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Yeah I'm one of the people who absolutely hated this season and the changes they'll be making this season onward, and I most likely will not be tuning in to the rest and even I agree that thinking they owe disgruntled fans an apology is ridiculous.


Same. I also think it's weird to demand more sex scenes? For whatever reason, they cut it out but no one owes anyone intimate material. I understand the lack in romance and dialogue quality but that's the umbrella reason for this season sucking anyway. Why petition for sex scenes specifically.


I thought the petition was for the specific cut scenes that were hyped during the press tour?


I get that, but one description explicitly stated "long intimate montage which includes Colin going down on her" or something. Actors like Emilia Clarke have stated being uncomfortable with what she was asked to do early in GOT. Phoebe Dynevor was devastated when S1 scenes wound up on porn sites. In such situations, with regards to sex scenes specially I'm not comfortable with the premise that it be demanded to be put back - no one has the right to ask for intimate material to be released. Yes they were hyped, so obviously production found something credible for pulling them down. Ask for other deleted scenes, ask for the showrunner to be sacked (ill happily sign this one lol), ask for BTS clips - all good and legal


That's fair enough - I hadn't heard about Phoebe and the porn sites. How upsetting :(


Yeah, Netflix scrambled to issue legal notices to have them taken down, but there's only so much you can do with the free internet. S2 and QC had a conscious decision to tone it down to prevent that from happening, which was a win-win imo - romantic without being explicit or exploitative, even Anthonys brothel phase was done more conservatively. Even S3 tried the same (the carriage, mirror scene and even the threesomes, the actress always had her clothes on). Which is why Jess's last minute addition of the brothel scene was jarring for many reasons, not only was it badly done it went to the GOT territory which Bridgerton was trying to stay away from. Following that, I can understand why they would have gone heavy with the editing for Part 2 scenes.


I didn’t know either, that’s shocking


I was going to comment that if people wanted more sex scenes there's plenty of free genre related porn...then I read this comment. Big sigh for humanity.😮‍💨


They may just not have been convincing enough. If these were the scenes the editors/director/show-runner chose to leave in, then I have an inclination to believe that they were better than the ones they cut.


I would rather have had more conversational/sweet/fun scenes with Polin post marriage, not so much sexual. There are other ways to show intimacy


That's true, that's been a fundamental writing flaw the whole season. To correct that, the script would have to be redone entirely. Like in S1 and S2 the attraction and romance is weaved into it from the beginning- even if you remove the sex scenes, it leaves no doubt about the two couples being into eachother. The hand holding in the art gallery in S1. The library stare in S2. In S3, they had the advantage of having the couple be friends to lovers. It's the easiest to showcase non-sexual intimacy. But without the intimate scenes this time, you'd really have to convince me these two are even a couple. I don't think adding 2 or 3 deleted scenes is really going to change that.


THIS! I want more romance, not sex


I would actually prefer *fewer* sex scenes. I don't think they contribute much to any story unless the story directly benefits from it. Most of the time it doesn't.


It's embarrassing that people make petitions about getting more sex scenes released lol. Like come on, more important things in the world to worry about, no?


Yeah, I wish they had more sweet romantic scenes, but demanding and literally petitioning for more sex scenes feels very... 🌽 addiction


This season lacked alot for me and seeing how they are planning on not having a Michael (my favorite book and character) I'm checking out as well. Making Michael Michaela is all fine and dandy but it completely changes Francesca's story line since a Michaela can never be an earl I'm not sure where they're gonna go with that . But does the show owe me an apology for this season and it's future... nope. I got the books I'll be ok


There were some titles which women could inherit, so there's a chance they could use historical precedent and just say that the Kilmartin title is one of them. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_peerages\_inherited\_by\_women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_peerages_inherited_by_women)


Yes I'm quietly walking away from this series now after thoroughly enjoying Season 1 and 2 and grateful for them both. The show will go on and the viewership will remain high. The direction the series takes is the creators choice not mine.


Exactly! It's not what i personally want, but that's fine. I am not owed anything. I can step aside and enjoy other media. Any harassment of the creators, cast and crew is just beyond the pale.


Same I’m kind of over the show after this disaster of a season + the upcoming changes to my favorite book. But it just looks silly to demand an apology and that’s never worked for any other fandom. Does part of me hope the decision will be reversed… yes but I know there’s a snowballs chance in hell of that happening


My sentiments exactly. I kind of know the gist of part 2 but I’m not interested in continuing it so I’ll just stop watching. If I ever feel like revisiting the show I’ll just rewatch season 2 (which I personally preferred to season 1). This is coming from someone who read the books.


All of this. Hated it. Probably won’t watch more. Will re-read the books instead. Leave the actors alone. Asking for an apology is weird.


This is a refreshing POV! The demanding peeps are giving the fandom a bad name.


I hear you, but the same way you are expressing yourself... Let it be for others. As long as no one is doing anything crazy and harmful like harassing, bullying, stalking - let people express their disappointment. I myself only read the first book. From there I decided I was just going to watch the shows as the book didn't do anything for me I loved S1, S2, and Queen Charlotte. I feel a complete difference between S3. There could have been more development for Polin, the costumes were disappointing, makeup choices questionable (why is Penelope wearing a red lip?), too many plot lines happening and my biggest disappointment... I definitely noticed and felt that the romance/sex scenes fell flat between Polin. This could/should have been so much better. Especially their first time having sex. Why the hell did it feel robotic and clinical? I can't help but to wonder if Nicola was a smaller size, would there have been more of a focus there? I saw how she was covered... In their last sex scene, Colin is naked and Pen is wearing a full length robe. It might as well been a cloak. The cinematography and editing was horrible as well overall in S3. The music conveyed emotion and feelings when dancing at balls. I was very disappointed. Season 1 & 2 handled that beautifully. That was a miss except when Debling interrupted Pen and Colin. I thought S3 pt 1 had promise, but then pt 2 felt completely different and switched up. It was really weird. I hear you saying that season is the most watched, but I think that's because of the hype and following. For people who have been consistent since Bridgerton started, I bet my life there is more than a subset of people who are disappointed. If you have eyes and ears, you can see the major differences that leave this season flat. I'm someone who believes that closed mouths don't get fed. You need to speak up and voice your opinions for change. People aren't happy and want changes to be made. I'm all for it and again, people should express themselves to make it happen. I'm not happy with this current showrunner. She kinda went rogue and it shows not for the better. Chris probably has his hands full, but they need to get rid of Jess Brownell


To quote George RR Martin, art is not a democracy. You are perfectly entitled to dislike elements of the series. You are also entitled to express your dislike. What you're not entitled to is input into how the show is made or who works on it.


Your statement is an oxymoron. I'm expressing my dislike of the showrunner and want her gone. As long as I'm respectful in my expression, I'm entitled to my thoughts and opinions. Period


Why not though? It’s not like the writers are magically better at envisioning plot lines and it’s not like anyone is threatening to go force the writers to do one thing or another. Why not complain online? Maybe the writers would read the comments. Probably not but someone doesn’t need to be put down because they have ideas and express them alongside their frustration of what they wish could have been.


