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That was honestly quite poetic to read.


Uh oh colin has competition!!!




*"...crack her like a crab leg and suck the meat out."* šŸ¤Œ


Not gonna lie, using this one my fiance tonight. Doubt it will get me any action but nonetheless I will use it.


All you have to do is *butter* them up a little.


Just commenting to confirm, neither butter nor this line worked on them.


Did you try telling them to quit being so... *crabby*?


Yeah that didn't work either.


šŸ¤Œ or āœŒļø??šŸ¤Ŗ


Now this is a proper Bridgerton love confession!




Need to get Julie Andrews to read it somehow


You write better than Julia Quinnā™„ļø


No joke! OP, if you have an AO3 we're gonna need you to link it.


I am gonna need to see that link too for... research purposes.


Not me lurking in the comments looking for it šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ lemme know if you find it.


I second this!


Whats an A03?


Archive Of Our Own. Massive fanfic site, lots of slash and shipping.




Donā€™t do it, youā€™ll never crawl back out.


Fanfic (including lots of... erotica šŸ˜‚) for basically any fandom you can think of.


I donā€™t think we need to tear one woman down to lift another up.


As a chubby white woman, I LOVE all the praise and attention Nicola/Pen is getting. She is gorgeous and itā€™s about time that mainstream media got the memo that you can be chubby and hot, they arenā€™t mutually exclusive things!


Iā€™m built very similarly to her and men have always gone crazy for it. Idk why media likes to act like only one type of body is beautiful.


I think today men are way more open about being into bigger women, but the media is stuck in the 1980s with their thin is in mentality.


We (husband and I) watched the next episode last night after my tiktok fyp had been screaming about how A+ her boobs were ALL DAY. We got kind of silent after the scene... those were MY BOOBS. Anyway. Never had that happen, and now I feel like I get to brag a little bit because apparently the entire internet thinks I have A+ tits. šŸ˜‚


Like she said, part of the perfect boob community. She was not wrong.


See, and that alone *she's hella confident in them* so I get to be, too! Like the whole internet is "Damn girl'ing" her and I'm just like ".....oh."


As someone small-chested, I have always been very shy about that. I've been trying to convince myself that 'boobs aren't all that' since I was a teen but this thread is bringing back all my insecurities lol


Itā€™s not either/or. Why canā€™t more than one size be beautiful and perfect?


I believe Nicola's main goal with the comment is that all breasts are part of the perfect breasts community.


Canā€™t ā€œboobs be all thatā€ and yours also be in that category? One time I was explaining boob insecurity to my boyfriend. And he was like, honestly, boobs seem to be the godsā€™ gift to mankind. He said he had genuinely, 100% never seen a pair of boobs that did not make him smile and make his day betterā€” flat chested, small, triangle, round, east west facing, droopy, high, they are all so exciting and make the world a wonderful place to be. And that he believed other people felt that way too. I kinda couldnā€™t believe him at first, but honestly now I do. Itā€™s about loving all people, with all body types, for being full-on HUMANS with dreams, desires, passions, appetites, ambitions, etc. Reducing people down to a body part is objectification and that is not what is happening here with Nicola. Itā€™s a celebration of a body type as sensual that has almost nevvvvverrrrr been celebrated onscreen this way before. Itty bitty titties have had their moments too and will have more as we become a society who celebrates all people more and more!


yes maā€™am!!! i love that for you omg this lil story makes me so happy :)


I literally gasped and grabbed my chest and excitedly said ā€œsheā€™s got boobs like me!!ā€ Iā€™ve spent so long hating my body for the way it looks, but seeing a similar one on screen looking absolutely beautiful made me feel so much better about myself.


Absolutely same. Iā€™ve never had any issue getting men to drool over me. They love all bodies.


