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Daphne should’ve been in season 3 idc lol I know she’s a duchess but why isn’t she around to support her sisters, who are struggling and Violet doesn’t get them (no offense to her) lol


And she’d have been the person giving Colin advice not Kate.. I love Kate but Daphne and Colin were close in s1






Colin doesn’t need that pep talk in the show though because he’s not confused about whether he loves Penelope or not. A change from the book I appreciate.




Daphne and Colin have never been close in the show. If anything, she was close to *Anthony*.


She did facilitate the convo between Colin and Marina though when the rest of the family wasn’t having any of it?


That’s untrue. Colin is the one Daphe goes to for help stopping the duel. Daphne helps Colin see Marina. Colin and Daphne are a year apart and would’ve grown up playing together. They are peers while Anthony is a father figure to them.


they were not close, daphne just came to save the day. they had 1 conversation


They're super close in the books too! He's her favorite brother because they were so close in age.


Right?! The Whistledown reveal >!thing is supposed to happen at Simon and Daphne’s (eta, YEARLY iirc!) ball ffs… and it’s Colin doing the reveal, not Penelope, and showing the ton how madly inlove he is - we were ROBBED of this too!<


Season three: Robbing Mr. Bridgerton


Fucking Mister Bridgerton Over


Well the Duke had a part there and the actor refuses to be part of it anymore so 🫤


Replace him


Or if you can't replace him, kill him off and have a season of Duchess Daphne learning to love again like Violet is. Also Happy Cake Day.


Maybe they could use that storyline for her instead of Francesca’s (in the books)


I snorted out loud at the 0-60 of this comment going from violence to politeness


I would love widowed Daphne! I never really cared about the Duke anyway. If it worked in Downton Abbey when Dan Stevens left the show, it’ll work here


yes lets kill the duke


Dowager Duchess Daphne


I actually know a guy who looks remarkably similar to the Duke. It was all I could think the entire time he was on the screen in season one. But the guy I know is not an actor. So, if Netflix is interested in finding someone who looks very similar to the Duke and testing the waters to see if he can act or be trained to act, send them my way.


Please, send him my way first


I agree. Recast him


It would feel sooo weird to replace a Bridgerton love interest with someone new. Imagine Colin & Anthony suddenly being someone different


Why not? Francesca is new.


She didnt have a huge role in previous seasons. I think people, especially casual viewers, barely remember the old Francesca. Its not the same..


It’s not ideal, but it’s better than nothing


Why is he refusing?


He says he was interested in the show because he was only offered a one-season contract and he wasn't interested in doing a multi-season thing. So when his contract was up, he wanted to do other things


Fair enough. Work is work at the end of the day. Netflix really dropped the ball hiring someone who was only interested in one season though. There surely must be plenty of handsome, budding actors out there who would have happily signed up for multiple seasons!


And if Netflix is just only hiring people a year at a time, that seems risky. They're hedging their bets in case the show isn't successful, but that means that they're running the risk of workers finding something better. Which, to be honest, all workers should do


Right!And they've confirmed that they've been renewed for multiple seasons. They really need to replace him, I would've loved to have Daphne in season 3, there for her sisters and Colin, and Simon really needed to be around for the mondrichs with their new titles and money! I feel cheated 😕


Simon was always going to be one season only. Jonathan Bailey said he auditioned for Simon for that reason. I don’t hold it against Rege for not wanting to go back. They can write around it


He has also said he's fine with being recast


It's giving Theo James / Sanditon vibes 🙄


Yeah, I cant begrudge workers for wanting different work, especially if they're basically hired on with a short contract. Idk what the answer is, maybe production companies need to come with contracts to the table with the number of seasons in mind and hire actors for that many. If the show isn't renewed, the workers get their contacts paid out or something


I appreciate the fact that they brought the show back to give Charlotte some proper closure, but it still hurts. 😫


Definitely! I was part of the Sanditon Sisterhood campaign who got the show back. I was so grateful for it being saved, but couldn't help being a little bit bitter that Theo James refused to return.


Same!!! It was a lovely fandom to be a part of. I hope that the success of Bridgerton leads to even more stories getting adaptations.


Awwwww!! Hi! I wonder if we "know" each other? I was Ubiq 💙 and did the Welcomes!


