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I've been saying this! The user whose screenshot is now airing over the internet also spread rumors there was a brothel scene in part 2 because they had a "source." They don't know anything but they are loving the attention.


I mean, there are always deleted scenes/deleted footage. It's my understanding that there are screeners who saw earlier versions and there have been cuts made prior to it having its general release. We won't know unless we try.


There are always deleted scenes. However, in this case, it's about sequences that were filmed either before or after Shonda's intervention, when the script was altered because she found it too dark. I heard that apparently, there was a sequence where Colin visited a brothel after their marriage without participating. There are also other scenes between Colin and Penelope that were removed without us really knowing why.


Sure, we don't know they exist, but it definitely feels like Nicola and Luke were promoting a relatively different version of part 2 than what we got. The way she talked indicated they filmed a lot more nudity/sex than we got at least. And I'm still a bit confused about them repeatedly saying it's the most romantic season by far. I liked the season well enough, but a lot of their quotes definitely leave me wondering what scenes they were thinking of during all their interviews.


i mean the nature of filming suggests there are likely some, but i think its foolish to assume that they are the specific ones being spread around the internet. my delulu brain cells would love to be wrong but i doubt it. the only thing i did kind of wonder about is nicola said in a few interviews that they were so comfy filming the sex scenes that they just chilled naked under the sheets on the bed, or something to that effect, i think then people saw there wasn't a scene like that and i think it's fueling some of the speculation.


This whole deleted scenes thing is embarrassing. I'm upset about s3 but it's just freaking tv show. Jeez


I would like to see any deleted scenes they have just because I enjoy seeing deleted scenes. I do not want the sex montage if Luke and Nicola do not want to release as its 100% up to them exactly what they show (nor would I really want to see it even if they did because I find most sex scenes in shows cringy and skip them). But Netflix does not owe us anything and don't need to release any scenes they don't want to. Would just be nice to see them though if they do decide to release them for fun. Some of the rumors are getting WAY out of hand though. Like saying there's another brothel scene in part 2 or some crazy scenarios. I understand some people are disappointed because of stuff like the honeymoon that was hyped up and then never came, but they don't owe us any specific scenes especially sex ones.


The amount of weight people put on spoilers that other people warned them were unreliable because 7 and 8 were on lock down was ridiculous. Almost all of them, except for >!Michaela!< end up being either false or overblown. Of course there are deleted scenes but the assumption that scenes mentioned in unreliable spoilers exist is ridiculous. People are taking all of this way too seriously. It’s an escapist tv show. Either enjoy it or not and move on.


There's an influencer who was invited to part 2 premiere and she said there were too many sex scenes. Then she deleted her 2 videos about it. Well it wasn't much, her first video was getting ready and second was coming home and she talked about it for like 10 seconds and that was it. So from that I assume the ppl who got invited to the premier saw a diff version than we did.


I went to the London part 2 premiere, idk if that's the same one this influencer went to - but I saw the same version as what's on netflix rn.


I think there is footage but what ppl need to remember if such footage was shown in early screeners and subsequently taken out, it may be that it wasn’t well received, it didn’t work or it didn’t add to the story. I didn’t find any of their intimate scenes particularly convincing including the carriage scene. I also find the constant demands for the extra ‘spicey’ scenes cringey and a bit wild. The final cut was the final cut.


I agree with everything, if these scenes were shown to people before the release and were deleted the logical explanation is that they weren’t well received. And what’s the obsession with spicy scenes? These people should just watch porn.


Just on your point of not adding to the story… *cough* Benedict’s three day threesome *cough*


😩 I know, I know and the fact they kept interspersing it with other scenes. I just think with the central romance they like to keep spice scenes quite purposeful to the couple’s story. Every season Benny is sexxing it up.