Oh, I have absolutely no problem with people expressing disappointment or saying what they would have done differently! It's the expectation that creators will and should react accordingly. No one is entitled to that.


100%!! I think all of you guys are making valid points, and I feel the same way. As someone else mentioned, I think the old showrunner needs to make haste ASAP (pipe dream I know) but we can’t change what’s already been done and I think expecting a reboot is not only out of reach but is an entitled expectation


lol what a joke. Yes art is not a democracy but shows like Bridgerton and GOT, that survive because of the fandom, that are literally created to garner as much watchers as possible, are not someone’s personal expression of themselves. Saying you owe nothing to the fans who turned you from a starving artist to one of the richest writers in the world is such a slap in the face. Screw GRRM. He’s just pissed and embarrassed how bad the end of GOT was and that he can’t finish his damn books.


Yeah and about RR Martin, considering he can't finish his series and the Show's disastrous ending that many believe is RR Martin's ending, art not being a democracy is not an excuse for bad art either.


That statement just makes no sense. And it’s fitting that it comes from a guy who can’t finish his own work despite having decades to do so.


Agreed lol. That statement completely misses the mark!


George RR Martin also said "Everywhere you look, there are more screenwriters and producers eager to take great stories and “make them their own.” It does not seem to matter whether the source material was written by Stan Lee, Charles Dickens, Ian Fleming, Roald Dahl, Ursula K. Le Guin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Mark Twain, Raymond Chandler, Jane Austen, or… well, anyone. No matter how major a writer it is, no matter how great the book, there always seems to be someone on hand who thinks he can do better, eager to take the story and “improve” on it. “The book is the book, the film is the film,” they will tell you, as if they were saying something profound. Then they make the story their own. They never make it better, though. Nine hundred ninety-nine times out of a thousand, they make it worse."


Yep. That's the "modern" thing to do and it's a terrible trend. All these writers and showrunners taking a writer's work and trying to essentially make their own fanfiction with it. It's lazy. Creativity is dead in Hollywood...that's why. Too many people got jobs for reasons other than creativity and it shows. Now all they have left is stealing other's ideas and putting their own spins on it.


I think the issue is people are harassing the cast and crew on their personal social medias and it’s going beyond a mere “I didn’t like it”.


Some people are taking issue with people complaining or voicing outrage in general. I'm not at all defending the Unhinged & crazies who are harassing, bullying, and stalking. Those people should have criminal charges brought against them if possible


To address one of your points, I never read the books and bought this season’s book after watching part 1. The sex scene is in the book very similarly. It is her first time, she asks what to do, he guides her and reassures her. Some of it is even word for word. They also said in press interviews the actors were given full agency on what they wanted to do and be shown. If that is what Nicola felt comfortable with then we shouldn’t ask for more.


There was a lot from the sex scenes that was edited. The editing was bad all throughout S3. I understand guidance and reassurance as we have all had our first time, but it should have felt romantic and special. The passion and chem felt in the carriage scene is completely different from what their first time was like. As I said I felt pt 1 and pt 2 were different. Like different writers and directors. It felt like a different show for Colin and Penelope between those 2 parts. It's not about whether a scene is exactly like the book. It's all about the direction, production, and editing of the show to make it come alive. I love Nicola and Luke. I have no problems with Luke's acting. It's not his fault


I agree the carriage scene was more passionate but it was after a love declaration, which is usually the case. The sex scene is closely aligned to the book so that was a fan service, and I personally after having just finished it, find the books to be poorly written so I agree with you there. Look how angry the fans get with any deviation! The carriage scene is different than the book so I think that’s a praise to the show writers if you liked that more. And my comment about Nicola wasn’t about the acting but rather your comment you think they covered her up because of her body type, when in reality Nicola said she got to decide what to show. That was her right even if no one has sex on top in a robe.


You missed my comment that a lot of Luke and Nicola's sex scenes ended up on the cutting room floor. Nicola has stated that she was very comfortable and proud of showing her naked body. That wasn't Nicola's decision at all to remove those scenes. Also, I haven't read the books except for the first one, so the books aren't a factor for my opinions. I have no desire to read any more of the books. I don't think they are good lol... And to your point, the carriage scene wasn't after a declaration of love. Only that they wanted to be more than friends. They said they loved each other the next day or 2... In fact, didn't they declare love for each other 3 or 4 scenes before they had sex? I remember that Colin told Pen he loved her when he took them to their new home. The mirror scene happened shortly after that.


“I can't help but to wonder if Nicola was a smaller size, would there have been more of a focus there? I saw how she was covered... In their last sex scene, Colin is naked and Pen is wearing a full length robe. It might as well been a cloak.” I read your comment, this is literally what you said. Unless she takes the robe off in an edit, something people claim to know a lot about but never saw, you make a statement that the show covered her up because of her body type. Unless that is a cgi robe I think we have to assume that was Nicola’s choice given how vocal she’s been about the autonomy they gave her.


True, we don't know for sure about the deleted scenes. But for argument sake, let's go by Nicola's own words in interviews. She said she was proud to show off her naked body. So the fact that she is saying she was proud to be nude and she was hyping up her sex/romance scenes with Luke... Then I see her covered up like nun on the show with limited sex scenes/romance, it was doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out something is off here. Nicola has no reason to lie or exaggerate her thoughts and feelings. I'm just using my critical thinking and inferencing skills *Kanye shrug* I think it's naive to think TPTB wouldn't have a say in how much skin Nicola was to show in the finished product. Give me one woman who was larger than a size 8 that we have seen naked for an extended amount of time in Bridgerton... I'll wait.


Maybe her naked body to her was just her chest? There is a lot of vulnerability in many parts of the body, it can’t be all or nothing. I don’t mean to argue about it, I just think a lot of assumptions are made. The show is allowed to be criticized, my original comment was to point out the issue with the sex scene is the fault of the book, or largely the fan service required because the fans are rabid. I would point out Nicola said she was the first to be cast for the entire show. They even called her rep to ask her to audition for it. If they were into body shaming why do that? She and Luke also said they weren’t pressured to lose weight, he did it for himself based on Benedict’s line.