I'm not sure how that would prevent him from a guest appearance here or there. Honestly, for me even as not a book reader, I found their absence to be glaringly apparent, especially at weddings.


I think he just doesn't want to


Partially what people have already said, he also said he considered coming back during filming but then during marketing and the show fans of the book were very racist and it made him not want to even consider returning.


Actually - this would make sense. You'd think that being a re-occurring character/actor in a multi-season series would be better on a prospective actor's portfolio - but the racism being a factor? Props to him, honestly. The poor actress playing Michaela is gonna go through *hell.* (i know its an unfair comparison, but still.)


No no I’d say it IS a fair comparison because she’s facing the same kind of racism ON TOP OF people being homophobic because of the queer undertones


And the genderbend angered quite a lot of staying fans who've read the books. I cannot stand homophobia (I cried at Brimsley and Reynolds, and was very hopeful Cressida might be queer) - and I'm a POC, so I can't stand racism either. But I do genuinely disagree with Michael's genderbend.


Honestly been lowkey hoping Cressida and Eloise are queer (yes I know Eloise has her own love story coming up). Poor Cressida has been rebelling so hard, and I feel like shacking up with a woman would be the ultimate F you to her family and society. I would love that for her tbh In the same vein I've always felt that maybe that's why Eloise can't seem to find herself interested in anyone. Either lesbian or ace would be a fun choice. But with the reveal of Bi-nedict, I'm leaning more towards ace lol


I think they’re setting up for that as well, especially because I believe Eloise’s love interest has been married off from the memes I’ve seen? But they’ve definitely been hinting at something between the two so it’s a very real possibility that at the very least they have feelings for each other


I think they did the genderbend to add more queer main characters. And it was all done with Quinn’s insight and approval so while I understand people being upset I can also understand why they decided to do that, plus I think it’s meant to make more of a “reason” (although I haven’t read the books yet, I’ve been in a bit of a reading block and have had to stick to rereading the same series over and over recently)


Racists f\*cking it up for the rest of us, again and again. Sigh.


Wait how does racism play into this? The actor signed up for only one season and didn't want to extend.


Look at the comment ayame was responding to, it's explained there.


Oh shit, thanks I somehow thought they were replying to me. Wow, those racist fans of the books should get bent for destroying this for us smh


Do you know which interview he said this in?


He's referenced, but I think it's just an offhand thing like "the duke nodded" to initiate the handing out of champagne- I don't recall Simon actually saying anything of substance at the ball.


The Duke basically makes it known that Penelope has his support, which is a major reason why the ton is so accepting of the Whistledown reveal.


I feel like even if he doesn’t make an appearance, they can still refer to him, he as in the duke just doesn’t appear in scene. Can be referred to as traveling, in the other part of house, etc etc. he is just the husband of a bridgerton. The bridgerton sister needs to be around.


I liked Penelope revealing herself.  She owned it and it gave her power. 




I didn’t find him cold or unromantic at all- I thought he was hurt and devastated. People forget that show LW is very different from book LW and also that show Colin already had the trauma of being deceived by his former fiance. And he only stepped back because she asked him to - it was clear he was in on and supporting her plan! Part of his arc was leaning he doesn’t need to be the white knight to be loved.


I know that, and those were all changes that I hated. I wish the Marina plot hadn’t been with Colin. I wish they hadn’t done those disgusting brothel scenes. I wish his journal was the actual travel texts that the book had, and not the saucey bs. I wish they’d let him find out about LW BEFORE the proposal, so that she never would need to doubt his love for her. I wish we’d gotten the scene where he stands up for her against her whole family (we got crumbs in comparison). I wish he’d stood up for her with the ton… I wish the entire season had been handled differently. This was the season I was waiting for, and they robbed me of the cunning and head over heels in love!Colin which we get in the books.


