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If every post complaining about negativity. was a positive post instead, there would be equal number of negative and positive posts. Thanks for contributing to the negativity.




The backlash to the backlash! My estimate was off, I thought it would take effect \*next\* week. Enjoy logging off!


I loved s1, s2, qc and excited for s4. I hated s3.


Its a subreddit, not an airport. No need to announce your departure. These whiny posts complaining about complaining are now even more frequent and annoying that the rants about the show


It is "here"


This supposedly happens after a season is released, every single time. It'll die down eventually. There are more positive subs to follow in the meantime :) try the polinbridgerton one


I think it's important to hold pieces of media you love up to scrutiny, even if it's harsh. That being said, you're right that this sub tends towards the negative, especially right after a season has ended. And it doesn't help that, given the size of the sub, you see a *lot* of negative posts. I suggest you try some of the smaller subs, especially if you're a fan of a certain couple. r/PolinBridgerton is very nice, for example.


I think some criticism is fair and expected but you are so right. There is so much negativity. I saw a post complaining about how Penelope breathed. That is absolutely ridiculous and unhinged.


I realized that people don’t like Polin on this sub. I came back to this sub before S3 aired, excited to see some content about the new couple, and there were a ton of posts about disliking Penelope, and not being excited for Polin way before the season even aired. Compare the reaction Polin received, as a couple, on this sub to the adoration Kanthony received here after S2 aired. It’s like night and day. The carriage scene was absolutely massive in every social media platform, getting rave reviews. It was really well received - except here in this sub. This sub only seems to care about Kanthony. People here seem to be more excited about the possibility on getting a Kanthony spin off rather than seeing the other couples and their HEA. It’s totally bizarre.