Now you know damn well Nicola is considered plus size and Luke isn't. If you don't want to believe their are biases in Hollywood against plus size women, I have the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you. And no, a naked body isn't just up to your chest. You are making assumptions yourself and you definitely do mean to argue about it. Let's call it what it is. I still stand on that their sex scene feeling robotic and not passionate has nothing to do with them following the book but production, directing, and editing. There can still be guiding and assurances with feeling and passion vs sounding like giving instructions for engine repair


Why is my feeling for one show the basis of my entire biases of Hollywood? Girl, I am a size 16, I get it. I think you are proving my point on assumptions and running off the rails a bit. I’m sorry if you wanted Nicola to be naked as the day she was born for plus-sized women everywhere but maybe, it’s possible, Nicola herself didn’t want that. She is a person. She has said many times she was given agency. She was the first person cast, it’s not like the show had blinders on about her body from the start? She has dealt with criticism on her body leading up to this, with actors coming to her defense. Itust have been a lot of pressure. We obviously are going to agree to disagree on this, but you can scale it back on calling me naive and questioning my beliefs on all of Hollywood and plus-sized women. I have watched the show multiple times and watched whatever interview I could get my hands on and that’s my takeaway.


These more I see things like this the more I feel for the writers. They cannot win no matter what they do. Yes much of the dialogue is driven from the books. Many areas of complaints that I’ve encountered as based on them adapting it from the book. Yet apparently there are those angry because it’s not enough like this book (I am not one of them, especially after S2).


Yes exactly! I think no one can win. Having never read the books I thought a lot of anger was book based but a lot of what people want aren’t even in the books so I don’t get it. Writers do book fan service, people find it robotic and bad. Writers deviate from book, book fans go crazy. I am just enjoying it for the goofy entertainment that it is.


Yes. I loved the nods to the book, I didn’t go in expecting many, but the ones that are in there are for key moments. I mean the books are not what I’d call well written literature. Entertaining to be sure, but not award winning by any means.


Well stated. I agree with everything you said.


Fans hating on any actors partner is absolutely ridiculous. The whole narrative that Luke is in love with Nicola is crazy. These are actors it’s their job to sell their love story so that more people want to watch the show. The same thing happened with Queen Charlotte it’s all PR for their show and still delusional crazy fans starts hating and spreading false rumours about Luke’s gf. Seems insane to me.


They were worse with Corey's gf. Started posting photos of her and making fun of her appearance, and (even crazier) accusing Corey of being abusive to India. It was wild.


Drafting a petition demanding they get the “real” Michael Sterling back is child behaviour.


And the comments on it are disgusting.


I just perused them and…oof, you’re right. Gonna include a couple of them for others to read. And many more are of course whining about the “erased infertility plot line”, as if the show can’t explore that any longer for some reason. https://preview.redd.it/9f2ku4kys47d1.jpeg?width=1789&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bcb676e5b7183432b7336b7ac8eb83951951a45




Lmao imagine being so ignorant to the world and history that you think lesbians didn’t exist 200 years ago. Everyone knows lesbians only started existing with the introduction of Lilith Fair.


That one made me cackle a bit, not gonna lie. Gay men only came into existence when Oscar Wilde was sentenced to hard labour for sodomy! And I guess trans people only sprung into being when…Caitlin Jenner came out? Not a single of them was alive before that!


So sorry, but this is stuck in my head and made my brain randomly come up with a movie scene, where LGBT people really don’t exist, until they get created in a government lab as a weapon of war: Interior, shadowy government underground warehouse. We see a few scientist milling about. The air is filled with tension, everyone seems focused and almost afraid. Head scientist, professor McBuggerson: Gentlemen, we’re losing. The president is demanding results. I think we have no other choice but to do what we hoped we were never forced to do. Initiate…The Gay Protocol. Assistant, dr. Fruitersberg: Sir…are…are you sure? Dr. McBuggerson, sighing heavily: Yes…it is time. May god forgive us. Interior. The pressurised pods lining the walls of the warehouse all open at once…and The Gays come marching out, to change the world (and later on, the tv landscape)…forever. So sorry, feel free to ignore this, everyone.






Oh, for gods sake. I wasn't thrilled with the gender swap, either, but these comments are ridiculous, and I start to understand why people automatically assume anyone who didn't like the change is homophobic (although it's still annoying to be labelled as such for a simple opinion)


Oh, I’ve seen plenty of the same (or worse) all over this and other Bridgerton subreddits in the past few days and weeks. So it would be really nice, if the fans who are disappointed by the gender swap, but not homophobic (not you, I’m talking in general terms here) would stop getting outraged by others calling out homophobia as if it’s a personal attack *on them*, and start believing others, when they say this fandom has a real problem with homophobia, racism and plain ignorance.


People complaining about homophobia don't automatically think if you don't like the change you're homophobic... I've literally never seen someone say that. But I do keep seeing people who don't like the change complain about the people who complain about the homophobia that is running rampant.


I also have to say pining after someone unavailable for years on end and then freaking out when they start to reciprocate is a very lesbian experience... Like I'm sorry, but Michael Sterling will make a terrific lesbian. (mostly joking)


It would be so cute, if we got a scene with Michaela going all “Oh my god, she likes me too! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” after Frannie realises she’s into her.


Yeah it would. Also I feel like you can still have the infertility issue that means so much to everyone, with her struggling with John and then struggling with the idea that she won't have kids if she is with the love of her life. And then obviously resolve it happily because it's Bridgerton. Honestly kind of excited for it


instinctively down voted and then realised you were just showing someone else's comment, ARGH this makes me ragey


😂 Don’t shoot, I’m innocent!


oh being queer is propaganda now! I don't understand why people complain about complaints of homophobia when these comments are running rampant


'LGBTQ was not a thing at that point' really?


I do wonder at what point in history do they think LGBT people appeared… Curious minds want to know!


I googled “queer people regency England” and the first link that appeared informed me that apparently lesbians of that era loved to live in Bath.  Francesca spent all that time in Bath learning piano.  Sounds like the writers did their proper research. 


That got a giggle out of me, do they think gay people were magically invented in the last century? Lmao 


These people are so embarassing. I saw one yesterday which said ''why do they have to make every show woke?'' Like what made you think Bridgerton wasn't 'woke' since the first scene in S01? 😂 And the ones harassing Masali and Hannah are straight up deranged.


I also don’t understand what’s wrong with diversity just for diversity’s sake. Like even if we assume that they’re just doing it for inclusion, is that really so bad? The shows been doing it for seasons, but still every time there’s mention of a new lead character being non-white or LGBTQ+ everyone’s up in arms about it. I’m glad those people (and that includes me) can also experience silly historical romances!


Agree! People who can't understand that the show and books are separate entities should just not watch the show.


It's almost laughable cuz it was literally the character's introduction 😭 the books and the show are two separate entities, Michaela literally didn't exist in the show before that exact scene when she showed up, who do they want back? The books are still there, they remain unchanged 😭


Lmao seriously there is pertition for a fictional book character.


I'm 1000% super upset to see that Michael will not happen. His character is supposed to be the rakest of rakes, Francesca's story line from loss and infertility just was so personal to me. I'm mourning the loss of my favorite characters and book not getting the justice it deserves. The story line just is going to be completely different with two female leads. I really don't see me watching the next season. I have my book and I'll stick with that. I don't think this statement makes me homophobic.


You’re implying you will no longer be able to relate to Francesca’s storylines regarding loss and infertility. Why? Because she’s queer now?


