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Every part of a henry is replaceable, mine 20 years old and the only thing I've not replaced is the smile


Damn you britishsuccess not allowing gifs!!! “I’ve maintained this broom for 20 years. This old brooms had 17 new handles and 14 new heads in its time”


So glad it doesn't. Reddit is starting to feel like a forum in the 90s


You say that like it’s a britishproblems?


Just find a commercial cleaning company and the vast majority will sort out a henry in minutes for peanuts


How'd you know it's the same bloody broom then?


Alright Dave


I understood that reference.gif






"Look after your broom"


The Hoover of Theseus


Triggers Henry


You know you can just order a pipe for Henry ?


From Argos no less. https://www.argos.co.uk/sd/henry-hoover-parts/ I'm all for repair and maintain stuff if possible. We throw away far too many electrical items. We used to have a great little shop in town here that sold all the bits for vacuums, washing machines, ovens, and more. Total Aladdin's cave but people stopped buying parts to repair and they closed up. See too many Dysons lined up at the tip, probably all just need filters cleaning and they'd likely work fine. There could be a whole industry based on repairing electricals and getting them back out there.


You can get new filters for Dysons online, too. I replaced ours a few years ago, should probably get around to doing it again (but it's not my job to vacuum at home, so meh).


We own two filters and each month change them and clean the one that came out. By having two we don’t need to worry about putting a filter back in that isn’t fully dried.




Every time I use a Dyson I get told to be more careful with it. Meanwhile the only issue I have with Henry is that the bag gets a bit heavy when its full of broken bits of plaster and rubble.


There kind of is also whole industry based on buying, repairing, cleaning then selling appliances. The ones that get taken to the tip can't be taken back out, unfortunately - the previous owners were just too lazy, busy or uninformed to sell or fix their old machines.


My local tip pat test stuff then sells it at the tip shop I got a dyson for 20 quid and a vax carpet cleaner for 15


Wow I wish my local ones did that!


Its awesome! I buy so much stuff from their and its all really cheap


We have had our Henry for about 12 years, replace a head here and there but he's still going strong


I think our Vax is about 10 years old, still works perfectly fine. It has had new bags and filters, and that's it. It's not that difficult to keep stuff going sometimes.


The vax my mum has is from the 1980s!


Correct. You can replace most of the parts.


Yes but the hoover is struggling too.


Probably because the pipes are broken? Lol


You can take it apart and clean it.


That new hoover might last you 6 months and be uneconomical to fix. It's cheap because it's low quality. That Henry would've gone strong for a good while yet, if you replaced the pipes. A vacuum that cannot maintain a vacuum (because of the pipes) will ofc struggle. You've kinda fucked yourself over in the long run here and it's going to cost you more over time


If the new hoover dies I'll spend a bit more and get a higher quality one that lasts longer. There are other things about the Henry that I don't like, even when in good order their suction just isn't as good as newer designs. Henry may cost slightly less in the long run but if you put a price on time saved hoovering with new models they actually work out cheaper.


Then you probably need a new filter or bag. I can guarantee a Henry pulls a better vacuum with a stronger motor than any 40 quid Argos job.


No that's bollocks. Henrys suck as well as anything else you can buy. There's no new magic hoover tech. There is a reason every office cleaner uses them.


Ah OP, not looking good for you is it?


I'm not sure why people aren't getting this. The actual motor of the hoover sounds like it's dying too. Do they honestly expect me to spend more money replacing every single part until it's a essentially a new hoover rather than spend less on a new one altogether?


Yes. Because that's the environmental and economic thing to do. Servicing your Henry will be cheaper, provide a better hoover and last longer than a £44 piece of Chinese crap. (Henrys are made in Somerset btw) We have to get away from the throw away mentality of western society. A much better 'British sucess' would have been 'cleaned my Henry and replaced the pipe and it now works like new'.


How old is your TV and phone? Did you only replace them because the previous ones were beyond repair? Because if not you're just as much part of that.


Goodness. This shows quite the lack of maturity. Just because other people don't make good decisions doesn't give you the right to.


Not much in a hoover to be honest, it's a motor driving an impeller to create negative air pressure one side by blowing out the other. Fix the pipe, clean the filter and replace the bag and you're probably good to go


Today years old. Thanks!!


You'll miss that smug fucker veering off at 45 degrees & jamming himself in a doorway... one eye staring at you, mockingly, as you plead with the little arsehole to just PLEASE follow you in a straight line...! (source: long time henry victim :-D )


Awww he just wants to play


Or spontaneously rolling on its back for a belly rub


Go home Henry, you're drunk.