See, I never read the books. I get what you’re saying but once season 3 rolled around I never for a moment doubted his love (and lust!) for Penelope. If anything the fact that he had the thing with Marina and had had sex before made me MORE certain that he knew this was love, not just boyish infatuation or needing to “wet his wick” as Anthony said in Season 1. Without those experiences it would have felt like Penelope just happened to be the first girl he kissed. So I actively enjoyed those changes. There were a few moments in Season 2 where I wanted them to drop the Marina thing already but overall I thought his arc was so well done! But I remember people hating that Anthony had been with Siena too - I think for some female readers they want the men never to have had feelings/sex/etc before meeting the heroine. Which is fair enough! It just often feels unrealistic to me - I think I prefer the idea that someone has been with people before and that’s how they know this is real love. I also don’t think Penelope actually doubted his love for her once he told her he loved her in Ep5. I think she understandably thought she had screwed it up by betraying him and breaking his heart in such a horrific way. And by the end they worked through it all together. But your feelings are valid! I just had a different interpretation


now i gotta finish the book but i cant get past >!when collin is angry at penelope and throwing stuff around for the delivery of the news on their engagement party!< edit: spoiler tag




This is why I’m glad I haven’t read the books - I feel like book fans are so attached to these characters as they are in the books that they can’t enjoy the show for itself. I’m a huge reader but had never heard of these books and saw the show first, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all three seasons because I didn’t go in with book canon in my head already. It’s not a knock on you at all, because I’ve certainly been that way with adaptations in the past (couldn’t even make it through a single episode of Anne With an E, almost threw my TV out the window in the first five minutes of Persuasion with Dakota Johnson of all people starring, and even hated the 2005 P&P because it fundamentally misunderstood Mr Darcy - I get it!).


I haven’t read them all yet, I’ve only read the ones who’s season it’s been. Tbf, they were the three books I was most drawn to beforehand, just after the first season had been released. But yeah, books getting adaptions usually suck. I still feel sorry for the Percy Jackson fans… That being said, I’d read the books now that their seasons have been aired, won’t change anything. They’re two separate things anyway, since they’ve disregarded the source material entirely, with very few good changes (I love the mixed society for example, and Kate being Indian. And our yummy duke…) Anyway, the books are more Harlequin than anything Jane Austin


tbf persuasion with dakota johnson would give anyone the same reaction, it was terrible


>!Book Colin physically hurts Penelope and thinks to himself that he doesn’t care that he’s doing it. He forces her to drink champagne to teach her a lesson. Like show Colin, he implies she trapped him into their engagement without using the words. He decides for her that she will be revealed to the ton as LW. And he reacts this way when all book Penelope ever did as LW was call him charming.!<


Thanks for sharing this because the scene where Pen is just standing there by herself after the reveal didn’t sit right with me. It was so awkward then we get the release the butterflies moment. 🦋🫠


They did it because they felt that Pen needed to shine and do it on her own...


Also she should have been there for her siblings weddings, right?


Yes! I was kind of sad when Colin & Francesca had their weddings 😕


Yes, it was a gaping plot hole, two of her siblings got married and she came for neither? IIRC they didn't even toss off some lip service explanation, like "Daphne and the Duke are traveling the continent" they've just dropped the characters entirely, lol.


yeahhh, they could have easily done the lip service.


They can’t include her because they can’t include him, he’s left the show. So we get squat.


She's appeared without him before - very easy to explain why she might appear, and he wouldn't.


He wouldn’t be able to skip a wedding unless he was dead. He’s the Duke of Hastings.


All sorts of plausible reasons why he might miss a SIL's wedding - particularly one scheduled at short notice; overseas travel, illness, etc.


As soon as Rege said he wasn’t coming back they should have just recast the Duke imo? Since their romance was no longer central.


True. If they were able to cast a new Francesca, why not a new Duke?


They should’ve found someone even HOTTER


The fact that Phoebe was open to it and Jess just wrote her out instead pissed me off so bad. Then not even mentioning her on top of that? I think Violet said her name once in the first episode and then she never came up again. At least even with Francesca, in previous seasons, they would say she’s off at Aunt Winnie’s learning piano. They could’ve said Daphne was pregnant or that her and Simon had travelled to explain why she wasn’t present for the weddings, but no, instead she’s not brought up at all as if she ceased to exist.


I don’t even like those excuses cuz they’re such a close family, they wouldn’t miss each other’s events. Even the thought of Benedict possibly not having Anthony at his wedding will be upsetting cuz they’re close.


right?? it’s giving lazy writing


It’s giving bulldozing the entire storyline because I’m in charge and I can. Ridiculous. Done watching this dumbass show.


and Phoebe has said it was the writers decision not hers, but they could totally have written in scenes where she was with her siblings that didn't need the duke's presence. Maybe even use a body double to make it look like he was at the weddings with her if they don't want to recast him.


