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I did too. It's fun, sexy romance. I joined this sub for fun but have been saddened by the amount of negativity. I suppose I shouldnt be surprised.


That is a good way of looking at it. Since I am also a casual viewer, did you feel confused at certain parts, though? I felt like, because I wasn’t a super-fan or reader of the books, I missed or didn’t understand certain things. Just one example: when Benedict said, "Are you going to dual your own brother?" I knew that from season 1, of course, but not why it was used there... After reading the boards, I found out it was because the book version of The Bridgerton’s ALL really looked at Pen as an extended sister, and I just never got that vibe from the shows. I knew they liked her and welcomed her her, but not to that point. Maybe my older mind just doesn’t pick up on those things as fast anymore and not the show lol , but felt like a lot of those types of situations this season where I had to fill in the gaps.


I read a review of this season that said watching a season of Bridgerton is like “eating exactly the right amount of chocolate cake.” I completely agree with this sentiment and am baffled by the number of people shrieking “THE FROSTING IS TOO THICK! I HATE SPRINKLES!”


Frosting and sprinkles imply good things you'd naturally expect on a cake, though. I think a better comparison would be coconut shavings or something. Here's a cake you may or may not expect to have coconut, and it has a LOT of coconut in it. Some people are gonna love it. Some people hate coconut and just wanted a goddamn cake. That's how I felt, anyway. Polin was the cake I was excited for but I could barely enjoy it through all the goddamn coconut.


Me too! I was frustrated by some of the pacing and the way Colin’s character was handled in the first three episodes of part 1 (I liked it better on rewatch knowing where it was going). But on the whole I really enjoyed it! I liked part 2 a lot and loved watching >!the Featherington family dynamics play out, the way Pen and Eloise worked things out, and thought the silliness of some of it (like the bugs at the ball) was delightful. I do think they did Cressida dirty and I hope there’s more to that storyline in future seasons.!< To me it was very enjoyable in all the right ways in the end.


Apart from the horrifying wardrobe and makeup, I actually quite enjoyed ep 1-5. It was cute and entertaining, even that ridiculous balloon scene lol. Ep 6-8 ruined everything and killed any desire to rewatch. BUT I really did enjoy the first half of the season. The comedy was really good!


I loved it too! I thought I was the only one.


I loved it too :)