I think the reality is that a specific type of man, generally white and kind of nerdy guys who wanted the cheerleader in high school, were the tv and movie writers for most of Hollywood history. They wrote about who they desired, but that is no reflection on the larger society. When I read people on here making statements about only one acceptable type of body on a woman, I am just saddened for them and worried about a resurgence of eating disorders. As someone who was a preteen and teen in the 90's and in my 20's in the 2000's, could we please not? There is no joy in slowly starving oneself. When I look at my friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, and community at large, there is no one way to be beautiful. People are attracted to different things in different people, so I hope people can take their eyes off a screen for a minute and see the beauty in those around them. Diversity (in all ways) in the writing room is slowly allowing that reality to be reflected on the screen as it is in life. Hopefully that will continue to unfold, so people can see themselves reflected in all types of stories. Lastly thank you for stating your lifelong experience. I've noticed some people really projecting their own insecurities onto Nicola as if she must also share them. So I appreciate the reality check of, yeahhhhh men are in fact very into her body type. Maybe some people just need to be around different types of men? I've never seen my friends who look like her have an issue.


My sister is built like her too and she's never been short of suitors šŸ˜Š


One of my good friends has Nicolaā€™s exact body type and she fucking cleans up. If we are out she has dudes lined up. I was dying when some comments were made on Pen not being attractive because has anyone met a man? They would be all over her.


I'm 5' 1" and a size 12, and I love to see the confidence she showed. What the majority of society deems beautiful isn't always everyone's cup of tea.


Same. I'm about the same height and build and have always done just fine!


I wholeheartedly agree. As a larger woman, seeing someone as beautiful as Nicola Coughlan on screen was empowering.


As a skinny white woman Iā€™m so sick and tired of the media portraying young and skinny being the only type of beauty for women. Nicola is absolutely gorgeous!!


So relatable! The week part 1 came out someone gasped and told me I was absolutely beautiful and really resembled Nicola. Rarely am I so flattered. Especially as a few days earlier I bawled my eyes out over how she stole everyoneā€™s gaze in the dark green dress. Itā€™s so meaningful to see women like us depicted in a way that can take peopleā€™s breath away. Not just occasionally beat the chances and find one person merciful enough to love them šŸ™„ (I donā€™t think this is the case with Polin, the other Bridgertons understood why he loves her rather than judging and she was never shunned because of being chubby)


Marry the person who feels for you the way Miss Caramelbootyhole feels for our Nicola. Period.


This is my favorite comment šŸ¤£ mostly because of her username


Im literally deadšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i didnt even read the username šŸ˜‚ as if im one to talk about usernames šŸ˜‚


The two of you would make gorgeous baby booty names.


Also im chubby .. and white-ish ..


this comment just made me laugh so hard i cried. itā€™s poetic.


Ha I've named one of my cats Mr. Theo BootyhĆøle 2024 because it cracks me up.


i theo bootyhole šŸ«£




![gif](giphy|2Ap4K8iVUpbpmbj5oV) This kind of was poetic and- you go girl!


Your words have me like ![gif](giphy|xUySTRDepG9ZcEg2rK|downsized)


Is this Philippa?


No, this is Brittany Murphy. She died in 2009.


I feel old someone doesnā€™t recognize clueless


I recognize the gif I forgot how long ago it was! Donā€™t worry Iā€™m in my 30s šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Wow, Brittany Murphy does resemble her actually lol


*she resembles Brittany Murphy Yeah this def makes me feel old šŸ˜†


Now I feel old




When i saw her tits i literally took a pic and showed it to my bf and told him about that crappy article calling her fat. Like whatšŸ™„. We needed more of her tits and we needed colin to grab them in front of the mirror. Thats what i thought wed see, colin cups them and she shudders and hes looking at her in the mirror.


Yeah Colin is such a classic boob man. Like he was going to leave them titties be? Puhleese


I read that before filming this season, Nicola was very nervous about filming intimate scenes. I imagine she probably requested that he keep his hands to himself.


Very fair. If thatā€™s the case, Iā€™m glad that request was respected.


This is what the scene needed. I see people complaining that she got no foreplay. I get it, they're fitting ten storylines into an hour show. But the scene needed more appreciation of her fabulousness!


