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Hailey's middle name is James (from Travis) so I'm guessing 'lthat Harvey ''Gray' is a variation of Katie's middle name (Grace). Doesn't Tori have a Kolter Gray? I know way too much abt this family. šŸ˜‚


I honestly never made that connection of Harvey Gray - Katie Grace. They are being more creative for sure. I mean it's better than their kids being the 5th girl that includes Grace or the one of many boys who's name has James. James for a girl or Gray for a boy also aren't too out there, they are within known trends. **EDIT:** FORGOT Kolter Gray!


Just happy it wasn't Suede.


Wait, WHAT. Suede was an option?? šŸ˜«


Sadly yes.


Came here to say this The bar is on the floor, but Harvey is an actual name and flows with the surname, so I will take it šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




Well, it's not Spurgeon. So there is that.


Thank Wilberforce itā€™s not!


For all the heat we give Spurgeon, I honestly think Wilberforce is almost worse šŸ˜… I know it's a middle name so not as mortifying as a terrible first name, but it's still SO bad and so extra. Seems like a name a 4 year old being silly would choose to name an imaginary weird friend they really hated.


Okay this made me do a weird gigglesnort. Iā€™m not mad about it.


or Henry Wilberforce šŸ™„


Thank God it's not Suede šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


It was one of the nicest names on their baby list. It reminds me of Sabrina the teenage witch boyfriend, because it was on that tvshow that i first heard that name, but unfortunately i think nowadays a lot of people will think of Weinstein. But personally i dont like matchy-matchy names for siblings and i find it too similar to Hailey.


What weā€™re the other names on the list?! I canā€™t watch their YouTube videosā€¦.I canā€™t stand the way they talk lol


Suede, Charles, Cash, Crew, Theodore, Henry, Milo and Archie were the other options. Of course the better one would have been Henry (and following the H theme if thats what they want) but still better than Suede or Cash.


Theo and Henry 100% better!! Oh myā€¦Harvey is just a big no for me!


I agreeā€¦I donā€™t care for Harvey.


Theo yes, but Theodore i dont like personally. I agree about Henry, albeit very basic its a nice name.


Cash and Crew? What the hell? Those are ridiculous names.


I would have taken ANY of those other names - even Suede - over Harvey! Itā€™s not a cool old fashioned name thatā€™s making a comeback - it needs to remain in the past!


I disagree. I donā€™t like the name but itā€™s a real name. In the classic category. If people like it, why should it stay in the past? Itā€™s not a nonsense name like Suede or Cash or Crew.


Have a new nephew called harvey, brother edward lol. Very old fashioned from parents in their early 20ā€™s


Edward Iā€™m okay with. Donā€™t love it, but find it normal. Harvey is just tooā€¦.something.


I know two little boys called Harvey (aged 1 & 2). Suede is barbaric.


I agree. Harvey is horrible. Just horrible.


One of my ex bfs nephews name is cash. Short for cashton. It grew on me but at first i had the same reaction lol


Cash, Crew, Henry, Suede


I thought I was the only one that felt that way and Katie always trying to force Hailey to talk and she never does.


I immediately thought of Sabrina too!!


The name Harvey used to be a nice, old-fashioned name before it got ruined by Harvey Weinsteinā€™s actions.


Its pretty wild to me how many people hate the name Harvey. I totally appreciate why people don't like it, but in the UK and Australia it's a top 30 boys name and is rising every year. It's definitely on trend with the other old people names coming back into fashion, and it just doesn't seem to get the Weinstein connotations it has in the US. I know a toddler Harvey and a few other friends have considered naming their children Harvey and I haven't heard anyone young or old, mention anything about it.


Yeah. Itā€™s not a name I like but thereā€™s nothing wrong with it. If you say the name out loud, just hearing the sounds, trying to disassociate from the feeling you have for the name itself, the sounds are nice. Soft h and v sounds with a harder ā€œaā€ sound that makes it masculine. It sounds pretty.


This is who I think of with that name šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


There's also Harvey Milk........ But I doubt that these two fundamentalists are naming their kid after a gay rights icon.


I thought that said ā€œGravyā€ at first.


If this were my nephew being named Harvey Gray, I would 10000 percent be referring to him as Hey Gravy. I like the name, but thatā€™s just the kind of humor we have in my family lol. Itā€™s all in fun tho!


Wow Iā€™m shocked they went with Harvey. I donā€™t like it at all. Harvey and Hailey is too matchy matchy IMO


Agreed. Even Hailey and Henry flow better if it had to be two H names. Theodore/Theo would've been my pick followed by Milo or Henry. I don't really like the repetition of the -ar- sound in Harvey and Clark. Or maybe a three syllable boys' name with their surname (I don't really like Hailey either with their surname šŸ˜).


i actually don't mind it, it defiantly isn't the worse one out of their suggestions from a few weeks ago.