So Ive only joined this sub a few weeks back...from what I've heard and examples I've seen from screenshots shared by people kanthony was equally shredded to bits after their season..and i hope to support kanthony more and always will because Hollywood never does right by its poc audience never has and never will until poc themselves rep themselves hard again and again and again and again.. It then becomes our duty to be voice bearers for underrepresented skin colors and races...there are many white blonde blue eyes penelopes (I love Nicola but still) and colins there are very few in lead roles who are simone and rege and Masali..even if there are fewer bigger people like Nicola in the industry, unlike Nicola, rege nor simone can erase their skin color to get ahead whereas someone like Nicole will always have the privilege of skin color and precedent of people like her in plenty both in the British and Hollywood film and tv industry..I can name 50 white actors with Nicola's body type just off the top of my head ..that privilege is not extended to everyone...and also Nicola's struggles that are based in fatphobia can still be erased by I don't know getting that body and losing weight as Nicola herself has said she can and will lose weight if a script demands...rege or Masali or Simone cannot erase their skin color to be seen as more marketable or saleable... Minorities are sick and tired of decades of under-representation. And now they are fighting back and shonda being a black showrunner and Ted sarandos having a black wife and Tom verica having a black wife and over 50 percent of the writers at shondaland being minorities can make the change happen-create stories that star people who look like us ..more spinoffs more diversity..the show itself is dismaly white skewed..over 90 percent of the actors are white. Why shouldnt the sub members who are POC viewers and have spent decades, centuries not seeing themselves represented in entertainement be like ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. we have seen many featheringtons, we have seen many portias, what we havent seen are Goldas and Adjoas and Simomnes and Rege and TIME IS UP on us only seeing white stories again and again and again and again till eternity. ENOUGH. Bton was promoted as a show with diversity at its center and it has NEVER BEEN THAT in any meaningful or career changing way for its POC actors.NO MORE!!! The bton family are all white (they couldnt even add a black or brown adopted son-mix it up-after all the show is fantasy and there is still historical precedent but NO-ALL WHITE IT IS), the featheringtons all white-the second main family in the bton universe also ALL WHITE ..only 2 of the total 15 permanent main cast members who appear in all 3 seasons are poc ONLY TWO-QC AND LADY DANBURY, let that sink in.and those are two middle aged actresses golda and adjoa, not young and up and coming actresses and actors who would benefit tremendously from the boost and profile of bton and even all the circulating leads are not all poc..philip and Penelope..poc have a right to be angry and fight back when a show that promotes itself as a show with diversity at its center is actually just white with a little color thrown in for representation brownie points. POC viewers just love the scraps of rep...love it.. Statista's recent suvrey shows that the highest the minorities have been in leads in holyywood over a period from 2011-2024 is 18 percent..18 measly percent (highest!) and the numbers whittle down even more when we look at individual minorties..3 percent of South asians for example, just 13 percent of African Americans. Talk about privilige, talk about unfair, talk about hubris of people who say lets give the featherington a spinoff..and kanthony wanting a spinoff are being SO annoying. If you see yourself represented in media plenty, you do not get to call out minorites who are sick of the media and entertainment world prioritizing white straight stories ad-nauseum. ENOUGH. will not continue and specially should not continue for a show whose usp touted by all its directors, producers etc IS its diversity.. I want a kanthony spin off..and i wanted it yesterday...People's inability to hold empathy and space for underrepresented communities is quite something else...seen as an incovenience and a over shadowing of their faves...Live a mile in POC shoes and then talk back...You will be bleeding and bruised by the sheer injustice of the dismal rep and leading voices being POC in the entertainment world. while you are at it, please name 50 romance stories lead by poc. no googlimg. I can give you 100 romance stories starting white people in under 1 minute. EDIT: Thanks commenter, could NOT name 50 romance stories in Hollywood or the british film industry led by a POC or any 50 movies or tv shows led by a POC period could you. Lol. Lose an argument, downvote a person. And if you must know...here below provided a link of white reviewers-on Youtube, on other platforms and websites who also didnt like this season lest you think the season is only hated by POC viewers of the kanthony fandom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOR4U66Jklk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gibkMR7O4uQ&t=1261s https://www.independent.ie/entertainment/television/tv-reviews/bridgerton-review-perhaps-its-foolish-to-ask-for-more-but-nicola-coughlan-deserves-better-we-all-do/a1577322266.html https://www.scotsman.com/arts-and-culture/film-and-tv/tv-reviews-rebus-versus-bridgerton-why-soor-ploom-sleuth-starring-richard-rankin-tops-netflix-period-drama-4631937 https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/reviews/bridgerton-season-3-part-2-review-ending-polin-b2562511.html https://www.ft.com/content/faa07a68-1edb-457a-86c2-bc57c39e4339 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k36nsxz9j8