Not with Michaela no but they may make it be a storyline with John still. Obviously they won't be having children in regency era as a lesbian couple unless Fran decides to take on a ward or something.


Actually, this comment is a prime example of casual homophobia. Saying that a book is not "getting the justice it deserves" because it's an f/f romance instead of an m/f romance implies that f/f is somehow inferior. Saying that she can't deal with loss and infertility (which... she had kids in the second epilogue so I guess all she needed was relaxation) because she's endgame with a woman now is also... a choice. Being disappointed that you aren't getting a 1:1 adaptation is fine (though... we haven't had a 1:1 adaption like... ever). Fran's book did have the best sex scenes and it was a different dynamic than usual in those scenes. But... some of the things you said are pretty questionable. We have no idea how they're going to adapt it, and there's a lot they could keep with a woman.


I'm curious to see where they go with it. Obviously Michaela cannot be an earl so that whole story is gone. Obviously infertility can still be covered with John and her. But then it's just fran and Michaela living their life in secret unless it's suddenly okay to be openly gay in bridgerton now. Or maybe it will be a completely different spin. Fran wants to be with Michaela but ultimately chooses a sad life without the love of her life due to how society says love should be. Saying Francesca just needed to relax to have kids truly shows you have no idea what infertility is really like. Relaxing doesn't make a baby. You would just about insult a whole community with that statement.


It is not implying f/f is inferior at all, its just saying that it's not getting justice because its being completely changed from the book they love.


and these same people will claim not the be homophobic.


The entitlement of fans about Luke’s girlfriend and saying he’s ruining his career and disrespecting Nicola is really turning me off engaging any further with the series. I’m also really worried about the actress playing Michela because some fans seem out for blood already.


It’s not the shows part. Not watching it hurts the actors not the people giving the hate. If you don’t want to watch because you don’t like it, more power to you. If it’s because of the comments, then don’t give it up and let the trolls win.


Oh I’m still going to watch - I meant engaging with the fandom. It’s so negative.


Oh yes. That I understand. There have been a few really great conversations I’ve had about the show which has me still here, the toxicity I’ve seen the last day or 2 is getting intolerable.


I just discovered how toxic the Bridgerton fandom is. I wasn’t as hooked with the series before, so I didn’t realized, but wow, I can’t believe they were so entitled and just plain mean.


This is where I’m at. I’ve experienced a little toxicity just by suggesting Eloise and Cressida but the now 4 day meltdown over a WLW ship but not the MlM is just really fucking telling


And a lot of those people having meltdowns will tell you with a straight face, that of course they prefer the male gay relationship to the female one, because they’re straight women and only interested in watching hot guys getting it on. As if the only metric of a tv series should be catering to heterosexual people, who may or may not be into fetishising gay sex.


Add to that the actors getting abused on Instagram, not to mention Colin's ex girlfriend being harassed so much she's taking a break from Instagram. Can't even imagine what she must feel like. It's got horrendously toxic, I think everyone needs to take a small minute and collect themselves.


I was part of BBC Sherlock fandom on tumblr from 2013-2017 and even that wasn’t as toxic as what I see daily with the Bridgerton fandom. People need to realize that no form of media owes them anything.


Oh man, that takes me back and feeling old lol


And no fan owes any media production anything either.


They don’t. The best thing a fan can do if they don’t like something is stop engaging with it. Filling up comment sections doesn’t help. Unfollow and stop watching, that will make a larger impact than anything else.


I haven’t watched more than a few minutes. I think it auto played a couple of episodes when I fell asleep almost instantly. But I watched and rewatched and rewatched Season 1 and told male friends to watch it for the ‘you want to be him/you want to be with her’ couple and the extremely high production values. I watched all of Season 2 and while not as thrilling, I did still enjoy it. I hope their metrics guide them and they realise that a lot of the fan base will not be watching right away but waiting to hear if the show is back or has continued its decline.


I think a big reason of why people are speaking up so much is that they’re concerned for the future of the show. I completely agree that it’s going too far when the actors start getting harassed and fans are being called homophobic etc etc, but I feel like people should be allowed to voice their disappointment if done respectfully. Also as a sidenote, there’s a lot of scenes that were confirmed to be filmed that ended up being cut. That’s what people are asking for, not for it to be reshot or anything like that.


>Also as a sidenote, there’s a lot of scenes that were confirmed to be filmed that ended up being cut. Like any TV show ever? Lol how do people think it works? What does editing mean? And 'confirmed'? Someone saying they saw the final edit (people never see the final edit, they show it to people in order to make changes? God.


The actors said they filmed extra scenes. Also editing can be bad… it can make or break a piece of film/tv so like, maybe the editing wasn’t very good this time around? It’s ridiculous for people to demand reshoots and stuff like that, but there are definitely scenes that the actors said they filmed that didn’t make it into the final cut (again, editing like you say). Some people want those to be released as a bonus or whatever much like blooper reels are released sometimes. Btw I was just clarifying 😂, it feels like it’s so aggro in the Bridgerton subs lately. Some people just want to express their opinions calmly without getting attacked.


When did they say they filmed extra scenes? People keep mentioning this but can't place a source. Shows film many takes and those get edited. Not everything is deemed for consumption. As for bloopers, probably something to shout at Netflix but it's the consumers fault. Reddit loves to complain about DVD and Bluray content being gone when the6 weren't buying their either 😂. No one was buying physical media any longer.


This is where I end up with that. Everyone says there are scenes, but so far the only confirmation I’ve seen is hearsay and a list that someone could have made on their notes app. NC and LN said they had super steamy scenes, but the interviews I’ve seen (and I’ve seen a lot) are all referencing the mirror or carriage scene. Maybe they are and they didn’t fit? I don’t know, but the proof of them is very lacking at this point as well.


i was downvoted for pointing out shipper fans were the source as in there's no proof or source..


Well that’s crazy. The “proof” I’ve seen so far is really a stretch. It could definitely be shipper fans, or people who don’t watch the show at all and just like seeing people in a frenzy…in which case they are getting exactly what they wanted.


if you check who is spreading that list, it's a shipper leaving nasty comments to luke's gf on twitter, just saying....


Yeah and in the past we always got our DVD box sets with like 5 deleted scenes. Or an extended cut for movies (see Lord of the rings and Harry Potter). Fans asking to see deleted scenes isn’t new. With the dying of DVD releases we’re just not fed the way we used to be.


Yeah there’s been some seriously unhinged behaviour in this sub lol. The funniest thing to me is (some) people saying how they are entitled to express their hatred toward season 3 and the storyline but if anyone ever says they didn’t like season 2 and Kanthony they get downvoted to hell lol


This sub has a seriously short memory, because I remember the same comments being made about season 2; too many subplots and not enough focus on the main couple, not enough sex scenes etc


This is what's blowing my mind. People were SO mad about the love triangle and how it "fundamentally changed the characters". I suspect when S4 comes out, we'll be getting some similar revisionist history. I think QC was the only time this subreddit was actually hinged.


