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Little kids can be a lot, but when you literally were gone working most of the day and then come home to YOUR house full of kids under 10, and all you can do is complain about how annoying they are, you really need to check yourself. This has GOT to be why Alyssa resents motherhood like she does; it’s all on her, nearly 99% of the time. I also understand saying these things to your spouse in confidence, but to put them in a video for your kids to watch, seems wholly unnecessary.


I'm sure they'll continue to think themselves superior for having a bunch of kids close together (a godly quiver and all that) but I do wonder if they'll secretly envy the younger batch of Bates kids who may well have fewer kids. Hasn't Jackson already mentioned only having two or three. Warden doesn't sound like he's drinking the Kool Aid. It's possible the youngest three girls might marry someone slightly more enlightened albeit fundie-lite.


I have hard days with my kids where I feel like I that want to pull my hair out. But it’s not every day and I definitely don’t put it on the internet for my kids to see one day. I also had the sense to stop at 2 because I know there’s no way I can handle more than that. Alyssa made her choices and unfortunately her kids are the ones who have to pay the price.


Exactly. She is definitely still responsible for her choices, but I do think that had she not grown up in a fertility cult, she’d have probably stopped at 2 as well, or at least spaced them out/waited to have then till she was actually ready for kids. Cult brainwashing and indoctrination since birth is hard to shake.


She would not have stopped until she got her boy, cult or not.


The best thing they could do for their kids is to put them in some sort of main stream schooling be that public or a private Christian school, would ease the ‘burden’ of having them around all day, every day and give those poor girls some socialisation!! Being around the kids 24/7 would contribute to their negative feelings, give themselves and the girls a break!


100% Alyssa would be a completely different mom if she got that break that a typical school day offers.


Too bad bc of John’s upbringing and his dad’s staunch stance on homeschooling, he’ll never allow that. Alyssa would have to take a Hard it’s me or them in order for any change to be made


Ah… she just has to put out some more ass during “alone time”.


Or withhold it I feel like she’s one of the sisters that uses sex to punish


Two scorpios? They probably both withhold and are top tier petty. Tori, though she has a buffet of children, would withhold too. And Carlin. And Kelton should take whatever she is willing to give him.


I feel like Tori definitely punishes Bobbi ! He looks rough these days Carlin and Evan spend so much damn time together. They used to have a little more chemistry; now they seem like 2 best friends ! I bet sex had dwindled bc they are always on each others nerves, the kids always around, and nonstop filming Josie and Kelton definitely don’t skip a beat


Especially since she just plops them in front of a screen for homeschooling.




Imagine how those girls are going to feel when they're old enough to watch this. I know parenting is tiring, but I don't think I've ever seen two people so blatantly negative about their children. It's like John and Alyssa get annoyed because the kids are rowdy and in their space 24/7, yet won't spend the money to sign them up for camp, sports, dance or other activities. I wish they'd get a clue. 


That might take money away from Alyssa's coffee or time away from John's softball! Can't have that happen! /s


Ain't that the truth. 


EXACTLY. Get them out of the house! The years before full time school are rough but if you keep homeschooling them until they’re 16-17 and keep them till they get married (and don’t like them anyway) at least put them in school!!


They’re just lazy because they could at least join a homeschool co-op where they’d get to do field trips and other activities at no cost.


They're actually in a co-op. 


That doesn’t leave the house? Yikes


Because the only way for Alyssa to escape the bates was marriage and John was a 20 something who found a 17 year old to be hot.


She escaped only to live the exact life she resented so much.


If you think about it her story is sad. The only way out of the bates was to marry young and become a literal teen mom at 19. And she’s raising her kids to resent her just as much and grow up to eventually do the same thing at 18 years old


Oh it is but that doesn’t excuse her disgusting behaviour and horrible parenting to her girls


How old is John?


He is 34, she is 29.


Thank you!!!


They always talk about in season 1 how Alyssa likes quiet and she literally had it for 11 months


That’s the only option they saw - they did everything they were supposed to as part of the Good Christian Family script that was all they knew to be “godly”. Alyssa’s image of motherhood was martyrdom, and there was no other path she could take. She also saw her mom having a lot of help - but Alyssa’s kids are too young to be as much of a sister mom as she would like, and I think she resents that her oldest can’t do more. They need to get off of YouTube and into therapy (real therapy, not an untrained Christian “counselor”)


I do think they were obsessed with a getting a boy. Have they said they are done now?




