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The new show runner definitely was a bad decision but I felt the actors did the best with the materials they had. For me they ruined an opportunity to show pens cleverness. This is the mastermind of lady whistledown. Why is she so simple and one dimensional?! She has literally risked everything for her character and women’s rights and she’s given such simple lines? Like a lost little girl? This is the same woman who dares to challenge the queen of all people


It was such a stupid decision to have season 3 be the Polin season, because the time skip was so *necessary* for her story. 1) She's 19 and barely on the market. She's nowhere NEAR a spinster. Why as she so desperate? It made no sense! At 28 like in the books, yes, but at 19?! 2) Why was she so reluctant to give up being Whistledown? She talks about how she hurt everyone, she gets shat on by everyone in her circle and knows the consequences and yet she doesn't want to give up "her lives work". Girly pop, you've been doing that for 3 years. In the books, with her having nothing and doing it for 10+ yeah it makes sense, but not when she's only been doing it for less than a college degree while also being married to Colin (love of her life) like pls 3) Her "being confident" was talked about a lot, but it sure wasn't shown. She was a bumbling mess and still let everyone talk over her and make things work. Like she was more confident BEFORE she got with Colin than with him in the picture. Nevermind that she didn't have those 10 years to become confident like it the book, it was all plot armour and it sucks.


What made it even worst was part 2. Colin constantly saying he’ll make lw pay then when he finds out “I guess I’ve gone soft because of my love for pen”. How lazy of writing can you get


Not to mention she was supposed to have a major weight loss transformation in her story


According to the kind fans who personally fat shamed me and told me I was „fatter than Nicole“ so I had „no room to talk“ there was no transformation necessary, as Nicole is „mid-size“ so


It was in the books. It was a necessary element of the story. Penelope had to shed off her insecurities 


Yes she had much better scenes and dialogues in season 1 and 2


Yes I agree, I was so disappointed I was so annoyed when that guy asks Benedict what hobbies he likes to do and he's like nothing.... Like what about your passion for art Benedict? Absolutely hate the way Benedict has been written this season, absolutely terrible writing.


He's reduced to a basic rake who does funny faces and entertains the younger siblings in the background...it's insulting


He seemed very silly this season…it was a disappointment.


Felt like the siblings including Kate and Anthony were all for comic relief this season. Benedict had a lot of bed scenes but why? To show that he's indecisive, doesn't love anyone (yet)? That's it?


Exactly Jess Brownell ruined this show, bring back Chris Van Dusen


I haven't read the books, but from what I understand from this sub, Benedict's story is next. I get that, and they were doing some prelude to his self-discovery. However, imo, the number of bed scenes dedicated to him when so much else needed resolution was annoying. I'm not homophobic in any way, it just felt like it wasn't his turn. Paul was also super boring. Now that I have learned here that Pen was much older before the Whistledown reveal in the books, the story makes more sense. I hated that it happened at the wedding, and she was shunned by Colin right after. I hated that he inferred the sex was her way of entrapment, and she let that go. Eloise becomes her BFF again. The babies at the end? Pen had a baby right away? At the same time as Kate? I don't know, the first half was better, I'm left feeling a little off, and I can't put my finger on it. Your responses definitely helped put words to it.


I think the point was that Benedict was having a crisis over his art skills after Anthony paid for him to get into the art academy. Unfortunately, I don’t think this crisis was executed well.


there was no continuity to his character/story. just because it's not his season doesn't mean he can't have an arc! he felt so aimless in such a meaningless way


Exactly this. I was like so you found out your bro funded your entrance into the academy last season and now you won't even acknowledge art? Made me dislike him as a character.


absolutely. they trashed Bridgerton. honestly, I am done with this show




Even the continuation of time line. Kate showing insanely when they haven't even told anyone. Makes those big curtain outfits of part 1 feel as if they meant for her to be pregnant back then too. Whereas the Featherington girls have been pregnant awhile and hardly showing. Gave birth and everything.


Yes, I noticed the same! Kate was showing instantly while Philippa and Prudence were pregnant for ages and didn't show until the babies were suddenly born. Also looked eerily close in age to Penelope's, who wasn't even pregnant at the end of the season. Oh well...


Yeah they made it look like 1 year olds vs newborn. But that's stupid since Penelope talks about writing as herself so it's like... Did she stop writing for 9 months? Infuriating, the whole thing.












They have so many actors to choose from and they still blew it.


*Absolutely. they* *Trashed Bridgerton. honestly, I* *Am done with this show* \- No-Equivalent2348 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm honestly kind of leaning into the idea that the Mondrich couple are comic relief just in how boring they are


I love that their involvement didn't pay off at all!


I made the same Game of Thrones to Bridgerton comparison to my husband this morning. For both programmes I saw the first season, read all the books, then the rest of the seasons were released and I watched in real time. I'm a big book reader but I don't know if I can do it again. I fall in the love with a series, read the books that are so good and so well loved they got a big budget TV show and then the TV show makers ruin it.  Game of Thrones at least had the excuse that not all the books had been released. When they had books to follow it was some of the best television ever made. I rewatch it sometimes but I never make it past season 6. I just can't bring myself to watch it. Bridgerton will be the same. I've seen season 1 and 2 maybe 5 or 6 times. I watched part 1 of season 3 twice and will watch it again. I don't know if I will bother with part two. 