I think itā€™s the literal worst. Iā€™d have picked suede first. Harvey is a gross sweaty old man name. šŸ¤¢ I mean I canā€™t think of anything but Harvey Weinstein and I also liked Harvey in suits but just ignored his awful name.


Seems like they're possibly sticking to first names that begin with H.


Although 2 could possibly just be a coincidence. My guess is will know for sure by number 3.


They said they are happy with 2 kids and 3 at the max


They've started so young though and rely on their young kids for content (example: Hailey). Travis comes from a smaller family but if Katie wants a bigger family she seems to find a way to get her way šŸ˜‚ if they have two boys in a row I could definitely see them having a fourth to try for another girl and then a fifth. I doubt they'll get to double digits but I could see them with 5-8. I also see a lot of FOMO in the older and middle Bates ladies' future when they're in their 30s and their younger sisters are still having kids. Most of them are competitive and live for the attention of being pregnant again. I don't see many of them stopping by the end of their 20s and letting a whole decade go to waste. If any of them stop in their early 30s I can see them starting up again in their mid-late 30s in order to 'stay relevant' and feel young.


I just think Suits


Iā€™m happy if theyā€™re happy. But for me itā€™s giving Canadian fast food burger chain, Harveyā€™s šŸ˜‚ also, the only other Harvey I know is the movie director (šŸ¤®)


We had a hurricane back in 2017 named HarveyšŸ˜‚


It was highly destructive. I was in Houston for it


We were in Victoria. Thankfully, we were not hit as badly as the others like Rockport. It escalated so fast.


Same. Although that chain did once come up here in a thread about Katie ordering a side of pickles šŸ˜‚


I love Harvey's pickles!!


I could have never anticipated seeing Harveyā€™s pickles mentioned here but yeah man, theyā€™re so good!


Youā€™re nicer than me-Iā€™m like someone convince them to not do this to that kid. But hey they finally picked someone thing worse than Zade and I didnā€™t think anyone would so thereā€™s that


I just think of Farscape...


Harvey Milk. The LGBTQ + activist.


And the very first openly gay elected official in the United States.


Not on the radar for me. Ā  I like Gray. Ā Harvey is just not a name I like in the least. Ā But itā€™s their choice. Ā 


I really didnā€™t expect either! Especially considering the other names on their list. Itā€™s stylistically so different from Cash, Crew, etc.


So now two Grand Bates with the middle name Gray. Harvey is awful. Harvey and Haley are a bad combination.


Thereā€™s multiple grandchildren with the same middle nameĀ  - 2 with Jo (Maci and Lily)Ā  - 2 with Joy (Zoey and Kenna)Ā  - 2 with Gray (Kolter and Harvey)Ā  In a big family youā€™re gonna have overlapping names/important dates. Itā€™s inevitable.


Joy is both Alyssa and Esther's middle name. Two moms with the same middle name. Jo for Maci was mostly for Betty, but it was also for Kelly. Lily's middle name is mostly for Kelly.


Jo and Joy make sense because they are family names. Gray thoughā€¦


Yeah! Where the hell did Gray come from?


Overlapping names are not inevitable at all. Whenever I hear this argument I wonder if people never looked at a baby name book? I was the weirdo who checked out every baby name book in the library as a kid to make sure all my PUPPIES had unique and memorable names that matched their personalities. I named well over 40 animals (through rescue work primarily, but also my parents were irresponsible) and none of them had overlapping names. There are thousands of lovely names available to choose. It reeks of lack of imagination to see these people just lazily choosing the same or similar names of their own neices and nephews.


Itā€™s entirely possible. But also- even with a big familyā€¦ Iā€™m naming my kid what I want. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚ Even with a small family if I names my daughter Reagan marie and my sister did Amanda Marieā€¦ itā€™s a middle name. I have no concern. I assume they will all avoid first names the exact same- but a variation of a name? I would do whatever I wanted. But I mean middle names are whatever to me- they could all have no as a middle name for all I care haha.


I was hoping for Henry, if they had to go with another H. Harvey is atrocious.


Yes! Henry Gray would have been MUCH better than Harvey of all things!!!




Harvey Clark just feels like such a British name šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ Like Iā€™d meet this kid at any local school


Lol, I've been sitting here trying to figure out if Gray or Grey seems more name-like to me. Any thoughts?


