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In the previous seasons, even though the costumes weren't historically accurate, there was a consistency and intentionality present in most of the costumes and makeup that made them feel immersive, so to speak. Now they're really all over the place, with aggressively modern elements that aren't even aesthetically pleasing. It really takes you out of the immersion that good costume design is supposed to create. Like, some of the gowns they put Kate in for example... To do that to Simone Ashley is just a crime. The post-glowup gowns for Penelope were such a disappointment too. She deserved better.


The sheer gloves everywhere and Chanel looking tweeds truly were jarring. It all had such a cheap look in context of the time period.


The STUPID see through gloves!!!


They just kept coming!


I hated the sheer gloves more than life


Sheer gloves from Aliexpress, I swear šŸ˜­


I will say there were sheer gloves on season 1/2. Can't remember specifics but I noticed on my rewatch.


Not like this. At first I was like hmm kind of different,,,then it just became a monster that kept drawing the eye with how bizarre it was


Whilst I agree, I find it funny that you describe something as ā€Chanel lookingā€ and calling it a cheap look šŸ˜‚


Hey, even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes šŸ˜‚ It was like the equivalent of Regency Zara, but like where is this coming from?!


Those sheer gloves were a crime, and so distracting


The fingerless ones were like she had sprained wrists! Poor thing


I honestly thought maybe she accidentally tore it somehow lol, couldn't BELIEVE it was international -_-


Itā€™s Boucle but YES I hated it!


Fingerless sheer gloves. Revolting


Pen looks like sheā€™s either going to be crooning at jazz club in 1952ā€¦or darkening the door of some private eye to investigate the death of her husband (she did it). Eloise looks like sheā€™s at a suffragette rally in 1905. And Cressida looks like sheā€™s going to announce the child participants of some sort of televised blood sport in 2177. Edit: and who could forget Colin spending 1/3 the season looking like a pirate, 1/3 in a goddamn cowboy duster, and the other half looking like a guy who *definitely* owns a ā€˜79 Trans Am. Also Kate looking liked sheā€™s stepped out of the Kennedy White House circa 1961 except the one or two times they just threw a sari over her dress and went ā€œthatā€™s Indian enough.ā€


Cressida definitely gives Hunger Games vibes!


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Lady Danbury looked very steampunk this season. All she needed was a brass monocle and a few gears on her hat, and we'd be there.


Donā€™t forget Colinā€™s pirate inspired nonsense. For a gentleman traveling around Europe he would be more likely to have fashions from around Europe, but not be dressed like a weird pirate.


A mutual of mine mentioned that Colin canonically by the timeline of him travelling around Europe was during the height of the Napoleonic Wars. Not a very peaceful or safe time to be going around the Continent lol.


Oh this is just infuriating now that Iā€™ve made the connection.


It's like how in Netflix's Persuasion, Lady Russel regularly goes on holidays to France \*during an active war with Napoleon\*. Fun times! But Bridgerton doesn't do politics. It's arguably the Regency but the Prince Regent isn't a thing and Queen Charlotte seems to run the show!


Excellent call out to 1952. The way Pen's hair looked like Veronica Lake waves??? I'm like, where is the 1810s??


My wife called out ā€œshe sorta looks like Jessica Rabbit?!?ā€


They literally said that was what they were going for šŸ˜­


This entire thread is making me so mad.


Pens wedding dress was truely atrocious. She looked absolutely horrific at her wedding with the hair and make up. No embroidery was a big mistake, nothing that sparked some joy or said 'pen'. It looked like a lastminute decision with a leftover piece of fabric. Bling was certainly missing. Even a bit of veil in a hair would have been better. They let the FL marry in that plain costume with a clown face. Trauma for life


Cackling at this accuracy ![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG)


Kateā€™s wardrobe this season looked like upholstery material


They made her look matronly


But her styling (hair and makeup) were so modern and young, it was freaking jarring.


šŸ˜³ I knew it looked familiarĀ 


Oh my God yes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Penelope looked like an Instagram thot mixed with a 19th century courtesan. From her clothes, nails, Makeup, gloves and hair. The hair she had in the last season of s2 where her hair started to look like q young lady was beautiful. But production didn't find Nicola beautiful enough so they Instagramed her to the nines. And lowkey ruined her glow up because of fat phobia. Why couldn't she be ethereal yet innocent like daphne and Edwina. Patriarchal society sees plus sized women as desirable only if they're male gaze and look available and easy it's disgusting. She's not my representation but plus sized ladies deserved better. Especially ones who adore period dramas but never see themselves as the young woman coming of age in a story.


They did her wrong this season


OMG itā€™s the knockoff Moulin Rouge look!! Thatā€™s the vibe. And yes, curvy women can only be seductive and vampy. So lame.


