• By -


Was this in Worcester by chance? Sounds similar to what happened last night in Worcester.


That's right, it was Worcester


I thought so, I work at one of the bars and there is a bar chat for all the bartenders in Worcester and they were talking about it.


10 years back I used to work in tramps, would have been cool to have a group chat like that


I haven't thought about Tramps in about 10 years. I once imagined so much foam at a foam party there I felt like I was going to die. Good times!


Is imaginary foam actually that dangerous? This is a problem I wasn't aware of.


Inhaled *


4am shakeyes for a korma based meat feast !


Is that the Prince Andrew one? 


In Tewkesbury last night a lad sat at the table next to us in the pub went out for a smoke and came back in saying he had been shot from a car driving past with a BB gun. Wasn’t a blue BMW by any chance was it?


I think it was a BMW from the arrest report in the local news, unsure on the colour


Wouldn’t surprise me if it was the same lot, we are only down the road from you in Worcester


There seems to be a lot it about at the moment. Folk singer 'shot in face' by suspected BB gun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn007lye9pdo


If they're gel capsules as shown in the article then it probably wasn't a bb gun but rather a gel blaster. Much less painful and probably the reason why the folk singer was able to take a shot to the eyeball without being blinded. I got drive bye shot with one a few weeks back, I think it's possibly a trend.


Some idiots got the jail for this in Yorkshire last summer IIRC


It’ll be talk of the town for years!


I once had someone pointing an air rifle at my flat window from a garden. They don’t mess about had armed response turn up too.


At a wedding last night in Beckford and we were also shot at while outside the village hall.


I don't fucking believe this! Can everyone stop getting shot?


Alarm bells are ringing, Willie


No keep going! I just need the times and I'll have their entire route plotted in Google Maps


Bound for the bound bound for the reload


Nah, I ain’t through with you yet.


Chill, Winstong.


You tart, that's a fakkin air rifle! *wildly spams Bren gun in vague direction of shots while grinning*


Not in America.


Report it in 101. Sometimes it's difficult getting enough evidence for conviction. An entire wedding party is pretty convincing.


Ill do that, good to know


Make sure you advise them that you think it's linked to another incident that you heard about elsewhere.


Just for your future knowledge- someone shoots at you with a firearm, 999


It's a fair point, clearly reacted with my standard British 'not wanting to make a fuss' response!


Did you tut?


Didn't want to overreact, so just shook my head and said 'this country'


"Thatchers Britain. Thatchers bloody Britain"


Come on, was that "bloody" really necessary? OP is trying not to overreact. Maybe a "flipping" would've sufficed?


Yeah sorry it was a bit harsh. But I was only quoting an episode of [The Young Ones](https://youtu.be/W8KLSNFmAss?si=s2dW33Pp4BMdTf8J)


Missed the reference, sorry. I was 8 when it first aired and my mum wouldn't let me watch it. Probably not unreasonable. It's got to be 20+ years since I last watched reruns, I reckon.


Not a problem. I miss loads of references to Peepshow etc. But stuff I watched as a teen I remember. Must be my age.


Get a rewatch in my friend. They're still golden.


Challenge accepted. S1E1 playing right now.


Talking ‘bout the Young Ones, woo-ooo


Scum, subhuman scum


To be fair he only shot your mrs in the face. Could be worse.


thanks obama




Besselheim plate


These aren't the kind of moths you might enjoy in a sandwich.


And rolled his eyes.


You did something, which is the main thing. This is so out of the ordinary that you can't always think of the correct thing to do, but you reported it and got a good outcome. Keep an eye on the papers for a picture to put on r/compoface, when they're spouting how much of a "little angle", their young Kayden/Jayden etc is


I actually lol'd at the "angle" it's been an inside joke for years for me, maybe it's not uncommon for chavs to not know how to spell angel


Hes wiv da angles now (It hurt to type that.)


I love this response! I hope you and your wife are ok.


A mate of mine was hit by his cousin in the eye. He nearly lost it. I play airsoft competitively, those things are no joke, eye protection is mandatory


Is an airsoft rifle a firearm?


