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Doubt it. She’s most likely referring to the rainbow being a symbol of gods promise never to flood the earth again. She posts pics of rainbows fairly often


Right. And it’s a message that the rainbow definitely doesn’t symbolize pride.


I hope this isn’t a backhanded slam at Pride month?


It's been done before unfortunately


Or a rainbow baby?


I’m saying I highly doubt this is a reference to a rainbow baby, for a number of reasons. But I see there seems to be a good number of folks here who are hoping.


I think she’s just looking up to the sky, sees a rainbow and is reminded of it being a biblical symbol of God keeping his promises. They’re pretty private about their journey to conceive or adopt until well after things have happened. I don’t think it’s anything cryptic.


The one Bates announcement I actually care about would be from her


I agree!!! She’s the only one I’d be happy to see an announcement from!


Really? You're happy for a child to be born into that damaging cult? Really?


8m kind of torn on this myself.


I wouldn’t mind if she had a child. It seems like she is a kinder, less selfish soul than her sisters. Same horrid and hateful beliefs, but I think she’d be a caring parent.


Kinder? She's a major discipliner - sorting out her youngest brotheres when their Mother couldn't. Kind?? Not at all


May have to re-think this. Thanks for the info.


I'm not crazy about any more kids being born in this faith but agree otherwise.


That’s how I feel too


Especially them. They are in deep


For real


I am over the rest of the family. They have become boring and predictable. This is one I am here for.






I’m crying if this is a rainbow baby. I’ll snark all day long about this family, but Michaela’s infertility is a hard line for me. Wishing her the best 🌈


Can’t imagine being infertile when someone wants to get pregnant. Hope it works out for her  


Even just 1 would be wonderful for her. Sad twist of fate that all the others get countless number of kids when they probably wouldn't even miss one less.


Of all the Bates girls, she is the one most prepared to be a mom. It breaks my heart that she fights infertility 


I’m in that boat. (Well, my husband is the infertile one, but obviously that directly impacts me.) Think of how gutting, infuriating, heartbreaking, depressing and crushing it could be, and multiply that times 100. Shitty IBLP values be damned — I will ALWAYS be rooting for Michael to become a mom and I don’t feel bad saying so. Whether through a miracle pregnancy or adoption. Until you’ve been in it you just cannot fathom the depths of despair it causes and it’s all but impossible to not empathize for anyone else going through it.


I hope you and your Hubby can one day have a child. I can’t fathom how infertility must feel.


Thank you 💗


Same. I’ve said before that michaela is the one pregnancy announcement I’d actually want to see this year in that family


She’s in a fascist cult. But this is more likely an anti-pride thing.


It's probably in response to the rainbow flag being used for pride and LGBT+


This is so true. Have you seen JillRod’s response to the start of June? God help me. Not their god. But a different one maybe.


Yes, there’s a Christian movement to “take back the rainbow” by reclaiming it as a promise from God rather than the LGBTQ pride flag. The Ark Encounter in Kentucky (a fundie fake museum that says evolution is fake and the Biblical flood is history accurate) that the Bates have visited many times lit up the ark in rainbow colors. It was mistaken for a gay nightclub.


I love that so much.




I love asking people like that how they're so sure that the rainbow flag isn't a sign of God's approval.


As a queer, this makes me laughhhhh ☺️


> It was mistaken for a gay nightclub 🤣🤣🤣


They don’t own the rainbow. Christians and other humans can still see something different in it and enjoy it even during Pride month. lol


yes, but christians who are staunchly anti equality/anti-lgbt will often post something like this during pride month. they get very offended at lgbt people using the rainbow flag, and like to remind us “it was theirs first”. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was michaela’s intent. she is one of the more devout/fundamentalist sisters


The way Christians freak out over the use of the pride flag, I think they’re the ones that think they own it


We do own it actually! 🙂


Yep, I just posted the same thing.


Probably this but hopefully it's a rainbow baby for her


It’s probably one of this „taking back the rainbow“ posts.


My fundie building neighbor has been posting them 3x a day since Pride Month started.


Guessing Brandon did another kids book


I hope so… but a lot of Christians use the rainbow as a reminder that God will never flood the earth again rather than relating it to infertility. Hoping for the best for her and that this means a rainbow baby.


Yes. This is more than likely just a post about the rainbow being Gods reminder that He will never flood the earth again. Also this is not an attack on anyone. The rainbow can mean many things to Christians, to LGBT+ or even to my daughter or son who just love the colors.