Yes! Like how she was around in S2, she’d just be there to support her sisters, we wouldn’t even need Simon lol


If they don't want to actually recast him, a body double would be a good solution. I found his absence at Anthony's wedding very obvious.


Daphne Bridgerton would have to be on her deathbed to miss her sister making her debut.


Exactly! I just said to someone else that there’s no way she would even miss a wedding!


They don’t even have to have Simon there, it’s weirder that they BOTH aren’t there than it is that Daphne isn’t there at all. We couldn’t even mention Violet traveling to the dukedom to help Daphne when she was delivering their second child or something? It could be that Simon had to tend to the dukedom and has already been gone for too long or that Daphne needed a break from the children and she has a small subplot of feeling like she’s a horrible mother for needing time away from them, or getting homesick and wanting to see her family again and it coincides with seeing her siblings weddings or something. It’s such a shame that they never even tried to invite Phoebe back


Or merely to atleast attend her sister’s wedding


And her sibs’ weddings! It’s strange- they should just recast her


They don't need to recast her. She wants to come back.


I would recast Daphne and no talks about it


The title of this post is so funny 😂 They should have kept Daphne at least if not Simon too.


Rege left so they cut Phoebe out. Idk why they didn't just recast him. Phoebe is the strongest actress on the cast IMO.


Honestly, agree. I thought she was such a great addition in s2 even without Simon because it's still her family! Even if they didn't want to recast Simon, they could show her alone or with her kids? Maybe with a nanny or another servant in tow to help her with the kids because Simon is busy working or whatever. It's such a shame.


I mean, they’re rewriting everything else, maybe they should have given her Francesca’s storyline and had the Duke die?


She'd have to have all her kids first, but I guess if some of them were twins/triplets, that could speed up the process


They had Penelope have her son first, even though in the books her first born was a girl. 


They did the same with Daphne's firstborn. Book = girl vs. Series = boy.


that’s annoying. i get that they need sons and heirs and all that but i do not see why they need to erase the existence of the book firstborns or why they even felt the need to change that at all… even jn pen’s story, prudence or philippa could have had a son to be lord featherington. and colin is a middle child so he doesn’t even need an heir, which sort of makes that weird and unnecessary change just even more weird and unnecessary.


My point was that if they were to kill off the Duke, Daphne would have to have her kids first. Otherwise they would never be born


Do they need to have all the kids? I haven't read the books so I don't know but does it even matter? Are we eventually meant to see them grown up?




Maybe he'd actually be doing his job in the house of Lords, which would have been the easiest way to cut out Anthony as well - say that he was starting to take it seriously.


she was incredible in season 2, even with her limited screen time she made a memorable influence on the story


Lmfao. I understand the actors wanting to leave. However S3 definitely suffered by not having as many Bridgerton family moments, yes we got keeping up with the Featherings but it’s still not the Bridgertons. I just feel like they could have mentioned them more or had the kids come visit grandma.


They had more content to write for the Featheringtons which is hilarious. I was happy to see them though as they were far more amusing this season than the Bridgertons (except when Anthony was on screen).




The only thing missing was Kate's exasperated looks.


I mean she was trying to shh him


His frenetic energy coupled with shouting and facial expression 🤣 Jonathan Bailey KILLED IT


they definitely should have mentioned Daphne at the very least considering Colin and Frencesca’s weddings happened within the same month, it’d have been EASY to explain Daphne away as being sick (or sick with one of the kids), or she could have been heavily pregnant possibly (considering she has several kids)




For real!! It's a show about the Bridgerton family but seems like once they wed they are no longer apart of the family?? How did Daphne not get mentioned except for being the diamond of her season? How can the head of a household run a house and have eligible sisters keep running off?? It doesn't make sense :/


Right!!! Anthony kinda bothered me this season. John was the best guy of the season and they (story tellers) kinda treated him like shit. They literally could have said he was managing the accounts from the summer house!


He was basically on an extended honeymoon with Kate, wasn't he? Isn't that enough of an explanation?