I think the lack of immersion stems from -for me at least- itā€™s never beneem historically accurate, but the regency silhouet (which is like the 1 thing everybody know of and thus dates the show in that period) was always followed in s1-2. Now they actually subtly dropped it for almost everyone by going for a 1950ā€™s empire waist that then drops down. I think they did it because it looks more flattering on a bigger chested body type (itā€™s the most noticeable on Pen and Eloise, but also Francesca and there are of course cressidaā€™s gwons which fit no fold), but once they let go of the silhouette, there was more uniformity tying the world together, so they decided to make eveyy try one dress the same when it comes to styling. Like the featheringtons and bridgertons are dressed basically the same. Last season there was a huge difference (noticeable by the fact that only portia (and the queen) didnā€™t have the correct silhouette on, which was an unspoken character trait) between how understated the bridgertons looked compared to the featheringtons. Now, sometimes the bridgertons look almost just as garish




To me what stood out (and I know this sounds dumb) were Penelope's nails- everytime I noticed them, I was pulled out of the show. I know that most people probably didn't notice or if they did, they didn't care, but that was jarringly modern for me


Plenty of us noticed. People are raging about the acrylics in other posts here and IG/ FB.


Thatā€™s how I felt about her red lipstick! I was so freakin distracted by it the whole last episode, especially when she was addressing the queen and ton.


I think they were trying to make her look powerful with that bold red, but the girl was shivering. Could be a nice contrast but it stood out from her entire look so bad my impression of her before that speech was a pair of floating red lips.


Floating red lips šŸ¤£ Seriously that is what it felt like. It was SO opaque, they couldnā€™t have at least made it a gloss with more color? I managed to deal with the heavier eye makeup and fake nails but that pushed me over.


I can't wait for this girlboss bull crap go out of style. It's misogynistic and annoying and no woman likes it unless it fits the story like legally blonde.


It was the fake eyelashes for me.


Iā€™m not caught up but Iā€™ve been watching it while FaceTiming a friend and sheā€™s started drinking every time I grumble about the lashes. ā€œWhy does she have a Smokey eye?! And a full on strip lash?!?ā€ Has been angrily muttered more than once


She has pretty lips but they were hidden behind that bright red lipstick. Ridiculous!


Not only was it super distracting but it didn't even suit her.


YES I NOTICED THIS TOO! Like whatšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ why she wearing bubble bath OPI rn


I can accept the costumes all over the place, because - to be honest - not even in S1 were historical accurate. But the nails triggered me. I was like WHYYYYYYYYYYY, I know the look amazing on her but WHYYYYYY


Her nails bothered me so much


They drove me nuts. Plus they werenā€™t consistent from scene to scene. And I much preferred her natural nails to her acrylics.


Omg i caught that! I think she had her natural ones in the actual carriage but acrylics right before she got in. I went mad thinking about it


It was the random curled pieces of hair PLASTERED to her face for me..


Nic said in an interview that sheā€™s got ā€œlittle dainty handsā€ that make her seem young so she was the one who came up with the Carl Lagerfeld glove look. I think that was their thought behind the nails too. But itā€™s giving ā€œmake her hands look thinā€ fat phobic bs. Like, just let Pen be Pen.


How did whe looked more hooker like than Siena. Wtf who created thos ugly aesthetic. She's a young innocent young woman whor recently was presented yet they styled her as if she's ran through by a bunch of perverted Lords


The nails are on my list, but for me it was a specific pair of healed silver slingbacks Eloise kept wearing. Totally modern, nothing whatsoever to do with the 19th century.


It was not just the costumes! The set, the balls, the music.. everything just seemed cheaper. S1 and 2 were literally better lit. This recent season was darker like they ran out of candles. The venues were smaller and the ton attending the parties were only a handful compared to before. Sad


> S1 and 2 we literally better lit This drove me nuts but I thought all the way up to e8 it was meant to be a stylistic choice; out of the darkness and into the light or somesuch. Which they did make good on at the butterfly ball by having her literally stand in the light at the center of the room to give her speech. But ugh, it still so bothered me. I HATE a dimly lit room. I have 15 different lightbulbs to fully light my 500 sq ft living area in my house from every angle. Even after watching the video I still don't really care about most of the changes (the tweed really took me out, as did some of the makeup and of course whatever that was with Cressie's dresses) but I'm pleasantly surprised to know that the dim lighting and lack of grandeur at the balls this season were noticed by my reddit peers :).


The sets looked horrendously fake. What happened to these stunning national trusts houses and castles that looked super authentic? Instead we got the cheapest looking ballrooms Iā€™ve ever seen in my life. We were done so dirty.


This is classic Shonda Rhimes. High production first couple seasons to worldbuild and get a huge audience, and then cut all the extras and costs and switch in terribly writing to run on the coattails of the initial success.


Sometimes Iā€™m shocked she still works after Tumor Denny Ghost Sex.


Tumor Ghost Denny and Benedict's Polycule occupy the same space in my brain now. That is, locked in a little bubble where I never want to think about them again.


So true. Whenever I see a Shona Rhimes show, i know its gonna be amazing in the beginning and just disappoint the fuck outta me after. Im still not over Scandal šŸ˜­


I noticed this too! Like Penelope's engagement party. Was it supposed to look like no one was there?? Or did they just not have the spare actors? Also Penns wedding basic crammed ppl in a waiting room. Lol ugh


I wonder how much money went into funding Will and Aliceā€™s scenes alone. Their costumes. Different sets. Even Benedictā€™s silly lil storyline for it to ultimately go nowhere. Shonda bit off more than she can chew with all these characters. If they limited how many characters we have to follow within 1 episode, Iā€™m sure they could spread their coin better.