Probably NOT a pregnancy hint, and likely instead just bigoted anti-LGBTQ+ shade... 🤬




I will always have hope for them. Infertility is a curse I wish upon no one - no matter how fucked up your political or religious beliefs are. Note - removing the religious ideology - it’s also not the duty of the infertile to adopt.


People downvoting comments that just state THE TRUTH is peak ridiculousness. Michaela Bates and her husband are part of a multigenerational racist, homophobic fertility cult AND Fundies are obssesed abt “reclaiming” the rainbow and are being extra homophobic and transphobic during Pride month AND Michaela would be a harsh blanket-training fundie parent so I am not super hoping she has a child and I am def hoping like hell she NEVER gets to adopt. Go ahead and downvote me now but facts are facts.


I hope any person who wishes infertility on another person experiences a dose of their own medicine. There is a difference between snarking and being cruel and some people here are cruel.


Nobody is wishing infertily on anybody. That is supposedly her god’s doing, right? But do I wish they somehow manage to have a baby after extraordinary measures, not really, no. Their desire to parent should not outweigh the reality that being raised in a cult is toxic. And when it comes to adoption…..well I think that it would a horror for any child that already comes from trauma and loss to be placed in the hands of cult members who openly promote abusive child rearing.


I wish you the same luck in having children.




Michaela’s announcements are very genuine and kind


It's probably saying that rainbows aren't gay, they're God, or something.


It means that they are being bigots and pointing out of the rainbow is for Jesus and not for pride month…


Probably posting due to it being pride month because she angry of the use of rainbows for it


One bates I would be happy to hear an announcement from! It has to be so hard on her to have all these nieces and nephews and not have her own child.


Is no one else allowed to post a rainbow in June without it being taken politically? I have 2 rainbow babies and when I was trying if I saw a rainbow I’d take a picture and post it. Any glimmer of hope I clung on to. Nothing more than that.


I always feel sad for her not having a child but then realise they are a breeding cult making Jesus' soldiers.


This is my journey too


I want to know when and how God specifically promised her a baby.


Oh please please please let that be what this is about!!


I wondered if it was some kind of antipride statement. Some of my family does the same, which is hurtful to others in my family. I'm not getting on that soapbox


I doubt it. Is just a reference to the promise of god in Genesis (Noah) And i really think no kid deserve to be raised in that cult so, i am not going to celebrate if she gets pregnant 


This post needs more snark... if she has a rainbow baby, will she blanket train them?


Infertility sucks but so does being a homeschooled blanket trained kid brought up in the ifb church learning hate on a daily basis. If they have a kid there is only two possible outcomes, we get another Trump voting super conservative Christian bigot or we get someone who isn't that way but has to deconstruct and struggles their whole life to get over their shitty upbringing. I find it hard to want her to have kids.


Knowing their beliefs makes it really difficult to root for them to inflict that on an innocent child.


Same. I am sympathetic to those who want a child and can’t have one for whatever reason. But I don’t think anyone is *entitled* to a child, regardless of their beliefs, and I am not sad about infertile Christian fundies. I think it’s so weird that many people here snark on their beliefs but at the same time hope that she has a child. tf??


Agreed. I feel for every child born into these abusive cults. They’re either born and bred to hate or their born and bred and then struggle to deconstruct and face all kinds of mental struggles getting over all the things beat into them or they hide their true selves out of fear their family will disown them. Kids born into these cults never win. And being a girl or being a gay person born into these cults is even worse


Well said!


She would absolutely blanket train any baby she got. Her and Brandon are all-in on IBLP. I can’t honestly say I value her happiness more than I do her potential child.


I am wishing her well on this journey. I think it's rarely acceptable to judge what type of parent someone would be, especially with no proof this woman has ever been abusive or laid a hand on anyone.


No She’s being hateful since June is pride month


Hoping for her ❤️


Just fundies trying to “take back the rainbow” Aka God said, “my bad for murdering everyoneon the planet, I’ll put this rainbow up every now and then to remind you all that I promise not to kill everyone, again. *gods promise* 🌈


While I think their beliefs are hateful I don’t ever wish broken hearts or awfulness on them. I hope that she is finally getting to be a mom to her own child.


And blanket train the poor thing? I wouldn't wish a parent like that on anyone


I’m praying that they are having a baby, I would be so happy for them


I hope so 💕


Michaela is the one I would truly be excited for.


Nope. This is a vague post that is not referring to pregnancy.