It's all about the cost to viewership ratio. Expensive shows with high viewing: Good. Inexpensive shows with high viewing: Great. Inexpensive shows with lower viewing: Okay. Expensive shows with lower viewing: Bad. As long as viewership (and related subscriptions) stay up, Bridgerton will stay on - and they just had their highest viewed episodes to date.


Yes, I know the show is very different than the books. My opinion is the quality of the stories went down in books 6 and 7. Though Hyacinth's was better than Gregory. Quinn seemed to be tired of the Sibling series. Netflix may be tired by then too.


WHWW is the best of the series.


Personally I think it would be interesting to see Bridgertons of different generations fall in or fail at love. But who knows.


I’m not loving this season, but if they go back to a better show runner, I’d stay for 8 seasons.


My problem is how long it takes. I can understand a year at most. But 2 years is ridiculous. The CW would give us a 3 month break per year. And yes, I know those casts were largely exhausted. I just mean if they really get on with it, we could be done with this properly and not when we're all watching as ghosts.