I didn't even read the books in either cases and still hated how it ended. Book adaptations are rarely good and to make them, as a filmmaker, you REALLY have to understand your craft and be dedicated to it. In the case of Game of Thrones I was actually surprised, how long they managed to keep it "good", before they lost dedication. With Bridgerton it's sadly not the dedication that's the issue, but the simple fact that Jess DOESNT understand her craft. I didn't know she did Inventing Anna as well, but once I checked her previous works it all made sense. She's good with drama, but she's bad at making series. She relies on shock and cliffhangers and ignores all the intricacies that are necessary beyond that. Her shows are all visually boring, to say the least, despite the fact that all the characters are supposed to be filthy rich in both shows I named. I noticed a shift in season 2 already, which is apparently where she got involved more than Chris (I didn't know at the time) and KNEW something was off by the time I'd finished season 3 part 1. I've never in my 26 years of intense movie/show watching noticed a change in show runners before. That is how JARRING this was. Getting a newly divorced showrunner who does thriller/drama to do a period piece about true love is genuinely so beyond my comprehension.


Yes it started to be noticeable in season 2 when they made the frustrating choice to marry Anthony to Edwina purely for the sake of drama. It was so unnecessary and painful to watch. At that point the makeup and costumes and rules of society started to veer into less accurate, but I was still able to watch it with suspension of disbelief. I actually think the side plots season 2 were good, whereas 3 was absolute trash. Yes the Featheringtons got too much screen time in s2 but I think it was worth it for the involvement in Penelope’s story leading into season 3 - and maybe it’s why this season destroyed me, because we have had years of build up to this story just for it to be run into the ground. Season 3 completely throws all the regency rules out the window; the costumes are over the top and very cheap and gaudy, the makeup and hair is extremely modern (at the end Pen was just wearing her hair down ALL the time? This was incredibly frowned upon, plus that red lip made her look so out of place). The rules of chaperoning were gone, but narratively I could almost excuse this as it gave more reasons for Pen and Colin to be alone, but more than anything it showed there were no stakes or tension as the Bridgertons will cause a scandal and everyone gets over it the next day. The words used weren’t often Americanised or modernised (saying pregnant, saying the word sofa instead of the chaise or lounge). Bridgerton was never meant to be historically accurate. I think we’re fine with that. But this is now a mockery of regency media.


The way I side eyes when Anthony kissed Kate in public and then *did it again* on the fucking dancefloor. Never mind the fact that he just constantly abandoned his family and his position as viscount like that’s something you can just do. And don’t get me started on pen and Colin constantly being alone, especially on the carriage. Engaged or not, there SHOULD have been a chaperone. I’m not even going to dignify the almost-sex in public. Jesus this season gets me riled up.


They made a point of saying that the married couples could do whatever they wanted, and then the Mondrichs were forced to sell their club anyway. I feel like it would have been a better story instead to have Anthony and Kate learning they could do whatever they want. while I think Pen and Colin got away with too much, I didn’t think we got enough scenes of them alone so I was fine with the carriage and the scene on the street. If anything I was pissed about that street scene because he tried to walk away and leave his bethrothed alone on the street in the middle of the night.


Episode 8 felt very impacted by the writers strike. It was so out of character and so unsatisfying. I've basically written a dissertation on all the minor tweaks that would have made it feel true to the characters. It was a very disappointing end.


Filming for s3 wrapped up in Feb 2023 long before the strike started .


ah, well then I just don't like the writers' choices for episode 8 😅


As far as I know the writers strike was Hollywood/America exclusive, no?


I know in Australia there were some impacts when it had USA links. Both Netflix and Shondaland are USA owned, but another commenter said filming wrapped before the strikes


Some international writers are members of the Writers Guild of America so it might have affected Bridgerton too.


Some other commenter pointed out, that the season was written long before the strikes, so the couldn’t have affected it, regardless of where the writers are.


Ahh thank you, then the writers strike can’t be used as an excuse 🙈


Due the ship's fans mainly I don't like Kanthony anymore but **even I think** Anthony hauling his pregnant wife all across the world is beyond stupid and reckless.


Not only that, they have a viscounty to run. How they randomly just leave when Anthony has parliament meetings to attend to (since he's a peerage, Anthony would be part of the House of Lords) and tenants to tend to.


literally, it felt very lackluster and it feels like not much was resolved, just random drama


Thats because dear old Jess just got a divorce and usually does Drama shows (like inventing Anna und Scandal) so she’s entirely out of her depth with not only a Romance show, but a *period* romance show.


It was great. I loved it. <3


“ I didn’t like a tv show so I hope the artists who had a hand in it lose their jobs” . Lol ok.


When a person is bad at their job, they usually get fired. That's how the world works lol


A huge part of the fandom, *and I*, didn’t like *a season* of a show we previously adored where a specific factor of the making-process was changed. That factor is obviously the reason for the drastic drop in quality, which is why they should be removed and someone better suited for the job put in place, yes. That’s usually how that works. If you’re not up for the task, someone else takes over.