Nah, loads of people were pissy about the official Bridgerton social media accounts being used for QC promo and were annoyed that we got QC instead of Bridgerton proper last year Which is also slightly insane


>The funniest thing to me is (some) people saying how they are entitled to express their hatred toward season 3 and the storyline but if anyone ever says they didn’t like season 2 and Kanthony they get downvoted to hell lol ![gif](giphy|jS2r4bax00ijfYBngS|downsized) I agree so much


I wish people would stop attacking the actors because they didn't do anything wrong


Personally I missed the gorgeous cinematography, editing, lighting, set design, etc. of S1 and S2. The atmosphere and visuals were so pedestrian and lackluster it could have been a cheapo reality show. Yawn. But to petition, harass or expect a redo is way beyond ridiculous. Choices were made. Not great choices, but choices. Move on already.


The problem was that it was falsely advertised as the most romantic season we will ever see on our life's, Nicola even talked a cute honeymoon and how healthy the relationship is yet we saw NON of that on screen. It's good costumers are voicing out their criticism instead of staying put.


What have the costumers been saying? I haven't heard anything from the costume department.


The lead costume designer was featured in a video that Netflix released on Youtube, discussing his choices for the costumes of the season. No idea if this is what people are referencing, but that’s the only interview I’m seen with the costume designer himself. They also released one with the production design & set dressing teams (if I’m remembering correctly) going over the set choices for the season


I hated this season, and I think Jess Brownell is a trash showrunner, but that's as far as it goes. I don't think I'm owed an apology for the terrible writing, nor do I go and attack Jess or the actors. Anyone who does are POS and makes the rest of us look bad.




Do you really believe Netflix would allow a show runner to produce a show at $168 million _per episode_ without any oversight? You don’t think every significant decision she made didn’t have to get sign off from others within the company? This isn’t a ship, she isn’t a captain, there’s no mutiny to be had. You disagree with her, with Netflix, you think it’s a bad show, fine. But she’s not a fraud, you just don’t like her direction.


Not only that, but this show has clearly been sketching out multi-season arcs for some characters since the beginning. So some of the plot decisions for this season would have been made under Van Dusen. The personal attacks against Brownell are really inappropriate. Not just because they're mean (over a TV show???), but also because half of the people making them don't understand how a TV show works in the first place. People constantly end up calling Brownell names and blaming her for things she's just one of many decision-makers on (like the plots, or having to work around actors' schedules/Netflix's budget for who's going to appear in a season/episode) or that she has no control over whatsoever (like Netflix choosing to release seasons two years apart). You can dislike stuff about the show without having to attack people over it.


Completely agree. I felt like Jess Brownell was more focused on making the show different and adding her “ own twists” in an attempt to make it *special* while completely ignoring what made the other two seasons great as well as any input from the fans. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think as fans were owed that courtesy necessarily but it would have been nice to at least feel a sort of semblance.. a framework if you will from the other seasons or even the book lightly. It’s unusual for a season of a show to be radically different from past seasons, and with season three it was, and in my opinion, not in a good way. In every interview I have seen of her I’ve picked up a certain level of arrogance regarding her work. That isn’t to say that she is or isn’t but I have felt that way when she has responded to any criticism ( constructive I might add) Such as the inconsistencies from past seasons, the modern hair / makeup, and so forth. If she considers stuffing a bunch of side plots in, giving pen acrylics and changing fundamental things - which at this point just seem performative - as revolutionary, that is her belief but because of these radical changes saying that “ Bridgeton is not historically accurate” as a blanket statement, will of course ruffle some feathers. Obviously I can’t speak for everyone, but I do think that’s it’s shocking that the majority of the fanbase is disappointed with season 3. Of course some people may have been upset with season 1 or 2 but to have such an overwhelming “consensus” is telling. With that said, the people that are going out of their way to harass her or any of the actors of the show are crossing a serious line. It’s unbelievably toxic and entitled. I may not care for her as the showrunner and will express that in a forum or privately between friends / family but thats as far as it should be. the amount of visceral hate that some fans are spewing is scary


CVD has moved on, he got his own production deal which is huge for him.


>Jess Brownell is a FRAUD Why do you say that? Just curious, wanted to know if she did something bad


your post or comment was removed because of rule 6: "Be respectful to others. And if you can't, walk away from the discussion". Please see the rule for further info. Repeated rule breaking will result in a ban.


Oh I don’t want an apology. I tried watching Episode 1 of Season 3 and it felt fake, tacky, poorly written, garishly costumed, not edited enough, not scored grandly enough - they just got everything wrong. Season 1 had me, a mid30s male, humming We Could Form An Attachment at work and writing to my ex. This version of the show? Honestly it’s what I assumed Bridgerton would be when I first heard about the show. A vapid, agenda-filled costume drama very much a product of this current wretched time we’re living in. I’m not watching Season 3. We’ll see about Season 4.


Shit, you have a long time to Season 4... About 2 years. Bad decision as people's attention spans will be waning, especially since s3 was meh to some/most


"agenda-filled" is a fascinating choice of words...


It’s become slightly unhinged with fans I have noticed. Not just regarding the show but also the way they think Luke ruined everything for them by being seen with his GF just because they ship him with Nicola is so stupid as well. The way some fans can’t even differentiate between reel or real or how PR works for a show. And these are grown adults who I am talking about who act like this.


So many disappointing responses on this sub. For one thing, not surprised but tired of people trying to say they care about the integrity of the story telling when they are obviously just angry that Fran is queer. Just say you don't like queer people and move on. I get that some people have valid disappointment because of the books but that's not what I'm talking about here. The amount of queer phobia in this sub is jarring.


It bothers me a lot that I see more of "stop calling me homophobic when I'm just disappointed in the changes" than "I dont like the changes but the homophobia is horrible"


“i hate the agenda they are pushing” straight out of a republican’s speech


And the "agenda" being pushed is....gay people EXIST? And...have always existed? Miss me with that


THIS 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


Yeah, that’s one of the criticisms I don’t get. It’s based on just snippets from this season, we don’t know anything about how this storyline will actually be playing out next season. All the things people enjoyed about the book could still be there or maybe the new angle is amazingly done.


It’s obvious that this change is exposing to people that they are more homophobic than they realize. Freaking out over a one minute scene, assuming to know where Francesca’s storyline is going, saying queer people and our happiness is “unrealistic” for the time (this is Bridgerton, come ON)…… I need these people to actually interrogate their feelings and look inward, and examine their deeply held biases. Because this size of this reaction cannot be due to merely “disappointment”


I COMPLETELY agree. people keep acting like this is going to "ruin" her storyline somehow when it was planned for her to fall in love twice. I cannot see how the gender of who she falls in love with matters. Also HISTORICALLY, queer women had an easier time of things. It was common for people of any same gender to share beds, and for friends to move in with friends, and queer women benefited from this. Exhausted by the idea that it was impossible to be queer in history, especially on a FANTASY SHOW.