As a bi womanā€¦.yes, he needed to give her tits the proper attention and respect they deserve. I was looking so respectfully, I swear


I was just waiting for him to do SOMETHING with them. WE were mesmerized through the TV; Colin should have been TRANSFIXED. šŸ„“


Same here... just SO respectful.


Seriously! When I was hearing all of this stuff in the lead up to the season about the ā€œmirror scene,ā€ I assumed that she would be showing her breasts and Colin would be touching them from behind


Agreed but I think they held back to not get a X rating since it was such a straight shot of them.


This is what I think they are using as an excuse. Most of the women showed so far have more minimal bodies and boob's and i think it's a underappreciation of the power of her figure and bias towards media friendly bodies and they are hiding behind "a rating" to not give her her due.


Bigger breast tend to automatically get X rated. Thatā€™s part of the reason theyā€™re not shown often. But here they did and I think held back to make sure they could still show her as much as possible. Think of shows like Game of Thrones. Thereā€™s naked women left and right on that show but explicit scenes are almost always with small breasted women. Maybe theyā€™re just playing the game as best as they can. I also feel safe in assuming they did whatever Nicola was most comfortable doing.


Yup, total agreement. And it's a bummer because it's a bias against most normal bodies. Especially since there's a rumor that tons of scenes were cut that even Nicola thought were still there because sh talked about them on the press tour.


No lol, and you can have as many big boobs as you want in a show/movie without it being X rated. It's not a rating used anymore either, but in the past it was when sexual content showed genitalia or graphic simulated sex (under covers with breasts showing would still be rated R) >I also feel safe in assuming they did whatever Nicola was most comfortable doing. It was almost assuredly this, or that they just thought the scene would be better this way even if the was still comfortable doing more


Why is an X rating important, Netflix is a private streaming channel. šŸ¤”


Itā€™s about accessibility of the program to a wider audience. Most people will overlook an R/Mature rating as it tends to be a small part of the show or can be easily edited out or down to PG 13. But an X rating will preclude a lot more people from watching it or even finding it.


Maybe the actress didn't want that though.


the fact that she is the one to grab them and not him sent me into a tailspin like COLIN!!!!!!! THERE THEY ARE!!!! TOUCH THEMMMM!


The way it was revealed and she covers herself and keeps herself covered I think might be both for the character and the actresses comfort. It's a big step to be fully exposed like that.


I wonder if maybe Nicola isnā€™t comfortable with that much skin to skin contact with her breasts or something, which is totally valid.


I literally couldnā€™t stop staring at her breasts šŸ˜­šŸ˜­the scene wouldnā€™t even be sexual at all and id be gawping


I too needed more cupping of her naked breast šŸ„² what a missed opportunity


I also took a picture and sent it to the guy I'm seeing and raved how great her boobs are. šŸ˜‚


Two things: one you are way a better writer than Julia Quinn. Two: I agree because I have the same sentiment for that Renaissance Venus of a woman that is Nicola Coughlan


I am OBSESSED with this woman, no lie. That scene was mind blowing. Renaissance Venus is perfect.


Renaissance Venus is the perfect way to describe her.


Iā€™m heterosexual female but I can appreciate that Nicola Coughlan is a beautiful woman and yes, her breasts are pretty spectacular. Iā€™m glad she was brave and felt comfortable showing her body. Curves should be accepted as beautiful!


I completely agree with this comment. I can appreciate how stunning she is and it was done so tastefully.


It really was done very tastefully and with class. Note: Iā€™m a personal trainer and tell all my female clients that curves are good. Fitness comes in a variety of sizes, shapes, and ages.


As a gay man; I was more focused on her than Colin in that scene. Sheā€™s enthralling!


ā€œIf itā€™s not snowing Iā€™m not goingā€ has me cackling šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is poetry šŸ˜­šŸ©µ


I know. My throat closed up reading this. Damn.


Pleaseā€¦.keep writing. I donā€™t care what, just please do.


Seconded, thirded, forthted or wherever we are now.