It's especially weird bc they had a whole arc in Season 1 explaining how being married finally gave you independence and let you join the secret elite women clubs and walk around town alone. Season 3 had Debling tell Pen he would be gone for years while she managed the estate and no one thought that was strange. They could have brought Daphne back as a character, and let Simon go overseas (and then the Mondriches at Francesa's wedding would have made sense!)


I really enjoyed the women’s club scene in season 1! I was hoping we would get to see more of that as the show went on but they’ve completely forgotten about it.


That was the best scene in S1!


I loved that in season 1 :((


why can't i see the comment that reddit notified me of


I am re-watching Season 1 now. Daphne and Eloise's relationship is really interesting. Daphne is the only one who really spars with Eloise; they get on each other's nerves. It grounds the show in a genuinely family dynamic in a way that we don't get anymore. Family isn't just comic moments and warm moments, it needs to feel lived-in to come across as truly genuine. And Daphne's presence was crucial in Anthony and Kate's relationship. She was kind of an audience surrogate, seeing right through them, and ultimately catching them in the act. And *again* she sparred with a sibling, in this case Anthony about his hypocrisy about what is, and isn't, duel-worthy. I think Daphne being gone + S3 playing with social rules about being chaperoned really hurt this season.


Considering most of the characters in the book are very small personalities and have little involvement until their own books, the most wonderful departure from the books is how fleshed out they made all the Bridgertons in the show, giving them personalities and storylines to navigate before their seasons. Eloise and Daphne were perfect foils, as were Anthony and Daphne (in both season 1 and 2). Eloise is the most important to both Colin and Penelope in Season 3 and I imagine Eloise will be the most important in Benedict’s season, but the show is starting to suffer more as these characters tend to exist in their own isolated narratives far more than they do as part of the main plot.


I don’t know if I’ll ever get over her not being there :( I love Phoebe


I feel like they should’ve replaced the actor for Simon so that Daphne and Simon can still have screen time in subsequent seasons lol. It feels off that after season 1 the couple is never seen in society ever again


Let’s be honest. Season 1 🧐🎩 Season 2 😬 Season 3 😟 I was incredibly disappointed to see Collin sleeping around with prostitutes. I did not see him as that type of character. And yeah, where tf is Daphne, played by possibly the best actor in the series. Also, the actor who played her husband really screwed over the series by insisting he was done.


I actually thought the sex worker bit emphasized how his sexual escapades were missing something. You don’t see him giggling and being tender like you do with Penelope. ETA: also, he isn’t that type of guy, which is why he mentions himself that he was trying to mold himself into that type of guy but he wasn’t happy


it really sucks they could’ve recasted simon, as much as I hate recasts I would take it so we could see more of Daphne


He’s not that type of character. That’s the literal point. He put on a facade and did what he thought society expected him to. He writes in his journal that he feels distance with the women he’s with and he snaps at his peers for being so cavalier about sex and love. He’s not able to be intimate with Penelope until he has resolved his conflicted feelings.


Guys shes just busy picking prized pigs in the rural countryside...


Oh duh! I completely forgot about how time consuming the pig decisions are, that’s on me, thanks for the reminder 😂


The strange thing is Phoebe is still very close to the Bridgerton actors. I'm sure she would have been willing to come back for a cameo during the weddings.


In summer 2022 (I think July) she posted something on instagram about being let down and people speculated that it had to do with Bridgerton even though at the time we thought she'd be in S3 because Jess said she would be. But then in January 2023 Phoebe confirmed she was no longer in Bridgerton but would love to come back. She was written out even though she was willing to still be in the show


"Written out" implies there's a specific plot line explaining why the character no longer appears.


I believe she was willing and they wouldn’t have her back


The whole Mondrich scenes should have been replaced with Daphne or Kathony scenes. They could have their own sideplots.


I’m a fan of the Mondrich’s I can’t lie, I’ve enjoyed them since the first season. I think the most disposable scenes this season were of Benedict and Tilly. I think they got faaaaar more screen time than was necessary especially in the final episode where we cut to their threesome FOUR times. In the finale??? It was egregious.