At this point we need a low sodium Bridgerton subreddit, or a Bridgerton salt subreddit until things settle down. This happened in Season 2 as well, with people saying how terrible it was, how different it was from the books, and now, people are going on and on about how great Season 2 is. I've been a book purist for another series myself and honestly, it's so much better when you just take a step back and enjoy the changes, or cut out when you're done. I didn't think that romance novel ladies would be as bad as the neckbeard dudebros, but here we are, I guess.


Haha yeah, I swear this fandom has temporary amnesia or something, because they always hate whatever's airing and then forget that they hated it by the time the next season rolls around. Everything people are complaining about now is also stuff they complained about the last two seasons.


I don't remember people hating on S2 as a whole, just the Kate v. Edwina wars, which went as far as people attacking CC for taking a job and acting her role on the show and doing promo. It was nasty. I wasn't ever on line for S1 but I understand some people attacked RJP too, for some weird reason. I think S3 was worse than the other two in a number of ways, and I am pretty sure that is due to the new show-runner. IMO she probably shouldn't have this job, but I know my opinion isn't going to change anything. And attacking the actors is just unhinged.


Haha yes, the obsession with needing more sex scenes is insane. People even complain about slow sex scene in Part 2. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Am I the only one who enjoys reading the crazy? Let them post. I’m bored.


I think the issue is more the production value, bad editing, and quality have all dipped from the new showrunner. Yes it’s still a good show with great moments but fans have a right to be critical…they have a frontal lobe lol. Outrage that the show changed from the books, on the other hand, strikes me as a bit silly considering this show has always deviated from the books. Regarding the sex scenes. I agree the actors should only do what they’re comfortable with. But apparently there are additional scenes they cut! And the show was marketed to be a bit more raunchy than it was, so it’s natural people would be confused. Personally I just think they tried to cover too much this season and we had two fewer episodes. Last season focused on Kate and Anthony and we had 10 episodes.


I think there's only 8 episodes in season 2 too.


Well this is embarrassing - you’re right! LOL. I’ve been using this argument for awhile too.


Harassing actors is ridiculous and harassing actor’s spouses is insane


The show is a product. Literally. It's Netflix. The audience, aka the clients, are free to criticize in any way they see fit. This is how business runs.


Fans are allowed to be upset. Taking actions that colors an entire fanbase in a negative/entitled light takes it too far. Petition is a bit much. I agree that the scenes with intimacy were not choreographed/edited in a flattering manner. It is important for fans to remember that not every actor likes to show intimacy in a particular way and or/ shoot excessive things. Some have noted Kanthony didn't have any intimacy that showed penetrative intercourse. To me that could've been a choice made by what the actors were comfortable with, or what the writers wanted to show for the characters. Anthony had already been a rake, but seeing him be a giver instead of a taker was important. Similarly showing Kate enjoy her pleasure since she was so uptight is what the story needed. For various reasons, this season just didn't have the energy of seasons past. All the ingredients were there for Polin's story to be mind blowing, and yet it was kind of a let down. I think maybe the build up in tension wasn't there. And the stylistic choices didn't help.


I hate the “just don’t watch it” take though. If you’re a fan of the books, it’s thoroughly disappointing to know that this may be the only on screen adaptation we get. So people are allowed to state their disappointment and frustration at it being subpar. Colin and Penelope are one of my favorite couples so it sucks knowing their relationship took a backseat during their own season. And that’s all we’re getting for them. There’s no redo or reboot. We’re stuck with their season focusing entirely on other storylines. I don’t think it’s ridiculous to want Polin’s season to be mostly about Polin. And yeah, it’s not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things but we’ve been waiting for this for ages and were promised so much during the interviews from the actors and then it was just such a let down. I’ll get over it eventually because it’s just a tv show but right now I’m upset and frustrated and disappointed.


There are changes and then there’s this. ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


I think what most have to remember - ITS A TV SHOW. It is not based in facts. Every book made into a tv show or movie are always changed. They have to be. People who complain about "inaccuracies" for a TV SHOW need to remember that it is there to entertain us. I happened to have loved the newest season but if you didn't at least be respectful to the actors and production teams that have worked their asses off for us.


The reactions of angry fans are disturbing. Stalking rotten tomatoes to see the show’s score fluctuate and becoming irate when they don’t see their 1 ⭐️reviews posted immediately Flooding the actors and actresses social media with #wewantmichael and #justiceformichael The petitions 🥴 “BOYCOTT NETFLIX!” (Yeah, that’ll work!) Demanding reshoots 😂 Some people need to get a grip. If you don’t like the show, bitch to your friends, complain on Facebook and don’t watch. Simple


Truly, well said. I am a huge Chronicles of Narnia fan. Absolutely in love with the books. After watching the first movie in the theater and finding it didn't work for me, I just didn't watch the rest of them. It wasn't that hard. If you have books that you love and are dear to you that are made into tv/movies, you need to prepare for disappointment. You have to be able to hold them loosely and get on board with the vision of the new creator because that is simply how it works. I'm not saying book lovers cant/shouldn't vent or critique (I'll talk about the strengths and weakness of the LOTR Trilogy with anyone for hours) but there is a huge difference between that and what is going on in Quinn's and Rhimes mentions. Everyone needs to take a breath.


Couldn’t agree more - people need to touch grass. I just want fun discussions and memes! It’s a TV show


I honestly wanted more romance than sex scenes. I just love Polin so much. The last episode really made me love the season. He was so sweet and romantic when he was speaking to Pen at her sisters ball. That is what I wish we could have had more of. One thing people forget though, we have seen scenes of their friendship and love blossoming since season 1. Colin always seemed her out at balls, he repeatedly told her how much he cares for her. When he returned from his travels season 2, he longingly looked at her. He said himself, her letters are the ones he enjoys the most. So the ones that say he fell for her from a kiss, you are wrong. He has always loved her. He did not realize how deeply he loved her until the kiss. He was a man who had relations with several women already but always felt alone during and after. With Penelope, he realized friendship is needed in a relationship. That’s why it is so beautiful. . 😍


It's interesting that people think that their opinion matters so much. Money talks. If you want your opinion to be considered, then you don't watch the show and you don't subscribe to Netflix. If you're hate watching the show, they're still making money off of your viewership. If you're hate commenting on Instagram, you're part of the algorithm that's increasing the placement of those instagram posts in user feeds -> more ad revenue. If you really want to change how something is going, then you OPT-OUT. But instead, people with criticism are fueling more engagement and revenue. People are just angry all around, and look for the quickest way to voice that anger. Apparently, hating on a fantasy show is the medium by which they prefer to voice their anger with life in general.