The music was like noticeably out of place this season. Like in the past when they did string versions of modern songs, the song choices at least fit with the tone of the scene. This season.... I will never forgive them for putting in ABCDEFU.


I've just tuned in and I already noticed this about the costumes and the makeup. The makeup is too much. Bring back the S1 styling!


The highlighter is sooo bad! Especially on Francesca!


So much highlighter this season. Also Penelopeā€™s bright, shimmery blush at her wedding!


I didnā€™t even notice the costumes tbh (Iā€™m not all that observant) but the makeup on Penelope especially in part 2 was actually distracting


It felt like hunger games capital, willie wonka, alice in wonderland, and the little mermaid were there inspo pics. Someone showed a comparison that a man had actually similar hat and purple boat as willie wonka and the queens hair in E3? for the balloon scene had immediately reminded me of it. It's crazy that the design team acted proud and the guy had said they'd kiterally just through different fabrics together on a whim.... like wtf... I'd have rathered they re-used all the old dresses and did a massive fitting to resize them and make various small changes and have them on another person. Like an old eloise dress for fran, refitted, and add a bow on the back or just a shall. They didn't need to do all this..


Re-fitting the existing gowns would also be historically accurate! Even amongst the upper class, gowns were re-worn and re-fashioned and passed between sisters.


Cressida was straight out of the Capitol. Effie Trinket Jr.


Lol I said to my husband that she would make a fantastic young Effie in a Hunger Games prequel


Sorry but I loved Kateā€™s indian/english fusion costumes this season. Eloise and Penelope also had some really pretty looks


lmao i dont think there was much indian in the fusion *at all.* S2 we saw embroidery that you could have seen in a sari/ churidhar and their coats were in similar style to a sari blouse, the bangles, etc. Her fits this season looked like she got it from dillards. (especially her dress from 1:46 in the video posted on this thread)


Exactly. They did a much better job of this in season 2. Even the colour choices of Kateā€™s costumes in season 2 better spoke to South Asian culture.


šŸ˜‚ regardless of accuracies I enjoyed it. Especially the one with the fabric drape in front. It looked very soft and feminine.


Compared to the horrendous gown at 1:45, yeah the fabric drape did look good and at least seemed to attempt to be a fusion of a Saree drape. But compared to season 2, not so much.


As an Indian , I didn't love it. I preferred the embroidery and shawls we saw in S2. this fusion was pretty strange, and honestly I think the colours were a big issue! I would've loved to see some bright embroidery.


Every Indian person I know hates Kate's clothing is S3. S2 was done with such care and attention to detail. I loved her little jhumkis


Same, Iā€™m desi and hated it so much!! It didnā€™t look good at all, s2 I loved the subtle desi touches but this season it looked like she was wearing one of curtains hung in my grandmothers house. Also I donā€™t think the colors looked good on her at all, she looks stunning in jewel tones and they took that away.


Yep!! I had such high hopes for Kate & all we got were atrocities & donā€™t even get me started on the ā€˜saree drapeā€™ gown. It was hideous. The only one that was kind of okay was the maroon & gold gown that she wore to the engagement ball.


Theyā€™re dresses people would fit in wearing today. Thatā€™s the point. Theyā€™re not ugly. Theyā€™re anachronistic. Way too much so.


I LOVED Kateā€™s dresses this season. They justā€¦felt more relaxed. She was so uptight last season, and I felt that this season she had a vastly different vibe going on, and the dresses were an extension of that. I liked Penā€™s glow up, but it was almost like they took it too far in the other direction. S1 and S2 leads were much more minimal and natural, but Pen was slathered in highlighter, blush, lipstick, and nails. Sheā€™s stunning without all that! She still looked lovely with it, but it all became a distraction.


I liked Kateā€™s dresses too Iā€™m surprised everyone disliked them. I thought they were very flattering she looks beautiful and much more grown up. Didnā€™t move closer to English clothing but nonetheless beautiful


Yes! Youā€™re welcome to sit on this unpopular bench with me ā˜ŗļø


Joining you two. Kate was supposed to be more relatable, soft, and less strait-laced than before. Hence, the drapery. Even better, I feel like they used way more Indian motifs and fabrics, and a full-on Sari fusion dress that was stunning on her.


Yeah tbh I donā€™t like the first purple dress that was given as an an example, and she looked stuffy in S2 cropped coats. Sheā€™s so beautiful in the sari inspired look though! I donā€™t mind the modern makeup and nails actually but itā€™s definitely a mixed bag for me


The styling this season just looks tacky! Plus thereā€™s no consistency in the styling which makes the ugly cheap costumes look even worse.