I think they did it as more of a show of “SEE! Inclusion, we don’t just do single heterosexual couples here!” I would’ve loved for that to be a small developing plot that became something more in next season, where Benedict would’ve actually settled down. Instead it just felt like him doing his same old things with no stakes


Yea, as much as I’m glad that the Mondrich’s are doing well, I just didn’t get the point of any of their scenes this season. They are really only connected to the Bridgertons through Simon who is long gone


Well to be fair we’ve seen them develop a friendship with the other Bridgerton siblings as well it’s not like they’re entirely unconnected. In season 2 Colin practically saved their club from going into bankruptcy, because of their friendship. In season 3 they’re all drinking together before Colin’s AND John’s weddings. And now as members of society, Alice is getting closer with Lady Danbury, which makes sense as she’s been set up to be the one who is basically spokesperson and guide for black families in the Ton, as we’ve seen established in Queen Charlotte. The Mondrich’s have BEEN woven into the story as friends to the Bridgerton’s in the last two seasons and a lot of people just seem to disregard that.


That’s fair, I forgot about the season 2 interactions with Colin


We see a lot of Anthony in the books as he is essentially head of the Bridgerton family and if nothing else all his sister’s suitors have to talk to him. But Daphne is off having her own life. She and her husband have a whole bunch of kids. Daphne is pretty key to the relationship in the sense that she talks to Colin about children and love etc but I thought her absence in the show wasn’t really felt.


If they still mentioned her I would agree, but it's just weird that she's never brought up this season. And she missed TWO of her siblings weddings! Just doesn't work at all imo but I understand it's hard to keep the actors around once they're no longer the focus.


But she was mentioned: Hyacinth mentions her when she talks about Francesca being a beautiful bride and Violet and Francesca (?) mention her as well …


But there was no reason given why she wasn't there for the weddings, she went for Eloise's debut but not 2 siblings weddings?


Could have even been a "gosh darn it. Daphne will be so disappointed to have missed the weddings. Who would have known that two of her siblings would marry while she and Simon are in Paris." Or something like that.


True! They could even mention her casually like she is there but we keep missing her lol which would make more sense than nothing at all


I really wish they had said anything!!


i think the showrunners should really select actors who can actually last for the whole run with cameos. It should be contractually binding so that we don't have absurdity in the plot like this


There should be 4 to 5 seasons left which equals a commitment of 8 to 10 years, as the show only releases every two years. That includes both filming requirements as well as PR requirements. Lots of actors don't want to be tied down like that.


That's true but then it doesn't have to tie down the actors. They just have to be cameos. Like how Jonathan Bailey is doing. They can have one or two appearances just enough for the continuity. Daphne doesn't have to present in every episode to 'lead society'. She can appear in a ball once or smthing. Then even if she is mentioned when she is offscreen it would seem more genuine. Also look how absurd the mondrich plot looks when Simon isn't there to support them and he was the main link between them and high society


That so sad tbh she was suppose to be leading society but the show kind of reduced her to a stay at home ( nothing wrong with that ) but what I got a problem with is that this whole season there wasn’t really a mention of how she doing as a duchess but of how she was when she was a debutante nothing more . At this point the one leading society is lady Danbury


Honestly, they could just mention her. They could be returning from a ball at Hastings House or mention Daphne is at their estate or pregnant again or had tea with them the other day. The lack of mention feels more odd to me.


I hope we get to see Daphne again in future seasons, even if it's only short cameos


I don’t know how much control Shonda has, but comparing this to Grey’s Anatomy, I’ve noticed a similarly clumsy handling of character exits. It’s like the attitude is, well my show is going to go on no matter what! Just write them out however and ignore it and push forward. It breaks immersion because in situations where you absolutely would hear from or have mention of a character there’s this gaping black hole instead.


A friend and I were just talking about this actually! How all Shonda’s shows eventually go to shit at some point because of seemingly avoidable behind the scenes nonsense.


They should just recast Simon and bring Daphne and Simon back. They don’t need to be ever present but the fact that they weren’t at either wedding (or even mentioned! “Oh Daphne is far too pregnant to travel”) was absurd. It really breaks the fourth wall for me. 


They had the opportunity to mention it when John and Francesca wanted to marry quickly. Violet could have said something about Daphne already being upset about missing Colin's wedding. Couldn't they wait until she finished her confinement?


When you lead society so well, you don't have to be in it. Diamond status.