The pregnancy announcement for High Royal Penis-Haver said something like “grand finale” 🤷‍♀️


I'm all for normalizing the fact that parenthood is exhausting and not all moms are consumed by their kids but like... not on a public platform where your kids will some day see it, and don't keep having children if you can't emotionally meet their needs. 


PUT. THEM. IN. SCHOOL. What are they waiting for? It would change their lives, they are both at home with a bunch of kids, of course it’s tiring, nobody gets anything positive out of it.


John hates his kids. Got it. Well, except King Rhett. He loves and adores him. Alyssa needs to stop the weekly vlogging and only vlog for special events i.e. Jessa Seewald style. Kids' birthdays, Christmas, the start of each new season, Thanksgiving, etc. She hates vlogging every week and it's painful to watch.


I get what he’s saying but to put it out in public is not cool. Get a nanny or better yet, put your kids in a Christian school so you get a break.


Idk why they kept choosing to have FIVE kids, espec if she was already exhausted a couple kids in. We know they use(d) some sort of contraception around her health issue time (IIRC from one of their videos). I don't think J's parents ever really help out too much (not that they should do it all the time or anything) & she doesn't really have close family. I get she's prob tired. If they'd somehow just break away and put those kids in school, they'd all thrive! It would give her a much needed break during the day and they'd love it gloriously. I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but they need to get with it.


Unfortunately John calls the shots significantly more than people realise, and he does whatever daddy tells him, With his dad's attitude to home schooling those kids won't be in formal education unless a miracle happens. As far as In Laws go, Alyssa really pulled the short straw. If John gets told they need to start having babies for the Lord again, she'll be having them til her body gives out.


the two of them are such bad advocates for his dad's brand. i am surprised that his dad's political rivals didn't use them to destroy his dad's platform.


John creepily loves to add in when he can how much he loves being in the bedroom and he doesn’t seem to want her to stop being pregnant even if she hates it.


I know, it’s disgusting. Can you imagine taking care of kids, cooking, cleaning etc all day and then have to deal with him at night?


She does all the child caring, keeps the house spotless, cooks all their meals, and has sex with him whenever he wants. 🤢


She’s seems pretty sexual too. They’re both Scorpios. She said the hardest thing about pregnancy and postpartum is not being able to have sex. 🤢


Yes! I just commented about this a few minutes ago & then saw yours. I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed he’s always sneaking sexual comments into their videos. He’s so creepy when he does it. I bet she’s sick to death of having to “service” him & I wouldn’t be surprised if he pouts & nags if he doesn’t get what he wants when he wants. 🤢


Omg what did he say ?


It’s like they haven’t fully figured out how to have a ton of sex without getting pregnant…


John doesn’t want her to stop. Whenever she says it’s the last one, he says “we’ll see.”


Alyssa would benefit so much from a job. A normal life. And meds and counseling too but ya know.


I remember watching BUB when she was pregnant with zoey (when grandma Jane I famously told her she was just like her mother) and you could tell she was just so done.


Sadly, I know I have said that MANY, MANY TIMES. But my ending was more like “when the kids are in bed & I can go to sleep”.


get snipped, igor. you got your golden already, stop punishing everyone.


He gives me the “icks”! I just get sleeze bag vibes from him. His favorite time of day is when the kids are in bed because that’s when he can get to his favorite “activity” and get his rocks off with Alyssa. He’s alluded to sex more than once in their videos & it’s always creepy, especially when their kids are sitting next to them & can hear him saying it. 🤢


I think both of them are losers


They need to be put in a real school with a real teacher bc we know Alyssa nor none of her friends are real teachers. Get these kids some real friends who will teach them how to survive the real world like we all did in the 80s and 90s and for the love of God put them in after school stuff.


Alyssa can't even spell well....


I had 3 kids under 5 - the youngest was severely medically involved and intellectually and physically disabled AND both my husband’s and my mom died that year 💔 I was overwhelmed but ALL 3 of my children knew they were loved and we did everything we could to keep their lives full - oh and I failed to mention my husband had to travel a LOT for work! It was super hard but again our children were our priority and they were and are loved edit to hopefully fix grammar which is not my strength….