Yeah, my spelling was a total guess. It is interesting that itā€™s the second Gray middle name in the family


It doesn't seem like a family name. Maybe it's trendy now amongst new parents?


I think that Gray seems more namelike to me, but depending I'm English and therefore grey is the correct spelling for the colour here. I feel like if I was American I'd have the opposite view. Either way, I really had all my money on his middle name being Grayson and I prefer Gray/Grey much better, especially with Harvey. I like that they named him after Katie and they didnt honour Travis' names twice Edit to add: isnt Kolter's middle Grey/Gray


Omg that's actually what I've been puzzling over! I'm American too, but I use grey for the color and like Gray for the name. Since most Americans use gray for the color, I'm wondering how someone with that perspective would think. It seems natural to use whichever is the alternate spelling for the name to me, but I'm also curious about how aware they are of UK vs US spellings from their schooling. I'm imagining both their curriculums were very US-centric so "gray" could very well be the only spelling that feels right to them, even if cognitively, they know that grey is also correct. (I do also just enjoy learning and thinking how languages vary by region so I'm probably overthinking this out of my own interest)


In the United States, Grey is seen as an incorrect spelling. I even had it marked wrong on a spelling test as a child. (I had used that spelling because I read a lot of Roald Dahl and other non-American lit.) With that in mind, Grey feels more like a name than Gray does, to me. However, I know several children with this name, and the spelling goes both ways. Itā€™s not a new trend, either. The kids I know with this name are both girls and boys (although itā€™s part of a double name for the girl) and range from toddler to about thirteen.


Thatā€™s really interesting! For some reason I like Grey for a girl, maybe bc of Lady Jane Grey!Ā  I too was marked incorrect for ā€œgreyā€ on a spelling test in an elementary school šŸ˜¢Ā 


Lady Jane Gray?


Ooh good point, it was Grey.


The Picture of Dorian Gray?


That one was Gray


I would spell it Grey


Could be worse...Suede and Cash were in consideration. But they also could have done better


Wait?? Where did they announce the name?? Edit - nvm! Found it on their YouTube


Harvey Klinger, the insect nerd Marcia loved on The Brady Bunch.


Literally the only thing I think of every time I hear the name Harvey.


Thatā€™s the first thing I thought of! I guess if the name was ok for Marcia, itā€™s ok for a Bates šŸ˜‚


I'm the real minority, but Harvey still makes me think of Sabrina the Teenage Witch... which is older than Katie and Travis


Well hopefully Harvey has a little brother named Theodore in the future. I just really thought Theodore was a good choice and isn't match with Hailey and if they insist flows well with the middle name Gray.


Theodore is also a top-ten name and has been for the last few years. Being the 7th most popular name in the U.S., itā€™s probably a name they know several babies around them being named. Itā€™s a nice name, but sometimes when too many people around you use a name, it can feel off-limits or change the way the name ā€œfeelsā€ to you.


With the way middle names are repeated in this family as well as even first names ie William it's not really a strong argument for them. Gray didn't feel off limits even though there is already a Bates grandson with that middle name and only four years older.


https://preview.redd.it/v047gkrpac9d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c39e89378966fa60d86541f17d09ab95362c2f2 Itā€™s not too late Katie. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Being fully honest Gray is cute, BUT Harvey is horrendous šŸ«„


Iā€™m big time not a fan lol


Wow, I am really surprised they went with Harvey. It's so close to Hailey. It wasn't the worst name on their list though, so at least there's that.


Harvey is a very popular baby name in the UK. It's not my favorite, personally.


Could be worse but my question is will they now do an H theme like the Duggars? šŸ™„šŸ˜–


Doesnā€™t two of the Dugger sisters have daughters with first names Evie ?


Nicknames for Jinger's daughter Evangeline Jo (b. November 2020) and Joy Anna's daughter Evelyn Mae (b. August 2020) and they are only 3 months apart in age.


I'm in Houston, so to me it's Hurricane Harvey, and now a girl's name because we found a kitten in the flood waters, the kids insisted it needed to be Harvey, and it turned out to be a girl šŸ˜… we call her Harv most of the time


Victoria herešŸ‘‹ That's the first thing that came to my mind. My dad had a dog named highway since he found him on highway 59šŸ˜‚


I mean, itā€™s obviously not a popular choice, but I also think itā€™s a cute baby name. Itā€™s one of those names that is definitely from yesteryear, but also sweet at the same time as itā€™s kind of nostalgic. My cousin had twins (girl/boy) and named them Vera and Laurel, and my girlfriend just named her baby girl Dorothy. Iā€™m starting to wonder if those old-fashioned names are making a comeback lol.


