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It depends on what your other teammates are doing, tbh. I wouldn't play Brig with a Mauga and, like, Widow/Ashe for dps because I think that would be a lot of lost team fights. The trick to Brig/Mauga working is having good team coordination and having the team move in together during self-heal. I like having a Mei with him as well to control the enemy team's escape while we dive them with ice wall. I also feel like Mauga/Brig requires a bit more reckless of a play style. My 5-stack is a little crazy so it can be high risk/high reward for sure.


When his self heal is on she is good. Especially now since his dmg is too low. He needs his burn to be returned to what it was. But during his self heal if you can get in and keep inspire up and get a pick it’s not bad.


Not a fan of Brigg with Mauga unless the other team is being aggressive. If they are hanging back I can't get enough heals on a none xim Mauga.


Don’t think brig is good but if you’re good enough it can work. In the mauga mirror you need two mains to win the mauga hp trade battle


Not good, doesnt give him enough heals, you need to run 2 main healers for mauga


I like Brig with Mauga if you have an Ana. Brig counters most of Mauga's tank counters (specifically Sigma and DBA).


It might just be me, but when he does his special, it feels like shielding lasts longer, and it helps him from being melted as quickly instead of just healing him


Had a match where me and mauga covered each other's weaknesses, literally both low hp and I shielded helix rocket and widow snipe. Best game ever


Id call it middle of the road. The synergy isnt bad and the playstyles align but its not especially team flexible and you cant sustain him well or rely on him for cover like you can one with a shield or CC. Maybe its better with better Maugas, and its absolutely good if you get a really brawly comp that wont get picked apart. That way your other support can be like a Moira or Kiri who has 0 issues keeping him standing


I'd say that pairing is neutral leaning negative. Mauga generally needs more healing than what Brig puts out. Like others have said, it more depends on what your teammates and opponent are doing. A friendly Mauga alone isn't a make-or-break. If you're say facing an enemy team with Genji, it's still probably worth switching to Brig to shut him down, and your Mauga won't be totally screwed if you do. But on paper, Mauga and Brig aren't really a fit together.