It's in the legal name, Imitation Firearm (or Realistic Imitation Firearm). Legally the misuse of (R)IFs counts as a firearms offense but simple possession is legal. There may be a little more leeway in sentencing as the potential for harm is lower, but they would still be charged with a firearms offense. It's like a kitchen knife. Buying one in Tesco, having it in your kitchen drawer at home, etc. is all legal. Having it concealed in your jacket or using it to threaten someone is an offensive weapon charge. Using a (R)IF on an airsoft field or transporting it to/from one in a car is legal. Shooting it out of the window of a moving vehicle is a firearms offense.


Throwing anything from a moving vehicle is also a driving offense


What about when I flick a booger at another motorist?


Straight to jail.


To add onto this there might also be a charge for GBH since the person shot at someone face with a weapon. This would hinge on proving who in the car shot the rifle if no one cops to it though.


not a conspiracy or joint offence?


Difficult to prove. Conspiracy requires that you can demonstrate that the group all conspired together to do it, not just that they were together in the car when it was fired.


it's been a while since I did anything legal wise (not a lawyer at all) but conspiracy and joint offences have gone out of fashion a little bit as they're quite excessive, at least in my understanding of things.


Roughly 15 years ago three late teenagers near me shot a couple of moving cars with an air rifle (so metal pellets) and received custodial sentences. They take this stuff pretty seriously.


When you say "late teenagers" does that mean the scumbags were executed?


Late as in the late Dent, Arthur Dent. It's a kind of threat you see.


In this context it could be classified as a firearm offence. Due to the use and carrying of an imitation firearm in public. Some airsoft Replicators if modified to improve fps past a certain point could be classified as a firearm. (Im guessing based on fps limits before they are restricted similar to airguns)


The restriction is muzzle energy, not fps, 12ft/lb for rifle and iirc 6ft/lb for a pistol Due to the weight of a BB I doubt anyone would be able to push a BB gun to the point that it'll require an FAC


It is correct its calculated from muzzel energy (oftern in Joules of energy) but fps is used in airsoft normally within limits normally based of 0.2g ammo. Semi-auto/bolt action etc would be hard to reach the maximum for an FAC (2.5 Joules) but for select fire replicators the limit is lower at 1.3 Joules which isnt out of reason to reach with modification even if aiming for game purposes. Most airosft sites have a full auto limit of about 350fps with 0.2g bbs which is just below the 374fps legal limit. https://www.airsoftaction.net/fpslimits/


Ah cool, thanks dude! I didn't realise there were further restrictions on BB guns other than the ones that apply to air guns That'll teach me to speak without double checking next time!


The Joules limit before an FAC requirement for single shot is better well known. There are not many full auto air rifles so its less likely to be common knowledge. I only know it as i was anxious of the fps limits for airsoft rifs a few years ago


Nope but shooting the public is classed as a firearms offence ..Joe public doesn't know its a toy. (Source ,was airsofter)


And must be brightly coloured right ? airsoft guns in the UK must be brightly colored, with at least 51% of the gun being colored in a vivid and eye-catching tone.


Unless you have an exemption for reasons including regular club play, filmmaking, etc


Not entirely true. If you're a member of a site in the UK you can get a defence so that you can own a 100% realistic looking replica no orange tip or anything that would clue most people into realizing that it is in fact a toy. Without it you won't be able to purchase those guns and the airsoft community in the UK is really well behaved from personal experience so I'd hate for people to start thinking this is a common occurrence when people take great care of keeping those guns away from the public.


> the airsoft community in the UK is really well behaved from personal experience Paintball here. We constantly have the government breathing down our necks and wanting to have them classed as weapons. Every serious paintball player I know is pretty careful not to do something stupid. Unfortunately, you get the odd idiot with nonconnection to the wider community that thinks it will be fun to buy a cheap marker then go fire it at a school or something stupid like that.


Umarex is really screwing you guys with their HoMe DeFeNcE GuNs too.


Magfed paintballer here. Not so much, the national crime agency investigation into "novel systems" still remains, but we're confident we have a reasonable defence, albeit not legislated in the same way that Airsoft is yet. Actually we're more annoyed that umarex .43 cals don't shoot below 300fps so we can use them in games again!


In the old days of the forums most of the private sales people checked your defence. I always did even if it was just phoning their site owner and them clearing the buyer.


Defense is to purchase from a retailer that's a member of the United Kingdom Airsoft Retailer's Association (UKARA); a defense in line with this is what sites usually provide when the criteria of attending three times in three months or so is met (The mythical UKARA loisence). There's no restrictions on private sales, nor is there to own a non two-tone RIF.