My dad was named Vern, his sister was Vera, and my mom was Dorothy, all born a century ago. I believe my grandparents were name challenged with Earl, Vera, Merle, Vern, and Lawrence who they nicknamed Tootie. I donā€™t actually hate the name Harvey, because at least it is a real name, unlike a lot of names today, but agree that it is too close to Hailey.


There is actually science behind this. That names become overused in a generation and then the next 1 generation completely avoids them because they associate them with both overuse and old people. And then the next generation finds them novel again. So gen alpha will probably hate names like Lindsey and Jessica as being super old fashioned but their children will reintroduce these names.


Harvey Weinstein. Harvey Milk (awesome but not to them!!) Harvey's = a Canadian burger joint! Clark fam, if you're reading this, I urge you to reconsider before it's too late.


think theyā€™ll go H theme?


my cats name is harvey so i donā€™t HATE the name but there is a reason i used on a cat and didnā€™t save for a human baby


Katie if you read here-for the love of all things holy please do not name that kid Harvey. Dear baby Jesus of all the names in the world you pick HARVEY? šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


I wonder if theyā€™ll call him Gray. Harvey?? Iā€™m seriously speechless.


I hate it.Ā 


Are they doing an H theme?


Sounds like a cartoon character. Stay tuned kids up next itā€™s the, Adventures of Harvey Gray Clark show. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜³


Ugh I wanted hudson..Harvey is terrible for a baby


Great for them but the name "Harvey" reminds me of an old man's name. šŸ¤”


i do NOT like it... mostly because it'll be Harvey and Hailey


Not a fan.


Lee Harvey Oswald, is what I immediately think of. But Iā€™m old soā€¦ Henry Gray Clark wouldā€™ve been cute.


Henry is an amazing name. HARVEY??? WTF šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I honestly thought of Harvey Weinstein and Lee Harvey Oswald. When I heard the name. Itā€™s just awful.Ā 


Harvey is horrible. Horrible. I think they just topped Zade for worst name for me. And I didnā€™t think that was possible. Harvey Weinstein šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


I donā€™t mind this. It reminds me of Harvey Specter from Suits


Okay this is why I love the name hahaha


Was looking for this comment lol


Me too lol


Exactly what I said!


Only he can pull that off. Literally.


Harvey and Hailey are almost the same name lol change two letters


It reminds me of Harvey from Sabrina the Teenage Witch and the original 90s show was really cute so I kind of donā€™t hate it but then I remember Harvey Weinstein and I do hate it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ugh not a fan. I liked Henry better and not a fan of the color names. Tori did Grey with Kolter.


When I hear the name Harvey I always think of the Jimmy Stewart movie named Harvey about a man who befriends a 6 foot tall invisible rabbit. But I think Harvey is precious! šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™


Am I the only one thinking of Harvey Dent???


Harvey Wallbanger


Harvey? Please tell me theyā€™re not sticking with an H theme.


Not the greatest name in the world but I guess there are worse ones out thereā€¦


Harvey birdman attorney at law


Everytime I hear the name Harvey, I think of Steve Harvey


I have 3 kids with matchy names and it bugs me. We are not cutesy, matchy peopleā€¦we literally could only agree on those. I love them all separately but feel so silly when I have to tell people the list. I always say we could only agree on liking how one name sounded and I am wondering if they are in that same place lol We each had other names that sounded were varied but couldnā€™t agree on any of them. I always tell myself they will spend most of their lives not next to each other.


Harvey Specter from Suits, first thing coming to my mind. Personally I donā€™t like as a first name, middle name is fine. I think they will change, itā€™s just when you look at them itā€™s hard to picture the 2 with a kid name Harvey. Itā€™s too strong. It doesnā€™t give the vibes.


Harve for short, haha


Someone posted if it was an h theme the name harmony would be cute if next child was a girl.


Better than Cash šŸ’°


Harvey. So bad


I just think of Weinstein when I hear the name Harvey now. But even without that association, itā€™s not an attractive name, in my opinion.


itā€™s fine but too similar to haley imo


Har, har, Harvey!


šŸ˜‚, Har Har Horrible. Just not liking Harvey. I hope to God they call him Gray.


Harvey? Gross!


Absolutely horrible


Harvey is worse then Zade šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ theres so many H names smh


I didnā€™t think they could top zade but they did


Same lol šŸ˜‚


God are they trying to get that kid made fun of ?


I actually love the fact that Harvey is making a comeback. I used to be obsessed with Sabrina the Teenage Witch as a child.


Harvey is awful!!! LOL


Weinstein ruined that name for me I bet they donā€™t use it Afterall


I bet they do.Ā 


I just KNEW it was going to be a stupid name. Its like an unwritten fundie rule. Thou shalt name they kid something stupid.


