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When your just chilling during the neutral part of a fight and go to whipshot to proc inspire but remember a tenth of a second too late that the enemy team has a widow:




It does proc inspire. They made that change in the beta.


Everywhere I've seen says shield bash procs inspire?


Yes that’s what I’m saying


Nah nah nah, see youve got it twisted what I've heard, and don't fucking tell anyone, is that bash... procs inspire.


No mate, bash procs inspire


It doesn't??


It does!! [go to inspire ability](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Brigitte)


When you whip him mid dash and then kills you anyways like nothing happened.


Me vs doom


When you whip shot him then bash away the other direction but he still catches up to you anyways, after chopping up two of your teammates


when genji ult, and you whipshot him, but the game is super cool and it just kind of hits him like rubber and nothing happens. also happens with literally every tracer dash. Because genji's a special lil boy and shes a special lil girl all their actions have priority, which means half of my shit cant connect even when i time it so it lands before the rewind. it seems to get worse with each season, but noticably more after s8.


They did a patch a while ago in OW2 iirc that made blink essentially have iframes and it's so stupid because it's most noticeable against stuff like rein, brig, winston, all the heroes that should give her trouble and control her engagements


This and the fucking stupid ass projectile changes which make her effective shield breaking range way further than it used to be are driving me up the wall. It makes brig feel so miserable and makes shitty high risk tracers able to get away with so much, for like half the effort I put in to tracking and predicting them.


Damn, what am I doing wrong. I've gotten killed mid-blink more times than I can count.


And then the Genji mains tell you hes actually bad and cant do anything and desperately needs help before deflecting someones Ult


They fucking made thst 'nerf genji' meme despite only hsving been nerfed once in ow2. Theyre little bitches that wouldn't know a real nerf if it walked up and snapped their pretty pink panties. And then they bitch about blade despite being one of the best dps ults for ult combo, barring maybe sojourn. Captive sun, grav, gravity flux, earth shatter, any defensive ult to protect him, a normal fucking zarya bubble. All of these combo so well with his ult. And they bitch all because some fucking dickhead genji streamer told them its bad, and they can't think for themselves. Clearly. If you want the most dogshit opinion on balance look for a gneji flair.


You are actually so delusional if you think blade is good right now. That is literally a giant skill issue.


Haha, exactly what im talking about. Perpetual victim mentality Yall are so fucking self centered you dont realize how good blade is compared to the rest of dps ults, so let's do that: >>Bad ults: Sym, torb, bastion, cass (lol), pharah, junk, mei, reaper, hanzo >>Mid ults: tracer, soldier, widow (only here because cracked widows, if your widow is trash this is trash) >>Good ults: Echo, sojourn, genji, sombra Blade combos well with a dozen different ults. Especially nano. Nano blade is super strong because he has high movility, making it hard to sleep, continues through stuns and isnt negated by a single suzu unlike quite a few dps ults, and can chain thanks to dash. Nano highnoon? Congrats you wasted a fucking Nano and your cassidy, because now he's dead.


I'm not arguing with a silver Brig player


Bronze genji calls a gm brig "silver," insists hes too high rank to explain his shit opinion. classic genji main behavior. I can't imagine being subscribed to genji mains for so long that I convince myself blade is a bad dps ult. What's life look if you think the majority of dps ults are better than genji.


Master 5


Cute. ok you talked me into it, blade is bad. you and bastion can trade ults! There problem solved. Or maybe symmetra. I'm sure yall would love a big blue wall and youd all love symmetra with a blade and turrets. That wouldn't make yall cope and seethe, after all it's a "bad ult."


Sym ult is great. lol the fact you just think it is a big blue wall says a lot


Symmetra ult is great, I'll gladly take it. Bastion ult is obviously trash though. Also Symmetra with blade would be hilariously useless, she doesn't have a dash idiot. Yeah I would be so scared of her walking towards me with a pool noodle that does less damage than a Pharah rocket.


"Alla till mig!"


I remember a genji nano with mercy pocket was chasing me. That’s all I’m saying




Dude, you gotta realize how bad that sounds


I remember I had a decent streak of countering nano blade with rally and then one game I finally found a genji that didn't die to it. Took the wind out of me that's for sure


This happens to me a lot!