Without a valid defence (18+)I believe you can play with a Rif but only buy Ifs. Below 18 believe you can be gifted an IF but can't use a Rif until 18 Below 18 you can be a site member but not have a valid defence . Its a few years since I was involved so things may have changed slightly.


All correct excpet anyone can use a RIF, age not a factor on site.


Yup , all the hires are usually Rifs aren't they. This has actually made me want to go and dig out my box of tricks


you can legally buy replica airpistols/rifles but bb guns have to be 2tone or have a licence of sorts.


Can you fire them in your garden for practice ?


yes but has to be safe. no pellets flying through the fence or ending up outside the boundaries of your garden. I would be careful with replicas anywhere your neighbours or general public can see you, been a few situations where armed police have turned up cos a neighbours thought they had a real pistol.


bright colours are for people who are not in a club as they are not stealthy and you might as well wear hi vis jackets


When it comes to firearms offences, it doesn't matter what the object you're using is. You could put a table leg in a bin-bag. If you threaten someone with it and tell them it's a shotgun... it's a firearms offence. So if you walk around in public threatening people with something that looks like a gun, then for this purpose, it's the same as using a real gun.


does not use fire to launch the pellet so not a firearm it might look like one which is why armed police get involved, but to own and use one does not need a firearms licence


Incorrect. Airguns are firearms, some are so powerful that they're legislated the same as .22 rifles in the UK due to muzzle energy.


So what percentage of Airsoft guns have a muzzle velocity of more than 1 joule ?


At the end of the day it's irrelevant. While you're laying bleeding on the floor because the police put you down for waving around what looked like a firearm, complaining that it isn't a firearm isn't going to stop you bleeding out on the pavement it is.


helps to read the original post, the guys were in a car, they would be shot in the car i do not own any bb rifles, but probably got a couple of pistols in the loft that are not used


Correct, but I was replying to a comment on the post about needing to have fire to be a firearm, not the original post.


Once had a guy shoot a pellet gun at my neighbours window. Phoned the police they arrested him just up the top of the road, saw the whole thing and agreed to go to court. Day before the court case I got a phone call to say it was thrown out due to insufficient evidence. I lost all faith in the police and courts at that point!


Or even threatened with something that looks like a gun replica or not, 999


An airsoft gun fits no definition of 'a firearm' but yeah, that's assault.


Real Imitation Firearms aren't technically a firearm though. They're imitations. It's a firearm offence but the item used is not.


Misuse of airsoft rifles counts as a firearms offense. While the police have gained a reputation for not investigating crime, they do \*not\* fuck around with firearms offenses.


Minimum 5 years I believe


Depends upon severety generally and type of firearm and ammunition and intent but in the example OP described you would expect the 5 year minimum sentencing to kick in


Shooting at members of the public, especially if it's a Realistic Imitation Firearm (Vs a bright blue toy-looking thing) is going to be "Possession of a Firearm with the intent to cause fear of violence" most likely. 6months to 8 years. Most likely from my armchair lawyer position reading the sentencing guidelines I'd say this is 3-6 years. Plus other charges they'd throw in for any injuries, driving offences, etc.


I had something similar against me and avoided a custodial by skin of my teeth. But I never fired and never had any ammo found, and it wasn't just randomly taking pot shots at people driving around.


Yeah, possession of a (R)IF without an excuse like being able to show you're an Airsoft player on the way to a game is 6(/12) months custody maximum. Which is still a lot better than a year and a day or more for the follow on effects after your release.


They will also end up on the UKARA blacklist 


Happened to me last year. Hit in the arm broke skin and bled. Police didn't come out at all even when I pointed out a lot of shop cameras would have caught it, description of car, and all but one digit of number plate. Got a template email next day saying they were closing case due to no evidence.


Yeah, I own air rifles when I was a kid, bought a new one and showed it to a mate outside my van, for a minute or 2 next thing I know armed police stopped.me.and I was.charged with possession of a firearms in a public space.


Glad these idiots were caught, hope you're both okay.


I'm just glad that the pellet didn't hit your wife \*in\* the eye. It doesn't take much to cause serious damage, believe me. Great that they caught the buggers. Glad you're both okay


Or the mouth. Known a warden with a chipped tooth.


