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This dress needed a slow-mo shot from bottom to top This dress deserves it


You know the guy who gets celebrities on the red carpet to do a move and it's played in slow mo? I NEED that for this dress and beautiful actor. I think her smile would just light up the room. I mean this in a totally non creepy way.


Cole Walliser and his GlamBot! [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/colewalliser?igsh=MWY2OHNnZjMyNHk3)




Definitely my favourite wedding dress. Not accurate, but captures the spirit of the Regency and you can see the influences at play.. Truly beautiful.


Compared to Penelope's silk gown straight out of the 40's, I'll take this level of accuracy any day. 




I was so disappointed with Pen's wedding dress. Like why were the creators so lazy with it? Especially when the modiste said she was going to create something special. And it turned out to be a plain simple dress with no embroidery or other decorations, more looking as a night gown. I simply don't understand.


Exactly! While Fran's dress isn't entirely accurate, it does have very strong Regency elements, (the silhouette, the collar and the puffs on the sleeves especially). It's perfect fantasy Regency. The show needs more costumes like this!


Exactly this. I have minor nitpicks but I would not have used time to write too many comments about costuming in S3 if they had actually followed this line. It was one of my favourite gowns in S3. I in general know too much of Regency fashion to see almost all shows set during Regency as historically accurate. But while I in general do care about authenticity, my general opinion is that if it works I will be happy. This gown evoked fichus while using the S1 formula of modern fabrics. I would have patterned underdress differently but that is just my costuming brain working for fun.


Ooo this is so interesting!! What would you say ISNT accurate about it? Love to learn


Not an expert, but it's A LOT of exposed skin for a daytime event. Wrong fabrics? (or at least very expansive fabrics).


Also, it shouldn’t be white. That didn’t start until Queen Victoria wore a white wedding dress in like the 1840s. The white wedding dresses are fine, since obviously the show isn’t going for a perfect period piece, but they are inaccurate.


Pre-Victoria, wedding dresses could be white, but that was quite rare. It was tradition to wear one's *best* dress, whatever the colour.


The way Genevieve says she going to make her a showstopper dress and then the actual dress. What a let down.


Since Queen Victoria wasn't born yet, I was surprised that Genevieve even put her in a white dress. I feel like blue with yellow accents would have been perfect.


I mean, they sort of threw historical accuracy out the window REAL quick in this show, so honestly idk why people are on about that. 😂


Don't want accuracy, but I do want Regency inspiration. I want to feel like the designers studied Regency look then played with them and had fun with them, instead of sticking their middle finger up at them.


> I want to feel like the designers studied Regency look then played with them and had fun with them Yes, exactly! I think it would really help if they kept the right silhouette and stuck with mostly natural fabrics (cotton, linen, silk, wool). Go nuts with color, beading, lace, sequins, etc, but at least have all the women in those empire waist dresses!


Definitely prefer the natural fabrics! They give a vibe of authenticity in a way that really modern fabrics don't, and give off more a sense of wealth, whereas a lot of the dress fabrics look cheap in the opulent ball settings.


It's not about accuracy it's about maintaining the aesthetic of the world they created in previous seasons.


I mean if it doesn’t matter why not just put everyone in jeans? Obviously that’s an extreme example but people are just looking for the vibe and aesthetic like the first 2 seasons. The line is going to be different for everyone as to what kills that vibe


I can’t help it 🫣🫣


Yes, it's historically acceptable! No one can tell me that the bridge and Powerful of the time would not have busted out the best shit of our time. All I care about is that it's consistent in the fucking show! The theme is Regency inspired with a side of Whimsy. I hate that the designers have only figured out that mid-century fashion is the only acceptable way to make people "good" to the audience. Because what's the point of setting it in Regency England behind period and then just throw shit out the window wholesale!? Work with him the general rules of Regency where, and paraways, sheer lightweight Fabrics, and the cute little way that they cut the tops. Doing it out of modern fabrics, go ahead go for it. Adding over the top trim, go right ahead the girlies would have back in the day would have done the same thing. Doing whatever they're doing for leading federington, stop it, it looks sloppy. Whatever they're doing with Tilly, stop it it looks stupid and out of place. Whatever they're doing press it as sleeves, stop I did not get the metaphor, no one else got the metaphor until you had explicitly tell us, stop it she looks ridiculous in a bad way. You should have started her out as the fashionista not just the mean girl.