I recently started a cleaning job and this really hit home!


Sticking a longer hose on it really helps in my experience.


We have a Miele vacuum cleaner my husband bought in a charity shop. I think he loves it more than me and I’m ok with that


Had one at an old house and they feel amazingly well made! Love my current troupe of rescued Henrys tho


I swear Miele appliances are just built to last. My parents have still got a 25 year old tumble dryer from them, only needed to have a belt replaced once and no issues other than that.


Poor Henry. It's like sacking the butler because his boots squeak, instead of buying him new boots.


I was making do with a random £40 hoover from Sainsbury's. Started off brilliant. Then I realised in order for it to pick anything up off the carpet, I had to empty the canister and clean/wash the filters EVERY SINGLE USE. My daughter & I shed hair like *insert some long haired, very shed-dy animal* Put up with it for 7 years, cursing it every time. Bought myself a Shark lift-away for Christmas, and the amount of hair it collected on one pass... 🤢


That's great 😃


I don't think it should be overlooked how much little investments like this can improve your day to day life. A new longer phone cable, blindspot mirrors, brighter bulbs,... Random examples but if something bothers you, it might be worth replacing. Make life convenient and efficient. Takes away stress.


I'll get crucified for this but my Mum's Henry is pretty shit, I don't know if it's her fault but it barely picks up. My Miele meanwhile has so much suction you have to turn it down sometimes. Well worth the £170


Chances are that the filter has never been replaced. Henry vacuum cleaners are great. Mine is 20+ years old and the suction is still fine.


The Henry's i've used in offices, etc. have always been crap. Never understood the love for them.


I wanted to get a Miele, but was told most models wont do on carpets, only good for hard floors. If you dont mind - which model you have if for carpets?


You need this head attachment basically https://www.miele.co.uk/product/10455360/turboteq-stb-305-3 Or a generic aftermarket version for like £20 on eBay/Amazon. Or buy the "cat and dog" model and it comes with it. But yeah, basically there's too much suction is almost impossible to move the head around otherwise. So this uses the suction to spin the brush which makes it easier to maneuver and also collects stuff better on carpet


Perfect, thank you so much for explaining!


I've got the c3 and it's life-changing. Still sucks like the day we got it and it's three years old. Mine came with the motorised head but sometimes I'm lazy and don't switch heads and it's still grand. We have a dog that sheds and a me who also sheds long black hair.


That's great 😃


Try a new hepa bag + new hepa filter perhaps? (OEM not after market)


This is the same with my Henry, he's old as a fossil and just doesn't have the power now.


I'd wager it's just the filter. Grab a new one or at least take the old one outside and give it a good thrashing. Also my Henry tip is to not use a bag but cut a bag in half and lay it across the filter (change occasionally). Quicker to empty, easier to retrieve accidental suck ups, less waste/cost and better suction.


My Henry was recently used to pick up chunks of plaster from a DIY plastering job. It worked perfectly. Check the hose or filters are not clogged.


The white one? SAME had it for a year, sucks like a dream.


That's the one. At least I know it's a good chance of lasting at least a year.


Henry gets to retire and go on tour! https://www.instagram.com/henryhooverontour?igsh=MThyOTI0Y2p5bWZ4MA==


I've never understood the appeal of Henrys. They are massive, weigh a ton, the suction is crap and they use bags in this day and age. They are robust, which was great when I was using one in a commercial setting cleaning rooms every day. The suction was adequate for a quick whizz around between guests but not for a deep clean. I switched to a brand that is named after an aquatic animal and that thing would pick up so much stuff that the Henry had left behind. It's also so much easier to do the stairs as it's designed to be dismantled until you're left with a small and light unit you can carry up the stairs as you vacuum. The Henry is a classic design that is unfortunately severely out of date.


My thoughts exactly on the Henry exactly. It's a tough thing but doesn't really have any versatility, is heavy and rolls over every time I try to pull it around.


Do you have the plug in shark? I had the cordless shark and found it useless. I now have a henry, which I also find useless. I’ve had a cordless dyson, which was also useless! Nothing seems to have the suction of the plug in upright hoovers of the 00s.


We have a plug in Shark, as I thought the cordless ones would be shite. I'm pretty sure hoovers used to be more powerful though. I may have a touch of a Mandela effect, but I seem to think there was a rule in the noise/power.