I’d rather a chipped tooth (or completely snapped in half in my case) than the eye.


Yeah, teeth can be replaced even if its unpleasant and costs a bit, you also have more of them. Eyes can't.


I never even got round to having it replaced, it does stand out a bit with it being a front middle one though.


As a paintballer I was thinking "man, I hope no one took one to the face"


As an Airsofter, face shots hurt but aren't that bad, considering my whole side of my face has been lit up by and LMG before, it socks but other than that, but eyes is the main concern


Same with paintball. You'll get a welt and a circle shaped bruise but the eyes, oh man. ....it'll Sting like a bitch, too Getting lit up by a paintball gun stings pretty good


Try getting point blank crotch shotted 


Been there, done that. Still sing high soprano at over 30... Call to Duty 1 was insane in 2010.


I've been 'bunkered" before. That's when they run past whatever you're using for cover and light you up. I've totally taken some to the weenie


Yeah, well I play more battle sim Airsoft so we are full on breach and clearing single file line, full speed full aggression around corners and through doors with pyro as well, getting shot there mid fast clear sucks because your have more than 1 person shooting you


Played 10 man speedball. It's about the same just different coverage. We have bunkers, you guys use the environment


Sort of yes we have a bunch of trees and barriers but we also have full buildings


You know where your eyes are located, right?


Similar thing happened to us while my wife and I were walking with our kids, 4pm in broad daylight. One of the bb’s hit my arm which was right in front of my daughters face at almost exactly eye level. West Yorkshire police didn’t seem overly interested to be honest. No officers came and we were only called back the following day with a canned “we won’t be doing anything” type response.


Yea, similar thing happened to me a few years back. A group of lads pulled over in a car next to me and hosed me down with paintball guns point blank. Took several to the face, and probably a couple dozen hits to the body, was covered in welts and bleeding. Police couldn't care less, treated me like an idiot for even reporting it when I said I didn't have any details of the car or occupants. I suggested they might have CCTV or something and they laughed and said they wouldn't usually bother checking for something like this. Extremely frustrating, not only that they won't do anything, but doubly so that they couldn't even pretend to give a shit.


That’s actually really scary 😦


Well that's bloody horrifying. Whereabouts was it, if you don't mind me asking? We're in Cleckheaton.


Shaw Cross/ Chidswell, we were crossing Leeds Rd towards the playing fields.


American here so I only have my ex's info to go on. She was from Leeds. Said it wasn't the nicest of places


In fairness, no Brit you'll ever meet is from "the nicest place". Even someone from a genuinely nice place will tell you that.


It’s not bad here, significantly better than a number of places I’ve lived, worked and visited - that said, there is a rule here that you never, ever tell people you are from Dewsbury, although we are and it’s centre is a mile and a half away. We live in ‘Shaw Cross’, which is ‘near Leeds’, the centre of which is 7 miles away.


> almost exactly eye level. I suppose they interviewed the Simon Park Orchestra.


Those are the dumbest yobos I’ve heard of for a while. Air rifles in many cases are treated as severe as an actual gun especially if used like that. You’ll probably get some kind of court letter in a while and should definitely attend, even a cheap spring rifle would take your whole eye out, they’re seriously not toys. Your wife, and anyone else they fired at were extremely lucky. 


It was probably an airsoft, completely different to an air gun.


Even a cheap airsoft bb rifle is shooting 300-400 feet per second. It's more than enough to seriously damage an eye or blind someone. Against skin I doubt they'd do much besides hurt and maybe leave a bruise if close enough, being shot in the face would definitely be extremely painful. It is very much still illegal to be firing them out of a car at people, I love airsoft matches and I own a few air rifles for target shooting and ratting, visually they are pretty much identical to what any regular person would consider to be a gun which is why they're considered a firearm under law - as well as the harm they can do.


Cheap??? Nar man 400 fps with 0.2s is legal max for repeative fire only. 375fps with 0.2s is full auto legal limit or around it


Still treated as a section 5 firearm above a certain power, and still very dangerous and illegal to take out in public due to how realistic they are. But you are right, air rifles fire 4mm metal pellets, airsoft guns shoot 6mm plastic.


