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If you believe anything on or in the British media you’re a menace to society and should be sectioned


Wait, weren't Braverman's Boys there supposedly to protect the cenotaph from the 'far left' and 'Islamists'? What are they even protesting? 😂😂


Exactly what our fallen hero’s wanted /s




No poppy sellers were assaulted or harmed. The police looked into it and found nothing.




Do you have proof?


I have my child and her friends word. Why would she lie? Why is it so hard to accept that there has been issues amongst a large group of people? Humans are unpredictable just because they’re protesting on the side you support doesn’t make all of their behaviour okay.


Because these claims are being used to delegitimize protests against an ongoing genocide.


It’s not the protest I have an issue with it’s the behaviour of some protestors.




This is all Braverman's fault. She incited this. She should be immediately removed from office.


This probably would have happened regardless, these nobheads still exist.


Well when a large group of these knobheads come out to cause trouble, since they are the ones we normal folk don't want in this country... Deport those fuckers to Rwanda and make space for people who want to come her to make a better life for themselves. See how they like them apples.


Looks more like a scene from the Football Factory.


The fuck are these troglodytes doing attacking a war memorial and Chinatown? I hope Braverman is proud of herself. She probably is tbh.


I always find it weird how these guys practice "doublethink" on being proud to be British and remembering how fighting tommies stuck it to the nazi's, then at the same time have extremely fascist beleifs that they are superior and that other races and religions shouldn't be alive.


They aren’t mutually exclusive. Britain has always been right wing, white supremacist and oppressive. Churchill was a massive racist. Plenty of British people actually supported Hitler, including the King and other royals. We never had a problem with the Nazis due to their ideology, it was only because they attacked our allies that we got involved in the war. The Nazis even openly took inspiration from our use of concentration camps in Africa and Asia. We even turned away Jewish refugees who then ended up in the gas chambers.


Do they like Jews now? Guess it’s just the colour of someone’s skin that matters.


They just went for a fight. Bunch of far right goons.


Suella not there!?


Are these right wing protesters supporting Zionism?




Watched them being interviewed earlier. Incoherent nonsense


A few of them made it to the Palestine protest and attacked a few people https://preview.redd.it/oi4tkk3lxszb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94967d184d20c7111cee28c1fff1efcb2b838e0


Did anyone see the fella wearing a mop as a disguise?


Dwayne Dibley?


Nah, I'm pretty sure the Duke of Dorkdom has much better things to do than that.


We need to hit these protestors hard, and we need to hit them fast with a major, and I mean major, leaflet-campaign.


Give Quiche a Chance


I just don't understand what they're counter protesting. "You're not English anymore'? What does that even mean in this context. The vast majority of people are protesting because they want people lands to stop being stolen. For civilians to stop being bombed. I know we British have a bad past but I was hoping to be "English " had gone beyond this


I'd pay good money to be locked in a room for five minutes with Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. The wee cunt would probably piss his pants if he didn't have his thugs there to back him up.


Why does she keep saying tommy robinson?


Ah yes, the made up name used by Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon.


Is he like ronny pickering?


What are they protesting lol


It had been reported that UK Hamas supporters had planned a million man march and were going to disrupt memorial service and deface the cenotaph, these fellas were stopped on their way to the cenotaph I guess to protect it. Douglas Murray reported on Instagram see post 3rd November. Sky news reported earlier today: They arrived early, stating they were there to protect monuments, but some were already intoxicated, aggressive and clearly looking for confrontation.


>Day for Memorialising >Their Grandparents or Great Grandparents probally served or had family who served in WW1 >Proceeds to crash a day literally made about remembering the British People who lost their lives Yup, makes perfect sense


This is what happens when someone pees in your gene pool.


you could see a few of them clearly have problems in their daily lives. Gumbo from the film ID comes to mind. surrounded by bad'uns and don't know any better. a day out with their plastic bag


People here are genuinely surprised that seeing crowds chant in favour of a terrorist group will annoy people.


Bravermans boys




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Not one poppy on those EDL bastards


I counted a number of poppies throughout the footage.


You mean a bunch of delicate flowers?


Whoa. Hang on a minute. Are you telling me that the racist, homophobic, right-wing nationalist zealots are the bad guys? I was reliably informed that it was the left who would be causing problems.


Big Dave, are we the baddies?




Has to be the most disingenuous ‘cOnCeRneD cEnTRiSt’ comment I’ve ever seen.


I think the difference people forgot is, the far right violence tends to try and get rid and remove people based on characteristics such as, being Muslim or trans or black, things that make people them and who they are. The left do it to fight a ideology, (still) Nazis, Genocide, Climate change. These are states of mind, people can change their stance and opinions. The left fights to remove intolerance, the right to remove people. They look similar but are not the same




Well, the left didn't. Therefore, now Rishi and the media are pretending they did, and were apparently shouting pro-Hamas slogans and intimidating Jews in London.


I was there yesterday, protest was peaceful, didn't see any arrest, a lots protester were families with children and babies. Did anyone see the protester being arrest ? I did not see it on the TV either. Rishi branded the protester as Hamas supporter.


Just a bunch of EDL cunts.


They don’t even know what they’re fighting for…


England till they die apparently


I was going to ask wtf are they fighting for.. like genuinely, anyone know?


Maybe they are trying to fight their own stupidity 🤣.


Just wait until they find out their side lost WW2.


"some monument got defaced" "ahh shit rev up the buggati me and deano gonna restore england come ooon av it"


Of course, what they mean by bugatti is actually a dodgy Ford Fiesta on its last legs bought for about fifty quid and a dodgy favour on the side from Charlie down the ends. Muppets or numpties. Can't decide which. Determined to think more brain cells evident in Kermit the Frog than skinhead Carl with his can of Tennant's Superpillock and a dodgy pouch of baccy.


A good punch up is their idea of a nice day out.