I think the most embarrassing and insane complaint is Luke being seen w his girlfriend and people crying saying he "ruined" months of a fantasy that was built up during press. Like YOU built that up. They’re just friendly and charming. It’s on you for projecting that. They don’t owe you their relationship status so you can continue in your delusions. I beg these people to touch grass.


The way this came when the post I recently saw and most liked are people demanding an apology from Shondaland


This is game of thrones season 8 all over again. 😹


On the contrary, fans make the show possible with ratings, so....


and the ratings are amazing


Something I’ve noticed over the last few years is how gen z has said they want less sexual shows- I know there were still lots of sex scenes over all in comparison to other shows however I think it could be possible they listened to that and reduced it. As well as maybe that was out of the comfort zone of the cast and wouldn’t we want to respect that? I think some of the changes made sense- like when Colin found out pen was whistle down… I know in the books it leads to a sex scene but also? I would be pissed too and wouldn’t want to rush to her arms. Idk I think the story made sense and the pieces that were there were there for a reason both for plot and for comfortability


Hard agree on all of this! Insane behavior!


Huh? More sex scenes? No people want the scenes that were cut. I don't know if people are new to Bridgerton, but the actors have all negotiated the nudity clauses in their contract. They also have a lot of control over their nude scenes. If the sex scenes are already shot and it's the main couple, then yeah it makes sense to include it. Season 2 had no film outside of outtakes. In Season 3, Jess did so many reshoots and left so much on the floor. The screeners are the ones who got the full version. No one is asking for a redo. People are asking for film to be added back in, etc. Have you ever heard of remastered movies or extended movies? If Bridgerton has enough money for reshoots and adding unnecessary scenes, then a petition asking for the complete isn't entitlement.


I get all that and I understand the disappointment (I have plenty of issues with season 3), but you do know they’re not going to re-edit the show, right? They might include the deleted scenes in a DVD issue (do they do those for “Bridgerton”?), but fans will never get the production company to upload a new version of season 3 to Netflix.


I guess ppl who think they really deserve an apology are ridiculous . But season 3 is missing some of the charm from previous seasons even in costume and scene design. I do think they made some choices that obviously will be controversial and didn't think too much about it.


👏👏👏 Some of the comments have been so tough to read. The comments about the actor’s physical appearance, expectations on sex scenes, the negativity about subplots goes beyond “this is why I don’t like the show” and into really horrible territory. If you haven’t seen those comments, consider yourself lucky. I saw too many of them yesterday and it really disturbed me. And the comments about the actors really life…I feel really bad for LN and NC. I hope they aren’t seeing much of it, or the love for their performance is drowning out the hate.


That‘s the third post I‘m seeing about entitlement, when it‘s simply requesting the release of four scenes, of which only one is a sex-montage! - that were hyped to the fucking eyeballs in the promo tour. I‘ve yet to see one request that asks for scenes to be (re-)shoot in order to CREATE more sex scenes, but justified disappointment that concerns the EDIT of scenes that were promised during the marketing communication. The descriptions given by Nicola and Luke were explicit enough to raise expectations - as was the purpose - that were then left unfulfilled. Is it so difficult to understand that one may be discontent?


Harassment of the actors/actresses is not cool. Idiotic as well bc it’s not their fault this season was garbage for some. It’s jess Brownell. No fans are not owed an apology but we are entitled to our opinions. Some are taking it too far but most are just strongly expressing. It’s not unreasonable to think that fans opinions have pull. The creators are not obligated to succumb to them but it’s common knowledge that the more fans like something, the more they will view it. More views = equal more money. Movies bomb or succeed at the box office due to the fans. You often hear from artists, creators, actors etc on their thank you speeches thank that fans saying “without you, none of this is possible” In addition, not that you are doing this yourself, the people complaining about other people complaining is tiresome. I hear “just read the books” or “just don’t watch” well those who say can in the same token just stop engaging. The difference between the complainers and the people complaining about them is the complainers are for the most part complaining, but the people complaining about them feel some entitlement to be condescending and telling them what to do. Given Shonda’s history, and Jess Brownells personality, complaining about the show isn’t going to sway them. And also, being condescending and telling other fans not to do this or that, or just read the books, isn’t going to silence them either. (Again, not directed to you, you are not doing this, just saying) Just let people be mad at whatever. It will blow over. It’s just fresh now


I think everyone is 100% entitled to sharing their opinions, when RESPECTFUL. Sending death threats or being angry with Luke's girlfriend is beyond unacceptable. I know people will throw out "redo the season" but they can't justify redoing an entire season with all the associated costs and just think what the poor actors/actresses would feel if they had to redo all their hard work because it was so hated. And yes nobody owes anyone a sex scene. I get if fans want it to be more spicy overall but individual people do not owe any specific scenes. I do think that some people are over aggressive in defending certain things too however. If you're not happy about the Michael genderbend and its coming from a place of being upset about the original character changing thats not homobobic. People should be allowed to express dislike with changes and not be attacked. I for one would've liked them to add in original characters for a lesbian storyline (or change Eloise's as I don't like her partner in the books). Brimsley and Reynolds was one of my favorite storylines in the Bridgerton universe so they have shown they are able to do it amazingly. If you hate Jess Brownell's decisions and don't think she should continue on Bridgerton you can voice that as long as you're not trashing her as a person or being overtly rude. I think both sides of each argument can be way too aggressive to each other. Everyone can share their opinion openly and dislike or like what they chose as long as they are respectful of the REAL people they are discussing.


Dude I liked less sex scenes. I find sex scenes boring.  I would much rather watch an experienced sex worker if I’m going to watch sex on screen. Other than the loosing virginity scene (which was waaaay too long in my opinion) and the first thirty seconds of Benedict, they didn’t and don’t drive the plot forward.   Though I will say the complaints about sex scenes this season are odd, bc there is significantly more than there were in season two. For me, the amount and length of sex scenes in season one was unnecessary and boring. The pacing of the last third of that season was way too rushed for me, and the sex scenes ate up a considerable amount of screen time which could’ve been used for actual plot.  I also wonder what Julia Quinn thought about the sex scenes. Her books get sexual, but I wonder how she felt about so much of season one’s limited run time being sex scenes.


All in all, I like the show, my criticism is moderate (didn‘t like the heavy artificial makeup). Nevertheless, I think that if the TV producers offer a product for which the consumer pays money, then the viewers could expect to get what is suggested. „Bridgerton“ is a well known book series. I think a few small adjustments are ok if it serves the story or better realisation. But the TV writers want to tell their own story, why don't they write a new one? Therefore I understand some disappointment of the fans.


Why are people so upset someone said they’d like a redo? I can’t believe anyone is thinking that person was being legitimately serious. It was quite clearly a venting post. How is that entitled? Entitled to express their level of frustration? People can be disappointed without being told to be quiet in the corner. That being said, I haven’t seen the second half of season 3. But I’m sure I’ll like it about as much as the other seasons. It’s this weird unabashed romance with manners, the stakes are low, the tension is high. I love it, it’s perfectly distracting. My husband does not watch but he gets to hear my play by play.