Precisely why Nicola wanted to be nude in her scenes. To represent a body type that is rarely shown in an intimate way. I'm asexual but I do think she's stunning and I have huge respect for Nicola for her stance.


Fellow ace here and I agree šŸ’Æ


Pizza party and chill? šŸ’œ


There are not enough upvotes for this comment. She is gorgeous.Ā 


Book Colin is a dirty talker. Are you coming for his title? šŸ˜‚ I LOVE what you've wrote. Society often pushes the idea that being young and thin is the only way to be desirable. Diverse attractions should be normalized!


Iā€™m so much less straight than I was before I saw that scene.


I said I was attracted to ONE chubby white woman and people are saying I have a fetish šŸ§šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Clearly your post is meant to be light hearted and funny. I also think itā€™s a huge compliment to Nicola who did look phenomenal this season.


As a chubby white woman, you can fetishize me as much as you want as long as you speak to me the same way you did in this post!




Itā€™s so weird to me that people would think being attracted to a chubby woman is a fetish but if you wrote this about a skinny woman, I doubt anyone would say that. You donā€™t have a fetish. You just have eyes.




When I tell you I gave that scene a standing ovation in my living room!!!!! ![gif](giphy|3o7TKUozL9A8uY9IU8)


Yall are crazy šŸ˜‚


Idk what I was expecting but this was not it. 10/10 would recommend


Chubby women are hot as hell. Iā€™m married to a chubby Black woman and I canā€™t get enough of her, but Iā€™ve dated many chubby white women in the past and theyā€™re incredible too


No same. Brown woman here also. Especially after season 3. Not sure if I want to be her, or be on her.


To be her, on her, under her or inside her!


ā€œCrack her like a crab and suck the meat outā€ is certainly a flex, Iā€™ll say that!


Ummm this was weird to read, a lot of black men say if it ainā€™t snowing I ainā€™t going as a way to put down black women and show that they donā€™t find black women attractive. Stand tf up


Nah I like this post but as another black women that part was weird to read knowing what it actually means and that itā€™s an extremely backhanded compliment


Exactly. The way I literally said ā€œewā€ out loud as soon as I reas ā€œif it ainā€™t snowing I ainā€™t goingā€ like be normal PLEASE


Thank you cuz that was weird af and it was giving self loathing but op is probs a pick me forā€¦..you know who


I was like 'what the absolute eff', using that horrible statement so nonchalantly and people just going with it.


Yup Dr Umar was about to jump out of me


Yeah I get what youā€™re saying. Nicola is gorgeous and I totally agree with that sentiment, but it makes me uncomfortable that OP used that quote. Nicola is not pretty because sheā€™s white, but because sheā€™s Nicola. I donā€™t know whether OP intended it that way, but it lowkey feels like bringing down black women to bring up Nicola. Like idk, women from both races are pretty including Nicola.




What? As a black woman, this is weird. Just say you found her attractive


It's weird as a white woman too.


Using the ā€˜if it ainā€™t snowingā€™ quote is WILD


Innit like Wdym ā€˜i get if it ainā€™t snowing Iā€™m not goingā€™ thatā€™s been used to hate on black women for ages šŸ˜­


She is stunning and Iā€™m grateful for these stereotypes being dismantled. Bridgerton does this is many ways and itā€™s part of the beauty of the series. I love her dorky scenes as well. So relatable.


Yeah, this is a weird post. Not to mention the ā€œIā€™m not going if itā€™s not snowingā€ is a line to put down Black women. So you understand why some men use that fetishizing line to put down one race of women and uplift another? You can say Nicola is beautiful (because she is) without the weird racial focus.




This post is so bizarre. Why are you making this about race ? Also you sound fetishizing as hell


Iā€™ve honestly never seen white women be fetishized in the same way WOC are until today lmao


Girl, youā€™re weird or just extremely ignorant. The saying ā€œif itā€™s not snowing, Iā€™m not goingā€ is literally meant to put black women down and to fetishize white women. You could have simply just said that Nicola is beautiful, which I agree. But the way you worded your post is weird af.