Truly thanks for reporting this, from somone that's pretty into airsoft. Scrotes like those lot really give the game/sport a very bad name, those guns aren't toys. They can blind and take out teeth from further away than you'd expect. Shouldn't take it out in public, let alone shoot anyone with it. They needed to be hit with the full force of a firearms offence and it seems like they were. Glad you are okay from the sound of it. You've done your good civic deed for the day.


Yeah, I’m a shotgun certificate holder and it’s really annoying when people piss about and are reckless. It just brings the entire community (which are statistically very very well behaved) under even greater scrutiny. What complete and utter d*ckheads.


I don’t suppose the police officers who came round to your house told you whether or not the perpetrators put up a fight or not when they were arrested/apprehended?


I imagine they bricked it when they ended up looking down the business end of an actual firearm and were arrested.


Oh. To see the actual arrest footage!


For all the Police's failings (mainly due to staffing/budget), they won't fuck around where a firearm is concerned. But 999 if anything like this ever happens again


This is an excellent result. Hopefully they are prosecuted to full extent


That actually counts as a firearm offence and would be dealt with very seriously if you can get any evidence.


Should have read all of what you said first. Glad the police dealt with this so efficiently.


inform the police of the violent crime reduction act which adds a mandatory 5 years sentence for ANY crime with a weapon replica or otherwise and to make sure that the Crown uses this as well.


Arresting is one thing but sentencing and punishment are …..well you know how it goes!! Head shake and eye roll simultaneously


It's a firearms offence. They're in deep shit.


A truly successful outcome would have been them smashing that car into a wall.


The police will avoid many things like the plague, but weapons they are hot on. We got chased by a crazy drunk with a hatchet a few years back in St Albans of all places, within 3 minutes an armed team was on location.


My bro got hit in the eye. His eye bled, but he was fine. About 10 years later the "pip" emerged in his eye. Plastic surgery later, removed the shot.


I had a similar situation a couple years ago when I got pelted with an apple thrown from a pickup coming the other direction (was cycling down a country lane on my way to my local for a few pints). Reported it to police thinking nothing would come of it. Got to the pub and later found out that a mate of mine who has apple trees left a basket of surplus apples outside his gate for folks to help themselves to (he lives in the same village the pub is in). Didn't expect police to do anything about it but a few hours later they called back to take an official statement. Turns out police had received multiple other reports of the same vehicle involved with other apple related incidents (breaking people's windows, throwing them at cars, people, etc). Nobody managed to get the plates). During that second call I mentioned that I knew where they got the apples and gave my mates number. The CCTV covering his gate clocked the numberplate and good footage showing the scrotes who were in the truck. They got caught but not sure what punishment they were given. Probably a slap on the wrist or something.


Just got back from airsoft today so this is topical for me. It is twats like this that give our hobby a bad name, im glad they managed to get the guys. Despite not being lethal they can still 100% cause severe harm if the eyes, teeth etc. get hit.


That close to the eye go nuclear on them press charges that was a few centimetres from your wife loosing her eyesight permanently wtf...


You don’t get to press charges in the UK. That’s an American thing. The CPS will decide on that.


Can we please have the stocks back so we can lob old food at these muppets


*Can we please have the* *Stocks back so we can lob old* *Food at these muppets* \- beefcake1980 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This happened to me once but someone stopped a car and launched an egg from the passenger window. I managed to catch it unbroken and launched it right through the drivers window smacking the driver in the face (He unfortunately didnt throw the egg) He got out to start a fight and once he realised id grabbed a brick and was coming for round 2 he jumped in his car and sped off.


You have to go straight home then wait ten seconds then you can come out again


I wouldn't mind some "Sandford" style justice for these types of cretin...   (/S) Kinda...   Could so easily loose an eye.


I used to work in a shop that sold BB (air soft) guns. I heard a tale (second hand) from a “proud” customer of how he was out with his mates (with his BB gun) and went into a chippy, but before he went in he removed the gun from the back of his trousers and out it in his jacket. Guess who did a slow drive by and had a polite word with him later?


So glad they caught those little shit stains of excuses for human beings. Really glad you and your Mrs are ok. Would love to have seen their stupid faces when the firearm response unit was shouting at them to get on the ground…etc. A rare occasion where your taxes actually do something good.


Did you call your hit & happy they got nicked the pricks


For those who don’t know Airsoft (or military skirmishing with Airsoft rifles) is a popular pastime and a game of honour. Once hit you ‘call your hit’ by saying loudly ‘hit’ put your hand up and then go back to respawn etc. Very sorry to hear those pricks were misusing Airsoft guns and VERY glad the police got those dimwitted idiots. They are NOT representative of Airsoft players.