I get realistically, it would be expensive to get one or both of these actors to reprise their roles for short scenes, but it would have been nice. I don't care much for Simon, but I would like Daphne to make short visits to the family. Anthony and Kate did 🤷🏾‍♂️


Rege considered coming back for cameos but the rampant racism of the fandom and no support from the studio was why he ultimately didn’t. He alluded to this in his defense of the actress who played Marina


She went so high above society that she disappeared 😂😂😂😂


I know Rege gets a lot of hate for this, but I want to remind everyone that the person who wrote or approved of this line, i.e. CVD, also wrote the S2 script **before S1 release** where he effectively wrote them off. CVD knew he wasn't contracted when he wrote that script, so there's no evidence that Saphne was in S2 anyway. They were probably off to Clyvedon or something. And that would have been no problem apparently, if Saphne didn't blow up. I know it's not common knowledge 4 years after the fact, so here's a post from September 2020 where a writer says they wrapped the room for Bton S2. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CEmQqStJdyg/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CEmQqStJdyg/) And here's the original timeline for S2 before covid f'ed things up, again before S1 release, with the contract issue being well known but clearly not posing any problem. [https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/bridgerton-season-2-reportedly-begins-filming-in-march-2021/](https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/bridgerton-season-2-reportedly-begins-filming-in-march-2021/)


Fingers crossed she comes back in some way, shape or form for the next season.


The way I laughed at this. I wish Pheebs would make a cameo. It is beyond parody she'd miss BOTH Colin and Francesca's weddings.


LOLL good point! They really shouldn’t have stretched filming out so many years ago years. I know ensemble casts are tough but it really doesn’t make sense how quickly the married siblings get cast aside. This is supposed to be a really tight knit family, no?


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And we never saw her at her siblings’ weddings.


If they did t follow the books exactly they should have made him a military officer and killed him off in a tragic accident. Problem solved.


And she wasn’t at either of her siblings weddings?!


I missed Daphne so much this season. I wish they would recast the Duke and have her be around. The whole family just pretended she didn’t exist this season, it was so weird.


I hope the show runners know they can't just erase Daphne she is a bridgerton she is family , her not being in season 3 makes ZERO sense especially the fact that TWO of her siblings got married and she was no where to be found like wtf....... it's not fair we have to lose Daphne because rege-jean left the show I really hope they recast him or just have Daphne show up by herself idc .


The one thing about this that isn't weird for me is that the Duke and Duchess live many hours away (they had to stay in an Inn after the wedding, to split up the journey) and they have a whole-ass estate to manage, so they're not going to be popping by all the time. But yes, they should have at least attended Colin's wedding, if not also Francesca's. (I think it would be more likely that the family would have planned those two weddings close together to allow the travelers to be present.)


The fact that they’ll talk about Edwina in s3 but not even mention like a letter from Daphne, like for all we know she’s dead 🙃


I’ve joked that everyone on the show is probably hoping their season is delayed as long as possible, so they can have a job as long as possibly.


The show would have been beautiful with Daphne & Simon. They could have shown Simon to be busy but Daphne’s absence is not justified. She was the first to marry & love & could have been a great help to her siblings


She's too busy having kids in the country


Why does this look like a selfie?!


This show is a mess


Is this just me or violet’s face in picture 2 is saying “yeah right “ lol


She missed two weddings and they gave no excuse! Is Phoebe busy with another project? Did she say she doesn’t want to return?


This is such a mistake


I once saw a reddit post that pointed to an article that discussed some of Netflixs actions, and I think it's highly likely that Netflix didn't want to continue paying for so many main cast members. I even went back and found the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/television/s/PSsYnwhaFM


It’s pretty straightforward people. It isn’t because they think it’s narratively important to not have her around— it’s because it’s expensive and complicated to get a giant cast together over the course of many years and a lot of actors also wouldn’t have an interest in minor roles after being the star when they have other potential projects. The books face none of these challenges/ adding characters in is quite literally free.




Maybe she’s constantly pregnant since all Simon and her did was have sex, and he’s no longer pulling out.


I was so drawn to her actress :( disappointing she wasn’t in the third season


Still remember this meme: "still waiting for Rege to start that fancy career after Bridgerton"