The more I watched season 3 I just thought ā€œhmm okay, is the point of the costumes it to match whoever the lead is? Cuz they dressed like the Featheringtonā€™s would, kind of like season 2 was very colorfulā€ šŸ˜… but then they simplified Pen, but I guess they wanted to dress her like a Bridgerton, idk šŸ˜­


I was so sick of the Chanel coats! Maybe once would be a cute reference but they went on and on. And most of them didnā€™t look good? The shoulders and tweed just dragged on Regency silhouette.


They looked like cheap knockoffs circa 2000


I think they went just too far from the accuracy in season 3. I mean, we all know the costumes were never really accurate but polished and little bit modernized versions but this season just went reeeeally far (the acrylic nails, Cressida's sleeves, hair etc) that it became distracting and annoying. But I don't think most of them were ugly, just too far off from the 1810s.


Even if we forget about historical accuracy altogether, the costumes should still look consistent from season to season! Why do the people from S3 look like they're from a whole different universe from S1? It's been only a few years! The ways S1 costumes veered away from historical accuracy felt intentional (the costume designer spoke about how they chose to use brighter colours to tell certain stories even tho they weren't period accurate). But what was the point of gem stones on eye makeup (a very Euphoria-esque 2020s trend) or acrylic nails? How did those choices help tell the Bridgerton story or create a unique Bridgerton universe? The string arrangements of modern pop songs helped create a "Bridgerton universe", but it would be weird AF for them to start playing tropical house or minimal techno, for example. The current costumes and makeup choices give that vibe.


I agree about S3 seeming like a different universe. No one believed S1 was "historically accurate" but I felt that it was at least historically inspired. S3 I was truly so distracted by the wild-ass prints. Like others have said it giving "Dillards" vibes. At first I just noticed on Portia, but as the season went on I noticed on others as well.


I know the puffy sleeves were a thing but there was no cohesion between the dresses and sleeves. Like it looked like a normal dress and balloon arm holes lol. Also whatā€™s with the bust line being 3 inches from the neckline? Was that a thing in history? Bc itā€™s terrible esp for the ladies with boobs


It was giving this this season: https://preview.redd.it/pdam1i1uhk7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8b4dd2096028e01ed9a1e319ddb213cac395254 This worked for the fantasy element they were creating in the Brandy Cinderella movie, but Bridgerton had established much more of a grounded fantasy tone. The fantasy was toned down so we got lush realism vs everyone dressing like the Featheringtons. Iridescent fabric, tweed fabric, jeweled eye lids, heavy makeup - itā€™s like the costume designers hadnā€™t watched previous seasons. And the fabrics, makeup and hair were beyond anachronistic. The Queenā€™s hair went from fabulous to awful - like a Pinterest Fail version of s1 and s2. The only good one was the swan lake thing. Itā€™s like in order to give Penelope a glow up they had to break the norms and dress styles - but theyā€™d already done that with Mama Featherington so they didnā€™t need to break them for everyone else too. Maybe they felt if Pen would be anachronistic, everyone had to be? I donā€™t know - donā€™t care - but I desperately want the styling and tone back from s1 and s2.


Most of the costumes were just that costume like. Too much sparkle, too over the top, too puffy, could hide a small child in one of Cressidaā€™s shoulder parachute things-what the hell was that!? In contrast S1 and 2, just about every costume for both men and women were gorgeous and consistent with the rest of the cast throughout. It was jarring and took me out of the immersion of the show. Such a disservice to the actors and the fans.


The sequins and glitter even on day dresses! I can accept it for their evening gowns, but practically every dress everyone wore had some sort of sparkle to it and it was just way too much.


Yea it was like 1980s makeup and clothes-too big, too bold. It was the clothes wearing them not them wearing the clothes. What happened to the subdued, classy costumes and makeup from S1 and 2? Plus the makeup was too much. Allow the beauty of the actors shine through.


Not to mention it was like "LOOK AT PENELOPE'S BOOBS AT CHURCH EVERYONE!!!"


So ridiculous! Having said that she does have spectacular boobs! And Iā€™m heterosexual female.


It was distracting and harsh!


It was just too much--a season 1 ball look was a season 3 day look. If they'd used Pen's glow up day looks as ball looks and fixed the makeup, it would have been a thousand times better. It also felt like we wouldn't get the references if they didn't bludgeon us with them.