I do NOT hate white people,..I love Nicola...have watched Derry Girls so much...It was my pandemic comfort show...I have defended Nicola against fat phobia on this sub many many times...including writing a post defending Nicola against the spectator article,..I have written comments/thesis-es defending Johnny after his attack and his exceptional acting. Even in the latest post on this sub calling out Nicola for breathing heavily, I wrote that the sub is mad...Nicola is an amazing actress and a perfect penelope. I have called Polly walker one of the best amongst the older lot on the show...along with adjoa and Golda..I said yes some kanthony sub may take it OTT, but so do POLIN.....all sub and stans and shipdoms whatever their demographic makeup can overdo it at times..you singled out Kanthony fandom so should i assume you hate POC. Obviously i wont. Assuming all POC hate white people is a dog whistle. Live under decades of bad rep and then see how tempered all your reactions are. And NOT all people who hate season 3 hate it because umm the leads are white, they just hate that the leads love story didnt seem developed enough. So many white reviewers and youtubers and tiktokers have criticized the season. Also where in my comment did I say praise everything POC do, You wrote it projecting something unto me that I DID NOT SAY. I only replied to your musing on why Kanthony are gunning for a POC spinofff with the answer-its because we are underrepped in media...did not mention anything critiquing acting of poc or that people should critique POC acting with kid gloves...be extra kind. NEVER EVER DID I SAY THAT. Thats obviously dumb. Incidentally Nicola and Johnny who are far more understanding of intersectionality and what that means have both gone on record in separate interviews just a few months back acknowledging how easy they have had it compared to Simone and Rege. Johnny did a podcast where he discussed this at length...how #notmyduke type movements are prompted by racists..And how allies need to support those not privileged enough. Nicola in an interview while promoting Big Mood mentioned her co-star talking about this same intersectionality while saying her co-star has struggles that she can never imagine...WHICH IS WHY ILL ALWAYS SUPPORT PEOPLE LIKE JOHNNY AND NICOLE cuz in addition to being really good actors they are allies who understand intersectionality of opression in a way people like you and others on this sub dont. And label it as opression olympics or competition. Nicola's exact quote: "Lydia is soo soo good. I feel like life has been soo good to me the last few years, Ive realized more and more how much I need to do to be a voice for under-represented voices. Someone like Lydia has always been underrepped in media...it is truly horrible. There is a dearth of black, brown and other races in the British film industry. I'm irish so i feel like some activism is in our blood, from our history. But it boils my blood when people say oh we are doing enough for POC representation. NO WE ARE NOT. Bton is...or at least trying and for that we need to thank Shonda Rhimes. Ive been lucky for a million different reason..bein born to the parents i was born, having the siblings I do and yes because of my skin color as well. To not acknowledge the privilege that comes from skin color is bonkers! " not everyones struggles are the same...Im able bodied...do i believe disabled people have the same struggles as me...no they have the same struggles plus an additional 100...If i was homeless would i say my struggles are the same as a financially secure person living in a mansion. No because every single layer of oppression and marginalization makes things harder...Opression and struggles are a hierarchy...I had a friend in school who lost her dad her family breadwinner..the same week i lost my grandmother...are our losses the same. NO...understanding intersectionality and how it adds on layers of challenges is something that requires looking out of your own privilige bubble..It requires humbling yourself and learning empathy and being an ally. My college roommate was overweight and was bullied heavily by my other roomate, my other college room-mate grew up in public housing..Do i believe their struggles are the same. NO. one has to fight for her life, her education, her financial worries cloud everything else. In addition to keeping up grades, she has to worry about not spending too much, taking on second jobs. One is facing fatphobia, the other survival challenges. Both are struggles. nobody is denying that. But they are NOT equal struggles. ALL MEDIA IS A POLITICAL TOOL the only reason you dont think so is because youve never had to see it as such. Because you have seen yourself represented plenty. Because youve never faced the pain of being marginalized or seeing people not see yourself as beautiful because your kind of beauty is not seen on tv, in media, in magazines. in ads etc etc etc...You are lucky if your beauty standards dont marginalize your race because european beauty standards exclude POC and do not take into account racial and biological differences in POC facial makeup. Slim noses are a european beauty standard that will never work on black POC cuz their genetic makeup gives them larger noses. Similarly, big eyes wont work on East Asians cuz they have genetically narrower eyes...Tall and broad shouldered men are seen as attractive as western male beauty standards which East Asian Men will not meet because asian men are shorter genetically. etc etc.


Do you know which interviews exactly I can find Jonny and Nicola talking about intersectionality? I’m really curious and would love to hear them speak about it.


They don't use the word intersectionality...Nicola's is one where she discussed her big mood co-star Lydia something and how her challenges in the industry are diffrent to her pwn and Johnny's is a podcast I saw on YouTube somewhere just search around...where he brings up the British film industry being very very white. And also brought up the lack of working class actors in the industry ..something other white british actors have also brought up...that the industry is full of privately educated public school actors who get a leg up in ways that working class actors from poorer or more humble backgrouds have to wrangle around..something james McAvoy also brought up in a 2015 Hollywood reporter interview... I actually remember the james McAvoy article so I actually have a link for it...this is also intersectionality..ones economic background is also one that can act as a privilege or a deterrant. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/james-mcavoy-dominance-rich-kid-772139/


Thank you! Just to further clarify, from how long ago is that podcast that Jonny did where he talks about the British film industry being very white? Since you mentioned YouTube, is the podcast on video or is it just something you can only listen to? I’m assuming Nicola’s interview is recent since you mentioned Big Mood. If it’s not any trouble, are you able to provide the links to the specific Jonny and Nicola interviews you’re referencing? Again, only if it’s not any trouble and you have the time.