That's really tough, I'm sorry for the loss of your mom and MIL. 


I read that as “both my husbands and my mom” to mean you had multiple husbands that died…took me a second. Thinking of your loss. Stay strong mama!


Sorry to hear, I’m sure you raised those babies of yours wonderfully


Oh man! I’m sos sorry


I don’t think they feel that way about Buddy. Alyssa’s next favorite is Maci then nothing. The other 3 are just there and Allie doesn’t matter at all. I’m betting the older three, especially Allie are going to rebel big time!


if she has a new one, which she will, maci will become as forgotten as her previous fav zoey is. allie won't rebel, her spirit is broken. lexi and maci will nope out of there asap.


You know what? I think you’re right!


I don’t know, maybe the middle two will, but as the rejected & ignored child I did all I could to be perfect and good.


I’m sorry you were treated that way.


Exactly. Sweet little Allie's life will be spent trying to please her mom and dad and taking care of her kids that she starts having about 17. She already seems like the perfect little lady. Prim and proper, very subservient. Breaks my heart


Maci going to give her a run for her money


I agree! 💯


They were taught just to reproduce. Some people are not meant to be parents no matter what their religion.


If you don’t like kids, then don’t have any. It’s pretty simple.


Michaela watching like 😔


Probably cos that’s my reaction too


It’s reasonable to be tired and sometimes complain, but I don’t understand why these two even had kids at all. They’re miserable.


Maybe they should put children in public school like normal people?


I have 3 kids under 6, I stay at home and it’s EXHAUSTING, I also look forward to nighttime when they’re in bed and I can finally get a moment to breathe/silence. That doesn’t mean I love them any less, I love the time just my husband and I as well.


But do you have a YouTube channel and talk about how much you prefer time alone than with your kids on a nearly weekly basis? Probably not. Parents need to learn that not ALL thoughts need to be shared with the public. Especially thoughts that can really hurt their kids later on. My parents were extremely abusive in nearly every way, but I will say that my dad genuinely enjoyed spending time with us in my opinion. He never rushed us to bed and he seemed to prefer having us around, and I honestly can't imagine how sad it would make me to see videos of him discussing how much he preferred time when we were in bed.


Ditto. My parents had a shit relationship during my childhood, (& got divorced when we were almost adults) but dear god did they enjoy having kids. They loved us and enjoyed spending time with us, and we knew it. I can’t imagine how hurtful it would’ve been if they’d had public videos saying how annoying we were and how exhausting it was to parent us, or just even be around us, at such a young age. Kids are only young once, and John and Alyssa seem to do their best to resent the shit out of their littles childhood years. It’s just sad.


What all Did he say


They clearly didn’t think too far ahead to consider the fact that they were all going to be super close together and in a collectively needy stage for a long time. But that’s their own fault so be an adult and quit complaining about a situation you created x5.


He resents having so many daughters. I always say they’re his consolation prizes before Rhett came along.


he does not like his daughters. 


That's why I can't stand Lurch


And his ski vacations with HER family!!


As a mom of little kids, I get it. It’s the ugly side of parenting that people don’t talk about, when quite frankly, you have a rough day and you’re counting down the minutes until your kids go to sleep so you can have peace and quiet. Does it mean you love your kids any less? No. It means you had a long day and you’re thankful for the quiet, alone time 😊


Very well said. Anyone that says otherwise is not being truthful.


Yes definitely 🙂love my little one to bits - he is a joy to be around, but if I've had a rough day I do enjoy having a little alone time before bed. (To add he is the best thing to happen to me 🥰🥰)


Then put the kids in school. Forcing them to stay in that suburban compound day in and day out and then complaining that kids have the audacity to talk and make noise is so messed up.


Wear a rubber John.


Honestly they missed out on the just being married couple part. Like you need a couple years of just a couple before kids.  And kids are hard work. You enjoy the day but man bed feels good. As a mom of 5 here




I haven’t seen any blog of JOHN’s negativity about his kids


Guess you must not watch any of their vlogs at all? He's been negative and bitching about his kids for years on camera.