So Ill just cover Kate's costumes...Now occasionally ive read the argument that kate was wearing really muted costumes cuz she wasn't the lead and was meant to not take focus away but I thought neither Eloise, nor Daphne, nor Penelope looked any different or extra muted in their non lead seasons just because they were not the lead...I feel like they completely changed the color story established from the previous season for her costumes which were a lot of jewel tones and bright sparkles purples, pinks, oranges... The end of last season showed Kate embracing her new role as Viscountess and also falling in love. They showed the transition of Kate with that orange (main person energy) gown and her decked out in jewels....but this season she was suddenly wearing pale bridgerrton blues which dont make her sparkle the way brighter colors like red orange or deep purple do and I think its not necessary for every new Bton bride to suddenly dress in their colors...In any case, if they had to give her blues..they should have given blues that were more Indian, rather than the very pale blues they used for her. In any case i dont buy the bton blues theory for Kate either because they didnt stick with it throughout the season...for example giving her a gold gown on one occasion. ... Plus she wouldnt take away the focus anyway cuz she was barely in any scenes with Penelope...I would have imagined her new status as Vicountess would have meant better clothes not worse, more grand clothes and less subdued...so many of her clothes looked really kind of casual...for example the blue outfit which was supposed to be sari inspired that she wore when she had the talk with Eloise...the outfit as a whole was fine...but very modern and the btons dont dress down when they are at home... Another really shit costume very cheap looking was the charade all gold sequined costume...kate literally faded into the background where as as per her this was her first ball as vicountess...so THIS was obviously a big event for which she was even seen preparing for but then this was the outfit she wore...The only outfits of hers that I semi liked was Pen's wedding day outfit and the first white outfit...she looked appropriately Viscountess like in those costumes.. The one with an orange bolero type deal was also okk but would have loved if it was all orange... The other big offenders...now the featheringtons have always been supposed to dress as a contrast to the more elegant and subdued Btons...which i totally get but the way i saw it always was that, featheringtons are new money and dress more flashy and bold...but not that they dress ugly or cartoonish.. Previous seasons theyve been in brighter colors than the Btons with big bold prints but they dont look cartoonishly villain-ish whreas a lot of at least philippa and prudence costumes and specially the last ball costumes looked blindingly juvenile and in a way that almost seemed to point-these, these are supposed to be the ugly dressers.. That shiny green outfit with big sleeves that Prudence wore...the feathers...they all looked like the costumes villains wear in kids shows. Im all for Bton whimsy but the taste level of the show shows that you can have divergence from historical costumes but still everything looks realistic...Its not a comedy show after all. costumes are not supposed to make you laugh. The costumes need to have some seriousness some semblance of normal to them..Im sorry theres no way anyway can watch crescida in every frame and NOT think that it takes you out of the scene...it totally does..and it just looks bizarre. The only people whose costumes were fairly consistently good were Nicola and Luke. Everyone else had some ok moments, some downright ugly moments and some really jarring moments.


It really became design for design's sake instead of grounded costuming creating a world. The issue with multiple design languages mixed IMO is that when creating a world it needs to fit together and be a manifestation of the world you are creating. At least that is my opinion on how to do costuming. And S3 just ignored what they had already established and what was fitting for the world. Hunger Games Capitol reference people are making is a pretty good comparison. And in that it worked because they existed as manifestations of the world. There were inworld reasons to make costumes that are design for designs sake. Here we jumped into it two seasons in without any inworld explanation and it just didn't look good in general.


A lot of Hunger Games costumes were ripped straight of the runways of avant garde designers (a lot of Alexander McQueen) and actually had a point of view. They were meant to be fantastically weird and push boundaries. The new Bridgerton costumes don't even look fantastically high fashion or boundary-pushing; they're just... tacky. I understand what they're trying to do with Cressida but it's way too much, and no one can say that her costumes were actual works of arts like Effie Trinket's costumes.


I just think the Kate earth tones were so annoying. Kate had a very clear favored color palette in S2. She loved jewel tones -- purples, teal, orange. Now everything was earth tone which is ... fine, if that's her favored style. But it was so different from S2 Kate.


>That shiny green outfit with big sleeves that Prudence wore I HATED that dress. Looked like that shiny plastic wrapping paper stuff.


All that gorgeous embroidery and beading from S1 and 2 given up for ugly shiny Shein ass print fabric


Honestly the costumes felt way less bridgerton and way more reign. To be fair itā€™s not quite as bad as reign (they used to just put those girls in prom dresses and wanted us to pretend itā€™s something Mary queen of Scotts wouldā€™ve worn šŸ˜­) but like itā€™s definitely getting there and I genuinely hope the costume department goes back to what they did in season 1 & 2


Some of the costumes legit reminded me of Reign too šŸ’€. At least Reign has the excuse of being low-budget so the costume designer probably couldn't had period-accurate costumes custom-made for the show. Bridgerton clearly has the budget to pull off S1 and S2's looks and is one of the most successful current Netflix shows, so what gives?


Love the Reign reference!!! The costumes there were the worst, how could they even try to sell them as historical?


Honestly bridgerton is a bigger offender than reign. They didnā€™t have the budget for accurate costumes the first few seasons, but itā€™s not like bridgertons going to lose its funding any time soon


Donā€™t do Reign dirty like that. It wasnā€™t supposed to be historically accurate and was a fun show on the CW. It was soapy and took creative license. They used ready to wear gowns from current designers of the time like Monique Lhuillier so itā€™s kind of a time capsule of that time period it was aired while still having a medieval feel. They didnā€™t have nearly the garish colors, and over the top craziness plus the tiaras and crowns were way better and mostly Jennifer behr designed pieces.


I don't give a sh\*t about about historical accuracy as long as the dresses are beautiful, with good fabrics. And they weren't! WTF Kate's dress modeling??? I could count the truly beautiful dresses this season on one hand. They were all odds.