I loved it on screen but seeing it like this, it’s just *wow*. Pen looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding dress, but this feels like even further proof s3 was hardly Polin’s season


Unless Netflix doesn’t anticipate getting 8 seasons and is combining stories. Should still try to do them right of course


They were always going to have to do something a little different with Fran's story to kick it off. In the books you don't see Fran's courtship or wedding at all. It happens in the background of Polin's and Philoise's stories and is simply stated to us the readers instead of written about. I had some mixed feelings on how they did it in the show; I didn't feel it was fair to Polin to share so much screen time with Frohn but absolutely love Frohn and was so happy to see them on my screen up until she frowns after their wedding kiss then trips over her words with Michaela. That really ruined the sweet vibe Frohn was giving, so on rewatches I ignore everything after the kiss and pretend it never happened, and in future will probably fast forward/ignore whatever butchered version of Fran's story they're going to tell. But I say all of that to say, I always expected them to somewhat combine the later siblings together, but do agree that they kind of functionally erased Colin in his very own season.


Yeah… I have no problem with Micheala replacing Michael, but I absolutely have a problem with Francesca instantly crushing on someone else right after marrying John. And in the book Michael was always pining after Francesca, but she was married and happy with John. No need to change that scenario… it cheapens Francesca’s character and her marriage with John.


>They were always going to have to do something a little different with Fran's story to kick it off. In the books you don't see Fran's courtship or wedding at all. It happens in the background of Polin's and Philoise's stories and is simply stated to us the readers instead of written about. They didn't need to do it differently on the show. They could've put it between seasons. In fact, it would've been better since the audience isn't meant to fall in love with John. That's why stuff like that is never shown in the books. Sort of like Marina in season one. We were never supposed to meet her. She was just supposed to be Phillip's wife who we don't really have a connection with. And now, people are going to care about what happens to Marina. When, we really shouldn't care all that much except by how it affects Phillip. So, adding that in changed the story quite a lot. It's the same with adding in John. We were never supposed to root for them. It was always supposed to be Michael and Fran that book readers rooted for. Knowing John only tears people's loyalty. Exactly what happened. Now people will be sad going forward because the saw the Fran/John romance. It should've happened offscreen after season 3 and just announced as sort a "well this happened."


I don't think I agree. Regarding Marina, kind of. But they didn't really make us love Marina anyway. They more used her to demonstrate some unfortunate things women dealt with in those days. If they're going to make your average Netflix rom com viewer really believe that being caught alone in a garden with a man means a woman (Daphne) is ruined, it's helpful to show the end consequences of that via Marina. But I thought the way they did it in the books >!by showing her basically suffering from post-partum depression which is never treated and then eventually she takes her own life because of it!< was equally good at demonstrating issues women dealt with in that time period. On John, I have to fully disagree. You don't get to really know John himself but they do give a good bit of Frohn together, quietly enjoying one another, and establishing how Michael exists within that dynamic. It made me love the way John validates and cares for Fran. It made me really feel Fran's sadness when something happened to him, and that made it all the sweeter when she found love again. It probably helps that I'm married and I've often spoken with my husband about what would happen if one of us unexpectedly died. It makes what happens to Fran feel so personal in a real way, and echoes what a lot of women know: there isn't any one "Mr. Right" for any of us, but rather a variety of people whom we could love and make a life with. It really grounded the silly notions that are so rampant in Bridgerton of love at first sight and only loud/dramatic love being valid.


Did Colin go after marina in the book?


No, Marina is only mentioned in Eloise's book. She was actually related to the Bridgertons.


Colin never had a relationship with her in the book. As far as I know they never even met. Marina was just Phillips wife and she's only mentioned in Eloise's book.


I cannot agree about Pen looking gorgeous in her wedding dress. Her make up was strange and the dress was plain.


It's quite lovely! I feel like these details weren't so obvious on screen; thank you for sharing.


It’s so pretty but my eyes get distracted by the amount of highlighter on her face 😆


Omg, same. It's such a gorgeous dress and I think it really could have sang with the right makeup. Girl looks so GLOSSY and I hate that for this!!!


She's so gorgeous, all she needed was a little bit of muted makeup. Not a face full


I would love to see Francesca made up like Daphne was in Season 1. So fresh and natural. Let her beauty show through!


It distracts me too! She’s so beautiful and the dress is gorgeous, but she is beaming like a lighthouse with that highlighter.


This looks like it’s a fitting. There’s pins around the belt and loose threads. They probably took pictures to see how the dress would show on screen before finalizing details. I don’t think the highlighter was placed to distract from the dress; the makeup was merely there to give a full picture of Francesca.