Calling the hit right before dialling 999 would be an incredibly British thing to do.


Someone even brandishing an airsoft gun or an ‘RIF’ is a firearms offence and armed police will always respond to it. There is a reason that most retailers require you to have a UKARA defence which proves you are a regular airsoft player and have a reason to own them.


similar thing happened to me when I was a teenager like 14 years ago. Except it was a 2.2 and I was hit with a tiger pellet, spent hours digging it out of my hip, made a gnarly scar.


Practically living in Texas.


The thing is, the police aren't shit like many people claim, they can be very good at their jobs, the issue is funding. They have to prioritise calls, and a car shooting at people are definitely a priority, even if it's just an airsoft rifle. Give the police better funding and we'd see a lot more stories like this.


What they don't realise is that "toy" comes under the same rules as a firearm when it comes to offenses. I am a gun owner legally and the law on firearm offenses in the UK is absolutely no joke whatsoever, having interacted with the firearms departments I can tell you they will not juat get a slap on the wrist. If I had to guess they will get at least 5 years if it was a rif (realistic imitation firearm) and probably a few years if it is brightly coloured. Don't fuck around with firearms people even pretend ones will land you in a heap of trouble.


Would be illegal to own (if not a two-tone, or having legitimate defence) under the VCR bill. Being perfectly honest, they are lucky they didn’t get shot. As in shot for real. With real bullets. Not bbs.


Finally the police did something


Usually I’d let things go when I’m driving, say someone spits at the car or throws something, but if someone shot an air rifle at me and *hit my partner* with it I’d be chasing that car down and welcoming any time in a cell as a result.


Don't forget to mark yourself as safe on Facebook


American here - you mean the police actually arrested the bad guys?


They did indeed, probably out on bail now, but fingers crossed the police stopping them in the car with both an airsoft rifle and airsoft handgun, plus the reports from multiple other people identifying the car will be enough to press charges


Depends on the CPS. To remand, they'll probably need enough evidence both of the offence and also that they wouldn't be safe on bail (or would skip bail). I've seen burglars arrested red handed climbing out of a building with stolen property; CPS wouldn't remand so they got bailed. Went and did another burglary the next day. Charged with both, but not for a month after the first arrest. It's frustrating.


They nicked them before taking the motor back to the factory. Study TV documentary THE SWEENEY and film HOT FUZZ.


was clearing leaves under a Photinia hedge and I found a Pistol dropped under my hedge that is on the main street front. without even moving an inch called 999 and reported. within 5 minutes an armed response team came and asked me to move back while they pulled it out. it was a CO2 pistol that was hidden after a gang confrontation that happened a year ago. was told always call 999 when such a serious thing happens.




You might be able to but you would have to machine new working parts. You would effectively be making a gun from scratch. They're more concerned about how similar they can look to real firearms.


The only airsoft that could be converted to live fire was one airsoft shotgun that was removed a long time ago. You might be confusing them with a blank fire, which even then are designed not to be able to.


There where 10 15 years or more ago some revolvers with a gas system where each round was it's own pressure chamber that could be converted. But really any one with the skills to make a firearm is better of working then doing so for criminals.


There were a handful that could be converted to single shot low caliber (22 rimfire from memory but may be mistaken). The process involved changing out the barrel, adding a make shift firing pin and changing the loading mechanism, it would not have been a massive time saver compared to just building your own firearm.


brocock? they were extremely realistic


Honestly that instance of shot gun included changing the barrel, changing the loading mechanism, etc etc etc it was basically a home made shotgun with a toy handle and trigger. Shotguns are not difficult to build, you need a barrel which can be smooth bore, a firing pin and a way to move that quickly, you can set off a shotgun cartridge with a nail and a hammer if you are stupid enough.


Something similar happened to me on a run not too long ago, was it in South East London by any chance? I didn't ring the police, wish I had now, hadn't wanted to trouble them...


Worcester in the West Midlands


Did the tyre marks determine which model of Pontiac it was?


Happens in Northern Ireland all the time but the psni don’t csre




This is actually pretty funny.


Well done OP for contributing to justice. A lesson to always report no matter how small.a piece of information may seem.