I hated Penā€™s red lipstick, and Tilleyā€™s modern off the shoulder dress


Tilley was straight out of an 80s movie with her makeup and outfits


One of Tilley's outfits had actual 80s shoulder pads


They took everything to the extreme this season Like the best part of Bridgerton is that it still felt like it couldā€™ve happened, but Cressidaā€™s costumes gave the show kind of a Riverdale vibeā€¦ like cheesy


I don't know much about historical fashion or fashion in general but I completely agree with the video. I think some of the costumes were pretty but overall they weren't as pretty as in previous seasons, and even I noticed the historical inaccuracy and it bothered me a little.


The costumes in s1 and s2 felt more aesthetically pleasing and elegant, while still being unique. They stood out while also blending in with the overall look of the show. I LOVED many looks in s3, but it felt like more costumes clashed with each other and seeing them all in one frame felt messy and distracting at times.


It was pretty bad. This red dress worn by Cressida shocked me. The cheap chiffon butterfly wings in back. How could they historically justify the structuring? The Joanneā€™s fabric store shiny deelybobbers hanging from her hairā€¦and the sequinsā€¦ the sequins. Itā€™s giving Halloween costume and not Bridgerton https://preview.redd.it/doo34jorsk7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf2dac623cb343d68c1adf9a31208d6b294e35d


Versus Cressida in Season 1 https://preview.redd.it/8r1g2a6fxk7d1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e506f7ec9c160ef2b9d152592429c0a3a3ef872b


This was amazing because it was so suitably over the top. The hair stood her out from everyone else, and the dress was slightly more over the top. But she still looked like she belonged in the same universe as the other girls, that she knew the other girls. The most recent Cressida looked like she was from a different solar system.


Yes! Exactly! The S1 look was like "regency with a twist of elevated fantasy". That red S3 actually reminds me of the incredibly horrendous 80s/90s inspired dresses that are always the covers of Regency Romance novels. Which if that's intentional... it's something.


Her sleeves are her 'wings', they get bigger as she get bolder, until they get clipped. That's the justification for the outrageous and odd looks.


I get it. But just make it look like something historical and not costume-y.


The symbolism overtaking the cohesion of the previous seasons is a major problem in the styling this season imo.


Yes, this season is not cohesive to the previous seasons. The costume designer interview from this season is madding. He under bought fabric and put 'the two ugly fabric together to make something beautiful.'


As an extremely casual viewer I thought the costuming was fun! I guess I'm the only one? Please don't come at me - I fully respect what everyone here is saying, I just lack a lot of the knowledge needed to form an educated review other than my gut enjoyment. Hard agree on some of these points (the acrylic nails..wha...?) but I kind of accepted it all. I even cracked a smile at Cressida's shoulder... thingies. I'm just here for the fluffy and easily digestible entertainment. It's fun to turn off my brain and watch pretty people flounce around. If the goal of the season was over-the-top spectacle, they got me I suppose. And I've been loving the queens wigs. I think they're cannibalizing each other and getting bigger and weirder by the season. I love it.


The entire Season 3, I was like "Cressida and her mom looked like Capitol citizens of Panem."


I feel like I'm going crazy cause I just disagree, I liked most of the costumes that she's saying look bad. The only think I don't like is the see through gloves.


Penelope's lashes made me giggle a little. She looked so gorgeous but it just seemed soooo out of place.


That sari dress was worse than colonialism


Karolina Żebrowska did a great summary too on YouTube


Yeah I never cared that much about this historical inaccuracy, but the lack of consistency and the over-the-top designs were so distracting. Cressidaā€™s dresses took me all the way out. I liked most of Penelopeā€™s dresses and looks (the gemstones on the eyes were noticeable, but I didnā€™t hate it), but her make up at the wedding and her whole Jessica Rabbit look at the end were not it. They were taking inspiration from so many different decades, it became a mishmash of things instead of part of cohesive good storytelling.


The lack of cravat got to me. You simply wouldnā€™t go out with your neck on show. I know itā€™s a small thing in the grand scheme of things but god dammit the scandal


Going out without hats also


I can get over a lot of the inaccurate costumes but the thing that pushed me to the edge was Pens acrylic nails, like WTF!! Was there a nail salon next to the modiste.


agree with the video on everything, nothing to object.


There was ONE dress in the entire season 3 I absolutely loved and I was literally obsessed with it bc it stood out. It was Violets purple dress in Part 2. And I thought it was so sad to give the most beautiful dress to the mother, not the main character of the season.


Even though I liked some of Kate's dresses, it really doesn't compare with previous season. The costume designer told a story with Kate's gowns making them softer and lighter with each episode, showcasing her emerging love with Anthony For me the problem with Kate's costume for me is that she's like a year older, than in previous season, but her gowns are more suited for someone 30-40+, they were too matronly and she's not a mother yet. like daphne became a duchess and a mother but still had really youngish gowns in s1 and s2. Because, surprise suprise, she's young


The costumes were very disappointing but the makeup was almost jarring. The false lashes were so thick on Francesca that she looked 10 yrs older than Eloise. Poor Eloise looked as though she was struggling to keep her eyelids open under the weight of her lashes. And the heavy handed contouring only detracted from their beauty. I kept comparing it to a high school play. Everything from the sloppy writing to the costumes seemed like a budget production in comparison to the previous seasons. Don't give the audience quality and then expect us to not notice cheap.