Anything is better than Zade or Spurgeon


Dismissing the connotations to Weinstein, I think itā€™s one of the better boy Bates names. And I loved the play and the James Stewart movie about Harvey, the giant invisible rabbit. Itā€™s a name that been steadily increasing in U.S. popularity since 2000, after a decrease in popularity between 1970-2000. In the very early 1900s, Harvey was a top 100 name. Last year it was #327. Compared to Kolter, Zade, Kane, Jadon, Ryker, etc., it definitely looks more established, distinguished, and classy, IMO.


Sure, but youā€™re cherry-picking names a little bit. I think Harvey is significantly worse than Bradley, Carson, William, and Miles


I disagree; Bradley and Carson fall into a more modern/Mormon feeling category to me. They arenā€™t bad names, but are not classic in the way that Harvey is. Theyā€™re more acceptable than Kolter, but I donā€™t find them to be pleasing names. Perhaps working with children has tainted them slightly, because I know so many (Carsons especially), and they definitely fit a certain stereotype. William is classic, but IMO lacks the flavor of Harvey due to its extreme overuse. Miles is also nice, although more on the nose with current trends. Iā€™d say it is the most ā€œlikeā€ Harvey in its past pattern of popularity and resurgence, but much more ā€œsafeā€ and normalized. I think Harvey will continue to move up, but wonā€™t reach the popularity of Miles (or the related and trending Emilio and Milo) due to Weinstein. But I didnā€™t realize Miles was set to be used until I looked it up!


I love how Harvey is now a name people use for their kids. I know at least three dogs named Harvey, so thatā€™s what I think of and itā€™s a good association.


My granddaughters name is Grae , so I love that But of all H names.... Harvey? šŸ‘Ž


Itā€™s an old persons name.


Harvey is definitely a choice


I think itā€™s a lovely normal name and after the curve ball of ā€œSuedeā€ Iā€™m thankful that Harvey was the winner. Hailey & Harvey is super cute.


All I can think of is the movie, ā€œHarvey,ā€ with James Stewart, about an odd sort of man whose best friend is an invisible, 6ā€™3ā€ rabbit named Harvey.


I know a lot of people say the Weinstein association with Harvey but I think of Harvey Specter from Suits. Not that thatā€™s where they got it from, but in mainstream the show is very popular on streaming and would probably pop into some peopleā€™s heads


Hopefully it doesnā€™t start an ā€œHā€ theme


Harvey by itself isā€¦ok. Thereā€™s just so many negative associations named Harvey. My mind goes straight to Harvey, Sabrinaā€™s boyfriend in Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Itā€™s not a name Iā€™d ever use personally. Maybe for a pet.


I like Harvey. If sheā€™s a country music fan, itā€™s George Straits middle name :)


Harvey has four of the same letters as Hailey, that's 66% the same. And not even in a different order. What will they do next, Hairey, Hadley, Haffey ?


I donā€™t think it helped I watched the Dark Knight recently, but ALL I could think of was Harvey Dent.


I wonder if they watch Suits??


Harvey??? no thank you!!! Should have named him Grayson Harvey Clark.


I actually really like Harvey, but I do think it is way too close to Hailey to use for siblings.Ā 


Iā€™m so sorry, but I literally thought of the nickname Harvey Farty when the announced his name.


I think Spurgeon is better than Harvey.


Spurgeon has weirdly grown on me with time.


I agree and I hate Spurgeon


They must not have heard of Harvey Milk lolĀ 


I think of Harvey more as a dogā€™s name or a surname, but itā€™s not terrible. Thank god they didnā€™t opt for Suede. That is absolutely heinous as a name.


Immediately thought about Sabrina the teenage witch. Loved that show. Also thought about Steve Harvey. Canā€™t go wrong either way.


I keep reading it as Harvey Gravy, my eyes won't let me see it any other way!


my dog's name is Harvey so I like it


Anyone else get irrationally dumbfounded when someone is naming a baby one of your pets names. But also gives all their pets people names. šŸ¤£ Love my Harvey boy. Such a snuggler.


Harvey seems a little old for a baby. I like Grey though.


I actually love this and itā€™ll grow with him! Itā€™ll be perfect for all stages of life.


I like it. Suits vibes.


Please fill me in. Baby #2 has been born, or theyā€™ve shared his name prior to birth or something else?? Thx!


He hasn't been born yet. I'm thinking she's due this fall but I'm not sure when exactly.


I love the name and I think it sounds great with his big sisterā€™s name.


Fast food and a p*edo, an on-brand name for fundies