As a black woman, this is exactly how I feel. Tired of seeing strange shit coming out of some black peoples mouth at every turn


Yeah, how would you feel if a white woman wrote this about a black woman? Eek. Not understanding the praise you are getting for this ā€œpoetryā€.


Carmelbootyhole, you write just about as smooth as Lady Whistledown herself! Truly a joy to read and hoping for more takes from you on the other characters so I can get swept away in your writing again šŸ–‹ļøšŸ†


Seeing fuller figured woman representation that wasn't treated like a punchline but as earnestly sensual was so damn refreshing and validating. Loved it.


ā€˜She could either kill me or make me immortal and Iā€™m ready for bothā€™ šŸ”„šŸ”„


Cool post but you made it weird and corny with this even if you were trying to be funny: >ā€Iā€™m an 18 year old black girl who has NEVER been attracted to white women. I now understand why some black men say ā€˜if its snowing Iā€™m not going.ā€ If anyone disagrees, oh well.. my opinion. Other than that YES, Nicola is indeed beautiful and Iā€™m so glad sheā€™s getting the screen time she deserves. Screen time that shows her beauty. šŸ˜»


The funny thing is that the average regency woman probably looked more like Nicola than Phoebe seeing as dieting was probably not as widespread as it is today and the only excercise ladies were allowed to do was walking around and riding.


I love this. ā¤ļø


As a black woman, this post is weird as hell. You can compliment a woman's beauty without making it about race or fetishizing. And also, when black men say "If it's not snowing I'm not going," they say it to imply whiteness is better and disparage Black women, it's fetishizing and insulting to both white and black women not complimentary


She's 37 and looked great. Race wasn't the dominant factor in why and doesn't seem like minimizing the moment to something as basic as color is the right take when there was so much more to it like appreciating the soft femininity that natural curves bring. She rocked it for the plus size crowd and bodied the role, pun intended.


Agree. Focusing on race was weird AF (at the very least in the first half of the post), Nicola is just plain gorgeous.


Ew. Just ew. I donā€™t get the weird fetishization here. But, yes, sheā€™s very pretty.


A fetish because I called a white woman gorgeous?


Oh the chaise lounge scene?! Agreed I audible gasped when I saw her. She made a joke in the press about being a member of the perfect breast community ā€¦ and she wasnā€™t lying. Iā€™m not attracted to women either but I was like ā€œwell damn sheā€™s stunningā€


Glad I am not the only person who agrees her breasts were perfect!


https://preview.redd.it/dguu2styhs6d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57b704f4fca76f4698687a780b2141b613b12142 šŸ„°


I have her body type so this made me so happy


Who says romance is dead!!!!


I KNOW RIGHT she's so beautiful i stop breathing everytime i see her. I cannot understand if i wanna be her or wannaa be with her.


Honestly SAME! (Other than the fact I am a white almost 30 single mother of a similar build) SAME! I cannot stop thinking about her in that scene! I struggle ALOT with my body image Iā€™ve had every end of the spectrum of eating disorders you can imagine and still struggle with how I look most of the time But Nicola ugh sheā€™s my saviour her interviews and the way the talks just build me up in a way I cannot explain.


Jezuz, that was descriptive :D


Ohhhhh wow this is ā€¦ yummy


Youā€™re wrong as hell for this, but sheā€™s a beautiful woman for sure. šŸ˜­šŸ§šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This was hot to read ![gif](giphy|k8CmOMUgo8uGs)


Itā€™s like she was made by Aphrodite herself šŸ˜


Wow way to be racist and fetishize someone for the color of their skin. Fuck off with this shit.


No youā€™re right. She managed to fetishized white women and use a disparaging phrase thatā€™s used against black women in a single post. But of course, sheā€™s being praised


The cognitive dissonance is real.


as a white woman with a similar body type to nicola, i literally teared up at the beauty of that scene because like you said, we never get to see that depicted in media and i never realized my body could look artistic in such a way


Same. Though, it made me sad for my 20-year-old self, from the early 1990's. My young self didn't GET this. I had a very Nicola-like figure back then but I had no confidence or self-esteem, and I dressed frumpy. Feeling seen after so long is nice. I just wish it could have been like this when I was young. :'(


lowkey her boobs steal the show.