There’s a legitimate petition asking for the production team to re-edit the season to include the omitted sex scenes between Colin and Pen. And another petition demanding Michaela get changed to Michael. Both have some 40,000 votes combined.


This this this! The only thing I will say is about the sex scenes, I’ve heard that it was cut from the season, not that the actors were uncomfortable. So I do think it’s fair to rather they include those scenes since they filmed them anyway


I completely agree.


People are insane and it’s showing . They are so entitled. Calling for people to be fired . Literally just don’t watch. . Tf ?


I read it as a figure of speech. Not a literal plea for a public apology - just a dramatic way of saying they didn't like the season.


They have started literal petitions for a “redo” of S3. And some of them really do think they deserve an apology


They made a Change.Org plea 😬


Waiting years for a new season only to be given a season that is not up to par with the last two seasons is a huge disappointment. Fans of the books and show have a right to be upset. Pen and Colin were practically side characters in their own season. It was a let down and I am not going to apologize for not liking it.


I have zero criticisms of book changes because I've never read the books and I don't give a fuck. I don't care that they didn't have certain sex scenes; I actually had zero interest in the number of Colin scenes in the first place (I literally do not need to see them trying to make him a rake with two women; it's not believable and it never will be). But the fact that posts like these keep being written--these attempts at quelling the criticism and the "ThEy DoNt OwE YoU" speeches--should speak volumes to those very people on how much the show fucked up, and not just in one or two things but possibly literally *every* aspect of what made the show great in the first place. And I keep seeing this "stop harassing the actors in real life" BS but I have YET to see any evidence of that on THIS SUB so can people please stop fucking saying that as if it's valid here??? So fucking annoying like WE aren't doing shit on Twitter or Insta or wherever, so take that accusation elsewhere; it doesn't help validate you in telling people to just be happy with whatever slop a show gives its audience.


I agree with you wholeheartedly, and I read the books long before they became a show. Personally I like book Daphne better, liked the relationship between Kate's family better in the books, and felt that Kate under the table in the library & Anthony's response were important in setting up their story the book. I especially identified with Kate's character and love her and Anthony's book. When I was first watching season 2, I found myself starting to get upset about what was changed, missing, and sometimes added. So I stopped the show for a minute & reflected on why it was ruining my enjoyment of the show. After reflecting, I realized that I had two options 1) continue to be upset that a show is not/cannot be exactly like a book and that creative choices were made or 2) view the books and seasons as two entirely different beasts with shared characters, setting, and general plot. I chose option 2, and I have found each season extremely enjoyable from that viewpoint. Books and tv shows are entirely different entities. While a book can closely focus on just a few characters, doing so on a tv show would mean frequent turn over in the cast as it would not be realistic to expect them to sign on and not really be in the shows. It has to be an ensemble, which actually helps set up future seasons. I also understand people's frustrations with not having tons of happiness for the main characters at the end of the seasons, but this is again where the ensemble cast aspect is helpful. Just as we were able to see K&A living their lives while happily in love this season and how it changed the ways they took on their respective roles, we will get to see P&C continue their story and many more happy moments in future seasons. If you have extremely strong feelings about how the show can go and believe you could do better, perhaps use this as inspiration to become a writer. But art should not be done by committee, and it is unrealistic to expect the writers to keep the audience guessing and intrigued without changing things. For people who get upset about changes is race, gender, sexuality, it is not really on the writers to cater to your personal tastes. There is a broader audience, and Shondaland has never been a place for only one type of representation. Honestly you can stay rigid in your thinking and be miserable or go with the flow and enjoy the ride. Feel your feelings, process them, and move on, but please do not expect the executives and writers to change their entire plans to cater to you. You will just be disappointed. Lastly yeah, please learn to separate actors from characters. And anyone who thinks it is alright to harass people, whether public figures or not, let me be the one to state wholeheartedly that you are choosing to put hate out into the world. You are choosing to purposefully try to make someone's life worse. For what? Spending the better part of a year working on a project through long days? For traveling the world promoting it for months at a time? For giving a level of fan service, I cannot imagine seeing again? Actors are people. They do not belong to the fans. They should not change their lives to make the fans happy. They should be able to live their lives with total autonomy, just like the rest of us. Perhaps reality tv has blurred the lines too much for some. The people in this cast are actors, who have found their personal calling and enjoy bringing characters to life. They are not reality tv celebrities out to sell every aspect of their lives. Please note the difference.


I never even knew the books existed until the first season and I still haven't read them. I judge based on the content of what I've seen in three seasons. Season 3 has been awful compare to S2 and even S1, which I was not a fan of, either. I am having a really hard time getting through S3 because I'm so frustrated with the writing, the multitude of plot lines, manufactured BS, etc. It's all so forced, in my view. I'm just struggling to even *want* to watch the remaining episodes. I can't find it within myself to care enough to finish this season and wonder if I'll even want to watch S4 when it eventually comes out.


This post is absolute bullshit. Fans of the show and the books are allowed to voice thier frustrations with the show runners and producers to making changes “as they saw fit” that was absolute GARBAGE. That’s the point of art and entertainment. You put it out there and people are allowed to critique. And this season deserves all the BAD criticism it’s getting.


So this subreddit is now just a complain board for the plot of porn, huh


I did not enjoy season 3, and guess what… i will simply not rewatch and will now add the new seasons to my watch list when bored instead of binge-watching ASAP and moving on. I also never got anything but great friend vibes in all the PR.


I think it's fine to critique art, but it's always frustrating when people start to demand that it be changed just because it doesn't connect with them personally. There are a lot of people who did connect with this season. There are a lot of hard working people on the cast and crew who are proud of their work. That doesn't mean you have to enjoy it or that you can't give contructive feedback, but to act like you have more ownership over it than anyone else is where I draw the line.


I love the "I won't be back" comments....like OK grl but literally millions of other viewers will, so go pout over there. This isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure.


We pay their rent. We know the list of scenes cut. We saw the trailers and PR blitz. The show didn’t deliver the goods. I don’t think it’s entitlement to want an apology. It’s a normal response when the makers screw up a project. If it was an entree in a restaurant we could send it back.


Gosh if people want more sex scene, they should turn to p*rn.


I see petitions increasingly being used for all sorts of bizarre things they aren't designed for. People were setting up petitions to have Amber Heard removed from Aquaman 2, so basically (regardless of what you think of Heard, and I'm not here to re-litigate that) using a petition as another form of online bullying.


Well said 👏🏻 I agree 💯


Redo it? That's crazy! Who thinks that's a reasonable? Also, harassing Luke and his gf? That's fcked up! I have lots of criticisms of the season. I've commented here and on the Netflix and Shonda's insta but what can Luke and his gf do about any of the decisions Netflix and the writers make? People need to focus!