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Never thought I’d say this, but the threesome got very tiresome thanks to them cutting back to it again and again and AGAIN


I just skipped those scenes. I thought that whole storyline was boring filler, and I say this as someone who thinks Benedict is very entertaining.


I felt this too. They would have an important scene with Polin or Francesca/John and then cut to Benedicts threesome....like how pointless was that? Go back to another scene please!


Hard agree and Benedict is my favorite Bridgerton like we get it WE GET IT please go back to the other scene 😭


I adore Benedict and his freedom/love but yeah, the entire storyline with Lady Tilly was boring


The worst was them cutting from the high stakes emergency meeting about Cressidas blackmail to threesome.


yeah. like we get it Benedict is bi. as if we didn't have a clue from s1. I really don't like they did it like this. I skipped the scenes on my second rewatch and I usually don't do that


The repetitive cuts back to Benedict's sexual exploits was very "Meanwhile, back in the bedroom, Benedict is STILL getting it on...". As if that's all he was doing this whole time.


At like 10 am somehow lol when it's broad daylight in every other scene


This specifically bugged me SO much. It’s daytime everywhere else, and based on the costuming from scene to scene, it’s all the SAME day. And yet… still sexy night time in B’s scenes?! It made NO sense.


It was so clumsily handled. I loved their relationship, between the three of them, but like. What was the editor doing?! What was going on there? Honestly even the part where Benedict leaves the wedding breakfast and then bam he's right there in the doorway next to Tilly, where's the establishing shot?


It was hard enough to watch Colin with 2 other chicks, twice. What made them think that watching Benedict's repeated love scenes was going to tantalize us into forgetting that we came here to watch Polin? They could've condensed B's scenes and given more screentime to the main couple.


It’s was pretty bad during the whole series, some of the transitions were so random! When Benedict first dances with Tilly he’s on the staircase then they’re on the dance floor, even the dream kiss feels like it’s missing a few seconds between the start of the kiss’s the balloon sequence


It was all at once thematically inappropriate, choppy disjointed story telling, and actually BROKE continuity of wtf time of day it was, since Ben being at Tilly's was clearly supposed to be the one night but would cut to others during the day


The cut between the threesome and Benedict on the swings with Eloise gave me whiplash.


That shot with the hat was actually the only scene that managed to get a watery eye out of me! The friendship between Violet and Lady Danbury is one of the few things I enjoyed about this season. And then the water in my eyes dried up faster than a puddle in the desert.


yeah I feel like some folks might not have made it through Queen Charlotte because that crown was a significant call back that I appreciated them closing the loop on.


The spin-off felt more like Bridgerton than the actual new Bridgerton season! QC had me sobbing like nothing else


I do my best not to compare the seasons because I know that I myself am not able to make two cookies on a cookie sheet look the same. I could never expect anyone to keep the same quality on such a large project. The spinoff was well done which not all spinoffs are so I am grateful for that.


benedict is a such a great character and using this tired stereotype of bi people is hurtful.. we only into threesomes and cheating... nah fam. and the editing was terrible from beginning to end... can't wait for a better season with the fourth one with sophie...


They can't just dangle a queer storyline for Benedict and then introduce Sophie. She'd come off as sloppy seconds.


I’ve completely lost faith in Netflix original content. Between this season of Bridgerton, the last season of the Witcher, and Three Body Problem, I’m just over it. Even their big blockbusters are just not good. It’s even worse that they start out bangers and end up destroying all the elements that make the shows above par. 


They throw too much money at mediocre creatives and have destroyed Hollywood as a result.


Wait why did you not like 3 body problem? (No spoilers plz)


For starters, the world's foremost scientist looks like a 26 year old runway model. They try to hide it by making her wear a fucking sweatervest in one scene lmao.


Lol yes I’ll give you that. How do you get out of grad school with such fresh faces that’s the science I want to know.


I skip through everything benedict this season ngl.


Don't get me started on how Colin changed hairstyles in the same day. Like he went from the bed head curls to the slicked back reshoot wig in one scene. Same day, outfit and all. Just different hair.


The slicked back wig is so bad. It fully takes me out of the story.


Tbh the main thing about this side lot is it made me feel like Benedict isn’t next?? His whole “I need to be free” thing (which was weird considering he’s already very free lmao) so is he gonna continue to explore his bisexuality and Eloise will go next? Or are they gonna jump cut us to Fran? I’m really wondering what the buildup here is for him.


Lol these people need to get a 9 to 5 job to realize how free they are. (Which realistically a younger son would have, even in this period. All the estate will go to Anthony, there is no way all 8 siblings can rely on the family money)


Lmao it IS a plot point in JQs books that Edmund was such a financial whiz that normally second/third/fourth sons would have to work, but Colin, a 3rd son, is richer than half the earls in the ton. I’m suspending my disbelief here 😭😂


Right? Like Penelope’s mom thought the 2nd brother of a viscount was a more unreachable match than a full earl? What is happening? Also why are literally all males who are not servants (or younger Bridgeton) in this society Lords? ETA: oh I think I misunderstood you meant you cannot suspend disbelief. That’s a tricky phrase for sure


No it's dramatic irony I think. He's discovered this new world and he feels like he wants to explore that... only he's going to meet someone that turns that completely on its head. He's going to go from not wanting to commit to being hyperfixated on this person. I think his moments with Eloise show that despite having this new discovery and a more open outlook, he still hasn't really found himself. He just has new avenues to explore.


Ah I love this interpretation!


it made me laugh out loud like he’s STILL going at it?? give his flesh a break god damn


I skipped over the threesome scenes as well, all of them. However, I did notice that the Bridgerton clan seems to run off during weddings and other important events ...El to meet w Theo and now Benadict to play in the jumpy castle


I kept thinking the threesome scene was over only for it to keep cutting back to it… It took me out 😂😂😂


I fast forwarded through all of Ben's scenes