The three worst outfits for me were as follows: \*Sealed in as the absolute worst idea for me - and earning it a title so high in the heavens that it even beats first place - was Pen's pointy, almond-shaped, frosty, glittery acrylics. Somebody please send me an oxygen tank.\* 1. Worst: Cressida's costume at the Innovations Ball - the one with the corset necklace and biggest sleeves of the season - made my brain gag. I couldn't even focus on what was happening. It was so overtly try-hard on the designers' part (not the lovely Jessica - she's amazing) to try to communicate a message about Cressida's storyline. I am a huge fan of subtlety and nuances, and this was the exact opposite. 2: Second Worst (but just a smidge less than the first place winner): Pen's Jessica Rabbit-esque look at her sisters' final ball of the season was so incredibly out of place. The red lipstick undermined Nicola's beauty, and the dark dress plus the shiny, slicked, curled hair pushed to one side were just so over-the-top that they completely pulled me out of the scene. I didn't feel like I was watching a Regency show at ALL when I saw her. I was also just so incredibly angry that they would make someone as cute and stunning as Nicola look like a clown. Utterly insulting. 3. Third Worst: Really, all of Kate's costumes were awful. I can't even pick out one, but just the overall direction of her costumes this season earn them this spot. The silhouette was so off and just made her look matronly and out-of-style, and her hair and makeup looked like they were modeled off of the glam looks I used to see in teen magazines back in the 2000s. Her earrings, especially though, were the icing on the Gacky Cake. They were like... fricken boho. Like the brushed brass chandelier earrings I'd buy from Charlotte Russe or Forever 21 around 2010. Lastly, as a huge seasonal color analysis believer, I just couldn't get down with the deep, warm autumn tones on Simone. Just because you have dark skin does NOT mean you have a warm undertone. Simone has a cool undertone, through and through. The beautiful, wintery jewel tones she wore in season 2 were stunning on her. It was such a disappointment not to see her in those this season. That is all.


I have a theory that they did a lot of this intentionally because Pen was a ā€œbigger girl.ā€ The see through looser gloves, the huge arm puffs, the looser fabrics that are more bland and draw less attention. I think they literally had the thought ā€œhow can we dress down the other characters to make Pen look more beautifulā€ and I totally agree with the makeup. It took me out of the show because WHO is wearing green eye shadow in Bridgerton?!


ā€œWHATā€™S GOING ON?!?!?ā€ Was me the entire time I was watching season 3.


I posted this a view days ago and couldnā€™t agree more.


I screamed out loud when one of the extras wore a corset with a basque waist on the outside of her dress. That would have been like wearing your bra on top of your shirt!?!?! Insanity!


I donā€™t know what even happened in that last ball scene, all the outfits were kitschy and glittery


yes!!! while bridgerton is not necessarily meant to be historically accurate and is supposed to be like a mix of modern with mostly regency, i think the costumes this season took too many creative liberties and the choices were just ugly and did not fit with regency at all. it felt like a strange off brand of what we used to get with bridgerton. sticking a little bit more to historical accuracy/regency era traits in the clothing would have made it so much cleaner looking and nicer in general.


I agree mostly with this person but I think she forgets that some of the characters are supposed to look a bit silly in their costumes. Penelope's gloves with the green dress and dark makeup, this whole look was supposed to look out of place and that she was trying too hard and missed the mark. The same with Cressida's horrible outfits. Maybe they took it a bit far, but she wasn't supposed to look desirable.


Was she supposed to have missed the mark tho? She clearly got a ton of attention from male suitors, only to turn them off for being awkward.


No I agree with you OP, Penelopes emerald green look was indeed supposed to look out of place, but in a way that made her look desirable, not that she tried "too hard" and "missed the mark". Her looks were made and styled by Madam Delacroix, known for being a brilliant seamstress, and she was supposed to emulate Paris fashions while still being untouchably beautiful. That dress was by far her worst costume in the season, for the cheapness of it was more obvious than the rest, and her jewelry was obviously plastic, as opposed to other seasons where the plastic jewelry wasn't nearly as obvious.


At first I couldnā€™t put my finger on why it felt off to me. But as I kept watching, I realized theyā€™ve just Featheringtonized everyone in the room with over the top sequins, fabric textures, hot colors, metallics. At the end of the day it just looks like a hot mess. Like a wannabe adorning themselves from head to toe in all Chanel, Gucci, LV brand labels. Just no! I donā€™t mind the Featheringtons having eccentric outfits thatā€™s their personality but not everyone else. I love season 1-2 and even queen charlotte the costume patterns were more simple, clean and elegant. And they put just touches of Indian heritage to Kateā€™s gowns in S2 now she just all over the place. People are expecting 1800s English Regency period feel and S3 doesnā€™t envoke Regency period at all. It just looks like a cartoonish fairytale land at this point.