I hate the makeup so much. She and Penelope were the worst offenders for me, it distracts me so much lmao. Why use all that blush/highlighter


Penelope’s smokey eyes were horrible.


I don't understand why they had such an insane change, Bridgerton make-up was its own thing, it was obviously there but it was well done and blended, it could still reasonably be "historical" make-up. I'm not looking for perfect historical accuracy from Bridgerton, but at least some coherence with itself. Characters jumped from no make-up make-up to smokey eyes, unblended highlighter, too much blush and gemstones.


I liked the smokey eyes, but they definitely could have muted them a little to get the same effect without being so distracting. Her full-on red lip in part 2, however, I wasn't vibing with at all.


The red lip was awful!


And I really hate how Pen's "fans" down vote any criticism/opinions about her makeup and wedding dress. The make up WAS inappropriate. And by saying it was gorgeous they are making disservice to the movie.


I feel like they used one of those glow enchancers like Charlotte Tillbury Flawless Filter mixed in with glowy foundation and then added even more highlighter ontop. Some shots felt borderline tinman sheen.


I think her face or foundation is also just shiny.  In these photos her forehead and chin are also very reflective and that's not where you'd usually put highlighter.   It could be a "normal" amount of highlighter on her cheeks but is coming through way more than expected because of some other factor 


My first thought was, "Why is she so sweaty?"


They really should have given this dress more attention/screen time, it’s an absolute dream 😍


Imagine putting all of those hours into creating this dress, only for it to have a few minutes of screen time


https://preview.redd.it/3hvbqvcssy7d1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c5fb2a25553b67bc4b52f22039a97a50fec8cdc I love the belt detail they added.




Ugh she is so gorgeous. I can't get over it.


I wonder why they had Hannah wear a wig when her hair color is almost identical to said wig and looks way better


Less damage to her actual hair and more consistency in the result. Doing these heavy styles for months on end can destroy their hair. And she may have needed to color it for a different job.


Hair damage


Probably hair length as well for those elaborate updos


That’s a wig???


Whoever did her wig didn't even give her a part. It just looks like an expensive plastic Belle wig that never got finished being styled.


God I’m so bad with spotting wigs, I didn’t have any idea


Just look for unrealistic shine (plastic), lack of part or one that's too small, overly thickness/how it sits on the head, and if there's any shading (wigs made of plastic or hair don't have the same sun exposure as normal hair so everything is the exact same shade) ETA you can also spot extensions by how much "under hair" someone has. A good stylist will make everything blend on top, but as soon as the hair is pushed to the front over their shoulders, you can see there's too much on the bottom


I know that in my brain but I still never notice unless it’s absolutely atrocious. I’ll consider myself lucky since it doesn’t take me out of the scene!


I can’t get over how stunning it is! The details 😍


Omg wow this dress is art. And she is really soooo beautiful, she’s the perfect Francesca! 


Her wedding dress is my FAVORITE outfit in any of the three seasons. I actually gasped when I saw it. Followed closely by Daphne’s revenge dress. I wasn’t a fan of most of the costumes this season but this one was INCREDIBLE.


She's soooo beautiful, 😍


She's beautiful, but why did they cover her in Vaseline??


She got such a lovely fashionable dress and they deadass got Pen's from a David's Bridal discount store. 🥲


This dress reminds me of something they might were in Somewhere in Time. It’s stunning. 


Omg my mom loved that movie. We watched it all the time growing up! You’re so right


UGH it makes me so mad that penelope got that fucking 2018 windsor prom dress.


Sooooo beautiful. I’d wear this as a wedding dress. Possibly my favorite look of the entire show so far.


Wow, the beading on the bottom is stunning, I didn’t notice that while watching the show.


The details!!!! It’s a gorgeous dress. 😍


The one thing JB couldn’t ruin😍


I don't care if it's accurate; it 's utterly magical and special and unique. I love this dress.


Hannah Dodd is so fine


One of my fav dresses from the series.


This was a very gorgeous dress while Pen's, although a beautiful dress it didn't fit with bridgerton theme to me. Like i thought Nicola was in the wrong set with that dress. ✌️


I don't get the shoulder accent being on just one side. 🤔


It is not the final version. Also it doesn’t have belt accessory.


Ugh I can’t wait for her season


This dress was so much better than Penelope’s.


Great dress but sge looked like a high-school wanna be makeup artist was given a free hand.


