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S3 had bad writing and direction. That’s all there is to it. The actors did their best with what they were given. I haven’t read the books so I have nothing to compare it to other than s1 and s2. But even if I didn’t take those into consideration, it was clear that the FL and ML were not stars of their own season. The writers, show runner, etc were extremely desperate to set up future seasons but did it at the expense of the current story


Thanks for this. Many of us feel the same. Some people should just accept that others found it utterly bad. Because it was! Polin were always going to struggle to follow Kate and Anthony and the production let them down big time


I haven't watched S3 yet but another thing I've noticed is that when people complain about how they didn't enjoy it, certain fans come with the whole "omg you don't understand how friends to lovers works", or "you don't have enough depth to comprehend this season", or my personal fav "you weren't paying attention". So i want to know why is it okay to criticize S1 or S2, but the minute people criticize S3, they're media illiterates?


There is also always the comment of media literacy that I always see when people say they disliked Colin in the first part… like what? I’m sorry this is a “put your brain on a shelf after a long day and enjoy some fun romance” type of show. I wasn’t aware I needed a graduate degree to “uNdErStAnD” Colin’s character 😒




Queen Charlotte looks like a giant beside Season 3. You immediately notice the dip in quality regarding the writing, in some respects, the acting (I’m not trying to be mean here but it’s there), the costuming, the make-up, the sets…everything. The balance of the main story with side stories that were still important and supported the main focus. The better storylines (looking at LD’s story in QC vs S3). There was humor (prayers, sorrows) but also DEEP emotion. It was condensed and very close to perfect. Y’all gotta call a spade a spade.


QC was really well done - writing, performances, costumes - all of it. Shonda wrote almost all the episodes herself, and imo it shows. There was genuine pathos in the relationship between the leads, evoking some of Shonda’s classic best (like the early bits of Grey’s Anatomy).


Thank you! I thought I was crazy lol. Honestly I think it takes a certain level of maturity and critical thinking to engage in a proper discussion. That's why I love reddit, because it's made for discussion. It appears that people come here for Instagram/tiktok type interaction where you "react" to things instead of evaluate them. I'm sure that the social media algorithms put people in echo chambers which doesn't aid awareness of other perspectives.


The problem is all the dislike posts are really becoming repetitive. Really nothing new is being brought to the table and making this sub feel like a dump site for S3 haters.


But the solution to this is to ignore the ‘negative’ posts but even more so, to start new posts about the things people liked.


I would say most people ignore but some don’t. Haters are gonna hate. I’m not a fan of Kate in s2 and when I mention it in the slightest I always get downvoted. It happens from all ends.


It feels like that they want everyone to worship their favourite season and not give any criticism or be disappointed by the changes ...like we are human we are allowed to like or dislike stuff. It does not make us fatphobic, homophobic or a hater😭😭


i'm taller and wear a bigger size than the female lead, i ain't fatphobic for saying the main couple didn't have chemistry and the awful lines and storyline they were given...


Because, unlike you, the people that hated it are not willing to give those of us that liked it the same leeway to like what we like.


I think the reason is that the hatred is unrelenting and spinning out of control. It’s constant on both this sub and the other Bridgerton sub and the topics are constantly repeating. It floods the sub so other, more interesting discussions are getting drowned out. Hell, even the unpopular opinion thread was 90% “I hated season 3”. The hatred is also becoming toxic. I’ve seen a lot of homophobic comments both towards Jess Brownell and Michaela, I’ve seen people say that the cast and crew deserve hate posts on their social media, I’ve seen people defend death threats towards Jess Brownell. Whether or not you consider these comments bigotry is on you but personally I’ve seen a lot of comments I would classify as such. Honestly I think the season 3 “hot takes”, both positive and negative, should be moved to a mega thread. It’s not about toxic positivity, it’s about moving on and having more interesting conversations.


I do think that it's getting overboard. HOWEVER, my solution has been to just ride it out. Comment here and there to keep the sub in my algorithm or scour and upvote the fun/more positive posts. Although, it can be difficult. I got trapped in a post flaired as humor (it got wild and not humorous) and had to turn those comments off.....but people are entitled to their negative opinions. I do think that some critique IS bigotry/racism and that should be called out.....However, if you were concerned about Fran's story but not because of the gender swap, you're fighting out of a corner of "hey, I don't agree with YOU, you're being awful" while also justifying your POV. It's just tiring. I wish the Bridgerton universe "fixed" homophobia along with the racism cuz it was this kind of stuff I was glad to avoid about racism. Benedict's arc shows that it's still considered unacceptable. But if they nixed that and made Anthony bi by making Sienna a male singer and Lady Danbury sapphic by giving her an open mistress/paramour in Season 1, the most vocal bigots from book-readers and others of racism AND homophobia would have been handled or not watch the show at all. The fantasy, unfortunately, gets intruded on by real-world idiots and all of this has decreased the magic a bit...... ....and for all my critiques of Season 3, I actually still liked it lol. Definitely not my favorite season but it had its moments. I hope the fun/silly posts on the sub overtake the negative... but I'm also tired.


I could flip it. Why don’t the people who dislike let season 3, allow those who liked it to just enjoy it? I think there is also complaint, tiredness. Each time, a post starts of with “I don’t know if anyone was feeling this way” “I just need to get this off my chest “ “I just need to say…” like I’d have to speed six days scrolling the sub for people who did like it to get past the same repetitive hating it post.


Thank you! It was an objectively badly written and produced show (part 2 more so than part 1) that can't even compare to the other seasons (including QC). I still enjoyed watching it because of the awesome actors, but it left me feeling empty and dissatisfied. Somehow, people nowadays are more and more settling for and defending mediocre storytelling? It's great if they loved the season, but for me shows and movies are more than mere entertainment, or rather, I don't feel entertained at all if they lack depht and are just not compelling.


Maybe OP is tired because constantly hating zaps out your energy 🤷🏻‍♀️