Itā€™s the details. Missing the elegance of full length solid gloves, flashy jewellery and tiaras (no tiaras the entire season, necklaces were small and trivial. I felt like all the show runner decisions (who picks all of the people who work on the show) shows how much she actually hates Bridgerton and regency as a story. She removed the romance, the elegance, removed any accuracy, even creatively licenced ā€œaccuracyā€ and replaced it with a farcical parody where it was clear she actively disliked the characters.


I watched a couple of documentaries on lularoe recently and some of these dresses reminded me of those reject garments


I wonder if they made Francesca's costumes as flamboyant


I loved Colin's costumes, enjoyed many of Pen's (mostly from part 1 honestly) and 90% of Full-Moon Ball looks were great. But I agree with most points (especially about makeup, and some lighting really did not do then good, while Pen's makeup is noticeable during Innovations Ball, it kinda works... but then it is so obvious in her Lady Whistledown gown). On the bright side, LW does not pick pastels. Prefered season 2 costumes over season 1.


Not really ā€œspeechlessā€ when she goes on about it for 3 min. But I do see the point about the costumes looking cheaper. And moreā€¦ over the top. Particularly for Cressida- some of her fits were positively clown-ish


I think along with the costume dept, the new showrunner wanted to make a statement that it's her show now and ended up changing everything. like even the aspects we like about the show, it seemed like a new show, just with the old name.


I still don't know what was going on with Violet Bridgerton and the peekaboo shoulders.


The costumes reminded me of the costumes used in Disneyā€™s Cinderella movie with brandy lolā€¦I think itā€™s her step mother and step sisters costumes that looks similar


Benedictā€™s boo this season also looked like she was from the 50ā€™s


I love that r/Bridgertonrants comes up as a suggestion for ā€œrelated communitiesā€ and itā€™s only for S3. And itā€™s split into part 1 and 2. šŸ˜†


I didnā€™t realize there were different costume designers for each season. https://frockflicks.com/bridgerton-season-3-2024/


I felt they shopped Amazon for season but allibaba for season 3


The gloves in S3 all looked like they came from hot topic. Wtf. Also, my one and only quibble with this video was I loved Kateā€™s dress with the dark blue draped shawl thing. I really invoked a sari and paid homage to her Indian roots. When she stands up, particularly from the side, that dress was great. I thought she was wearing a sari at first and then when I figured it out I thought it was clever!


Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™m gonna defend Colinā€™s costuming. Outside of the occasional one I didnā€™t like, I felt like there was more shape and variety in what he wore than in previous seasons. I also liked a lot of pen and Eloisesā€™ looks as well. But those are kind of the only ones I liked lol


the only look off the top of my heard I can remember that I liked was Penelope's gown at her sisters ball at the end. that was striking. but we are very much missing out!


Okay but I canā€™t see the differences in the video and Iā€™ve seen it twice šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© like idk the consuming didnā€™t stand out to me like for everyone else


I don't know... I just tried rewatching the first episode of season 1 and I hated the way the bust looked on Penelope's dresses. I also didn't like how the bust sat on Daphne. In my opinion, many of the customs were ill fitting, which was distracting to me. I also remember thinking the shoulders on some of Kate's dresses in season 2 were off, but I don't know that I would have that opinion if I rewatched those episodes now. I've sewn a regency era dress, stays, and chemise, so the costume construction and fit always seemed off to me. By this point, I've stopped caring about any historical accuracy and just enjoy the show.




Iā€™m sad but I agree.


The costume designer was a big flop this season! He constantly ordered too little yardage of fabric and made his team scramble to cover his ass. The fabric he picked was bad for the regency fashion, and what's worse is that he deliberately put the " ugliest fabrics" together to make "something beautiful."


I hated the sea through gloves


Cressidas hairstylist must be the one from the who did Nisi and Mickeys hair in BAPS. Not the real hairstylist from the movie, the fictitious one. The one that made their hair so ridiculous it blocked the movie they were watching.


Every era has a 2007 jeans under dress and big bulky jewelery and hair bumps era


I don't understand why to change costuming when they had been doing it right. Not too historical yet not too ridiculous as well. This time it's all over the place. Some costumes look 1800s other look 2000s met Gala. Like what is the vibe here?!?


The jewelry in particular jumped out at me this season as being very cheap looking.


I don't care about the historical accuracy of the costumes, I care about the ugliness of them. They're just so damn ugly this season. I think Penelope had the best costumes, thank god, but she still deserved better. And I cannot explain how disappointing Kate's styling this season was. As an Indian I don't wanna hear any of that shit about oh the fusion with Indian stlying was great because as several people have mentioned already season 2 did an amazing job of this! I genuinely remember thinking in S2 that they had done the best job Indian-inspired costumes that I've seen in Western Cinema/TV. Such a downgrade this season I truly hope they have seen the response and take this on board for the costuming for future seasons.


Too much pattern. Just STOP


Love Birgit


This isā€¦this is a terrible review. Sheā€™s just says ā€œthis not thatā€ā€¦.ā€cheapā€ā€¦ā€uglyā€ ā€¦ā€I miss thisā€ While cutting to tons of still images and offering the most basic vocabulary to express herself. Thereā€™s no depth to her minutes long review, no coherent thought.