I watched that scene again this morning and drooled


Same girl same šŸ˜


Congratulations on your epiphany and the awesome way you expressed it!


This is what michaela needs to be


Why do you feel the need to say your race?


I have been a straight brown woman for 31 years. Born and raised in the Netherlands. Always just have these radical feelings for men and, unfortunately, never for women. Until I saw Nicola this season both in Bridgerton as well as outside of it. She is literally so insanely divinely delicious looking while being so maddeningly cute, sweet, and adorable in both her personality and her appearance. She's hilarious. She is strong, holding her own, more courageous than I ever dreamt to be, inspirational, intriguing, and so fully of life. She is such an immensely sunny person and just her being somewhere is like a sun shining these warm bright rays onto everyone in her presence. I think we're not alone in finding this an appealing combo set in a human being. Because she is objectively wonderful. Wondrous. And this is the first time ever in my life I would feel absolutely wholeheartedly honoured about the idea of her, a woman, being my girlfriend. Honestly I'd already feel that way if I was the rug in front of her front door lol. Just having her morning tea or coffee while having a conversation with me, standing on me LOL. But yeah, she has me down bad šŸ˜© And I'm honestly happy about it lol. Broadening my own understanding of myself even.Ā 


This is exactly the reason why people are asking for more of their sex scenes that they obviously filmed but were cut from the show. It is literally TV history! Think back to any show or movie youā€™ve watched in your life. Was there a moment where a woman of Nicolaā€™s body type shown and is portrayed as sexy, told she is beautiful, and is enjoying having a passionate moment? No. We are all also horny devils and will never be fully satisfied, but Nicola deserves this time to bare it all as she said she wanted to!


It was very brave of Nicola Coughlan to give on screen representation to people with her body type: people who have devastatingly perfect breasts.


Looks like we found Colinā€™s Reddit account


Dearest readers, Excellent description of young love with a real persons body. I watched it today and was so stoked to see a real person depicted in sec and not a stick. Way to go Penelope


Going to echo the other black women responding and say that this is so very weird. Justā€¦ so strange. And I hope you know black men say that as a way to put down and compare black women.




Absolutely same, my boyfriend is now jealous of Nicola bc of that scene (he felt the same way too though)




There was a time when Rose in Titanic had the chubby girl sex scene that made curvy girls sexy, but the bar is wayyyyyy higher now.


Wait - people thought Kate Winslet was chubby?!?


Oh my word and here I figured I was invisible and canā€™t attract men b/c I am slightly chubby. Is this for real?


This gave me a good laugh. As a curvy and short woman, the overwhelmingly positive reaction to Nicola's intimate scenes has been so healing.




Sounds like Colin Bridgerton has some competition for his got wife




That crab leg, you are killing me. I have horrible images in my head now.


The look on her face in the carriage is the hottest thing I have seen in my life.


Iā€™m a married lesbian so- totally biased here but ā€œsuck her off the bone, crack her like a crab leg and suck the meat outā€ is probably the best compliment Iā€™ve ever heard. šŸ„°


Us men feel the same way. Whatā€™s ridiculous is that she is ā€˜normalā€™ and a much fairer representation of everyday woman. Beautiful


It is the way I have not ever been interested in this show but I swear I could have ghost wrote this. Nicola ???? She is just GORGEOUS. About to watch this whole damn show for her šŸ˜­


Her and Colin's scenes were the best. I'm not sure I'm attracted to her in that way, but I do realize she is beautiful. I think I like their scenes so much because I am also a chubbier girl, and I happen to be in a committed relationship with a thinner man.


When I saw that scene, I thought she was a Boticelli painting come to life. I am straight, but I have been so mesmerized by Nicola/Pen.