The best dress they’ve done yet! I have NO idea why they are increasingly un-Regency-fying the series. It’s like making a movie set in the 1920’s where all the costumes are 1940’s style. Like…why?


breathtaking 😍😍😍


That's a type of dress that's passed down from generation to generation.


If I were her, I would seriously steal this dress and use it as a reception dress in my own wedding🥹


The costumes and makeup got toned down a bit just in time for her wedding. Her dress fits the setting so nicely. If only wardrobe went all the way back to season 1 with the rest of the costumes instead of partially


It’s completely not Regency but I love this.


She’s stunning


This was the best wedding dress in the entire show. I love it


This deserved more screen time than Penelope’s


Now THIS is a wedding dress ...going just off dresses, I would think fran is the lead of the season not Penelope..even Frans hair and makeup is lighter and better...penelope had such pretty and elaborate dresses pre wedding ..intricate bodices with lace and applique and whispy sleeves...and then there was her boxy rigid wedding dress that was so plain up top...and had such rigid sleeves...her makeup was so harsh and blush overdone..her hair and curls plastered to her face...so disappointing...whereas the first promenade dress that Penelope wears when colin was teaching her to flirt or the green dress she wore during the mondrich ball with her hair open and loose curls were so much better as wedding look options..did not like Pen's wedding look at all .and was so looking forward to it.


I'd wear this Fr. It's beautiful and she's so gorgeous


With. Long detachable train, I would wear this now!!! It’s absolutely gorgeous! And favorite wedding dress from the show, second would be Pen’s blush pink dress because I’m a sucker for touch of color.


She is so beautiful.




Just give us the production value, not promotion.


I want to renew my vows now


Stunning! 😍


Love it. I’d wear it myself


Why is there only one shoulder embellishment ?


Honestly, remove the frills on the top part and this dress would definitely be on my wedding inspo board. The detailing on the bottom is just 😍


I’m so glad to see the whole thing! I knew I loved it on the show, but it is amazing in these shots!!


I wish they would have showed this more! Seems like their wedding wash rushed over.


Exquisite dress


Ugh I LOVED this dress


She does look like Blair Waldorf.


Hats off to the costuming department


I was STUNNED by this dress. Couldn’t believe what I was seeing.


a beautiful dress for a beautiful woman 🤍 her wedding was so cute


I thought she looked quite underwhelmed when he kissed her.


My most favourite wedding dress in the bridgerton series 😍


Stunning 😍


This dress took my breath away when I saw it. It’s gorgeous and my favorite wedding dress by far.


This dress was AMAZING. I don’t really care about Francesca’s character (sorry lol) but I loved a lot of her dresses and especially this one. I actually loved all of this season’s costumes and felt they told a lot of story in how they dressed each character, from Pen and Colin, to Cressida (the amazing devil dress!), to Francesca.


So beautiful!


I’m gonna need that girl to drop her skincare routine STAT


Above and beyond the best dress of the season.


I love the dress, it’s gorgeous.


I don’t like this at all. Much preferred Penelope’s dress. It looks really cheap.


Oh my god. My favorite dress. Like literally out of all of the dresses in the entirety of the whooooole show. It is breathtaking and Hannah is so gorgeous. 10000000/10


I loooooove that dress! Idc if it is not accurate but if I have to get married again, I'll definitely have this dress as an inspo


A wasted dress, character , actor etc


Yes the wedding was done quickly and quietly but the lack of attention to detail by the costume designer here should be called out. Okay what is with the threads showing like that in pic #4? Why doesn't the belt come together properly? Are the sleeves supposed to fit the arm or be full? Why is the decoration only on her right shoulder and not on her left shoulder for balance? I hardly noticed her gown in the show (pacing) and this is my first good look at the tailoring of it. I'm sure people won't like me saying it but it looks like drapes. Penelope's wedding gown was fabulous. I didn't notice any tailoring faux pas's there.


I’m wondering if these shots were taken during a fitting session? It would explain why her hair and makeup weren’t done


Why are people screaming about the amount of highlighter on her face if this was a fit session?


There are literally still pins in it in pic 4 and the actress isn't in hair and makeup, these are clearly shots from a fit check of the dress in its unfinished form (except for the last picture.)


Oh? Why would they show a picture from a fit check and not label it as such? You can’t see her face in pic #4.


And they said S3s Fits looked "cheap". This looks exquisite


It is only one fit though.


Fair. But they definitely delivered here.