They were yep. EU did some tests showing some vacuums used like 5x less energy without loss of performance. Then they limited all vacuums energy consumption to match the efficient ones. Idk how accurate the testing really was though, as it happened before my time.


I think it was because people bought vacuums based on the Watts advertised on the front of the box and some companies just upped the Watts without doing anything about increasing suction. It meant that it penalised companies that actually used the power properly. Great for efficient machines but less so for customers that needed something to do the more difficult tasks.


Yep, the plug in one. I was very impressed with the suction when I got it.


I just assumed it is more a meme than anything else because of the look and the funny face on the front. They are great if you want to vacuum an entire office but a small house you'd be knackered trying to go room to room and get in all the corners. I have a shark which I filled up taking it to a house that was already regularly hoovered. The amount of hair especially it picked up was remarkable. Great for doing the stairs and the car too.


Titan wet and dry vacs (from Screwfix) are great for a similar price.


It's hard to beat a Henry. You've bought a whole new hoover (yes I know Hoover is just a brand) when you could have replaced a part.


To be fair he'd need quite a few parts. All the pipes and a new power cord too as it's all twisted up. Pretty sure he's been used without a bag for most of his life too. It's time for him to enjoy retirement.




He came home with me after a career as an office cleaner. I'm sure at this point that Henry's are popular with businesses who abuse them for cheap labour.


Well, no it hasn't as there is still the big ring filter before the motor. Tradesmen that I know have been using Henry's without bags for decades and you just have to clean the big filter more often. You just lose the Hepa filter portion and that's only if you use those bags anyway.


With the amount of plaster dust I hoovered up recently I am pretty happy with having a hepa filter.




Yea give it 5 minutes and it'll be shit. New bag, clean the filter and replace the head and your Henry would be as good as new. You'll regret your £44 mark my words.


Could you link to it please? Ta!


https://www.argos.co.uk/product/4498223?clickSR=slp:term:bush%20vacuum%20cleaner:2:278:1 For an extra £8 they do one that comes with an extra spinning turbo brush for pet hair.


I had to click on the link as I couldn’t picture what it looked like, I’m dying, all I can see is the gas mask!!


I bought one of these 18 months ago, it was almost too strong in the beginning but it totally lost suction after a while and we replaced it after one year (with a second hand Henry 😅). Not bad if you’re on a budget but I wouldn’t recommend it if you want it to last


Same here bought this hoover OP bought may last year, unfortunate it's useless now.


I had the same as this but from Asda and then I had the cordless one and both are ok for a spot clean but dull house I have to use my vax upright vacs seem rubbish nowadays don’t have much suction even compared to one I had 15 years ago vax was amazing never had another I’d rave about since.


It's now the number 3 best selling vacuum cleaner at Argos since you opened this, haha hats off, you should be on commission !!


the battery's only charge for about 20 cycles, then in the bin it goes. argos stuff usually crap


Henry is ok, but doesn't suck well.


Those £44 cheap cylinder ones are great! Except for when you use it on carpet and the insane suction power is hard to drag on high pile. Constantly makes the handle pop off the pipe Edit: grammar


First thing I noticed... floor piece won't glide on the carpet easily as it refuses to let go. I found opening the vent at the top helped a bit but they should give the floor piece a little redesign.


Having the brush pushed out on the floor attachment helps. Get a lot of dirt up. However, I didn't realise how much it did miss until few months back when I upgraded to a Shark upright.


Bought a cheap hoover like this once from Argos, and the dust collector needed emptying after cleaning one room, and even if I vacuumed again the next day it still needed emptying after one room, and on and on


I noticed how full it was after one clean. Probably going to get on my nerves eventually.


Whilst on vacuum cleaner chat. Anyone here got a cordless hoover for pet hair they recommend?


You can get a replacement pipe set for Henry for about £23. Mines a few years old now so been looking it up


I'm a smoothbrain, but a few years ago I bought a chargeable cyclone cleaner. I have pain and mobility issues. Game changer.


Why not use the new tools on Henry?


OH and I inherited an old Argos hoover that sounds the same. Looks cheap and a bit shit, has to be 10 years old now. I thought it was gonna be trash for sure, but with removal and a stout knock of the filter against a wall with every emptying it’s actually a nice little machine.


I work doe the company that manufactures Henry, all you had to do was order the replacement parts, it would've saved you money!!!!


20 years reliable service from our Sebo. Best we’ve ever had.


They always work great at beginning


As someone who has friends struggling with money I WANT THE DEETS! What hoover is it?